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News Tag: Divine Orbs

  • How To Achieve Mirror Farming Success Within Sanctum In POE 3.23? - Penance Brand Occultist Build

    How To Achieve Mirror Farming Success Within Sanctum In POE 3.23? - Penance Brand Occultist Build

    Dec 23, 2023

    This is my insane Sanctum build for POE 3.23 Affliction League — the Penance Brand of Dissipation Occultist.

    It boasts considerable damage, capable of swiftly eliminating all guards and Sanctum floor bosses. This build’s speed is impressive, and it’s relatively more affordable compared to other Sanctum builds, requiring only around 40-45 Divine Orbs.

    Sanctum proves to be perhaps the most straightforward method to accumulate hundreds of Divine Orbs in Path of Exile when utilizing a powerful build. For this cost, you gain substantial damage, excellent movement speed, and an uncomplicated gameplay style.

    Upon personal assessment, this build efficiently farms Uber bosses in a mere 2-3 seconds. In my experience, this could very well be the finest Sanctum build I’ve ever utilized in Path of Exile.


    Firstly, why Occultist?

    The answer is simple: because of double curse and a lot of damage per power charges. More damage is the number one priority in Sanctum.


    We have only two rare items in this build. All other POE Items are unique.

    As for the weapon, we use cheap Void Battery Wands for plus power charge, more critical strike chance, and cast speed. This is our main damage source.

    As for shield, we use the unique Malachai’s Loop, which provides +2 power charges and more damage.

    As for helmet, we use Heatshiver because it gives us a lot of extra fire damage. Despite the slight nerf in the 3.23 patch notes, it’s still good for this build.

    As for body armor, we use Dialla’s Malefaction. It’s crucial for this build, giving us +2 levels to all gems socketed in red sockets and +30% quality to all gems socketed in green sockets. Gems don’t care about socket color. I have 3 red sockets and 3 green sockets. And we put Penance Brand of Dissipation in red, Empower level 4 in red, and Concentrated Effect also in red.

    The gloves (Bramble Caress) should have a lot of strength and dexterity. We craft 25% of physical damage converted to lightning, and it’s better to have maximum life and one elemental resistance. Then, we craft 2 Eldritch Implicits for cold exposure hit and a chance to shock enemies for more damage.

    As for boots, we use the unique Relakesh’s Impatience, providing a maximum of power charges and 30% movement speed.

    As for amulet, we use Badge of the Brotherhood for power charges, allocated with Infused for one more power charge. And it’s our damage.

    To unique rings, Call of the Brotherhood, it offers a lot of elemental damage and conversion.

    The last item, Rage Cord vise, also needs a lot of strength and dexterity, maximum life, and 1 elemental resistance.

    Totally, in this build, you should have 155 dexterity and 155 strengthAncient Rend jewel should be with maximum life and Critical Modifiers. Of course, if you are missing something, please use your POE Currency to buy it in time!


    About flasks, just copy all my flasks:

    • Divine Life Flask of Assuaging
    • Taste of Haste Sapphire Flask
    • Continuous Quicksilver Flask of Cheetah
    • Transgressor’s Silver Flask of Incision
    • Atziri’s Promise Amethyst Flask

    Passive Tree

    Now, let’s discuss the passive tree.

    We have 2 identical large cluster jewels in this build with Prismatic HeartSnowstorm, and Widespread Destruction.

    Additionally, there are 3 identical medium cluster jewels with Pressure Points and Quick Gateway. Don’t forget, these clusters also offer bonus attributes and resistances.


    There are 5 unique jewels and 1 rare jewel in this build. The first unique jewel, That Which Was Taken, provides Critical Strike Multiplier.

    The next 2 jewels are Forbidden Flesh and Forbidden Flame with Shaper of Storms.

    Additionally, we utilize Timeless Jewels for Elemental Resistances and Brand Damage, and Inner Conviction for Power Charges.

    The last unique jewel is Watcher’s Eye, granting increased lightning damage while affected by Race and cold penetration while affected by Hatred. However, another Watcher’s Eye providing damage buffs while affected by either Race or Hatred or both is an alternative option.

    As for the one rare jewel, it can serve any purpose needed. Personally, I required additional attributes, hence I opted for 17 strength and 9 dexterity alongside additional Critical Strike Multiplier for more damage.

    Also Read: 5 Most Recommended League Starters For POE 3.23 Affliction League


    Regarding Charms, I’ve used only 2 open slots for more damage.

    The first charm (Assassin’s Lupine Charm) boosts my Critical Strike Chance when at maximum power charges due to the functionality of our Riveted boots.

    The second charm (Assassin’s Lupine Charm of the Deadeye) focuses on increased damage per power charge. These charms can be replicated or substituted for attributes and critical strike modifiers.


    In terms of defense, this build lacks substantial defense and has low life. However, the risk of death is minimized if the brand skill is consistently utilized against guards or the final floor boss to prevent being one-shot.

    There’s almost a 100% chance to freeze enemies (around 99%), providing an advantage. Against the last floor boss, employing brand skills along with Haste Aura, Frostbite, Elemental Weakness for approximately 1 second leads to the boss’s swift demise.

    This build is remarkably swift and potent. Running and using brands results in guards perishing in a mere second, a phenomenon also observed with floor bosses.


    Furthermore, this build includes the respec skill gems, allowing for 2 specters. I employ new corpses for this purpose.

    The first spectre, Perfect Pain Artist, augments Critical Strike Damage. And the Zealotry aura is remarkably powerful.

