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Path Of Exile 2 Trailer Has Offered Some Information

Sep 07, 2021

Path Of Exile 2 will be the next version of GGG hits Dungeon-Crawler Game. As early as 2019, GGG announced the next POE work at the annual ExileCon. This is fascinating, and fans will also pay attention to its related news after the security.

GGG is quite open to the progress of development, and even hints at the time when the beta version will arrive for fans. Based on this, also learned about some POE 2 related news.

Path of Exile 2 Trailer

So far, we have learned about the new character selection. The hero you choose is the only survivor in a mass public hanging. This is the tone that POE is famous for.

In addition, POE 2 also introduced some new environments, including a stage completely on top of a huge Mad Max, like a vehicle. The release of the second trailer allowed fans to see more about the new world, the Vastiri Desert area, the dungeon, and the enemy, but the full release date was still not given.

When will POE 2 beta start?

The exact date is still unknown, but GGG has stated on the POE official website that this beta may start as early as 2022. It seems that the New Year is getting closer and closer, the beta may be available, and fans are willing to pay attention.

POE 2 is said to be a sequel to POE, but their content is similar. We don’t know if POE 2 will replace the original campaign. The current campaign and sequel will continue in the same game client. You can obtain characters and accounts in any way, and complete any microtransactions., as a site focusing on POE, will always follow the news about POE and POE 2. If you are a big fan of POE, you may already be familiar with this website, because here you can get cheap POE Currency.

Once POE 2 is released, POE 2 Currency will also be available, and any items you need can be seen here.


Next: How Will Path Of Exile 2 Improve Based On POE?
Previous: What POE 2 Launching In 2024 Means For GGG
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