How To Easily Deal With The Multi-Faceted Count Geonor In Path Of Exile 2 Early Access?
Dec 10, 2024 Source: POECURRENCY
In Path of Exile 2 Early Access that players have been looking forward to for nearly a decade, there are a lot of new content to explore, such as new league mechanics, new map mechanics, and new challenge missions. But what makes players most excited is the many bosses added in it, and Putrid Wolf Count Geonor is one of them.
It appears at the end of Act 1 in POE 2, so it is also a test for you to enter Act 2 and further advance the campaign. Unlike most bosses, your battle with Count Geonor will go through three different phases, and each phase will launch a new attack mode against you, which is not an effortless task for both rookies and old players familiar with the original.
So this guide came out. Here will introduce you how to more easily complete your three-phase campaign with Count Geonor, including when to enter the field and when to dodge or block.
Campaign Overview
As mentioned earlier, your battle with Geonor is divided into three different phases. In the first phase, it is in human form and wields a greatsword with ice attacks, and sometimes in wolf form. Its full transformation into wolf form, with health restored and a new, hard-to-dodge attack, occurs in the second phase. In the third phase, it will become more enraged and can deal more damage.
Phase 1 - Human Form
In the first phase, Geonor’s attack ability is weak, and it will send you a signal before attacking. So as long as your build has strong damage ability and has some POE 2 items that can cause combos, this phase will go by very quickly. Here are its attacks in the first phase.
- Sword Combo: Geonor will swing his sword seven times at the enemy in front of it, that is you. During this skill, you need to use dodge as much as possible and go behind it to avoid taking direct damage. Then, when it ends this skill, return to the front and attack it.
- Sword Thrust: Geonor thrusts his greatsword forward, creating a wind slash that travels at high speed. Again, you can use your build’s mobility to avoid taking damage. However, be aware that the wind slash will also deal status damage to you, so try to dodge to the left or right instead of away.
- Sword Charge: Geonor’s greatsword will aim at you and charge you in a straight line. If you get hit, you will most likely be pierced and die instantly. So when building your own build, it’s worth investing some POE2 Currency in defense besides damage, so that you can withstand those powerful attacks.
- Sword Ice Wall: Geonor summons two ice walls that trap you in a cone. It then slams with its greatsword. Note that this ice wall can be broken, so you’ll want to maximize your build’s ice defense.
- Wolf Summons: Geonor transforms into a wolf here, and summons five little wolves to help him through this phase of the fight. The advice here is to kill the summons first if possible, otherwise they are likely to pose a tremendous threat to you.
- Red Blood Slam: After transforming into a wolf, Geonor will disappear in a red mist for a second, then suddenly appear and slam into your standing position, causing huge area damage to you. This is the last attack of this phase, which is difficult to dodge. All you can do is to resist as much as possible and find an opportunity to cast a critical hit on it to end this phase.
If you want to make this battle easier and want to get loots rewarded by Geonor more quickly, you can also use Party feature to summon others and teleport them to the boss battle to fight side by side with you.
Phase 2 - Wolf Form
When Geonor’s health drops to about 40% of its original health, it will turn into a full-fledged wolf and automatically restore all its health. In this phase of the battle, its attack damage will be more deadly, so be prepared for it. Again, the following are Geonor’s attacks in this phase.
- Icicle Breath: With this skill, Geonor forms an icicle in his thin Cone every time he breathes. Although the damage caused by this icicle is small, the effect of slowing your movement speed will make you very annoying, so try to avoid it if you can.
- Ice Spikes: Geonor will stab his greatsword into the ground, and then a large area with it, as the radius will form a circle of frost. After a few seconds, ice spikes will emerge from the ice circle, and if you come into contact with it, you will be frozen. Since this skill covers a very wide range, dodging here will not play a big role. You can only increase your resistance as much as possible or stay away from Geonor.
- Ice Mist: When you hear Geonor say As night falls..., you will see a destructive mist covering the edge of the arena. At the same time, Geonor will summon numerous little wolves to attack you continuously within 30 seconds. This will make your dodging operation very difficult to implement, so please resist and use more crowd control skills.
