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How To Maximize Your Shipping Rewards In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? - Mechanism Detailed & How To Do It

Aug 15, 2024

The much-anticipated Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur was officially released to players some time ago. Besides bringing new league, Settlers of Kalguur league also brings players an interesting town called Kingsmarch.

In this town, you can use some wisdom and strategy to make it a very prosperous town, and the most important thing is shipping. You can use the shipping mechanism to trade with some ports to get the ultimate reward. This guide will introduce you to how this new mechanism works and how to use strategies correctly to maximize your returns from this.

How To Maximize Your Shipping Rewards In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? - Mechanism Detailed & How To Do It

How Does Shipping Work?

Relationship System

Shipping in POE 3.25 is based on the relationship system between your Kingsmarch and other countries. This means that the better your relationship with a country, the more rewards you will get from it. So how to establish friendly relations? Just send them the resources that the country needs, and your reward multiplier will double.

Favored Resources

Those country-specific resources are called favored resources. But you need to be aware that these favored resources are not immutable. As long as you send a batch of resources, a preview of the next batch of favored resources will appear, allowing you to prepare early.

In addition, repeatedly sending goods to the same port while fulfilling these requests will increase your favorability and total rewards. This is very useful in the early stages of building a town because it will bring you a lot of POE Currency as a reward. In this mechanism, each resource type corresponds to a different type of reward:

  • Food - POE Currency
  • Crimson Iron - Armor
  • Orichalcum - Weapons
  • Petrified Amber - Jewelry
  • Bismuth - Gems & Flasks & Jewels & Ward Armor
  • Verisium - Scarabs & Stacked Decks & Fossils & Rogue Markers & Unique Items & Splinters

Shipment Value

In Path of Exile 3.25, you need to pay attention to the fact that Total Shipment Value is not the same as the multiplier for rewards, but a calculator for risk. If you send some non-favored resources to a country, it will definitely not increase the country’s favorability towards you, which is a waste of resources.

So, as mentioned just now, take a close look at the preview of the next batch of Favored Resources that appears after each resource is sent.


Here, Dust is the rarity multiplier of the reward. If you add more Dust to the resources you send, the rarity of the items you receive in return will also increase, but it should be noted that the number of returns will also decrease.

Although Dust will help the value of your Shipment, the increase in returns is not so significant. So you can find a balance between not wasting Dust and getting a good return, which is worth your time to explore.

Risk Percentage

Risk Percentage is mainly determined by the value of Shipment and the current level of the crew. It should be noted here that the value of Shipment is inversely proportional to the risk. The higher the value of Shipment, the higher the risk. However, the crew level is proportional to the risk. The lower the level, the greater the risk.

What Rewards Will Each Port Give You?

As you just learned, the same ore will give you many different rewards, depending on the port you send your ship to. Here are the specific rewards you will get at each port:

Riben Fel

It is the most common port, and some items you get are random.

  • Crimson - Random Armor
  • Orichalcum - Random Weapons
  • Petrified Amber - Rings
  • Bismuth - Quality or Vaal Skill Gems
  • Verisium - Scarabs


It mainly provides you with Strength gear.

  • Crimson - Strength Armor
  • Orichalcum - Strength Weapons
  • Petrified Amber - Belts
  • Bismuth - Quality Support Gems
  • Verisium - Stacked Decks


It mainly provides you with Intelligence gear.

  • Crimson - Intelligence Armor
  • Orichalcum - Intelligence Weapons
  • Petrified Amber - Amulets
  • Bismuth -Flasks
  • Verisium - Fossils or Rogue Markers

Te Onui

It mainly provides you with Dexterity gear.

  • Crimson - Dexterity Armor
  • Orichalcum - Dexterity Weapons
  • Petrified Amber - Jewelry (with Quality)
  • Bismuth - Jewels (can be double corrupted)
  • Verisium - Unique Items


Although it provides you with random items, the quality is better than Riben Fel.

  • Crimson - Random Armor
  • Orichalcum - Random Weapons
  • Petrified Amber - Rings or Belts
  • Bismuth - Ward Armor
  • Verisium - Splinters (Breach, Timeless, Simulacrum, Ritual)

How To Maximize Your Shipping Rewards?

To maximize your shipping rewards, you should first focus on Favored Resources. When you only transport the resources needed by a country on a ship, you can increase its favorability towards you and maximize your rewards.

Secondly, you also need to pay attention to the ports that can help you increase your favorability. You can focus on 2-3 ports instead of all ports for sending resources. In addition, as mentioned above, Ores are not as rewarding as Bars, so you can smelt Ores into Bars before sending resources to get 5 times the reward and POE Currency.

Finally, you also need to pay attention to balancing the use of Dust and strengthening your crew level appropriately. This will make your entire transportation process safer and more efficient, and will also reduce some unnecessary results.

The above is some information and tips on the shipping mechanism in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur, and how to increase your Shipping Rewards. I hope you can rely on this mechanism to build your commercial town as soon as possible!


Next: How To Smelt Ore In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? - Detailed Explanation Of Smelting Mechanism
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