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Path Of Exile Guide: Tips For The Marauder Class

Apr 02, 2021

In Path Of Exile, Marauder mainly focuses on strength and physical skills, but this does not mean that he is easy to use. This class seems to have more builds than others in the game. So in this regard, you need to be more cautious and refer to some relevant tips.

Try AoE Support Gems

Although most AoE support gems are tied to intelligence active skill gems, many gems can support strength active skills gems. These are incredible to Marauder, because the surrounding spells, Earthquakes, Sweets are recommended.

When in a team, Marauder as a tank or the damage participant, will be able to deal with the mobs.

Get Blood Magic

Some players may encounter such a situation: they will almost finish the perfect heist, but their mana will run out in the last half. Marauder has some very powerful spells, but it would be a pity if they could not be cast.

Blood Magic borrowed from the life pool and completely removed the mana pool. Although this is very dangerous, Marauder has a huge life pool and many ways to leech health back.

Pile on the Fire Damage

On the surface, there are many elemental effects and ailment appliers that look very good for Marauder. If you are a novice, it is easy to just mix some basics.

Because spellcasting is not Marauder's strong point, it is a good choice to focus on a single element and then go frantically with it. Because of the benefits from Chieftain Ascendancy, fire is the first choice for advanced players.

Stay melee

Although the use of bows to cause physical damage is popular, the passive skills that boost the bow is the opposite of the physical damage. In addition, the melee damage is directly in front of the starting position.

One guard shill gem is a must

Whether it is a tank or DPS build, it is best to have a guard skill gem. However, only one guard skill gem can be used at a time, and they all have the same cooldown, so you just need to choose the one you like best and stick to it, don't spread around the levels.

If Marauder's best guard gem does not fall in Act 3, you can consider other ways to get it. After that, you also need to use the support gem to strengthen the guard gem as much as possible.

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