- Requiem On High: When you hear a very sharp and piercing high-pitched melody, it means that Geonor will summon beams of ice from the sky, which can cause moderate damage to you and slow you down. Since these beams of ice only appear in a small area, they are easier to dodge than Ice Spikes.
Here you need to remind you that you will find that whether in the first or second stage, the attack damage element used by Geonor is ice, so before challenging this final boss, you can equip some items or gear in your build that can improve the defense of this element type. If your build is lacking in DPS, you can use as many POE 2 Divine Orbs as possible to get a rarity boost or a new modifier on your primary weapon.
Phase 3 - Enraged Wolf Form
When Geonor’s health is only 25% of its original health in the second phase, it becomes very enraged and deals with more serious damage. But fortunately, the attack methods in this stage are basically the same as in the second stage, except for the addition of a key attack - Red and Black Beams.
In fact, the form and effect produced by this skill and Requiem On High are the same, but the output damage has been significantly improved. But it’s worth reminding you that after Geonor summons the beams for the first time, they will appear at the same time as other attacks, so you should keep your hands locked on the dodge button on your controller.
The above is a detailed explanation of the battle stages of Count Geonor, a powerful boss in POE 2 Early Access. I hope you can complete this battle faster and more smoothly with the help of this guide, and enter Act 2 as soon as possible to start a new exploration. Happy gaming!
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How To Unlock Trial Of Chaos In Path Of Exile 2 Early Access? - By Defeating Xyclucian
As you explore Path of Exile 2 Early Access, you’ll have the opportunity to gain access to some Ascendancy Classes with more powerful abilities to help you take on more difficult battles or missions, but please note that you’ll need to complete some Trials before you can get them.
The first one you’ll encounter is Trial of Sekhemas in Act 2, where you’ll first unlock some Ascendancy Classes, and to unlock all of them, you’ll need to complete Trial of Chaos in Act 3. But this Trial isn’t that easy to unlock, you’ll need to complete a boss encounter with Xyclucian, The Chimera.
This is the boss you’ll encounter while searching for Jiquani’s Machinarium in Chimeral Wetlands. Since this three-headed enemy uses a variety of elemental attacks that are difficult to dodge, you’ll need the specific methods and strategies for finding and defeating Xyclucian in this guide to ensure that your subsequent Trials exploration is not affected.
Xyclucian, The Chimera Location
You’ll find this boss in Deadly Nest on Chimeral Wetlands map in Act 3 of POE 2. In addition, since Xyclucian is the last challenge of Legacy of the Vaal main story quest, you won’t miss this encounter once you claim it.
How To Defeat Xyclucian?
Like most boss encounters in POE 2, only by knowing all of Xyclucian’s attacks in advance can you avoid them as effectively as possible and find opportunities to deal some lethal damage during the fight. Here are all of Xyclucian’s moves in this fight, as well as tips and strategies you can use.
This move is used in many boss encounters, but here Xyclucian doesn’t use his hands to do this, but instead slams his front legs, and the powerful shockwave is generated from this position.
Since Xyclucian will roar before slamming, you can use this time to move away from his front legs to avoid taking too much damage. The best place to cast damaging skills may be his back, because at this time, all his attention is on the front and he has no time to pay attention to the back area.
Ice Breath
As mentioned earlier, Xyclucian, The Chimera is a monster with three heads, and in Ice Breath you will see some ice spraying out of his right head, and it will cover some areas of the arena around where he is standing with this ice, which will cause continuous damage to you.
This attack has a large range of influence and the damage is also very deadly, so when you see his right head start to swing and prepare to spray some frost, please move away from where you are standing.
Not only that, but since this attack is homing, your character will need to be constantly on the move to avoid taking damage. You can try investing in some POE 2 Divine Orbs in gear that gives you a high buff to your movement speed or rolling dodge to increase their rarity and power.
Jump Slam
Here, the boss will jump into the air, then come down hard and deal massive damage where it lands. But be aware that it will not land in the same spot it took off from, so watch its path as you move to avoid damage.