    The next spectre is a regular Naval Officer for precision aura.

    Totally, these 2 spectres cost only 40 Chaos Orbs, so it’s really cheap and easy to buy.

  • My Tornado Shot Magic Find Journey In POE 3.23 Affliction League

    My Tornado Shot Magic Find Journey In POE 3.23 Affliction League

    Dec 14, 2023

    Due to POE 3.23 Affliction League’s arrival, I’m back on the journey to Tornado Shot Magic Find

    At first, I continued to farm the Cemetery Map in the hope of getting a couple of Brother’s Gifts. But since I received only 2 Brothers’ Stash and no gift, I decided to start farming Crimson Temple instead of the Cemetery. 

    Also, many people farm Burial Chambers Map since it has the Doctor and the Fortunate, but I didn’t try it. 

    The first Ventor’s Gamble Gold Ring looks good. I can use it for the first time. 

    Since I don’t have enough damage for comfortable mapping, I decided to try making a new bow. 

    First, I need Spine Bow 86 item level, and we need fracture 3 additional arrows: Glyph Nock, Horror Twine & Kraken Branch. If you have enough POE Currency, you can also fracture Eagle Breeze and Agony Volley

    Finally, it would be cheaper to buy a ready-made base. First, we will make 30% quality. I spent about 1 Divine Orb on Fossils before I got it. 

    For crafting, I use the Shrieking Essence. Any that gives flat damage (Anger, Wrath, or Hatred) will do. I used Anger since it was the cheapest. 

    We use them until we get one of the other Elemental Damage. After which, it is best to use Beastcraft, remove suffix at prefix so that we have free suffixes, and hope to get the third Elemental Damage. After which, we make the ‘Prefix Cannot Be Changed’ in Aisling. 

    But since I didn’t want to look for Aisling, I just used Veiled Chaos Orb. Don’t repeat after me as it might ruin your suffixes.

    Next, we craft damage for any charges and unveil. Critical chance or attack speed is best, but mods such as critical multiplier or double damage can also be left and craft attack speed or critical chance. 

    Of course, we do 6-Links. I usually don’t use the bench to do this, but my double click mouse is broken, so I have to use craft and enchant attack speed. In short, I have 1047 Elemental DPS, 8% Critical Strike Chance, and 2 additional arrows. Not bad! 

    Unlike a physical bow, I don’t have much experience in crafting an elemental one, so perhaps there are other cheaper or easier crafting options that I don’t know about.

    These are scarabs and sextants that I used in the first couple of dozen maps:

    • Gilded Divination Scarab
    • Rusted Legion Scarab
    • Polished Reliquary Scarab
    • Polished Ambush Scarab
    • Charged Compass

    So, at the moment, I ran about 100 maps and got 8 seven years’ bad luck and won the Apothecary. Now, I have about 100 Divine Orbs, and I’m still missing out on Headhunter.

    Now, my build looks like this. I have enough damage but still lack speed and survivability. This will be fixed with the purchase of a Headhunter and other improvements to the build. For now, this is only the initial version. 

    I highly do not recommend starting MF without a Headhunter, as you will die very often. There are also a couple of useful charms, such as: 

    • ‘Chance to gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on kill’, which allows you to remove Silver Flask, recover 1% of life, and mana on kill.
    • 'Cannot take reflected Elemental Damage'

    They are cheap, but extremely useful. 

  • A Fast & Cheap POE 3.23 Affliction League Starter - Rain Of Arrows Raider

    A Fast & Cheap POE 3.23 Affliction League Starter - Rain Of Arrows Raider

    Dec 04, 2023

    In this guide, I want to introduce you to a really fast and cheap POE 3.23 league starter: Rain of Arrows Raider

    In the POE 3.23 Affliction patch notes, you can see that many skills have received a +2 to their projectiles, and Rain of Arrows is no exception. 

    Now, gem quality gives you +4 arrows but a smaller area, and this is a really good boost for single target damage. This is because previously, the clear speed was also good, but for a single target, it was not so much. So, this league, Rain of Arrows is going to be much better.


    First of all, let me tell you why you can choose this build as a league starter. Let’s start with progression leveling

    When the league starts, all players try to complete the acts and get to the maps as fast as possible and Rain of Arrows is really fast. Since starting from the second act, the clearing speed is fast and convenient. This means that you can quickly go through the acts and get onto the maps. 

    Starting with maps, the situation gets even better since Rain of Arrows doesn’t need special POE Items and everything can be picked up from the floor or easily crafted using Essences or a Crafting Bench

    Also, in my build, there is only one unique item: Hyrri’s Truth Jade Amulet, and it costs 1 Chaos Orb and on white maps it’s not needed at all. So, don’t worry, it won’t cost much POE Currency.

    As for pros and cons of the build and how it works in general, everything is very simple and clear. On the maps, I just run with Blood Rage on and shoot arrows. They fall and monsters die. 

    When it’s time to kill the boss, I call ballistas, use flasks and press for a Lightning Arrow, and after some time, the boss dies. 

    This build is ideal for mapping Expeditions and Blights because it has a very fast mechanic that hits all the monsters around and you don’t even stop. So, there will be no problems on maps of any tier.

    Path Of Building

    In my build, I use Raider ascendancy, but you might be wondering why not Champion? I recommend choosing a Raider because of the large variability of build changes in the future. Since in the late end game, there may be problems with single target damage and you can easily change the build to Tornado Shot Venom Gyre or just go with Rain of Arrows. 

