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How To Choose The Best Solo Self-Found Builds In Path Of Exile 3.25? - Types & Setup

Sep 03, 2024

In Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur released some time ago, many metas have changed significantly, and many builds have also changed accordingly. So whether you are a player who is used to Solo Self-Found builds or a player who likes Trade Leagues builds, you must make corresponding changes to your builds. In the increasingly fast pace of life, many gamers have begun to explore the content of the game alone. In POE, there is no exception. Many players are used to using Solo Self-Found builds to explore alone in the game.

In this build, you will experience a completely unique experience from the standard game: you don’t have to stick to tedious transactions, and your POE Currency can be better used for crafting. But it also brings a longer exploration time and requires more knowledge reserves, and the most important challenge is greater. In this guide, I will introduce you to several Solo Self-Found builds that are very useful in POE 3.25, so that you can be prepared when you first explore this new way.

How To Choose The Best Solo Self-Found Builds In Path Of Exile 3.25? - Types & Setup

Bleed Spectral Shield Throw Gladiator

If you’re new to Solo Self-Found builds, Bleed Spectral Shield Throw Gladiator is a great build to practice with, as it’s great for both clearing and killing, and it requires a relatively low investment, making it a very cost-effective build.

Bleed Spectral Shield Throw Gladiator build primarily utilizes the new Gladiator nodes added to the new league, such as Jagged Technique, to cause aggravated bleeding, which increases the damage taken by enemies over time, and eventually explodes when the enemy dies.

For defense, you can choose items with prioritizing block, spell block, and lucky block mechanics, as these mechanics keep this build’s effective block rate at 93.75%. This high-damage and high-tank build will get you through the early and middle quickly and safely reach endgame content.


  • Skill Gems: Spectral Shield Throw & Brutality & Vicious Projectiles & Chance to Bleed & Maim & Deadly Ailments
  • Ascendancy Nodes: Arena Challenger & Blood in the Eyes & Gratuitous Violence & Painforged
  • Defensive Layers: Endurance charges & Spell suppression & High life pool

Explosive Trap Of Shrapnel Trickster

Explosive Trap of Shrapnel Trickster build is a dynamic build that utilizes whirling blades and frost blink to enable you to swiftly traverse the map and promptly reach clusters of enemies. Once there, you can freeze the enemies and subsequently eliminate them with explosive traps.

This one-hit-kill build focuses on increasing crit chance and multiplier. In the best case, when all explosions hit, it can achieve about 16 million hit DPS, which is a very scary number. In addition, it also relies on power, frenzy, endurance, and inspiration charges to have a greater advantage in both offense and defense.

Here I need to remind you that although Explosive Trap of Shrapnel Trickster build performs very well in boss stations and some high-level maps, you still need to pay attention to the mana consumption when using it, because spell damage is the most important source of damage for this build.


  • Skill Gems: Explosive Trap & Cluster Traps & Trap and Mine Damage & Advanced Traps & Increased Critical Strikes & Increased Critical Damage
  • Ascendancy Nodes: Swift Killer & Ghost Dance & Escape Artist & Prolonged Pain
  • Defensive Layers: Evasion & Spell suppression & Life and energy shield blend

Boneshatter Juggernaut Or Slayer

With the increased melee in POE Settlers of Kalguur league, Boneshatter Juggernaut or Slayer build has become very powerful. It can use the shovel’s huge two-handed weapon to crush enemies in combat, and gain trauma stacks from it to increase its damage. However, the price of this high damage is that you will also take some damage yourself.

But don’t worry, Juggernaut can provide you with strong survivability, and Slayer can provide you with higher damage and better recovery, so no matter which one you choose, you can safely complete some medium-difficulty battles. Thanks to the changes to endurance charges in the new league, this build can also reduce some elemental damage from enemies, so you will be safer to get the final POE Currency reward.

Although the shortcomings of Boneshatter Juggernaut or Slayer build that some players have pointed out before, such as lack of single-target damage and high mana consumption, still exist, you can use some POE Items at this stage to alleviate this problem.


  • Skill Gems: Boneshatter & Multistrike & Melee Physical Damage & Brutality & Fortify & Rage
  • Ascendancy Nodes
  • Juggernaut: Unflinching, Unstoppable, Unbreakable, Undeniable
  • Slayer: Brutal Fervour, Headsman, Bane of Legends, Impact
  • Defensive Layers: High armor & Endurance charges & Life leech (Slayer)

Lightning Strike Gladiator

In previous leagues, Lightning Strike Gladiator has been a favorite of many players, and recently, with the increase in Lightning Strike’s damage effectiveness, more and more players who are used to Solo Self-Found builds have begun to try it.

It mainly uses Blood Magic to alleviate the mana consumption problem that players are very concerned about, and with the help of Gladiator’s block nodes, it can achieve a situation where high damage output and excellent survivability coexist.

In addition, Lightning Strike Gladiator build is a combination of melee and projectile strikes, making it one of the most competitive Solo Self-Found builds. If you use Eternal Blessing to enhance the damage output in this build, it will definitely give you a surprise!


  • Skill Gems: Lightning Strike & Trinity & Nightblade & Multistrike & Added Cold Damage & Elemental Damage
  • Ascendancy Nodes: Versatile Combatant & Gladiator’s Perseverance
  • Defensive Layers: Block and spell block & High life pool & Instant leech from weapon main node

The above is some of the best Solo Self-Found builds in the new POE league. I hope you can better complete exploring the new league alone with their help, and wish you a happy game!


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