The right head of Xyclucian you just introduced will let you spit out some ice, while the middle head will spit out a wave of flames. Also note that the boss will swing his head back and forth during this attack, making the cone in front of him very dangerous.
When countering this move, in addition to ensuring your mobility, make sure your build is strong in fire resistance, as this elemental damage will be more powerful than the physical damage you have previously taken. While dodging, don’t forget to get behind the boss and do as much damage as possible.
Stone Pillar
When Xyclucian, The Chimera starts to go up, it means that it will fly to the top of a Stone Pillar in the arena and shoot some fireballs at you. In this case, the first thing you should do is definitely not to cause more damage to the boss itself, but to destroy the stone pillar it is standing on, because after the stone pillar collapses, Xyclucian will fall with it and will be very vulnerable for a few seconds, which is the best time to attack it.
Also Read: Lost Towers Sparked A Lot Of Controversy - Is Path Of Exile 2 0.2.0 Update Necessary?
Flying Flamethrower
In addition to Stone Pillar, Xyclucian will also perform Flying Flamethrower attack on you when it flies into the air: it will directly spray fire in a straight line towards the center of the arena, of course, this attack will also follow you.
So you can use the previous strategy and try to stay behind the boss, so that you can ensure that you are as little exposed to the fire with huge damage as possible.
Poison Lob
Xyclucian’s head can not only deal some damage to you but also his tail! You will see poison balls being fired from the boss’ tail in a cone-shaped pattern, causing poison damage in a small area when they land.
Due to the large number of poison balls fired and their high frequency, you will inevitably be hit by some of them, but make sure you don’t get hit by them continuously, because once the poison damage is stacked, the consequences will be unimaginable.
Lightning Breath
For Xyclucian’s left head, you can’t underestimate it either, because it will fire some lightning balls at you, which will explode after a while. The best way to avoid these lightning balls is to let them explode in the air as much as possible instead of on you, so pay attention to the trajectory of these small balls and avoid them strategically.
Flying Slam
Compared to the previous Slam and Jump Slam, the landing damage caused by Flying Slam here will be higher and because the boss will disappear in the air for a second, it is difficult to judge where it will appear, though where it disappears.
Note that Xyclucian is invincible whenever he jumps, flies, or leaps, so avoid attacking him during these times, and try to minimize weapons or gear that deal damage over time during this encounter, as the invincibility will interrupt those effects.
Best Strategy
Since Xyclucian can deal cold, fire, and lightning damage to you, be sure to balance your resistances when building a build to challenge him, and focus on the one you are least vulnerable to.
In most cases, the boss’s back area is the safest place to be during this fight, as attacks like Flamethrower, Poison Lob, and Lightning Breath cannot hit him from behind, so you may need to stay in this safe area for a long time.
Once you have passed the above tests, you will have completed your encounter with Xyclucian, The Chimera, and will receive a notification to unlock Chimeral Inscribed Ultimatum of Trial of Chaos and complete Legacy of the Vaal main quest.
The above are some specific methods and strategies for finding and fighting against Xyclucian in the current POE 2 Early Access. I hope that with the help of this guide, you can complete this encounter as soon as possible and unlock the more challenging Trial of Chaos to get more loot from it. I wish you a happy game!
Will The First Season Of Path Of Exile 2 Early Access Really Be Available To Players?
Path of Exile 2 Early Access, which caused a significant response in December last year, has been explored by players for three months, and many of the game contents and mechanisms have caused heated discussions among new and old exiles. Although Grinding Gear Games stated at the beginning that this Early Access is expected to last for 6 months, now I think this time is likely to be extended.
Because according to some leaks during this period, this POE 2, which is only in Early Access, is about to start its first season! Yes, you heard it right: it is a season, not the same league as the original. In fact, many players and critics are speculating on the reason for the change of name, but in summary, the most reliable possibility is that GGG wants players to distinguish the original from the sequel.
There are also many opinions on the release time of this new season in the player community and social media, and the most recognized one is March 22. The reason given by the leaker is that according to the release cycle of the original game and pre-patch events, the largest patch 0.2.0 in POE 2 is expected to be released around March 17 to March 20, and the new season is likely to be officially released 2 days after this patch is accepted by players.
