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Why Was The Unique Body Armor In Path Of Exile 3.25 Forgotten By Players? - Reasons & Effects

Sep 13, 2024

As always, the arrival of a new league brings with it a number of new changes, but the most notable addition to POE 3.25 is the addition of 60 new Base Types, spread across Helmets, Armor, Boots, and Gloves slots. These new Base Types were introduced primarily to balance out the fact that characters previously had mostly basic defensive stats.

The change nerfed Defensive Auras and indirectly nerfed a number of unique items and builds. This was especially true for Archetypes that lacked investment elsewhere to scale defensive stats, as these specific builds relied heavily on using Auras combined with a decent amount of Aura effect scaling to get reasonable defensive power. This meant that a lot of players would use important unique items in these situations, with a good example from previous patches being Lightning Coil.

However, the addition of these new Base Types and the subsequent nerf to Defensive Auras ended up significantly nerfing the use of these unique items. Because these PoE items are not compensated in any way by the nerfs to Auras.

It is very likely that GGG will move some unique items to the new Base Type without changing their stats, effectively buffing these items with updated base defense stats. After all, they have done this before for other unique items.

Here, we will take a look at the impact of these changes to get a better understanding of what things will be stronger in Settlers of Kalguur League.

Why Was The Unique Body Armor In Path Of Exile 3.25 Forgotten By Players? - Reasons & Effects

Why Is There A Sharp Drop In The Usage Of Unique Body Armour?

The usage of unique items has dropped sharply in PoE 3.25, especially Unique Body Armour. When comparing PoE 3.24 Necropolis and PoE 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur, we can see that the gap is staggering.

In Softcore Trade League, the usage of Rare Body Armour has almost doubled, from 27% of all characters in PoE 3.24 to 48% of all characters in PoE 3.25 now. This is of course not 100% because of the new Base Types and Aura Nerfs, but is influenced by another important factor: what exactly is popular and what builds are being played?

For example, Deadeye is the most popular class in Necropolis, and across all those Deadeye builds, over 80% of builds use Unique Body Armour. Whereas for the most popular class in Settlers of Kalguur, Slayer, only 26% of builds use Unique Body Armour.

But if we isolate Deadeye for a moment, we can see that Unique Armour usage has dropped significantly across both leagues for builds with similar classes, down 26%.

The core reason for these shifts is of course the increased power level of Rare Body Armour relative to these Unique choices. More importantly, using Unique Armour in POE 3.25 means you give up a lot of Defensive stats, which you could previously make up for by using Defensive Auras, but now these nerfs are not compensated. This trend can be seen across Unique Body Armours with only a few exceptions.


Here we’ll take two specific Unique Armours as examples. These two Body Armours have been a big part of the meta for many build Archetypes for a long time before this patch, Lightning Coil and Fourth Vow.

Lightning Coil

Lightning Coil usage has dropped from 8% of Necropolis characters to 2% of Settlers of Kalguur, a 75% reduction in characters using Lightning Coil.

A big factor here is that there are half as many Pathfinder characters in Path of Exile 3.25 as there were in POE 3.24. But the reason for this is not the introduction of those new Base Types, but another change to Damage Taken As, which significantly nerfed Taste of Hate and other stats, making it impossible for characters to achieve 100% Physical Damage Taken As Elemental.

This was a very popular way to deal physical damage before. In older leagues, this, combined with the nerf to the monster Overwhelm, made traditional ways of defending against physical damage like Armor and Endurance Charges much more reliable. This is why using Lightning Coil, while not mandatory for many builds, is still very useful and still very popular.

But overall, the change in POE 3.25 from a purely damage-focused defense setup to a hybrid multi-layered defense setup has seen Lightning Coil usage decline somewhat.

Path Of Exile 3.25 Lightning Coil

Fourth Vow

This is an interesting unique for Fourth Vow. Fourth Vow has always been the go-to for defense setups, and by combining it with Divine Flesh and stacking a lot of armor, it can completely mitigate the upcoming Elemental Hit.

But from POE 3.24 to POE 3.25, the usage of Fourth Vow has dropped from 6% to 0.7%. There are some very important factors at play here that you may not immediately recognize just from the usage rate and the builds that use it.

While the percentage of Necromancers using the item as a percentage of the class usage has increased, the number of Necromancers actually using it has decreased significantly because of the nerf to Detonate Dead. Meanwhile, the nerf to Champion Ascendancy didn’t help Fourth Vow much either.

But those two factors only affected the number of builds that could use Fourth Vow. There were three other very big changes that had an enormous impact on the item.

The first and probably the biggest change is that they removed Divine Blessing Support, which had incredible synergy with Fourth Vow. Since it combined with Divine Flesh would make Energy Shield almost useless since all damage would bypass it, these builds would use Eldritch Battery to solve the mana cost and grant it Energy Shield, allowing the use of the extra Aura with Divine Blessing. But Divine Blessing is gone now, and with it these builds lose a lot of power from the extra Aura.

The second big change is of course the nerf to Determination. 99% of Fourth Vow builds in POE 3.24 used Determination, while only 91% did so in POE 3.25. While the percentage drop isn’t huge, the actual number of people using Fourth Vow is much lower. And this nerf to Determination is one of the key factors for this. It also means that these builds now need to invest more POE Currency to achieve the same level of armor as before.

The third major change is about Juggernaut Unbreakable. Unbreakable Ascendancy Passive Skill no longer provides 8% armor applied to incoming Fire, Cold, and Lightning. Now it has 15% armor applied to incoming Chaos damage as well.

Juggernaut Unbreakable has incredible synergy with Fourth Vow and Divine Flesh, allowing the character to split incoming elemental damage into multiple types to apply armor to each type to mitigate the damage. But the new Juggernaut relies more on Endurance Charges to mitigate elemental damage.

While you could argue that the new Unbreakable simply provides a new option to run a crafted Rare Body Armour and Divine Flesh to achieve similar results, the fact is that you gain an enormous benefit against physical damage by doing so. You’ll have access to more base armor and an extra PDR Suffix, not to mention the powerful Eldritch Implicit. Because of this change, the use of Fourth Vow in Juggernaut builds has dropped dramatically by over 50%.

Path Of Exile 3.25 Fourth Vow

Some Unique Body Armours Still Popular

While Unique Body Armour usage has dropped overall, not all Unique Body Armour has dropped. In fact, some Body Armour remains just as popular as they were in previous leagues, while some have even increased in popularity.

Cloak of Flame usage has remained around 8% in POE 3.25 leagues. This is thanks to the increased Chieftain play rate, which has increased the number of characters using Cloak.

Surprisingly, despite Battlemage’s Cry nerf, Iron Fortress Strength Stacking Body Armour has remained popular among Settlers of Kalguur.

One of the biggest winners, Cloak of Defiance, saw its usage increase by nearly 400% from POE 3.24 to POE 3.25.


Overall, Unique Body Armour usage has indeed dropped, which could change the focus of many players when creating builds. However, whether GGG makes any changes to these items in future leagues, whether it is buffing their unique stats, or simply moving them to a stronger Base Type, or perhaps they are also happy to make these items more niche, only time will tell.


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