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Available Poe Blight Supporter Packs Review

Aug 30, 2019

Time is flying fast and only one week left to start Blight, the next expansion of POE, the true appearance is going to be revealed soon. Before that, GGG will continue to release some changes and improvements to help you figure out the update better.

The Supported Pack is an important part of Poe Items, which includes packages of points, microtransactions and other rewards that can be purchased in support of GGG for a limited time.
In each expansion, GGG will update the content of Supporter Packs. And after GGG leaked the release date of POE 3.8.0, it continued to introduce two Supporter Packs that are needed in Blight for the next few days. Now you can buy the packs to get those cosmetic effects, like Armour Set, Weapon Effect, A pet and more.
These two packs have separate microtransactions, and you can choose one of them you like, it is also allowed to purchase both of them when you want to all of them.

The Sentinel and the Sentinel Overlord Supporter Packs

Here, you can discover in the Sentinel Pack.

A Weapon Effect
A Pet
A Portrait Frame
A Supporter Forum Title
250 Points

Content in the Sentinel overlord Pack

Everything from the Sentinel pack to an Armour Set
550 Points
A Portrait Frame
A Forum Title

The Lich and the Bane Lich Supported Packs
You can find those in the Lich Pack

A Weapon Effect
An aura Effect
A Portrait Frame
A Supporter Forum Title
250 Points

The Lich Supported Pack content

All in the Lich Pack
An Armour Set
An alternative Helmet Skin
A Portrait Frame
A Forum Title
550 Points

No matter which one you purchase, you can upgrade from one to another.

If you don't want to spend too much money on any one Supporter Pack, POECurrency, a reliable store is accepting quick orders of POE Blight Items for sale, which can save you a lot of money.

By the way, the plan of POE of the upcoming week has leaked, check it out and make good preparation for starting a brand new adventure.

Mon: Blight Challenge Rewards and more new gems for the Assassin Archetype
Tue:3.8.0 Balance Development Manifesto
Wed: 3.8.0 Patch Notes, Passive Tree and Item Filter Information
Thu: New and reworked gems
Fri: Blight comes


Next: Details Of POE 3.7 Legion - Start Date, guide, Official Trailer and skills For new Expansion
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