Although this is just the guess of the leaker, it makes sense, because there are really significant changes in Patch 0.2.0. For example, a new Ascendancy Class is about to appear in POE 2. From the trailer and leaked pictures released by GGG, it is very likely to belong to Mercenary. This means that after the release of this patch, the level ranking of Mercenary builds are likely to face a very big change.
In addition, this Patch 0.2.0 also shows that there are more auxiliary gems and some expandable construction options entering POE 2, which is extremely beneficial for players to develop more and more interesting game styles, and even the current method of farming POE 2 Currency or experience points in the game will change accordingly.
With this patch that changes the gameplay and style that most players are familiar with, it is not impossible to launch a new season, because providing players with a strong sense of competition while they are still fresh to POE 2 will greatly increase the activity of the entire game. More importantly, the ongoing competition activities will end on March 16, 2025, which shows that Grinding Gear Games is using them to create anticipation for the release of the first season of POE 2.
But for players who have tried many similar types of games, they are not very optimistic about the upcoming new season. The most confusing thing for them is that POE 2 is still in the early access. Will the new season launched here continue to the official version? Can all the resources, loot and even currency obtained by players in it be transplanted to the official version intact? And will the gameplay and difficulty in the official version be different from those in the early access?
In fact, there are many players who are worried about such problems. But unfortunately, Grinding Gear Games has not made a positive and definite response to this, even though it has improved and adjusted many contents of the current game according to the requirements of players in order to win the favor of players. For example, the number and quality of loot obtained after running maps and Towers will be increased in the subsequent patches.
There are also many players with a strong sense of crisis who express their concerns about Grinding Gear Games’ attention to POE 2 at this stage, because this outstanding game developer not only needs to spend a lot of investment and energy on the sequel, but also has POE 1, which has been released for more than ten years, waiting for his attention. The fact that the original fans were dissatisfied with GGG’s excessive preference for the sequel some time ago made these players more cautious: POE 2 can now generate higher income for them, but when POE 1 has a higher popularity, will the sequel also be neglected?
Since the original game’s league update frequency is about 3-6 months, if Season 1 in POE 2’s early access ends in the summer of 2025 (preferably in June), and the official version of the game is released immediately with Season 2, I think it is very likely to cause another uproar, just like the grand opening of the early access release in December last year. But this is only the best state.
But in any case, at this stage, there is no definite information about the theme, release date, and specific gameplay of the first season in Path of Exile 2’s early access, which means that the developers may be preparing for it and are committed to bringing the best gaming experience to all players. We are also looking forward to what kind of surprises this game that has set many records will bring to players around the world in the future. I wish you a happy game!
Finding Thief’s Torment Emerald Ring Early In Path Of Exile 2 Can Be A Huge Help To Your Mana!
As you explore Path of Exile 2 Early Access, your builds may rely heavily on Uniques, as they can provide you with more buffs to traverse the game’s stages and deal with all the combat. The Thief’s Torment Emerald Ring in particular will help builds that focus on mana-based damage with greater effectiveness. In the early stages of POE 2, farming and POE 2 Currency may make it difficult to obtain this higher value ring, even though its drop rate is higher than other Uniques.
To ease the hassle of focusing on both XP farming and Uniques in the early stages of the game, this guide will provide you with some more effective ways to obtain Thief’s Torment Emerald Ring and some strategies you can use, as well as the specific effectiveness of this ring.
Effective Farming Methods
Since the Thief’s Torment Emerald Ring is essentially a Unique, the most common way to farm it is to defeat enemies and find it in the screen-full of loot. For this, you need to fight enemies at level 26 and above, so this means that your worst-case scenario is to get it in Act 3 on normal difficulty.
Although you can’t directly affect the drop rate of this item, don’t forget that you can increase the probability of Thief’s Torment Emerald Ring by increasing the overall drop rate and rarity of loot. Generally, you can get the stats for increasing item rarity from the gear in your build.
