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Path Of Exile Tips and Tricks For Expedition League

Sep 04, 2021

Although the Expedition League has been around for a long time, players are still creating more content for good loot or challenging battles. Players expect to get corresponding rewards through their efforts. New POE Currency, new NPCs, and new items are introduced into the game, which provides players with more opportunities to experience expedition.

Check out the indicators. Sometimes, you will see Unearthed Remnants, which will make it more difficult to deal with enemies from subsequent detonations, which requires you to implement a careful plan in advance. If you want a challenge, you can explode the Remnants first to make the enemies harder to defeat. Otherwise, you can place it at the end so that it will not affect too many enemies.

You don't need to use up all the explosives. With this, you may accidentally detonate the bombs you have placed in advance. This also allows you to focus on the rewards you want. If you are sure that you have covered all the indicators you want, you can go directly to the detonator to get the loot.

If you have a full inventory after the encounter, you can talk to the NPC or a merchant to open the expedition locker and store the shards. You can find Expedition logbooks at about level 34. They can be crafted and sold. These open up huge Expedition maps and give you a chance to get more rewards, so you need to be prepared at all times.

White markers are worthless, but orange and yellow ones are more suitable because they can provide better rewards than white ones.

In the current situation, Expedition may not let you get some Exalted Orbs. You need to use these artifacts to trade with new merchants to get the best items. In addition, it is necessary to try some of the new skill gems introduced in the Expedition League.

If these suggestions can make you enjoy Path Of Exile more, it would be better. Although the league has been in the middle of the game, many players may be tired of it, but will look for more interesting gameplay to enrich your game experience.


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