    The only downside to this build is that it doesn’t directly deal high damage to a single target. But it’s still enough for red maps and invitations.

    In PoB, on the skill gems page, I have created several sets of skill gems: several for acts, one for diversion without Critical Hits and the last one with crits for red maps. So, after the acts, try to change into diversion with crits. It will be more easy and do more damage. 

    On the passive tree, I made options for leveling, a version without crits and two versions for end game. In one case, I use the cluster jewel and in second, Lioneye’s Fall unique jewel, which transforms these 10 passives and they begin to work for bows. 

    Regarding items, everything is very easily described here. Before the end game, everything can be crafted in literally 1 minute or even taken from the floor. The main thing is to have all the resists and a good critical chance. 

    The situation with skill gems is similar. Everything is in the picture. Just watch and repeat. There are no expensive skill gems here, so they’re easy to get. If you go into the late end game and continue to play with Rain of Arrows, you can change the usual gems to Awakened to increase the damage.


    If we talk about the cost of the endgame version, which easily farms all red maps, it is not more than 10 to 15 Divine Orbs and you can craft all the things by yourself. An amulet is unique, just buy it for 1 Chaos Orb.

    About defense, it’s not so bad and just average. As any other bow builds with fast clearing speed, there is only one rule: you are fine as long as you run and shoot.

    Therefore, if you’re looking for a cheap, fast and comfortable build that covers the entire Atlas except Uber’s in Path of Exile 3.23, Rain of Arrows is definitely for you!

  • How To Climb The Ranks In POE 3.22 TOTA? - 8 Tips

    How To Climb The Ranks In POE 3.22 TOTA? - 8 Tips

    Sep 18, 2023

    Here, I want to share with you some tips and tricks I’ve learned when I was climbing the ranks in the POE 3.22 Trials of the Ancestors. I know it’s already a month into the league, but I hope this guide can help those who are still trying to climb the ranks and improve their chances of winning.

    The build I use is the SRS Minion Instability Guardian.

    1. Fill Out Your Flankers

    Tip number one: focus on filling out your flankers. They are your key to victory. These units will attempt to sneak to the sides and focus on banishing the enemy totems.

    I recommend getting Thunderbird as they can teleport around or Field Masters with their ability to create walls to block enemies. You can buy Thunderbirds for 800 Valako Favor and Field Masters for 600 Rongokurai Favor.

    If you don’t have those units, filling them out any mobile Warriors will be the next best thing.

    2. Focus On Better Units Early

    Tip number two: prioritize on getting better units in the early rounds rather than small POE Currency.

    Unless it’s worth a Divine Orb, I’d rather have a better chance at winning the latter rounds than getting a couple of Chaos Orbs. In round two, I have trash rewards except for Awakened Sextants and Chaos Orbs.

    Going for Akoya gives a good amount of favors, but I want to fill out my flankers. So, focusing on Valako or Rongokurai Favors is my priority. I can go for Ahuana. But since she already lost once and I can get Awakened Sextants or go for Kaom and pray that Ahuana doesn’t lose the following rounds.

    3. Don’t Sell Warriors Early

    Tip number three: stop selling your Navali Tribe Warriors when you are short.

    Instead, check the other tribes that you have favors to spare and buy totems or equipment to sell. You can start selling your Warriors for upgrades at the latter rounds. But in the early rounds, it’s better to have lots of bodies to throw at your opponents.

    The only exception to this is when I’m buying Thunderbirds or Field Masters.

    4. Distract, CC & Lure

    Tip number four: your purpose is to distract, CC, and lure enemy Warriors.

    At higher ranks, everything is tanky. So, unless you have hundreds of millions of damage, your best bet would be to CC or lure them and let your flankers do their job.

    For my build, I use Vaal Summon Skeletons linked with Knockback Support and a Soul Ripper to distract the enemies.

    Also, try to do an X pattern when channeling their totems. I channel on the totem on the lower left most part to lure the defenders to me and let my flankers go after their back line.

    When I see the defenders near me, I just go to the other corner and help out my flankers. Rinse and repeat, and you should win in no time.

    5. Profane Proxy + Temporal Chains

    Tip number five: if you can fit it in, try to use a Profane Proxy with Temporal Chains and Summon Skitterbots. Watch as the defenders walk like babies towards you.

    6. It’s A Boss Fight

    Tip number six: treat it as a boss fight.

    Like fighting bosses, you shouldn’t stand around and take their hits. Hit and run is the best strategy.

    Remember, on higher ranks, everything can one shot you. So, it’s better to stop channeling and move to another totem rather than getting stunned and dying.

    There are some totems that could regenerate. But most of the time, you could gradually wear down their totems. I tend to destroy those regenerating totems last.

    7. Don’t Hover Your Mouse On Totems

    With that said, tip number seven is to stop hovering your mouse over the totem you’re channeling.

    You should have your mouse on the side ready to teleport when you see an incoming attack.

    There’s a bug where if you teleport away just as an attack is about to hit you, you still get stunned visually. And when the stun ends, I’m already at the end of the map.

    8. Ally Totems Are A Resource

    Lastly, tip number eight, treat your totems as a resource.

    You don’t have to always go back to defend your base every time you see an X mark. Let your defenders do their jobs. Two X marks means there’s two fewer defenders to worry about.

    I only go back when the X aren’t disappearing, which means my defenders are dead or busy when there’s more than three attackers or when they’re attacking my flankers totems.