The advice here is to invest some POE 2 Divine Orbs in this type of gear before placing it in Items slot in your build to increase its own rarity or affixes so that you have a greater chance of getting more loot with great buffs in battle.
Additionally, activating Precursor Tablets with buffs such as increased loot quantity and increased rarity on towers in Atlas will give you more and rarer loot during your map runs. The same is true for Waystones, but you can only use modifiers that increase the difficulty of running maps on them.
The skill nodes on Atlas skill tree with the same buffs are also worth your attention, but be careful to obtain those with increased monster rarity or combat difficulty, because once your build cannot withstand such a difficult battle, all your previous investments will be wasted, which is not worth it.
Back to Thief’s Torment Emerald Ring. Another way to get it is to invest an Orb of Chance in a Normal Emerald Ring for gambling. However, this method is somewhat risky because you can’t be sure whether your somewhat valuable ring will become the Thief’s Torment Emerald Ring you want, Death Rush Emerald Ring, or be destroyed directly.
Rather than using Orb of Chance to obtain this Unique, you may be safer trading it directly with other players. While its value fluctuates frequently, it generally settles in around 40-50 POE 2 Exalted Orbs.
Thief’s Torment Emerald Ring’s Effect
Once you’ve obtained the invaluable Thief’s Torment Emerald Ring through the above methods, you can consider inserting it into a slot in your build. However, it should be noted that due to the unique modifiers on this ring, after you put it into the build, the other ring slot will be grayed out and unavailable.
The effects of any ring in this slot will not be counted towards the player’s attributes. This effect also applies to itself, which means that you cannot place 2 Thief’s Torment Emerald Rings in a build.
This seems like a huge debuff, doesn’t it? But in fact, Thief’s Torment Emerald Ring is the only item in POE 2 that allows players to restore their own mana when hitting an enemy, with 15 mana each time. This is very important for classes such as Sorceress and Witch who rely heavily on mana to deal with more elemental damage.
Items that restore mana or health after a kill are everywhere in POE 2, but they have the obvious disadvantage of not being useful in boss encounters, since you only need to defeat one enemy, unless the boss summons some small minions with low attack damage. In this comparison, Thief’s Torment Emerald Ring is much more effective in restoring mana for just one hit.
In addition to this most important buff, you also restore 25 health points per hit and increase resistance to all elemental damage by 10%-15%, which greatly enhances your survivability. On top of that, if a boss casts Curses on you, the ring also reduces the duration of the damage by 50%!
If you are using a build that specializes in ranged combat, Thief’s Torment Emerald Ring will also increase your accuracy rating by 120-160 during the cast of some ranged skills. With these powerful buffs, it’s not surprising to increase the effectiveness of the item rarity by 30%-40% during combat.
The above is the method to obtain Thief’s Torment Emerald Ring and its specific effectiveness in the current POE 2 Early Access. I hope that with the help of this guide, you can complete the farming of this item faster and more smoothly, and maximize its effectiveness in your construction. I wish you a happy game!
Which Skill Gems Are Best For Your Warrior Build In Path Of Exile 2 Early Access? - Top 4
Path Of Exile 2 Early Access has received positive reviews from many players, including many loyal fans of the original game. In this game, the 6 basic classes provided to players all have their own play styles and advantages, and Warrior is a Strength-focused class that excels in dealing melee damage and relying on very high maximum health and armor for defense.
After you have selected the class you want to use in POE 2, you will start to make a build that best suits the current game situation. In Warrior build, you can easily get melee range damage, armor and Strength attribute gains from the huge passive skill tree, but if you want to more effectively play the advantages of this class in combat, then you have to choose some of the best skill gems for it.
Given the unique skill gems in the game that require you to find them during exploration, it’s hard to find the best skill gem for your Warrior build, as you need to make the right choice based on your current combat situation or farming requirements. But there are still many best skill gems for different situations waiting for you to use, and this guide will introduce them to you one by one.
1. Earthshatter (Level 7)
- Character Level 22 And Above
- Character Strength Attribute Needs To Be 52 And Above
- Have A Mace Slot (One-Handed Or Two-Handed)
While Earthshatter itself is not an attack that can output super high damage, the ground spikes it generates can be combined with other heavy attack skills to make it explode, which causes damage that many enemies and even bosses cannot bear.
