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POE 3.21: A Really Fun Way To Level Any Witch Build - One Of The Smoothest Setups

May 06, 2023

Obviously, how smooth something feels is always going to be a matter of opinion. But in my pursuit of finding ways to level that are super low effort, I’ve stumbled upon what’s become one of my favorite ways to level any Witch build.

I guess Templar works too, since it’s in the same area on the tree. But I haven’t tested it. Now, what I mean by low effort is I try to avoid micromanaging my gear and gems too much as I progress. So, I can just turn my brain off or do something else on another monitor. By the way, this setup uses a lot of unique items, so you’re going to need to do some shopping with your POE Currency.

Essentially, this setup involves having a bunch of temporary minions that you extend the duration of to last an entire zone and then have them all the boss at the end if there is one. This was inspired by Rigwald’s Crest, one of the strongest leveling items in the game. It’ll pretty much carry you to Blood Aqueducts.

POE A Really Fun Way To Level Any Witch Build

My only problem with them: the wolves only last for 30 seconds. There are some bosses in the campaign that take a really long time to spawn or become damageable, eating up a lot of their duration. 

Now, here’s where skill effect duration comes in. You can get a pretty decent amount of it just through items. This String of Servitude gives you up to 45%. Timeclasp Moonstone Ring gives you up to 20% and Exceptional Performance as an anointment gives you 25%.

As a wish, you’ll be able to easily pick up the Enduring Bond cluster for 64%, the Potency of Will cluster for 45% and the Duration Mastery for another 10% more.

In total, this is 199% Increased and 10% More. With a 30-second Base Duration, that’s about 99 seconds over a minute and a half. That’s plenty of time for any boss in the campaign. We’re also leveraging all this duration scaling with Phantasms and the new Vaal Absolution, which absolutely slaps. By the way, they last about 50 seconds now. This can be further extended with the increased duration support gem. But I found it unnecessary. 

Now for the trade, this is why you’ll be able to apply it to any build. You literally only need to get Enduring Bond here and these skill effect duration points down here. Other than that, you can just path like your intended build and pick up all the nearby life nodes and attributes if you need them and any nearby minion damage if you want. 

POE tree preview

At a certain point, I just stopped allocating points because I got lazy. You probably don’t want to do that though because you’re pretty squishy without the life on the tree. By the way, pick up Spiritual Aid if you’re in the area. It’ll be super useful in securing skills to spawn your doggos cause your Absolution minions will cast you a lot. As for gems, just purchase these (see from the picture below).

POE gems you should purchase in advance

Now, I’m going to go through the loadout in the order. You can equip everything. Feel free to use whatever you want in your antique gear slots. Before you start, you should have two Tabulas ready: a plus one all gems Tabula socketed with Summon Raging Spirit, Summon Phantasm and Ruthless and a plus two duration or minion Tabula with Vaal Absolution, Minion Damage, Faster Casting, Conc Effect, Predator and Summon Phantasm. Feel free to skip the plus one corruption if it’s too expensive.

At level 1, you have the classic Goldrim, Life Sprigs, and movement speed boots of your choice (Wanderlust). Always go with Seven League Steps. If you can afford it, you can use it on every future character and the time you save well pays for itself essentially.

Also Read: Vaal Ice Shot Deadeye Build Info And Showcase - POE 3.21 Crucible

Until level 4, use whatever spell you want. I like Frostbolt. You’ll also be equipping Sidhebreath, which makes any minion super OP for the first few parts of the campaign. You can catalyst up the already huge flat Elemental Damage, which works really well with a support gem like Summon Phantasm, which gives a bunch of extra minions.

POE Sidhebreath

At level 4, equip your +1 Tabula and use SRS. When you get level 8, add Minion Damage, Added Cold and Faster Attacks. At this point, you can equip your skill effect durations, String of Servitude. By the way, you should be using all the other loose gems the moment you can.

Level 20 is your next big gear swap. You can equip your Rigwald’s Crest, then swap out your SRS Tabula with your Absolution Tabula. Switch your weapon out for The Princess and if you have Necromantic Aegis by now, you can equip a Kaltenhalt.

At level 25, use Timeclasp. At level 32, use a 4 Green Socket, Triad Grip and at level 50, use the Black Cane. Around this time, Sidhebreath actually weakens your Absolutions, so you can equip it along with Triad Grip if you want. It’s fine if you want to just leave it since they still benefit your wolves and phantasms, although you’ll probably want them off towards the end of the campaign, like Act 9 and 10

POE Rigwald’s Crest

As for how to play it, just use Absolution until you get your wolves up. You might need to swap faster casting for unleash if your Absolutions are casting you too much. Then, she’ll charge on Flame Dash across the zone using Absolution now and then. Your minions will kill stuff along the way. 

You’ll want to have convocation on left click for convenience. If you know that there’s no boss at the end of the zone or if the zone is really short, then you can use Vaal Absolution the moment it’s fully charged. Otherwise, save it for when you get near the boss. When you get to Blood Aqueducts, you can farm a bit to catch up on experience if you need to or, better yet, transition to your actual build if you can.


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