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How To Build The Best Build Around Smite Of Divine Judgement In Path Of Exile 3.25? - Features & Items

Aug 31, 2024

In Path of Exile, Smite of Divine Judgement is a very powerful melee skill that relies on divine fury to knock down enemies. With the buffs to melee in Settlers of Kalguur league, this skill has become even more powerful. This means that you can build a very good build around Smite of Divine Judgement so that you can use this skill to its maximum effect. This guide will show you how to build Smite of Divine Judgement build.

How To Build The Best Build Around Smite Of Divine Judgement In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur - Features & Items

Key Features

Before building a build, we need to understand the key features of Smite of Divine Judgement so that we can maximize its advantages and reduce its weaknesses. First, Smite of Divine Judgement currently has a maximum level of 20 and includes several types of Lightning, Attack, AOE, Melee and Strike.

In terms of mana consumption, each use of Smite of Divine Judgement costs 12 mana, which is not too much. In addition, the attack speed of Smite of Divine Judgement is slightly worse than the base speed, with only 85% of the base. But the attack damage is 369% of the base damage. In addition, Effectiveness of Added Damage is also 3.69 times. Most importantly, the quality of Smite of Divine Judgement is increased by 20% compared to the base.

As the person who uses Smite of Divine Judgement skill, your character needs to reach at least Level 70 and have 98 Strength and 68 Intelligence to use it. So, in the allocation of attributes, you may need to focus on Strength and Intelligence.

Now let’s take a look at the new mechanism of Smite of Divine Judgement skill in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur. First, it can convert 50% of Physical Damage into Lightning Damage, which is great for facing some enemies that are resistant to Physical Damage. And there will be a wider Area Damage, about a 38% increase, and the base radius has been increased to 2.1 meters. Its Lightning Strikes have also been enhanced and can now hit 3 targets within a range of 7 meters, which is very helpful when you are facing some groups of enemies.

Required Items


For Smite of Divine Judgement build, you can choose some weapons with high Physical Damage, such as swords, axes, maces, scepters, or staves with high base physical damage. In this way, under the skill mechanism, you can both deal with high physical damage and maximize your lightning damage.

Passive Skill

For Passive Skill, you can pay attention to three aspects. The first is to focus on nodes that can increase lightning damage and physical to lightning conversion.

Secondly, you can also focus on those nodes that can increase your attack speed and range of effect, so that the disadvantage of Smite of Divine Judgement’s low attack speed is solved, and Smite’s coverage and frequency can be enhanced.

The last node you need to pay attention to is the one that can increase critical strike chance and multiplier, so that your total damage and output can be maximized.


In terms of Ascendancy selection, you can choose in Inquisitor category. The following are Ascendancy you can choose and their effects.

  • Sanctuary: Attacking enemies increases elemental resistance and causes holy ground to appear.
  • Pious Path: Grants life and mana restoration while on consecrated ground.
  • Righteous Providence: Increases chance of critical strike based on Strength and Intelligence.
  • Inevitable Judgement: Ignores elemental resistance during critical attacks and greatly increases damage.


In the selection of Support Gems, we also adhere to a point of view to enhance Lightning Damage and Elemental Damage, and maximize the area of ​​effect and Lightning Penetration.

Based on this point of view, you can first choose Leap Slam, because it can enhance the mobility of the entire build. Or you can choose Ancestral Protector, which can make up for the shortcomings of Smite of Divine Judgement’s insufficient attack speed.

Among them, the most worth mentioning is Herald of Thunder, because its Aura can greatly increase your lightning damage to the enemy, and can also apply additional impact, which will make it easier for you to get the final POE Currency reward in battle.

Armor And Accessories

Since armor and accessories are both equipment in Path of Exile 3.25, they are introduced together. For the armor you need, it must have high health and high resistance, and it would be best if it can also increase lightning damage. The only armor that meets the above conditions is Loreweave, so it is the best choice.

POE Loreweave

When choosing Helmet, Gloves, and Boots, you also need to consider health and resistance, followed by attack speed and whether it can increase lightning damage. There are too many items that meet the requirements in Settlers of Kalguur league, so I won’t list them.

For Amulet and Rings, contrary to the above equipment, you need to focus on whether it can increase lightning damage and attack speed, because the problems of health and resistance have been solved by POE items such as armor.

The same is true for Belt, but here I can recommend you the best choice - Stygian Vise.


In Path of Exile, Flask is also very important for a build because it can protect your character from the threat of death in time. The same is true for Smite of Divine Judgement build. Here, you can choose from two categories: Life Flask and Utility Flasks.

In Life Flask, you can directly choose Instant Recovery because it is the most useful for emergency treatment. You can make a few more in your free time to prepare for emergencies.

In Utility Flasks, you can choose Granite Flask, Basalt Flask, Quicksilver Flask, Sulphur Flask or Silver Flask. They can enhance different types of damage in this build. You can decide the specific choice according to your play style or usage habits.

For example, if you need very thick armor to ensure the safety of your character, you can choose Granite Flask; if you want to increase more damage, you can choose Basalt Flask or Sulphur Flask.

The above are some features and build methods of Smite of Divine Judgement build in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur. I hope you can use this powerful melee build to win more battles in this melee-enhanced league!


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