If you put an Upheaval in its auxiliary gem slot, although you see that the 98% base damage of this active skill is reduced, it will help Warrior create more spikes and provide another chance to hit, which will increase your overall damage by a lot!
When you combine these explosions with a higher-damaging slam skill like Leap Slam or Rolling Slam, your Warrior build will have a very strong clearing ability. You can also place this build equipped with this skill in some profitable maps to farm for POE 2 Currency or some special loot.
2. Rolling Slam (Level 1)
Requirement: Have A Mace Slot (One-Handed Or Two-Handed)
Rolling Slam is probably one of the most basic but effective active skills in Warrior - the initial slam will stun and knock back the enemy, and then you can slam it with higher damage, and this slam will move in the direction you control.
You can use it as a replacement for Leap Slam in the early exploration of POE 2, because it is also a very large buff to the mobility of the Warrior build, and the best part is that it is only a Level 1 skill gem that is very easy to get early on.
While the base damage of this Rolling Slam is strong, it’s best used in preparation for active skills like Boneshatter, which can deal extra damage to already stunned enemies with a heavy stun blast.
3. Sunder (Level 9)
- Character Level 31 And Above
- Character Strength Attribute Needs To Be 72 And Above
- Have A Mace Slot (One-Handed Or Two-Handed)
Compared to the first two skills, Sunder is a more powerful melee slam skill that causes you to generate some rolling fissures, and then you hit these areas in sequence and deal prime area damage while moving. On top of that, enemies hit by the fissure will also release some shockwaves outwards, which will cause some damage to other enemies nearby.
Note that since the fissure rolls, the damage of this skill is not instantaneous, and you may have to wait a while before it hits distant enemies. While this may seem difficult to use against enemies that are moving and far away, you can maximize Sunder’s effectiveness by spending some POE 2 Divine Orbs on gear that greatly increases the accuracy or cooldown of this skill.
4. Boneshatter (Level 1)
Requirement: Have A Mace Slot (One-Handed Or Two-Handed)
As mentioned above, Boneshatter is the best helper for players who want a Warrior build that focuses on stun accumulation. It is very good at dealing an area damage and clearing monsters.
When Boneshatter hits an enemy that has accumulated enough stun from other skills that can cause stun effects, it will cause a heavy blow and release a shockwave that will deal 250% of the base damage in the area.
Because of this, builds using this skill can not only focus on stunning single targets but also be used to fight some difficult groups of enemies, which is very beneficial when you are farming POE 2 currency and the loot you need in some maps or battles with super rewards.
The above are the four best skill gems for Warrior builds in the current POE 2 Early Access. But again, each player’s exploration style and farming habits are different, so the time to obtain these skill gems will also be different. The best way is to use the most appropriate skill gems according to your current clearing or combat requirements, and then replace some no longer applicable skill gems when your currency is sufficient or the build is strong enough. I wish you a happy game!
How To Get The Most Loot From Olroth, Origin Of The Fall In The Endgame Of POE 2?
As you explore the endgame of Path of Exile 2 Early Access, you may face many hard boss encounters, and Olroth, Origin of the Fall, is one of them. This boss is the undead commander in Kalguuran legends, and you can find him during this Expedition Logbook encounter in POE 2, and earn a lot of loot from the encounter with Olroth.
Given the difficulty of this encounter, this guide will provide you with specific methods for finding and defeating Olroth, Origin of the Fall, as well as some strategies for fighting it, so that you can complete this battle in the safest and fastest way.
As you can see from the previous storyline, Olroth is trapped in a tomb. You can only unlock the tomb with Expedition Logbook maps at level 80 and above. You can obtain these logbooks through Expeditions encounters while exploring the Atlas of Worlds. Alternatively, you can obtain logbooks of a certain level from vendors or other players by spending some POE 2 currency.