    If you’re really worried, you can focus on destroying the flanker totems on the side where the X are showing since it’s most likely the flankers on that side that are attacking your totems.

  • How to Craft a Triple-Attribute Omniscience Ring in POE 3.22? - Storm Twirl Amethyst Ring

    How to Craft a Triple-Attribute Omniscience Ring in POE 3.22? - Storm Twirl Amethyst Ring

    Sep 07, 2023

    In this guide, we’re crafting a triple-attribute Omniscience ring (Storm Twirl Amethyst Ring), something a bit like the picture below.

    This ring sells well almost every league (including POE 3.22) used with Crystallized Omniscience, where attributes apply to Omniscience instead.

    Buying a Base

    Let’s start by buying our base.

    These are not the cheapest to craft as we need at least a tier 2 fractured attribute on an amethyst ring base (item level 82 or higher). The Torment Gyre Amethyst Ring we used was one Divine Orb from trade and will work perfectly.

    Fixing the Basics

    Let’s start by fixing the basics on this ring.

    First, scour the ring back to Magic. Next apply 10 Intrinsic Catalysts for 20% quality to our attribute mods. This increases their values past their usual maximum.

    Then, use Blessed Orbs to maximum roll the implicit. In this case, it’s 23% Chaos Resistance.

    Next, we’re going to use Essences to roll for the missing attributes. Use a Regal Orb to upgrade the ring to rare. Then, we use Deafening Essences of Rage to roll our suffixes.

    The goal here is to get all three attributes: Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence at a high tier. We currently already have Dexterity fractured that cannot be removed, so we have one out of the three attributes already.

    Our Essence will force craft on a high tier strength roll every single time, so that’s two out of the three we need.

    Essence Crafting

    The only thing left to look for now while rolling is a high Intelligence mod to give us three out of three. Hopefully, this doesn’t take too many Essences to hit.

    When you find high tier intelligence, your suffixes are now complete.


    Our next step is to lock our suffixes so they cannot be removed or changed.

    This is done by using “suffixes cannot be changed”, either costing two Divine Orbs at the Crafting Bench or 1.4 Divine Orbs, using a Wild Bristle Matron beast.

    Veiled Chaos

    With our suffixes now locked and protected, we can move on to the prefixes next. With suffixes locked, we can apply a Veiled Chaos Orb. This will give us a veiled prefix. This has a very low chance to add some junk mods.

    But hopefully, we just get a single veiled modifier. If it breaks, you’ll need to annual re-lock suffixes and go again. Once you have your veiled mod, use the Crafting Bench to craft a low tier Mana prefix. This will act as a block for when we unveil and increase the odds of hitting life.

    Next unveil with Jun and you should hit Life here thanks to our Mana block.

    Crafting Bench

    And now for our last step before the ring is complete using the Crafting Bench.

    Replace our Mana block with “Non-Channeling Skills Have -7 to Mana Cost”. This is an unveil mod from Elvion farmed from Betrayal.

    If you don’t already have it unlocked just yet and there, we have it, another craft all done from start to finish. As usual, we’ll leave the open prefix for the buyer. Let’s get this ring price checked.

    Price Check

    The combination of all three attributes: Chaos Resistance, Max Life, and Minus Mana cost brings this ring to between 7 and 10 Divine Orbs. Not bad at all!

    Our total cost with the base Essences, Catalysts, and Wild Bristle Matron was just under 4 Divine Orbs, giving us a healthy profit in this case for now.

  • A Complete Guide On Lightning Arrow Deadeye Build For POE 3.22

    A Complete Guide On Lightning Arrow Deadeye Build For POE 3.22

    Sep 04, 2023

    Greeting, Exiles! Today’s build is the most played one in the POE 3.22 Trial of the Ancestors league so far, the Vaal Lightning Arrow Deadeye with the Ranger class.

    Even though Vengeant Cascade was nerfed, the introduction of the Returning Projectile support gem kept this build super fast and strong, which caused most of the players to choose it.

    During last league, I released a Lightning Arrow guide that needed some expensive unique items and this time I’m going to make it different.

    On this guide, you’ll find two versions of this build: a budget and a complete one. Each one has its own POB and Passive Tree, so you can start this build even on a low budget and upgrade it later.


    • Yoke of Suffering Onyx Amulet
    • Loath Fletch Decimation Bow
    • Pain Guide Decimation Bow (if you have more POE Currency)
    • Maelstrom Spear Blazing Arrow Quiver
    • Hyrri’s Ire
    • Rune Curtain Zodiac Leather
    • Mind Salvation Silken Hood
    • Woe Ward Ursine Pelt
    • Wrath Fingers Slink Gloves
    • Agony Claw Wyrmscale Gauntlets
    • The Taming Prismatic Ring
    • Divine Life Flask
    • Diamond Flask
    • Cranite Flask
    • Quicksilver Flask
    • Jade Flask

    Look for those mods on rare items:

    • Added Lightning Damage
    • Projectile Damage
    • Critical Multiplier
    • Elemental Resistances
    • Intelligence
    • Added Fire Damage
    • Added Cold Damage
    • Elemental Damage With Attacks
    • Life
    • Strength


    • Bow: Vaal Lightning Arrow, Inspiration, Elemental Damage With Attacks, Trinity, Returning Projectiles, Increased Critical Damage
    • Armour: Artillery Ballista, Inspiration, Elemental Focus, Focused Ballista, Elemental Damage With Attacks, Increased Critical Damage
    • Helmet: Vaal Molten Shell, Berserk, Sniper’s Mark, Mark On Hit
    • Gloves: Dash, Precision, Anger, Determination
    • Boots: Frenzy, Manaforged Arrows, Power Charge On Critical, Summon Ice Golem


    • Thread of Hope
    • Lioneye’s Fall
    • Watcher’s Eye

    Skill Tree

    This is the Budget Skill Tree.

