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A Deep Dive Into Anoint-Only Passives That May Be Introduced In POE 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur

Jul 12, 2024

With the release date of Path of Exile 3.25 approaching, the developers have released another trailer that has caught everyone’s attention. Through the trailer, we can see that Settlers of Kalguur will add many new secret notables that can only be obtained by anointing them.

In this guide, we will explore what new notables will appear in the upcoming new league based on the preview. Let’s get started!

Prismatic Oil

First of all, in this trailer, the developers showed a new Prismatic Oil that can only be obtained from rewards in Blight and Blight-Ravaged maps. This means that you can’t find it from Oil Chests dropped in Blight that appear on normal maps, but only from Blight and Blight-Ravaged maps.

It’s worth noting that now that they’ve changed the recipes for some of the anoints in the game, all Anoint-Only Passive Skills will now use these Prismatic Oils as part of the anointment recipe.

A Deep Dive Into Anoint-Only Passives That May Be Introduced In POE 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur

What Are Anoint-Only Passive Skills?

Some players may not understand how Anoint-Only Passive Skills work. In fact, certain unique items and Amulets can be “anointed” with oils from Blight League mechanic, which allows you to get a specific notable anywhere in the passive tree without a special path to get to it.

There are some very interesting passive skills that have been in the game for a long time and have been around since Blight League, but many of them have been forgotten by many players. So let’s take a look at some of Anoint-Only Passive Skills that are worth your attention now.

For example, Hardened Scars can increase life recovery from Life Flasks and grant you 25% less damage during the effect of Life Flasks.

This skill is powerful on a Pathfinder with a Master Surgeon or Aspect of Stone. It grants an extremely rare stat chance to avoid physical damage from being hit, and a good portion of it is able to reduce physical damage by 20%.

Another one is my personal favorite Anoint Passive Skill, Persistence. It can grant a large amount of flat Physical Damage Reduction, depending on your level. Especially in POE 3.25, when you combine it with armor and extra PDR, it can greatly reduce most of the damage from small and medium physical hits. This means that if you want to be a fairly strong tank, investing enough POE Currency in your armor is essential!

New Anoint-Only Passives

The pleasant surprise is that they are likely to add more of these Anoint-Only Passives in POE 3.25. Because in the trailer they showed two of these new Notables.


Among them, Incorporeal will make Elusive expire 50% slower than normal. Unlike most buffs in POE, the effect of Elusive will fade over time, at a rate of 20% per second until the effect decays to 0%. This makes the duration of Elusive depend on the effect of its buff. Skill effect duration modifiers do not affect the duration of Elusive, but the buff does.

With Incorporeal, instead of having to reduce the effect all the way to 0% to remove Elusive, it will be removed when the effect reaches 20%. This means you can still enjoy some of the benefits of Elusive, and you can also reapply it after it is stripped, and a 50% slower expiration modifier is pretty good.

In this case, it means that when the buff is first applied, you will be able to benefit from the more efficient Elusive effect for a longer period of time, which is very useful for things like Nightblade Support.

Mixed Munitions

The second new Anoint-Only Passive shown off in this preview is Mixed Munitions, which will increase Cooldown Recovery Rate for throwing Traps for each Mine Detonated Recently.

Now, while this Passive mechanic may seem odd and certainly niche, there is a synergy you can exploit to maximize its effects, namely throwing Mines to Detonate and then throwing Traps.

The reason you want to exploit this synergy first is because Mines have a base throwing speed of 0.3 seconds, which is half the base throwing speed of Traps, which is 0.6 seconds. Additionally, doing so will trigger Mines to throw Traps, which means they will automatically target enemies.

The question, however, is which Traps you will use to benefit the most from CDR. One of the best choices might be the new Transfigured Gem, Seismic Trap of Swells, which can store six waves and has a base cooldown of only 0.75 seconds, which might be a perfect combination with this interaction.


Unfortunately, I haven’t tested them in-game at this point. As I said before, these changes have me very excited not only for the new Anoint-Only Passives but also for everything else in POE 3.25.

I have to say, the addition of many of the new Anoint-Only Passives is pretty exceptional. As you may have noticed, these Passives don’t usually look like the stuff you stumble upon on the regular Passive Skill Tree. That’s because they’re Anoint-Only, which gives the developers more design space to work on some really interesting new stuff.

Anyway, I’m super excited about this new addition! What do you guys think? Let’s look forward to Settlers of Kalguur League!


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Previous: What Can We Expect In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? - Potential Buffs & Nerfs
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