Once you have an Expedition Logbook of the appropriate level, you need to bring it to Dannig, who can find it in your hideout. After making the delivery, you will find a skull icon on your map. Follow the path to find it. You will then find a tomb at the end of the path that you must use explosives to destroy.
This is actually the location of the arena where you fight Olroth, Origin of the Fall - Kalguuran Tomb, and after destroying the outer layer of rocks, you will see the entrance to this arena. Here is a reminder that you should not rush into the arena immediately. You should first check whether your build is strong enough at a safe checkpoint, or spend some POE 2 Divine Orbs to upgrade the rarity and affixes of the gear you have.
Combat Strategy
Among the many pinnacle bosses in POE 2, although Olroth has the lowest health (only about 8 million), his focus is the strongest, and all his skills rely on cold damage and freezing effects.
So bringing a Silver or Thawing Charm can effectively neutralize and reduce at least one cold or freezing effect caused by this boss to you, and those gears that can provide buffs to your movement speed are also worth your attention, because they will help you reduce some of the cold effects you cannot avoid.
In addition to these defensive gear, the best way to defeat it is to use its one-sided defense to fight it, such as Fire, Lightning, and Chaos damage that it cannot resist, which is easy for those Classes who are accustomed to using elemental damage.
However, for classes that focus on dealing physical damage with their own weapons, Olroth may have trouble dealing damage, as he has very solid armor that can only be broken to deal enough damage.
With Olroth’s strengths and weaknesses in mind, let’s break down the two phases of the fight. In the first phase, Olroth will use some melee attacks and cold effects to deal damage to you, with the artifact floating in the arena providing only very slight assistance.
During this phase, you should use evasive rolls as much as possible, which can effectively avoid his piercing attacks and quickly get rid of the cold ground effects he and his artifact leave on the ground. Also, try to stand on the opposite side of the arena from the artifact, which will give you more time to avoid Olroth’s attacks.
The first phase will end when you deal 5 million damage to Olroth, but he will stand up again and recover about 3 million health points, which will lead to the second phase. During this phase, the icy beams fired by the artifact become wider, and even cover large areas of the arena with frost after a single cast.
However, before the artifact casts this damaging skill, Olroth will shout Starfire!, so you can judge the direction in advance so that you have enough time to move away from the artifact and move to a safe location. At the same time, all of Olroth’s attacks in this phase are greatly enhanced, so be careful to dodge and roll.
In general, defeating Olroth, Origin of the Fall requires not only super damage capabilities in your build but also careful positioning: stay away from all the frozen ground effects brought by the artifact and the boss, which will greatly increase your combat experience.
After you successfully defeat Olroth, Origin of the Fall, you will receive a lot of loot, including a Book of Knowledge for Expedition passive tree and some random drops. Here are the specific names and functions of these drops.
- Heroic Tragedy Timeless Jewel: It converts the notable passive skills in its radius into other skills, depending on the number in the gem description.
- Keeper of the Arc Spiritbone Crown: It increases your armor and energy shield by 100%-150%, and you also receive 30% less damage.
- Olroth’s Resolve Ultimate Life Flask: It allows you to restore 920 health points over 3 seconds to keep you safe in battle.
- Olrovasara Torment Club: It increases your damage accuracy rating by 300-400, and when hitting an enemy, you gain maximum added lightning damage equal to the enemy’s strength, which lasts for 6 seconds, up to a total of 500.
- Svalinn Crucible Tower Shield: It will provide you with an increase of 100%-150% armor value, and the maximum block chance will also be reduced by 20%-10%.
The above is the specific method of unlocking and defeating Olroth, Origin of the Fall, an important pinnacle boss in the current endgame stage of POE 2. I hope you can complete this encounter smoothly and happily with the help of this guide and get all the final loot. I wish you a happy game!
How To Make The Most Powerful Lightning Arrow Deadeye Endgame Build In Path Of Exile 2 Early Access?
There are a variety of builds made by players in the current Path of Exile 2 Early Access, and Lightning Arrow Deadeye is one of the most powerful builds because it has very stable single-target damage and full-range clearing capabilities. This also makes it possible to use this powerful build in all stages of exploration in POE 2, as long as you make some slight adjustments to it.