    And this is the Complete Skill Tree.


    This is the Ascendancy of this build.


    To list the pros of this build, I’m not sure if I would start with its clear speed or boss damage because both are amazing. This build is also not complicated to put together. I totally recommend you to try it out.


    Now, to list the cons, I’d say that this build is not very tanky.

    Even though you have some defensive layers, it’s important to take advantage of your ranged attacks and stay far from danger. If you don’t mind your position, you might die.


    About the budget, you can get it destroying early endgame maps with only around 80 Chaos Orbs.

    To comfortably advance to Yellow Maps, I recommend investing around 150 Chaos Orbs. And for easily completing your atlas, I recommend investing around 4 Divine Orbs. But if you go for the complete version, you need to invest at least 4 more Divine Orbs.

    Don’t forget it on, you can find a list with all the equipment that you need to buy for this build with direct links for examples being sold by other players.

    Mandatory Items

    On the budget version, you only need one mandatory unique item for this build, the Yoke of Suffering amulet that causes other Elemental Damage to shock. This way, our enemies take a lot more damage.

    On the complete version, on the other hand, besides the Yoke of Suffering, you also need a Lioneye’s Fall and the Thread of Hope unique jewels. They are expensive but grant a huge boost to your damage.

    Clear Speed

    For clear speed, I’ll give it 10 out of 10.

    You fire many projectiles with high attack speed and those projectiles return to your pierce enemies, bounce of walls, and go everywhere. No one can survive that.

    Boss Damage

    The boss damage is also amazing and deserves 10 out of 10.

    Using 2 Vaal Lightning Arrows splits your ballistas on bosses will kill them so fast that you won’t believe it.


    For this survivability, I’ll give this build 8 out of 10.

    Even though you have armor, evasion, spell suppression, and can kill enemies from a good distance, this build isn’t very tanky. If you don’t mind your position, you might die.

  • How to Profit Craft a High Elemental Resistance Ring in POE 3.22? - Dragon Loop Topaz Ring

    How to Profit Craft a High Elemental Resistance Ring in POE 3.22? - Dragon Loop Topaz Ring

    Aug 30, 2023

    In this guide, we're crafting a high Elemental Resistance ring (Dragon Loop Topaz Ring), featuring life and minus mana cost either for your build or you can sell it on for a profit.

    Buying a Base

    With Tier 1 Fractured Fire Resistance, this ring was 10 Chaos Orbs from trade and will work just fine for what we need.

    Crafting Begins

    Let's start by fixing the basics.

    Scour the ring back down to Magic and apply 10 Prismatic Catalysts. These apply a 20% quality bonus to resistance modifiers and make a huge difference later on.

    Next, max roll the implicit Lightning Resistance to 30% using Blessed Orbs.

    Our next stage is to get the other two missing suffix resistances. We currently have Fractured Fire Resistance, so we need to roll for Cold Resistance or Lightning Resistance.

    Reforging Suffixes

    After using a Regal Orb to make the ring rare, we can use the Harvest Bench to begin rolling.

    Here, you are looking for either Tier 1 or Tier 2 in both the missing resistances (in this case, Cold Resistance and Lightning Resistance).

    Like here, we land Tier 4 and Tier 2. It's not quite good enough, so let's carry on.

    Since the Fire Resistance is fractured. It can never be removed. This makes it much easier to get all three resist suffixes. You can either use reforge cold or lightning here. But the Harvest currency was cheaper for lightning, so we used that one to keep costs down.

    Through unremitting efforts, we have become perfect. We landed Tier 1 lightning and Tier 2 cold. Our suffixes are now finished.

    Lock Suffixes

    Our next step is to lock the suffixes, so they cannot be lost. We use a metacraft called "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" to do this.

    This can be done either at the Crafting Bench for two Divine Orbs or using a Wild Bristle Matron beast, which is currently 1.5 Divine Orbs. Ensure you have an open prefix as you'll need one here for the metacraft.

    It's great that our suffixes are now locked and protected. And we are ready for the next step.

    Veiled Chaos

    Now, we can focus on the prefixes.

    With suffixes locked, we can apply a Veiled Chaos Orb. This has a very low chance to add some junk mods. But hopefully, we just get a single veiled modifier. If it bricks, you'll need to annul, re-lock suffixes, and go again.

    Before unveiling, use the Crafting Bench to add a low tier Mana mod to block unwanted unveils. This drastically improves the odds to unveil life, which is what we want here.

    Unveil with Jun when you're ready. Here is our life prefix. It's very nice.

    The ring is nearly complete and we can move on to the final step.

    Bench Craft

    Lastly, we need to replace the Crafting Bench mod to something useful as we only use the low tier Mana as a block.

    We'll be using "Non-Channeling Skills have -7 To Total Mana Cost", which is an unveil mod from Elreon, Loremaster. This can be formed from Betrayal, and there we are.

    That's the ring all done from start to finish. It still has an open prefix if a buyer wanted to exalt slam it, but we'll leave it as it is for now.

