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Legion league Realm Is Down With Praise And Reluctance

Sep 03, 2019

After enjoying a pleasant weekend, Legion, which has been accompanying with us for more than three months finally came to an end on September 2, and the next expansion Blight league will officially start in three days. Thanks to every exile who has come to Legion, POE is still worth expected because of all of you.

"The realm is currently down while we end the Legion league. Once the realm is up, we'll begin migrating your characters to their parent leagues which may take a few hours", from a post of POE. Luckily, quite a few players leave a message under the post: thanks to Legion, such an excellent league, good game. Although it has already left, some players still can not help review the days in Legion.

On June 7, 2019, it was the first day we met Legion, and the conflict and battle among the Legions never stopped many days after that. Defeating the powerful bosses to get rewarded, GGG created several improvements in the melee combat system to give better game experience to players. Gems, items, game mode and more were increased in Legion, and you might have obtained most of them, or all, if possible, leave some of them to Blight league challenges.

Whenever you kill some monsters, there would be some loot chests dropping, which is the most common way for players to get POE Items, but the rares ones are harder to get unless you kept watching the computer all day long to refresh.

In order to fit the game mechanics and play better, one of the reliable ways that players were searching for is buying advanced equipment, which can help you defeat more powerful enemies and earn more XP.

For a long time in the past, we have been constantly completing various quests to earn more POE Currency, which is needed in all expansions of POE to build our dream settlement. Now you can relax for a few days to clear up your pack and start a new adventure, Blight league.

It is a completely different challenge from Legion, you must deal with the threat from Fungal Growth with a tower-defense mechanism, replacing the melee combat system. It is upcoming, just having fun enjoying your Blight.


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