For Lightning Arrow Deadeye build, you can think of it as combining the raw damage of Lightning Arrow with Deadeye’s Ascendancy nodes, so that you can use Elemental barrage to damage enemies at a distance.
In view of this, this build has a certain forward-looking in terms of power and development. If you want to rely mainly on it in the next league or the later stages of POE 2, then this guide introduces this Lightning Arrow Deadeye Endgame build and the specific construction ideas and details for you. It is very important for you.
Pros And Cons
In fact, since Lightning Arrow skill is something you can find in your initial exploration of POE 2 and it is very easy to use, this build has no serious disadvantages in nature. It’s just that your mana maintenance may be an issue when you fight some bosses, but you can completely eliminate this disadvantage by using any Unique Ring or regular Ring in the game and investing some POE 2 Exalted Orbs into it.
Once you overcome this disadvantage, you will have a very simple rotation when clearing the map and a very easy to operate 2-button build when facing bosses, which will make your exploration process very easy and enjoyable. During mapping, the high flexibility of the Lightning Arrow Deadeye Endgame build allows you to have a high evasion ability in combat to ensure your safe exploration.
How To Control?
As just introduced, the control method of Lightning Arrow Deadeye Endgame build is actually very simple. You only need to hold down a button to deal damage to the enemy, and the rest can be done automatically by Spirit Gems. For tougher bosses, just add a step of throwing a few Lightning Rods around the boss, which will cause chain lightning strikes to the boss and cause Ball Lightning generated by Cast on Shock to do more damage to the boss when activated.
Best Skill Gems
After understanding some of the general information of this Lightning Arrow Deadeye Endgame build, it’s time to start making this powerful build. The first thing you need to consider is Skill Gems. Here will provide you with some Skill Gems you can use, but please note that because of the unique gem mechanism in POE 2, the order and level of each player’s collection during the game is uncertain, so you should strategically obtain and upgrade them according to POE 2 Currency you have.
- Lightning Arrow
- Lightning Rod
- Cast on Shock
- Herald of Ice
- Herald of Thunder
- Orb of Storms
- Ghost Dance
- Wind Dancer
Also Read: Considerations And Choices About Path of Exile 2 Infernalist Witch Endgame Build
Best Items
This Lightning Arrow Deadeye Endgame build is more reliant on rare gear that you can craft or farm in-game than any other build in POE 2 Early Access. It also requires two very powerful Uniques that can cost you a lot of effort and POE 2 currency to farm in order to be on par with high-performance builds like HoWA-Pillar Gemling Legionnaire.
The most important item in this build is your bow, as having a bow with high physical and elemental damage is half the battle for a powerful build. However, if you’re using a more conventional bow like Widowhail Crude Bow, your quiver may need some upgrades and improvements.
You can choose an Expert Dualstring Bow for this build, as it provides very strong buffs to your physical damage, cold damage, and attack speed in all aspects, so that you have strong attack and clearing capabilities in the endgame.
For the quiver, the recommendation here is Primed Quiver, which also provides you with some physical damage and cold damage buffs that are very important for your exploration, and also allows you to gain some mana for each kill, which cleverly makes up for the biggest shortcoming of Lightning Arrow Deadeye Endgame build.
Speaking of defensive gear, Expert Waxed Garb and Expert Feathered Tiara are the best choices. They can greatly increase your maximum health, allowing you to meet all the challenges of the endgame in a healthy state. In addition, these two gears will also make some of your explorations more resistant to elements, such as Fire, Cold, Lightning, and Chaos.
The best choices in the glove slot are Hand of Wisdom and Action Unique Gloves, which will use the high agility in the build to provide you with extremely high damage bonuses. On top of that, the Dexterity and Intelligence bonuses of these two POE 2 Items will make your exploration in the later stages easier and smoother because your DPS output is increased.
The above is some specific information and options about Lightning Arrow Deadeye endgame build in the current POE 2 Early Access. I hope that with the help of this guide, you can quickly make an optimal build that suits your game style and use it for various explorations. I wish you a happy game!