    Price Check

    If we now give the ring a quick price, check for over 200 total resistance, 55 life, and our minus seven Mana cost, it seems to be currently worth around 6 to 9 Divine Orbs.

    Our total cost to craft was just under 3 Divine Orbs, so it can be a healthy profit craft for now.

  • 3 Awesome Starter Builds For POE 3.22 Trial Of The Ancestors League

    3 Awesome Starter Builds For POE 3.22 Trial Of The Ancestors League

    Aug 11, 2023

    While we wait for POE 2, GGG will not let us down and we’ll keep releasing a lot of new contents.

    Now, on August 18th, we’re going to face the challenge of the Trial of the Ancestors. Here, I’m going to share with you 3 starter builds that I believe that are going to be great. But since we don’t have the patch notes yet, those are just expectations. 

    1. Venom Gyre

    I’m going to start this guide with one of the most powerful starter builds out there. Even though I believe it might be nerfed on this patch notes, it is so strong that it would still be great. I’m talking about a Venom Gyre Deadeye with the Ranger class.

    Venom Gyre is a very interesting skill, which fires a projectile that hits enemies and returns to you, piercing and dealing damage to everything on its path. When the projectile successfully returns to you, you can keep and stack them up to 30 times and they will be released at once when you use the Whirling Blades movement skill.


    To list the pros of this build, I would not even know where to start. 

    It counts with an amazing clear speed, boss damage, and over 100,000 effective HP. Above all of that, it’s cheap and easy to put together. It doesn’t require any mandatory unique item.


    Now, to list the cons is the real challenge here. It’s hard to find something not to like on this build.

    However, I would say that as most builds, this one is also vulnerable to Chaos Damage unless, of course, you invest in Chaos Resistance gear.


    As for budget, based on previous leagues, this build is very cheap. 

    You can get it destroying early endgame maps with only around 90 Chaos Orbs.

    To comfortably advance to yellow maps, you need to invest around 120 Chaos Orbs.

    And for easily completing your atlas, I recommend investing around 4 Divine Orbs. 

    Clear Speed

    For clear speed, I’ll give this build 10 out of 10. 

    The Venom Gyre projectile already has an expansive nature for their amount of time it stays dealing damage on screen. Now, with a Deadeye that grants a lot of speed and many buffs to projectiles, the result is what you’re seeing on this Tier 16 gameplay.

    Boss Damage 

    The boss damage is also a 10 out of 10. 

    You can use Vaal Venom Gyre to instantly have 50 stacked projectiles and delete bosses with an amazing shotgun effect using Whirling Blades on them. It’s just unreal.


    For the survivability, I give it 9 out of 10. 

    This build counts with over 100,000 effective HP because of high armor, high evasion, spell suppression, and block chance.

    2. Poisonous Concoction

    Following, we have the Poisonous Concoction Pathfinder with the Ranger class

    I left this build out on Crucible because since it doesn’t use weapons, players wouldn’t be able to take advantage of weapon passive trees. But now that Crucible won’t be added to the core game, this awesome starter build is back.

    As I just mentioned, poisonous Concoction uses no weapons. Instead, it uses your Life Flask to inflict massive poisons on your enemies.


    To list the pros of this build, I would start with how simple it is to level up. It gets really strong fast and safe with low investment, making it a perfect build for beginners.


    Now, to list the cons, I would point that even though this is a cheap build, it can get expensive to activate all the auras. 

    This is because you need an Enlightened Gem to do so. But don’t worry, this is not mandatory at all.


    As for a budget, you can get it destroying early endgame maps with only around 85 Chaos Orbs.

    To comfortably advance to yellow maps, you need to invest around 120 Chaos Orbs.

    And for easily completing your atlas, I recommend investing around 4 Divine Orbs. But you can totally do it with less.

    Clear Speed

    For clear speed, I’ll give it 9 out of 10.

    You are fast and throw many flasks that poison enemies and cause nearby ones to also get poisoned. It’s a great clear speed and very satisfying to watch.

    Boss Damage

    The boss damage is great and deserves 9 out of 10. 

    The projectiles can shotgun bosses for a lot of poison damage.


    For the survivability, I’ll give it 9 out of 10. 

    This build counts with many defensive layers, such as high armor, high evasion, spell suppression, and a 50% chance to block attacks and spells. All of that grant this build over 100,000 effective HP. 

    3. Boneshatter

    Finally, we have a starter build for the tanky boys. I'm talking about the Boneshatter Juggernaut with the Marauder class.

    This build is perfect for the melee enthusiasts out there. Boneshatter hits enemies so hard that it hurts your own character accumulating trauma stats. For each trauma, you're going to deal and take more damage. That's why it's important to gather both attack speed and armor to stack many traumas and sustain their damage.


    To list the pros of this build, I would start with its survivability. 

    Even though you deal damage to yourself, this build has so much armor that it won't feel a thing. 

    Now, because of that, you might think that this build had to a sacrifice speed or boss damage. But no, it is still super fast and can kill Guardians in just a few seconds.


    Now, to list the cons, the first thing that comes to my mind is that you need to keep an eye on your accuracy.

    This is because we use the Keystone precise technique that grants 40% more damage if your accuracy is bigger than your life.

    As for budget, this build is cheap. You can get it destroying early endgame maps with only around 60 Chaos Orbs.

    To comfortably advance to yellow maps, I recommend investing around 120 Chaos Orbs.

    And for easily completing your atlas, I recommend investing around 4 Divine Orbs.

    Clear Speed

    For clear speed, I'll give it 9 out of 10. 

