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Lightning Arrow Deadeye League Starter In POE 3.21 - Just Don’t Get Hit!

Apr 20, 2023

Here’s how I leveled and progressed this Lightning Arrow Deadeye to Act 10 to Kitava and Eater Exarch. I will mostly focus on gearing and atlas progression, but we’ll also briefly discuss some story mode changes and some thoughts on the Crucible League mechanic.

Story, Masteries & Links

Going back all the way to Act 1, starting with Momentum Support. I did not find it useful because it did not fit my traditional Bow playstyle of Fire Move Fire Move.

So by level 4, it was already gone from my links and I tested the Prismatic Burst instead. The difference between the two support gems couldn’t be bigger. I found a 2-Link: Galvanic Arrow & Prismatic Burst setup comparable to a 3-Link: Galvanic Arrow, Mirage Archer & Momentum setup as the cooldown of Prismatic Burst and his naturally high burst damage fits perfectly well into the Fire Move Bow playstyle.

Now, Manaforged support is incredibly strong because you can automate many different setups. Right now, one of the most common setups is Frenzy - Manaforge - Power Charge on Crit - Culling Strike.

POE 3.21 Lightning Arrow Deadeye League Start

The next important thing to mention is the passive tree. As expected, having extra projectiles felt great. As soon as I got both nodes, I dropped LMP for my links and ran Lightning Arrow, Mirage Archer, Trinity and Added Cold in Act 5.

Another new Mastery was a flat 500 Accuracy Rating. This was impactful because it allowed us to drop Precision from our setup, which allowed us to run a 50%, 25% and a 10% reservation aura while still meeting the requirement for Precise Technique.

Next up, let’s talk about arguably the most OP Mastery. Imagine you do lightning damage, you encounter this mob, and what do you do? Before you need to Hydrosphere, Elemental Weakness, connectivity and Labyrinth Enchantment, put down 20 totems, make some friends, get some family support and talk to your therapist to write a mob like this. Now, we just click this node.

Moving on, Instant Leech and 12% Mana Reservation efficiency masteries were also quite useful. Instant Leech was great for life recovery and mana sustain while Mana Reservation efficiency lets us delay Charisma and saves skill points.

Related: POE 3.21: What Are Skill Gems And Links? - Beginner’s Guide

Maps, Items & Bosses

With acts out of the way, let’s talk about early map progression.

First things, fix your resistances. If you can’t fix it, don’t worry. The first four points on the atlas tree are guaranteed Essences, which you can use to complete your weapon or fix your resistances.

As a quick disclaimer, I would not recommend using Wrath and Hatred Essences on gear until your final bow is finished. On the topic of bows, in this run, I crafted two types: non-crit and crit.

For non-crit, Imperial Bow or Thicket Bow are preferred. In crafting non-crit, you’re looking to maximize flat damage and attack speed. For the crit version, Spine Bows are preferred.

On these bases, we’re looking for high flat damage Crucible crit and weapon critical strike chance or attack speed.

POE Imperial Bow

It’s important to note that Crucible crit helps facilitate an early crit swap. But in late game scenarios, Crucible attack speed would be preferred. Following this, the earlier we swap to crit, the more it is justified to help build Alira during the acts. Furthermore, helping Alira also allows us to get more damage rolls on gear, especially on Rings, Amulets and Quivers.

And as you piece together how to scale your damage on a bow build, you’ll quickly realize you want even more flat damage and the next best source of flat damage is on Abyss Jewels.

For a single target, I used Lighting Arrow Barrage and an Artillery Ballista setup. However, in practice, Artillery Ballista totems would often not stay alive in hard content. On the contrary, our Manaforged setup was not conditional with close to 100% uptime, an argument to forgo totems altogether.

The last defensive addition to our Arsenal Map was Vaal Lighting Arrow. However, without investment into reduced projectile speed, its performance was comparable to Momentum Support. Proceeding to defenses, the most important thing to craft unfortunately does not exist on gear. However, the skill can still be acquired by going to your local Community Center and playing Dodgeball.

On the off chance, Dodgeball practice was not enough. We also have Grace, Arctic Armour, Spell Suppression, Ghost Dance, Cast when Damage Taken Support, Steelskin/IC. And to recover from getting hit by wrenches, I mean dodgeballs and monsters, you can craft the veiled energy shield regeneration craft on your belt or chest.

If you also have access to the Gravicius or the Korrel Craft, I would highly recommend crafting them in their corresponding pieces for more mitigation.

In this run, we had 1 million POB DPS, which resulted in a 2 minute and 28 second Eater kill and a one minute and 14 second Exarch kill. In comparison to 317, this was much faster.

After dealing with Eater Exarch, we can optimize our setup further with Eldritch Implicits, Vengeant Cascade, and the Weapon Crucible tree. The next most impactful upgrade is the 6-Link. To get one, most players prefer to farm Chains That Bind sets.

POE Chains That Bind

It’s worth noting getting the right base type might take more than one try, but it’s okay since you can use both hybrid evasion, energy shield or pure evasion bases.

For the next two watchstones. You’ll want to upgrade your Lightning Arrow damage by using your POE Currency. As a reference, I found 2 million DPS for Maven and 3.5 million and higher for Uber Elder to feel comfortable.

Crucible Worth?

Was Crucible worth it? It was until I got my Crit Bow. But after that, it made little to no sense to continue doing the mechanic because there is no loot and no realistic upgrades to my bow anytime soon.

On top of that, our main defensive mechanic not getting hit was unfortunately not that effective against physical Crucible monsters, which resulted in 110 of my deaths.

With all that being said, in my opinion, Bow builds are more viable than ever, especially in softcore and maybe as a second character in hardcore.


Next: How To Use Frost Blades Trickster Build in POE 3.21?
Previous: Vaal Lightning Arrow Deadeye Build - PoE 3.21 Crucible League
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