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Attribute Stacking Amulets Are One Of The Worst Items To Craft In POE 3.20

Feb 06, 2023

I've previously tried how to craft an Intelligence stacking amulet. But this time I want to do the same thing, except with Dex Stacking, making a Dex Stacking amulet or at least attempt to.

It's very similar we use a Shaper influence amulet as well as a Redeemer influence in. This time, we want to put it onto a Jade Amulet base for plastic dex and this will guarantee a few percent of Increased Dexterity and Increased Attributes.

Now, I'm going to try a different strategy. However, the strategy is horribly expensive. We have to get Blue and the Crystal Lightforce. Each slam is almost two Divine Orbs because this Lightforce is not cheap.

What you of course do first is suffixes cannot be changed. That way, we lock in the two suffixes dex percent and attribute percent. Now, if we don't get full prefixes, you want to then go like the Exalt Slam just in case you happen to hit the one we need. Of course, we're looking for percent increased damage per 15 dexterity, so we're gonna try it again.

As you can see here did not hit it there. Let's try it again. Remember each time suffixes cannot be changed, you can use a Wild Bristle Matron, which is about 1.4 Divine costs less than the two Divine at the Crafting Bench.

We're gonna keep trying it again. You can force an Influence Modifier. What this ends up being is a 1 in 10 chance to get damage per dex as the prefix that we want because we're fixating the suffixes that we need. I didn't hit it on a few tries, so I decided to try my old-fashioned approach where you lock it in and then you have a two-thirds chance each try to annul.

Of course, the problem is you can very quickly hit suffixes cannot be changed. This costs less per slam even though you're getting the Null's Inclination and the Exalted Orbs. But you know because you're not having to get the Lifeforce. but as you can see trying it a few times here it's extraordinarily rare. It's about one in a hundred chance. This is why I want to make this follow-up. You don't want to try these unless you're horribly wealthy. They're fantastic but they have high value. You can get up to 100 Divine from Dex Stacking because the suffix was Tier one crit chance, Tier one global crit chance as you can see.

POE Attribute Stacking Amulets

At this point, as I sitll not hit it with so many tries and spending so many Divine, I decided to just make another one. Right, just try it again. I figured maybe just taking this and just forcing it on to that there that Jade Amulet maybe just hitting it with. This is cheaper because Awakener's Orbs are only 55 Chaos Orbs. The problem is you don't know what kind of suffix you got here. I got lucky. I got a Tier one cold resistance. This was a great base, so we're gonna keep trying again and again. However, 5k blue stuff, one of the white stuff, lifeforce are all expensive. It's a 90 to 120 Chaos Orbs for the white Lightforce and the Crystal again.

If you don't have full prefixes, go ahead and Exalt Slam. That's what I was doing here. This was over multiple days because I had to keep making sales to get the profit to farm this thing. Every time suffixes cannot be changed and each time you lose that.  And then you remove all of the prefixes guaranteed. You keep all the suffixes.

This allows you to block. So, maybe this is the best way to do it. I don't know the problem is you block it. Then you get just two Exalt Slams. And it's still 100 chance. It's one in 10 chance using the guaranteed influence strategy on the Hoardercrafting Bench. And so here we are good bass. I kept trying hit it nope. Of course, not blocked Mana still didn't get it.

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Now, you have to stop. You have to do suffixes cannot be changed again. You have to know otherwise you're gonna just don't know off one of your suffixes if you try that. So here, I go again. We're going to try again this is a few days later after getting some money back didn't get it there.

You know, I'm getting guaranteed influenced Redeemer or Shaper and I decide to try this strategy again.  I wasn't scamming I was just showcasing a way to make it. This guide was a way to make it. It's just horribly expensive and so it's very important that I make this follow-up because some people have thought that this is easy to do. I never intended to imply that I wanted to say this is how you make these. It's hard to make these but this is how you do it right.

These are the three different strats to do it. You know you just redo the Awakener's Orb over and over. Here, I go again a problem on that last one. I had to do it all over again. The problem was I had max prefixes so the problem with the Hoardercrafting strategy even though you get guaranteed influence. It's only one in ten. And if you get max prefixes and max suffixes, you can't do anything except a Null. I annulled off one of my suffixes. It's a 50 chance, which is why I tried making this again.

At this point, I thought maybe it's just cheaper. Just to do it this way will not bother you and see then you're going to get rid of one of your suffixes that makes this the worst craft in the game to attempt.


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