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POE 3.20: This Build Tanks Everything!

Feb 23, 2023

I can safely say this is the tankiest character that I ever played. The damage is amazing even in Uber boss fights.


How We Deal Damage?

First, let's talk about damage. Let's see what things I got on the damage side: our skill choice is Blade Trap.

You throw a trap and when it gets triggered, it will use your weapon and start spinning around, like cyclone. Therefore, it's important what weapon we are using. And we need to reach 100% accuracy rating and use a really cheap weapon, namely Ephemeral Edge Dusk Blade, which is a unique weapon. This weapon has a few important stat that are only exclusive to this weapon.

First and the most important part, attacks with this weapon have added Maximum Lightning Damage equal to 20% of Maximum Energy Shield, while also give us tons of Energy Shield. Therefore, we need lots of Energy Shield to benefit from this weapon. With that much Energy Shield, this weapon become over 1.5k elemental DPS weapon, which is superb for 1 Chaos Orb.

We can use 3 curse of our choice because we are using the newest unique ring, Anathema. Our curse limit is equal to our maximum power charges. Every character can have 3 charges, so we can add 3 curse to the build. It's up to you to go full offensive and use all the damage curse or use 2 damage and 1 defensive curse.

I took the defensive route because I have enough damage even with two curses. So, the offensive curses I'm using are: Elemental Weakness & Conductivity.

You can add punishment as your third curse if you want more damage. But I like to do this when I have a good balance in offense and defense.

On the defensive side, I have a tremendous surprise for you: Aspect of the Crab. This will give us Crab Barriers every half second and it will grant Physical Damage Reduction per crab stack. But when we take a hit, we will lose all the stacks. This is when we come in handy with our high evasion rating.

  • We are using Grace for evasion rating, so we almost can't die from the monsters' basic attacks or projectiles.
  • 100% Spell Suppression. This is coming from the tree.
  • A unique boots Atziri's Step. This will give us a huge chuck of Spell Suppression and evasion.
  • A Watcher's Eye. While Grace affects it, you have Increased Spell Suppression. The really interesting part is our Energy Shield.


Where Is The 17k Energy Shield Is Coming From?

Let's start with the biggest source: our chest piece, Ghostwrithe.

This chest alone gives us more than 7k Energy Shield because it will convert our Maximum Life to Energy Shield. From now, we can scale our Life and Energy Shield at the same time. Therefore, I have Life and Energy Shield on every single piece of gear.

We also stacked intelligence to get more Energy Shield. I reached over 800 intelligence.

17k Energy Shield in POE 3.20

We achieve this with intelligence on every gear slot, using a very cheap solution in our belt slot: Cyclopean Coil unique belt. This has good rolls and attributes. Catalyst can give 18% increased attributes.

Another big chuck of Energy Shield is coming from our amulet Presence of Chayula. It will also convert our Maximum Life to Energy Shield. You may already notice we are reserving a little less than 50% of our life. I'm using Arctic Armour with Arrogance Support, so I can become immune to Freeze. Maybe you wonder that we have that much energy shield, but what happens when we encountering with Chaos Damage? We just die?


What We Do Against Chaos Damage?

This is when another unique item came in: Esh's Visage unique shield. Chaos Damage taken does not bypass our Energy Shield while not on low life. Therefore, I mentioned our spell that are reserving life.

In short, don't reserve more that you 50% of your life and you will be safe from the Chaos Damage.


Flask Permanent Uptime - NO Mageblood

I mentioned earlier, we have a permanent flask uptime. We achieve this with a few simple things.

Flask Permanent Uptime in POE 3.20

Maybe you wonder why I'm only using 3 flask. Because I'm using the Traitor Keystone form a Timeless Jewel. The Traitor gives 4 Flask Charges every 5 seconds for each empty Flask Slot. Alone, this is not enough to sustain our flask.

We need quality up our flasks with Hillock from the Betrayal mechanic and you need at least 26% Quality. You need him in research and he needs to be ranked 3 to get this option.


Energy Shield Regeneration

We have almost 3k Energy Shield regeneration. This is coming from our ascendancy. We get life regeneration when our trap is activated. Therefore, you see melee sometimes just throw the traps and POE Currency even there is no enemy nearby.

We convert this regeneration to Energy Shield with Zealot's Oath keystone. All life regeneration applies to energy.



You should use a bunch of unique items in this build. Let's start with our weapon: Ephemeral Edge unique weapon. This weapon has a few important data that are only exclusive to this weapon.

