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League Starter Guide For POE 3.10.0 Delirium

Mar 07, 2020

In view of the upcoming Delirium League of POE, it must definitely bring a series of new content, and you can understand them by simply browsing POE's announcement. However, there is still someone who doesn't know how to start the challenges, isn't it? We prepared a guide summed up from the experienced players in order to improve your efficiency while playing.

Early preparation
Before starting POE Delirium, you need to make early preparation, this can be simply described as: what is your objective? And what do you do to get it?

For example, for you, how many challenges to accomplish? What ability or skill to learn? Especially the Delirium expansion build. With some strategies to make your adventure easier, and don’t try complex builds early in POE, which can’t be carried by your low level and equipment.

First to play
While first playing, you couldn't do anything except farming and getting more XP. In the process, you can get a lot of loot to quickly level up and selectively leave some of what you need. Then fill your Atlas for long-term development.

Orbs and Scrolls, also known as POE Currency, which plays a very important role. Since currencies are renewable, never be scared to spend them to exchange more valuable POE Items, like maps, better gear, etc.

Senior stage
At that time, you are experienced enough to complete more challenging quests and gain loot, which can bring higher active income for yourself than farming, and it is also the real meaning of playing POE.
Surely, for higher income, you can also take some risky investments, such as using POE Items to trade with others, or selling POE Currency directly. Until that stage, the value of many POE Orbs gotten from early game will increase, so don't throw away everything you don't need if the inventory allows.

General Tips
Time will never come back, so don't spend your limited time on unnecessary matters. Before playing, you need to figure out what you need, don't waste time clearing your inventory, throw away the useless items instead of sending them to the Auction House, all in all, you should spend more than 95% of game time on your objectives.

It is never wrong to store POE Currency at any time, if farming can't meet your daily needs, you are recommended to go to some safe stores like to buy. With their help, you would become the top ones of POE.


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