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Christmas Sale Is In Full Swing! Get Cheap POE Currency From Here Right Now

Dec 24, 2021

Christmas Eve Eve has passed and now is the real Christmas Eve. Everyone is waiting to welcome the arrival of Christmas and Christmas gifts. has prepared the gift for you, which is the cheap POE Currency.

Now come to to buy POE Currency with code "XMAS", you will get 8% off. For Path of Exile, the December events have made everyone busy, so the demand for POE Currency is also rising.

In addition, there is one more happy thing, the Map Stash Tab conversion on Standard has been fixed. When the new league starts, the maps on the Atlas will change the regions. So, if you want to move on, you need to convert old ones into new game series.

Previously, there was a problem in Standard that you could not convert the old maps to the new ones even if clicking on the "Convert" button. But now, GGG has solved this problem.

Now, the function of this type of stash has been modified. The first map stash you purchased will be automatically converted into a map series that supports the current league. Assuming that your stash is not empty when the new league starts, all maps stored there will be changed to "Remove-Only". You will get a new one, set to the latest series.

If you still have at least one non-deleted save set as the current series, you can only change the series on the map stash, which means that if you only bought a map, you can't set up a map stash to store legacy maps.

For more event news, will always follow and share them here.


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