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Are you ready for POE 3.7 Patch?

Jun 04, 2019

We have known the end of Synthesis League will also mark the start of the PoE 3.7 patch, which promises several much-needed changes. Grinding Gear Games have announced that the new patch will be hitting PC on June 4th at 10 AM NZDT.

In Synthesis, the focus of the devs was on rebalancing spellcasting throughout the game. Whereas the adjustment of numerical values and the complete rework of some skills proved fruitful, it still resulted in a few skills being miles ahead of the rest. Winter Orb, for instance, is by far the most played skill in the ongoing league. Similarly, experienced POE players pushed Voidshot Deadeye to the limit and are calculating their damage output in Shapers per second.

However, the difference in the power level among skills is understandable. The far more pressing issue was the fact that the league itself was a bit of a miss. Connecting memory fragments felt more like a chore to most players than something they thoroughly enjoyed. Moreover, judging from the player comments, the "boss" of the league was somewhat underwhelming.

Furthermore, the veterans of the game and popular Twitch streamers aren't too fond of the league's new crafting system. In theory, the addition of "fractured" mods opens up new possibilities for exceptionally powerful gear. However, in practice, Synthesis crafting still feels like playing a modern slot machine.

What will happen in the patch?

What we know about 3.7.0 patch so far is that melee combat will receive a full "makeover" Ever since the game's inception, melee combat in POE was a bit lackluster. The disparity between spellcasters and in-your-face characters is all the more apparent now that ranged skill gems have been fine-tuned.

To remedy this, the developers are investing considerable efforts and dedicating far more time to playtesting all the changes than in the past. Although the full details of the patch will be available on May 22nd, GGG has already hinted on what the changes will entail.

The mechanics that will likely be reworked involve accuracy, melee splash, leech, and fortify. Aside from this, we'll probably see an updated Passive Tree, as well as reworked Ascendancy classes. To make the melee playstyle more viable, the new patch will also include adjustments to the melee base types themselves. Additionally, the devs aim to make various movement skills more fluid. And last but certainly not least, GGG promises to increase the availability of melee damage mods on items.

Given all this, we can be hopeful about the future of POE. Ideally, all Ascendancy classes and skills will be equally enticing to both new and returning players, as well as just as satisfying to play.

Regarding the league itself, the developers are still keeping all information behind closed doors. The only thing we could dig up is that Cyclone will now be a channeled skill, but it’s unclear whether that's factually correct or just another player speculation.


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