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How To Survive This Misery Gauntlet In Path Of Exile 3.23?

Jan 24, 2024

Misery Gauntlet will be the first of its kind all year! Gauntlet is an event league run by Zizaran and Viyro, in which the difficulty of Path of Exile has been adjusted to the extreme.

The primary goal of this event is to kill all Uber Bosses, but there are additional side quests and raffles to reach specific character levels. In this guide, I’ll detail the incredibly scary monster modifiers present in this version of the campaign, and how to survive them.

How To Survive This Misery Gauntlet In Path Of Exile 3.23?

Monster Modifiers

So let’s take a look at why Gauntlet is so difficult? This is a list of zone level modifiers.

First, we have a hard campaign from Acts 1 to 10, and then a safer period.

The crazy Monster Haste modifier will catch more people off guard as you progress through White Maps and then onto the extremely difficult Yellow Maps. And Red Maps looks completely ridiculous.

Finally, there is the level 85 area, which is the area of Uber boss Atziri. There are a bunch of Rippy mods here, including a new one. I think this will be similar to Valdo Puzzle Box maps. So Apparitions of Atziri may attack you, and you need to focus on Uber boss at hand.

There’s also a new modifier here. You’ll need to consume an extra portal at the entrance. So that means for Uber owner Atziri, you’re only going to have three portals. This is important for some strategies that use logout to reset.

POE 3.23: Monster Modifiers

I’m going to focus primarily on Acts 1 to 10 in this guide, because this is the most exciting campaign Gauntlet has ever had, and these modifiers are absolutely ridiculous.

What we have here is Usual Suspects, which makes monsters take 30% less damage and monsters deal 30% more damage, which is bad. This means you need to do at least about 43% damage to monsters to kill them. But some other modifiers we’ll talk about later make it worse.

Then there’s a Monster Haste modifier here that increases attack cost and movement speed by 30%. This will make monsters very scary, especially ones that usually have telegraph abilities that are easy to avoid. When you combine them with magic and rare monster modifiers, they become even scarier.

Of course, there are also monsters that are already fast, like Ghouls in the prison. You’ll want to play slower and more carefully to avoid too many fast mobs at once.

You need to watch out for the common criminal here, Cannibal. If you get hit by a barrage of projectiles, even a single Cannibal, they will throw torches, dealing a lot of damage to you.

And then we also have two new modifiers in this Gauntlet.

First, monsters now have 20% of their physical damage as additional chaos damage. This can be seen as a 20% increase in the damage of physical monsters.

This modifier isn’t as bad as the extra element of physical damage. Because you won’t feel Shocked, Chilled and Frozen with every blow to your body.

But it still does damage, especially when combined with the 30% increased damage modifier, which is just a ton of extra damage.

And the most dangerous modifier on this list, Damage Penetrates 15% of Enemy Elemental Resistances, is downright scary. This is basically the same as elemental hits dealing 15% more damage.

But as you gain more and more elemental resistances, this modifier becomes progressively worse in terms of how much extra damage you take.

When you have 75% elemental resistance, this modifier causes you to take 40% elemental damage instead of 25%. Even scarier when you combine it with other mods.

Go Slow

This will indeed be a brutal Gauntlet battle. So how do you survive, and how do you get onto the map?

Let’s start with one of the most obvious tips from the previous game: slow and steady wins the game. In fact, the best players in the game often get rid of Gauntlet entirely within a few days.

The same logic applies to campaign activities, where slowing things down often ends up being faster. Because the chances of you having to start over are much less. So you’ll spend more time and POE Currency making sure your resistance is capped, you have the right links in your gear for your gem setup, and you have enough life to progress.

You usually know when you’re strong enough to progress. So if you feel you’re a little weak in your current area, take the time to go back and prepare.

POE 3.23: What Build Should You Play to Survive?

Build Choice

Next comes another obvious tip, choosing a good build. Needless to say, if you try to make progress on a build that uses weaker abilities, you’re going to have a tough time in this Gauntlet event.

Also, keep an eye out for what others are doing with their builds. For example, Bonershatter Juggernaut might be popular.

Damage Avoidance

The best way to survive in all Gauntlet campaign modes is to avoid damage entirely. The shield will become your best friend. Especially in Act 1, against some of the more dangerous monsters, avoiding 25% of all incoming attacks is really powerful.

But you need to find a healthy balance between evasion and armor. So Grace might not be the best choice if you can’t combine it with Determination and Avoid themes.

You can also try adding some Energy Shields to your build. Even if it’s just a hybrid ES piece of gear, this will give you a chance to ignore on-hit stuns affecting it.

Chaos Resistance

When you reach Act 6, the campaign will become even scarier with additional Chaos monster modifiers. Since your Chaos Resistance will now be minus 30% by default, you’ll want to keep an eye out for Amethyst Ring as early as the last few areas of Act 4.

So be sure to check the vendor as you level up. These rings may start dropping at monster level 38. And if you’re able to maintain your balance while staying in the elements, you’re going to need at least one of these rings.

Path of Exile 3.23: Tips for surviving the Misery Gauntlet

Overgear & Overlevel

Finally, don’t be afraid to over farm and reset areas frequently. This way you can earn more XP than usual and give yourself the opportunity to further improve your gear. This is especially important before you move on and get into difficult boss encounters.

Closing Thoughts

Here’s how you survive Gauntlet with some tips, at least in the campaign portion of the game, which is going to be absolutely brutal.

This is an outstanding event and it will be fun to see how everyone handles these crazy monster modifiers. So what do you think of Misery Gauntlet? Are you excited about this? Looking forward to seeing you in the game!


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