Powerful Endgame Uniques Series in POE 3.20

  • First and the most important part, attacks with this weapon have added maximum lightning damage equal to 20% of maximum Energy Shield while also give us tons of energy shield.
  • Esh's Visage unique shield. Chaos Damage taken does not bypass our Energy Shield while not on low life. Thanks to this shield we can have only 600 life and not die in Chaos Damage.
  • Ghostwrithe unique body armor. This is the reason we can scale our Energy Shield from our life. Because these items are converting our maximum life to Energy Shield while also give us tons of Chaos Resistance.
  • Atziri's Step unique boots.This pair of boots give us spell suppression, life and a bunch of evasion rating. It's important to use this because we can't cap our spell suppression without this. Also, this pair of boots give us at least 100 plus Energy Shield because we are taking on the tree evasion and Energy Shield mastery +1 to energy shield per 8 evasion rating on boots.
  • Presence of Chayula unique amulet. With this, we cannot be stunned and convert our Maximum Life to Energy Shield and we are anointing arcane focus for more energy shield.
  • Anathema unique ring. With this ring, we can use 3 curse in the build. It also gives us intelligence and a little of Energy Shield.
  • Cyclopean Coil unique belt. Because we are stacking intelligence, this is a cheap option to get high intelligence. Also, it will help us get the rest attributes equipment for our gear and gems. It is worth to mention that it also increases our damage with the lowest attributes we have.



The following is implicit you can craft with the Eldritch Currency. Spam till you get:

On your gloves - Ghoul Clutches Sorcerer Gloves (Inflict Lightning Exposure On Hit. While there is a unique enemy nearby, there's 15% Increased Trap Throwing Speed).

On your helmet - Viper Veil Hubris Circlet (Physical Damage From Hits taken as cold, but every other element is good and conductivity has Increased Curse Effect).

Worth to mention: we are using a helm Enchantment Blade Trap rotates +1 times. Also, we have an aspect of Crab Skill. On this item, you can apply this mod from Blood Altar in the Menagerie.


Flasks - Important

Flasks we are using are Sapphire, Topaz and a Ruby Flask. You need the following mod on the flasks. The order doesn’t matter.

Only one mod needs to be present on all the flasks - Increased Charge Recovery and you need the highest tier nearly 50%.

When you crafting your flask, pay attention because there is a Hibrid Mod that also charges recovery. But you will get less flask effect.

The sub mods are:

  • Regenerate 3% of life per second during effect. You can get this mod from the Betrayal mechanic when you are unveiling flasks.
  • Reduced mana cost of skill during effect. You need to have mana cost on your blade because if you have a high flask effect, it will be free and you don’t get the inspiration stacks.
  • Additional elemental resistance during effect. I’m using this because it was hard to get the resistance capped.
  • Evasion rating during effect. It is suitable if you can be resistance capped without the effect of the previous mod.


Passive Tree

I just want to highlight a few things on the passive tree that you need for the build.

We are using 8 passive cluster jewel with Smite the Weak, Advance Guard and Veteran Defender.

Brutal Restraint Timeless Jewel In POE 3.20

We are using four point medium cluster jewels with Set and Forget, Guerilla Tactics, Energy From Within (This jewel will convert our life node to energy shield) unique jewel, Brutal Restraint Timeless Jewel (This will give you the Traitor keystone) and a Watcher’s Eye with gain maximum mana as extra energy shield.

While affected by grace, you have increased spell suppression. If you can’t find this combination or it’s too expensive for you, you only need the suppression while affected by grace.

Also Read: Best Divine Orbs Farming Strategies In Path Of Exile 3.20



We are taking Saboteur as our ascendancy.

The notables in order are:

Perfect Crime In POE 3.20

  • First lab: You will take Perfect Crime because our mana cost in the early stages is high. This helps sustain our mana, also it gives us extra damage.
  • Second lab: You will take Chain Reaction. It will increase the Blade Trap area effect, so it can hit bigger area and can overlap on bigger enemies.
  • Third lab: You will take Pyromaniac. This is what I really like. In this ascendancy, you will get health regeneration and you will be immune to Shock and Ignite.

When you complete your Uber lab, take born in the shadow. This is our defensive part. You will take less damage from the blinded enemies while nearby enemies are also blinded.

Also Read: Path of Exile 3.21 + 3.22 + POE 2 VS Diablo 4?


Gem And Links

Gem and Gem links are starting with our fundamental skill in our body armor Divingert Blade Trap, Awakened Elemental Focus, Inspiration, Swift Assembly, Awakaned Elemental Damage and Trap and Mine Damage Support.

When you’re doing maps, switch out the Swift Assembly Support to Cluster Traps Support in our weapon and Arrogance with Arctic Armor and Enlighten level 3.

  • In our gloves, we are casting Elemental Weakness, Anomalous Conductivity, and Enfeeble.
  • In our boots, we are casting Flame Dash, Precision and Clarity.
  • In our shield, we are casting Increased Duration, Bear Trap and Immortal Call.
  • In our helmet, we are casting Summon Skitterbots, Discipline, Grace and Enlighten level 3.


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