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POE 3.21: Is Bloodnotch Good? - Overpowered or Overrated?

May 10, 2023

Today, we’ll be talking about Bloodnotch. If you haven’t seen or heard about this, this is a new unique Crimson Jewel that’s been added in the Crucible League

It’s a very straightforward single module, which provides a percentage of damage taken from stunning hits is recovered as life. And this rolls between 40% and 60%. This means that whenever something hits you that also stuns you, you immediately heal for the percentage shown of the damage dealt by that hitter. 

This is not the recovery over time or something like life recoup. It’s more akin to the life recovery block mechanic that you can find on Shields, so that life is instantly recovered.

POE 3.21 Is Bloodnotch Good

Forcing Stuns

The most popular use of this jewel at the moment seems to be forcing any hits that you take to stun you and you can do that for a use of a few mechanics. 

This can be achieved by using the Valyrium Moonstone Ring, which bases your Stun Threshold on Energy Shield instead of life or the modifier that you can find on the Energy Shield Mastery that bases your Stun Threshold on 60% of Energy Shield instead of life. Once you have either of those, you can use The Agnostic Keystone to remove all of your Energy Shield, as that Keystone says your Energy Shield to zero and you can skip this part if you want. 

POE The Agnostic Keystone

But be aware that if you have any Energy Shield when you receive a hit, there’s the inherent 50% chance to ignore the stun that exists because of Energy Shield. So, this probably won’t really be an issue if you’re being here a lot and you don’t have any Energy Shield because it’s not recharging, but this is something to be aware of.

And once this combination of mechanics is set up because you have no Energy Shield and your Stun Threshold is based on Energy Shield, every hit that you take is going to stun you. And that means that Bloodnotch will make it so that you will recover from a percentage of every hit that you take.

Immutable Force

A lot of people have been using this jewel with another jewel, which is also fairly new. I think it came out last league. That’s the Immutable Force, another unique jewel. 

POE Immutable Force

This one massively increases your recovery time from stuns and with this, you’ll barely notice the stuns that you receive. So, you’ll actually be stunned by those hits. But you’ll barely notice that you’re being stunned because the stun is so short. And that means you can kind of carry on your normal play style with this combination mechanics and you’ll be healing a lot from the hits that stun you, but you won’t really notice the stuns.

Now, this is a strong recovery mechanic against hits, but it can also be combined with Petrified Blood. 

Petrified Blood

Petrified Blood is a reservation skill that makes it so that 60% of damage taken from hits is received instantly while a percentage of the remaining 40% is lost over the following four seconds.

The Petrified Blood buff only works when you’re on low life and while the buff is active, you can’t recover above low life with anything other than a life flask. It’s important to understand here that for the purpose of any mechanic that interacts with damaging hits. You’re still considered being taking the full damage of that hit on impact.

For example, if we had 50% life recoup, and we took a hit of thousand damage while we have Petrified Blood active, the buff would make it so that we only take 600 damage instantly and 400 damage is then lost or a percentage of that 400 damage is lost over time. The recoup would actually interact with the original 1000 damage of the hit, so you’d recoup 500 life. 

This is important because Bloodnotch interacts with Petrified Blood in the same way. So, let’s say you have a max-roll Bloodnotch jewel, which recovers 60% of the damage from hits that stun you. When you take a hit that stuns you while you also have the Petrified Blood buff, all the damage from the hit that is dealt to you instantly will be immediately recovered. This is because Petrified Blood prevents 40% of the hit and Bloodnotch interacts with the original total of the hit to recover 60% of it, which matches the 60% of the hit and which is being dealt to you immediately from the Petrified Blood buff.

POE Petrified Blood

With this setup, you then just need to find a way to solve the life loss over time from Petrified Blood. This can be solved on a level 21 Petrified Blood with 20% quality. You could just gain 30% life recoup, which would perfectly solve the life loss mechanic. This is a fun setup that’s quite strong. But it’s really important to understand that this isn’t really a defensive setup. This is a recovery mechanic that’s great in situations where a build may lack recovery, especially against smaller hits, like during mapping. 

But defensively on its own, it’s actually weaker against big hits and damage over time. This is because at the 50% maximum recoverable threshold of Petrified Blood, you’re losing about 17% of your effective HP against hits. And it’s much worse for damage over time as you may know Petrified Blood is notoriously weak against damage over time because at the 50% maximum recoverable threshold, you’ve lost 50% of your effective life against damage over time because the Petrified Blood buff doesn’t interact at all in any way of damage over time. This is improved ever so slightly by the 55% low Life Mastery, but it’s still not great. 

Bloodnotch also doesn’t interact with damage over time and the Bloodnotch doesn’t improve your effective health against hits, either. Once again, it’s a recovery mechanic for hits. Any large hits that would one shot you are still going to one shot you. You can’t recover from a hit that would one shot you because you’re dead.


But then, there’s Progenesis Amethyst Flask

Now, this is a unique flask that drops from the Uber Maven. This is a kind of game breaking flask. A lot of people use this in endgame setups. It is so strong.

Now, with this unique flask provides a buff that is very similar to Petrified Blood, except it’s a lot stronger than Petrified Blood. This is because it doesn’t reserve mana and doesn’t require you to be on a low life to work.

POE Progenesis

As a baseline, the flask prevents 25% of the damage from hits, which is then lost as life loss over four seconds. This isn’t quite the 40% that Petrified Blood provides. But the crazy thing about Progenesis is that it scales a flask effect. With the 60% flask effect, you’ll be able to prevent 40% of the damage from hits. Now, this is much stronger.

With a max-roll 60% Bloodnotch jewel and Progenesis with 60% flask effect, you’ll immediately recover all of the damage that is taken instantly from hits that stun you and you’ll only need to solve the life loss mechanic from the Progenesis flask. In this case, if you wanted to use life recoup, you’d need 40%, since Progenesis doesn’t lower this portion of the damage like Petrified Blood does.

Now this combination of mechanics is much stronger because you haven’t lost 50% of your effective health to damage over time and because you’re on full life. If you’re able to deal with the life loss mechanic, you’re essentially gaining 40% damage reduction against hits. That’s crazy. I do wonder if Progenesis will be nerfed in future leagues. I’m not really convinced that it will be just because it’s an Uber boss drop. I think they want to keep the boss drops pretty strong, but the Bloodnotch Jewel might get a bit of a tweak in future leagues. I could see the percentage dropping a little. 

Also Read: Winter Orb Occultist Build Guide & Showcase - POE 3.21 Crucible League


Overall, I think Bloodnotch is an interesting jewel. If you think Bloodnotch is good, then get your POE Currency ready to get some and use it on your builds!

When combined with Immutable Force, it provides a nice recovery mechanic and creates a kind of interesting playstyle that you didn’t really want to do before, one where you kind of want to be stunned you want to make it so that you can be stunned, but you also want to reduce that stun duration down, so you’re able to just effectively ignore it. It’s especially strong against smaller hits during mapping, which makes it pretty good for a variety of builds.

And with Petrified Blood, I think it’s considerably weak when it first appears. Even though it has great synergy, you’re going to need plenty of other strong defensive mechanics in place, so you’re able to actually tank those larger hits and deal with the damage over time problem.

But as I said, with Progenesis, I think this jewel really becomes a game changer. It’s another win for Pathfinder ready. This whole league seems like a big Pathfinder win and this setup is already tanky against hits and you haven’t even started to layer on the other defensive mechanics. So, you can, of course, have set up and place a deal with hits and damage over time. 


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