    Boneshatter also creates a big pulse of damage when stunning enemies. That means that a single blow can kill an entire pack of monsters.

    Other than that, you stack a lot of attack speed that causes your Leap Slam to almost teleport you through the map.

    Boss Damage

    The boss damage is also great and deserves 9 out of 10. 

    Using Berserk on bosses cause you to accumulate a lot of trauma stacks and do huge amounts of damage.


    For this survivability, this build is surely a 10 out of 10. And I would even like to say 20 out of 10 if I could.

    This build achieves almost 200,000 armor and over 83% of all Elemental Resistances. All of that combine with the Juggernaut Ascendancy grant this character almost 500,000 effective HP. It's crazy!

  • 3 Best Lightning Builds In Path of Exile 3.21

    3 Best Lightning Builds In Path of Exile 3.21

    Jun 08, 2023

    In this article, I’m going to talk about my top three lightning builds in Path of Exile 3.21.

    1. Arc Totems

    The first build of our shocking selection is the Arc Totems Hierophant with the Templar class. On this build, we use many totems that cast the arc skills for a fast and safe clear speed.

    Pros & Cons

    Listing the pros of this build, I would start with how cheap and easy it is to complete your atlas using this build. With almost no investment, you have a powerful safe and fast character that will be the perfect currency farmer for this and future builds.

    Now, to list the cons, this build doesn’t have access to evasion on spell suppression. But don’t worry, totems builds are very safe to play. Another issue is that some players might find this gameplay to be a little tedious and too easy. But as you know, this is just a matter of taste.


    As for budget, this is one of the cheapest builds in existence. You can get a destroying early endgame map with only around 35 Chaos Orbs.

    To comfort to advance to Yellow Maps, I recommend investing around 90 chaos. And for easily completing our atlas, I recommend investing around 3 Divine Orbs. But you can totally do it with less.

    Unique Items

    This build needs three mandatory unique items. But they are normally very cheap and easy to get.

    The first one is the Soul Mantle armor that causes socketed gems to be supported by a level 20 Spell Totem. This grants us an extra support skill gem.

    We also need a Kikazaru Topaz Ring to counter the effect of curses. This is because of a side effect of the Soul Mantle that will apply a random curse on you whenever a totem dies.

    Finally, we also need a Self-Flagellation jewel that grants up to 20 increased damage for each curse on you. Thanks to Soul Mantle, you’ll be always with around 9 curses, resulting in 180% increased damage.

    Clear Speed

    For clear speed, this build gets 9 out of 10.

    Arc is an awesome skill that chained to many enemies and easily clear big packs. This build counts with four totems, casting this amazing skill.

    Boss Damage

    The boss damage deserves 9 out of 10. With the right debuffs and all four totem summoned, this build can take even big bosses down without any issue.


    For the Survivability, I’ll also give it 9 out of 10.

    As a totem build, you always be far from action while your totems do all the work. So, if you know how to mind your position, you can easily complete high tier maps with low grade gear.

    Above all, this build still comes with high armor and high block chance.

    Related: 3 Best Flicker Strike Builds In Path Of Exile 3.21 Crucible

    2. Spark

    Next, we have a very popular build, the Spark Inquisitor. also with the Templar class.

    Spark is an erratic lightning skill that runs on the floor killing any living thing that has a misfortune of crossing its way.

    Pros & Cons

    To list the pros of this build, I would start with how easy and simple it is to play it. You don’t need to aim or anything. Just cast the Spark and they will run on their own and get the job done. This build also needs only one mandatory or unique item and counts with great boss damage and survivability.

    To list the cons, I would point that the clear speed is not very smooth. Because you end up having to cast Spark many times. It’s almost like a Raging Spirits build. Another issue would be the lack of evasion and spell suppression. But don’t worry, we have many other defensive layers.


    As for a budget, you can get a destroying early endgame map with only around 85 chaos.

    To comfort to advance to Yellow Maps, I recommend investing around 120 chaos and for easily completing atlas, I recommend investing around 4 divines.

    Unique Items

    You need only one mandatory unique item for this build, the Call of the Brotherhood ring that converts 40% of lightning damage into cold damage. This is great because it freezes enemies for more survivability.

    And we also use Herald of Ice for more clear speed.

    Clear Speed

    For Clear speed, I’ll give it 8 out of 10.

    Spark projectiles have a long duration and pierce enemies. So, after you cast them, they go through a long distance, killing many of them. But since you can’t control their path, you end up having to cast many times, and that might slow you down a little.

    Boss Damage

    The boss damage is great and reserves 9 out of 10, especially when you find yourself in a closed arena where the Spark projectiles can hit the target many times.


    For the survivability, I’ll give it 9 out of 10.

    This build counts with an amazing regeneration, huge life plus energy shield pool, high armor and block chance. This can even be better if you invest a few Chaos Orbs buying a Replica Soul Tether belt for the Corrupted Soul.

    3. Lightning Arrow

    Finally, we have the build that took everyone by surprise on Crucible, the amazing Lightning Arrow Deadeye with the Ranger class.

    With all those returning projectile shenanigans that Crucible brought, we now live in the time of archers with very little investment that pretty much doubled most of the attack on projectile damage.

    Now Lightning Arrow got even more with its Vaal version. That is awesome to kill bosses.

    Pros & Cons

    To list the pros of this build, I’m not sure if I would start with its clear speed or boss damage. Because both are out of this world. This build is also not complicated to put together. It’s definitely the perfect mid-league build to be playing right now.

