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Path Of Exile 3.22 Crit Lightning Tendrils Elementalist Build Guide - Gear, Passive Tree & Ascendancy

Nov 21, 2023

Hello, Exiles! I’m back with my Crit Lightning Tendrils Elementalist. As usual, this build can be done with tier 16 maps on the lowest possible budget. Let’s take a look at its damage.

Lightning Tendrils is a Channeling skill. It has a very interesting mechanic. It releases a stronger pulse after every three pulses. Stronger Pulses no longer deal 200% additional damage, but always critically hit.

Path Of Exile 3.22: Crit Lightning Tendrils Elementalist Build Guide - Gear, Passive Tree & Ascendancy

How To Get High Critical Hits?

We’re skipping all critical hit opportunities and focusing on the stronger Pulse. We get a lot of crit multipliers. As you can see, my critical hit rate is very low at 1.3%, but my critical hit multiplier is a whopping 658%. So, how do we get it?

A good portion of this comes from Marylene’s Fallacy Lapis Amulet, a fairly cheap Amulet that only requires 8 Chaos Orbs. It has a lot of critical multiplier, but it will reduce its critical chance by 40%. But since we always use the stronger Pulse to deal critical hits, we can skip these. That’s how we created the character.

We’re also converting lightning damage into cold damage via Call of the Brotherhood. So we can benefit from items like Heatshiver to get extra damage.

We can also benefit from Shaper of Winter Ascendancy passive to freeze and cool down enemies. This is an excellent defense mechanism.

Because Lightning Tendrils is a Channeling skill, we also want to invest in POE Currency on defense so that we don’t feel bad during the game. 

Path Of Exile: Marylene's Fallacy Lapis Amulet


Most of the rare items for this build are there to increase life and resistances. Of these, Gloves are important in this build, as they’re how we get Cold Exposure.

It is important to get Cold Exposure so that we can benefit from Mastermind of Discord Ascendancy passive, gaining an additional 25 elemental resistance.

So you need to farm some blue maps to get Eater of Worlds Eldritch Currency and spam it so you can get Cold Exposure.

For Belt, this is actually a very good upgrade item, and Arn’s Anguish is your best choice. Maven drops this Belt. It changes your Endurance Charge to Brutal Charge.

And Brutal Charge will give you a 30% chance of causing triple damage. It does Heatshiver, Crit and Cold damage, so either double or triple damage is good.

This Belt is a very nice upgrade, but you also need to find a way to generate Endurance Charge. You can get the lowest Endurance Charge through Grand Spectrum jewels in Labyrinth, but this is quite expensive.

Another cheaper method is to use a Small Armor Cluster with Enduring Composure. When you get hit, you gain Endurance Charge every second, which is a pretty nice way.

Path Of Exile: Arn's Anguish Has 30% Chance Of Causing Triple Damage

Passive Skill Tree & Ascendancy

Then let’s talk about Passive Skill Tree and Ascendancy. Shaper of Winter, Mastermind of Discord, and Heart of Destruction are good. When we hit a unique enemy, we get 30% extra elemental damage. But when we don’t do that, we actually have a 60% AOE increase. This is very useful for this build, it helps a lot with mapping.

Another Ascendancy node is in Bastion of Elements. We can get Primal Aegis, which will take our 2,100 elemental damage. But that’s not as good as getting something like Spell Suppression. Because when you get hit and the shield goes to zero, we have to wait a few seconds to recover.

Also, Passive Skill Tree is where we get a lot of Maximum Elemental Resistance. Since Lightning Tendrils is a Channeling skill, we need to gain defense.

We can put Gravicius on Body Armor, which is a good choice. We can then also use Wrath and Herald of Ice to run Determination on our Aura, and use Arctic Armor while stationary for extra defense. 

Another Aura is Clarity, but it remains in our life so we can benefit from this Passive Mastery, giving +1 to all maximum elemental resistances. Storm Weaver is also pretty good. It gains some health on Skill Tree and gets Iron Will for a little extra damage. That’s pretty much it for this character.

Path Of Exile 3.22: Crit Lightning Tendrils Elementalist Build Passive Skill Tree

We haven’t run out of Flasks yet, but are now almost at full mana capacity. What I’m saying is that getting a few extra levels in your Clarity might be enough to maintain mana. Having Passive Mastery that makes the skill consume health instead of 30% mana is enough.

This character is actually my character in “Blast From The Past Event” in Sentinel and Kalandra leagues. It was actually a very successful role. So I think this could be a very good league starter as well, and maybe still applies to POE 3.23 league.

Anyway, that’s it for this Crit Lightning Tendrils Elementalist. If you decide to play it, I hope you enjoy this version. Have a great day!


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