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What Changes Does The Latest POE 3.25 Patch Make To Shipping Mechanism? - Buffs Or Nerfs

Aug 16, 2024

With the release of the latest POE 3.25 patch, there have been some changes to Shipping mechanics in Settlers of Kalguur League. Many players have been speculating that Runes and Tattoos in their shipments are affected by Dust they put in.

But with this update, even if you send a shipment without any Thaumaturgic Dust, Runes and Tattoos will always be there, and you may also get some Divine Orbs and Tier 1 Currency Items.

Unlike before, Thaumaturgic Dust should now only scale based on the amount of resources you send, so it is no longer a fixed set value. After testing, we found that even if you run a set of shipments without Dust, you can still bring back at least 1 Divine Orb. All trades have a risk cap of just under 1%, and as long as you have the resources in your quota and 1k to 6k of other crops, the rewards will still increase proportionally.

What Changes Does The Latest POE 3.25 Patch Make To Shipping Mechanism? - Buffs Or Nerfs

How To Maximize Shipping Benefits?

I believe many players will question why we can get Tier 1 Currency Items so easily. This point cannot be emphasized enough.

Don’t send shipments unless you have at least 7K resources they require. Because it is inefficient to randomly send a bunch of crops to a port that doesn’t have them.

If the quota here includes crops, you basically need to send as many crops as possible, with 2 batches of shipments having 30k wheat and corn. But the problem is meeting the quota requirements for Minerals, because they don’t automatically spawn on the farm like plants. Therefore, the item rewards from them are only worth it if you hit the set of tier 1 mods on the right basis.

If you are not interested in Mines and prefer to get some Currency Items, then you have to complete these tasks manually through the game. That’s why you need to exit quickly after entering the map and interacting with League mechanic. This helps you reallocate quota as quickly as possible to get the next set of crop quota. Of course, it would be even better if the reallocation could be done automatically every day.

One may also wonder why Bars are sent instead of Ores. Because Mines have a 3x higher fulfillment value compared to Ores, which means that it is much faster to reallocate quota by sending Bars.

Thaumaturgic Dust Mechanism Changes

So do all these rewards scale with Thaumaturgic Dust now? The answer is actually yes! But with the new changes, it will be very different!

Basically, it will now increase the value by 1 until you have as much Dust as the original value of the shipment, and then it will drop significantly.

To make it easier for you to understand, here is an example. The 10k Dust will double a 10k shipment, which is a 1:1 ratio. But adding more Dust than the base shipment value only brings diminishing returns. Because it’s additive, not multiplicative.

Before the patch, “4x” was equivalent to 5M Dust for any shipment. Now, 5M Dust will “4x” a 550k shipment. So, your POE Currency gain is based on how much Dust you can produce and how big your shipment is.

POE 3.25 Thaumaturgic Dust Mechanism Changes

Why Did They Make This Change To Dust?

So why did GGG make this change in the first place? First, they did it for good reasons. Mainly that it had too much of an impact on Risk Reward System, which forced people to pay 8000 Dust for every shipment. Also, Shipment Value Meter wasn’t honest with us. To this day, there’s still debate on Reddit about whether Dust actually adds any rewards.

However, Patch 3.25.1 not only makes it clear that dust scales, but also how it scales now. Although the patch doesn’t mention what the specific number is, you can tell that its calculation mechanism is additive, not multiplicative.

However, if Shipment Value does not reflect the rewards you get, avoid gambling with large amounts of unsolicited items and Thaumaturgic Dust. Because many people spent an entire week of resources and got nothing.

Some people also use it to make Mirror Shards. However, in order to send such many shipments, you need a large crew with tier 10 members, which will help you send a large amount of crops as well as quotas at the destination.

The biggest difference from before is that these shipments are technically an enormous gamble. It takes more than a week to produce such crops, but unless you get Mirror Shards, each shipment will not bring any profit in 1 week.

Is It A Good Idea To Send Extremely Low-Value Shipments?

The main reason for sending smaller shipments frequently with a medium crew is that this way you can encounter bosses more often. Defeating them will not only drop a lot of gold, but also Power Runes, which are now skyrocketing in price.

But if sending smaller shipments is better, then why not send extremely small ones, such as 10 to 100 pieces at a time? If you send extremely small shipments, you get very few currency items. More importantly, crops don’t work that way.

As we mentioned, GGG doesn’t want players to get a lot of Alterations and Transmutations when sending a lot of crops, and they know what will happen if they do that. Therefore, they implemented a currency upgrade feature that upgrades Alterations to Chaos and Chaos to Divines depending on the stack. So sending too many shipments is a gamble, and too few will result in you getting very little.

Anyway, these are the changes to Shipping mechanics in the new patch. Do you think it changes Shipping and Dust? Is it a nerf or a buff to POE 3.25 league mechanics? See you in the game!


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