    To list the cons, I will start with its cost. Because of Lioneye’s Fall, this build is quite expensive right now. But I’m sure that in a few more weeks, the prices will drop.


    About the budget, as I just mentioned is an expensive build right now. You need around 5 Divine Orbs to put it together.

    Unique Items

    You only need two mandatory unique items for this build.

    The first is, of course, the Lioneye’s Fall Jewel, that grants many useful nodes in our passive tree. Next, we also need a Yoke of Suffering amulet that causes all of our Elemental Damage to shock. This way, our enemies take a lot more damage.

    Clear Speed

    For clear speed, I’ll give it 10 out of 10.

    You fire many projectiles with high attack speed and those projectiles return to you, pierce enemies and bounce off walls. You even have your Mirage Archer to fire more projectiles. No one can survive that.

    Boss Damage

    The boss damage is also amazing and deserves 10 out of 10.

    Using two Vaal Lightning Arrows plus your Ballistas on bosses will kill them so fast that you won’t believe it.


    For this survivability, I’ll give you this build 9 out of 10.

    You’ll have armor evasion and spell suppression that grants almost 50, 000 effects of HP. But the main reason why this build is safe is because you can kill everything from a huge distance. You just need to mind your position.

    That’s all for today’s content. By the way, Diablo 4 is very popular recently. If you want to dominate the whole game, you must prepare a lot of Diablo 4 Gold in advance. In this way, you can achieve rapid upgrades and make more excellent builds. If you think the leveling process is too time-consuming and laborious, you may wish to take a look at Boosting service from Hope these suggestions can help you!

  • A Discussion On POE 3.21 Rampage Crucible Mod Duping

    A Discussion On POE 3.21 Rampage Crucible Mod Duping

    Jun 05, 2023

    Today, I want to talk about some really interesting stuff that’s been going on in the Path of Exile Crucible League economy. And this is going to be looking specifically at bows and other weapons that have Rampage as a Crucible mod.

    This is a very rare outcome. It can only be in the fourth column of your Crucible Tree and it also can’t be unveiled onto an item. The only way that it can spawn on an item is when you take two items to the Crucible Forge, which can be either the level 80 or the level 84 one. Merge them together and then sometimes one of the mods on the Crucible Tree will transform into a new mod. And when that happens, it can be rampaged. But it can also be a lot of other things, as well.

    So, that’s the only way that it can spawn is very rare and as a result, the prices have been extraordinarily high until the last few days. You’ll see these are going for about 10 Divine Orbs at the moment. Now previously, these bows were going for more than a hundred. What’s happened is that there’s been a bunch of discussion of ways of optimizing this process and particularly once you do have a bow that has Rampage on it of combining further tree mergers and split beasts or Fractured Fossils and things like that.

    There’s a big write-up that’s been made on the Path of Exile Subreddit And this post is from Luqas_Incredible. They mainly discussed the ways they’ve been intervening into this particular market. But the key thing is that they have been mass produced these at the expense of consuming a lot of split beasts, Fractured Fossils, and also a lot of the Magmatic Ores, which are the Crucible XP tokens.

    Now, when talking about item duplication, this is always going to set off a lot of people’s concerns about this being potentially cheating. GGG have come out and said that because it is consuming rare resources: Fractured Fossils, split beasts, and something like that. It’s not something that they consider cheating. They said this earlier. When the Divine Printer was first outlined and people were doing this with Crucible mods that had the text, this item vendors for three additional Divine Orbs. That was being done early in the league a lot, and it was something very popular and profitable.

    But now it seems like doing it with Rampage mods is actually a better use of these rariations. Now, this has been really interesting because this is a work in progress at the moment. If you have a look at the list of all the items that are available for sale at the moment that have Rampage on them, you’ll notice that 70% of them are Spine Bows. And that’s because Luqas_Incredible’s strategy has only really been going so far on Spine Bows.

    But Luqas_Incredible has outlined a plan to do this with all the other weapon types that he can afford to get his hands on, starting with ones and then potentially moving on to Scepters and other things after that. If you’re interested in trying to be part of this yourself, then it’s worth checking out Luqas_Incredible’s outline as to exactly how he’s doing this. And then, try to get in on a different base.

    But be aware that getting Rampage is extremely rare. You’re going to need to be tree merging together. I don’t know about 86 items. And it’s my estimate based on my personal reading of data mine information. I am absolutely not certain that I’m right on this that it’s something like one in 1500 in order to get Rampage there.

    Of course, I could be out by a substantial factor there. I could be missing interpreting the data mined information as to how rare all of these mods are. But if you do get one of the first ones for a particular type of weapon or a less popular weapon like a dagger or a one-handed sword, you might be able to do pretty well for yourself if you can be the first person there. And then, if it survives the early RNG steps of the duplication process, the Luqas_Incredible’s outlines in this post.

    One last thing is this is likely to push up the price of Fractured Fossils and also a split beast. So, if those are things you enjoy farming, then this is going to be all upside for you. Not only can you get yourself really cheap Rampage bases at least compared to the prices they used to be, but on top of that, you can also sell all the reagents that you’re generating through your own farming to people, who are looking to engage in Market Arbitrage along these lines.

    By the way, Diablo 4 is now in Early Access. If you want to upgrade, kill monsters, and complete various World Events more easily, it is very necessary to store a large amount of Diablo 4 Gold in advance. Hope you can have a pleasant gaming experience!

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