The Detonate Dead Elementalist stands out as the ultimate versatile league starter build in Path of Exile 3.24 Necropolis League. Seamlessly tackling endgame hurdles on a limited budget, this build provides a smooth experience for both mapping and boss encounters, ensuring a direct path to conquering the endgame content.
Since this build is budget-friendly, making it ideal for the new Necropolis League players who may not have amassed a large amount of POE Currency yet.
Damage & Resistance
This build's defenses in the endgame are 94% Evasion chance, 100% chance to suppress spell damage, 25% Spell Block, Shock and Freeze Immunity, along with 45k armor and 20% Chill on everything you hit. With room for Purity instead of Grace on bosses, you can swap a flask out for the new max res one depending on what boss you’re facing.
In the endgame, you can opt to use for Divine Flesh, with the armor used against chaos damage master. You can also slot in a Defiance of Destiny if your damage is comfortable enough and if you can afford 1, and they didn’t do nothing to its drop rate of Detonate Dead.
Mapping & Bossing
Your mapping play style is as simple as casting Desecrate and then casting Detonate Dead. Ignite will proliferate, and on tanky rares or bosses, you’ll cast Arcanist Brand, which triggers your utility. In between packs, you just pop your Divine Blessing and Haste.
On bosses, all you need to do is to maintain the Arcanist Brand, which applies your curses and refreshes your highest damage Ignite, thanks to Defiled Forces. Then, all you’ve got to do is walk under the boss to scorch them, press your focus button to shock them, and fish for that large Ignite by spamming Desecrate, Detonate Dead. Then, you need to cast Detonate Dead again. Once you have that big Ignite, just stay near the boss, make sure your Arcanist Brand doesn’t fall off, and maintain to refresh your work.
Elementalist scales his damage through a combination of corpse life from a Level 20 Desecrate, a Kitava's Herald in your corpse pool, fire damage, fire damage, multiplier scaling, ailments through non-damage ailment effect, and Defiled Forces to refresh your Ignite.
Leveling Skills
From Level 1 to 2, use Rolling Magma linked with Arcane Surge. At Level 4, pick up Holy Flame Totem, Flame Wall, and Frostblink. From Level 4 to 10, add Combustion to Rolling Magma with Elemental Proliferation. At Level 10, swap Frostblink for Flame Dash. From Level 10 to 24, use Herald of Thunder, Herald of Ash, and pick up Wave of Conviction. At Level 24, use Rolling Magma, Elemental Proliferation, Combustion, and either Added Lightning or Faster Casting.
At Level 28, use Armageddon Brand and Cremation setup, linking it with Elemental Proliferation, Combustion, and either faster casting on Added Lightning. Use Cremation with LMP, Elemental Focus, and Cruelty. Use Desecrate alongside Cremation, casting Flammability and Wave of Conviction on tanky monsters. Your auras should be Determination and Herald of Ash. Then from Level 38, your new Armageddon Brand setup will be Ignite Proliferation, Combustion, and Immolate. Cremation will be LMP, Elemental Focus, and Immolate.
Continue using this setup until you reach maps, where you are going to respec to Detonate Dead. For this respec, you’ll want cast speed on a scepter and amulet, a level 17 or higher Desecrate, all Detonate Dead, and the Kitava's Herald in your corpse pool, which is obtained by using Raise Spectre and Desecrate in Act 10 Canal and holding A to find and summon the Kitava's Herald.
Endgame Gear Setup
In the gearing section, ensure that in the endgame, if you're utilizing the bossing tree with Divine Flesh, you cap your chaos resistance and incorporate as much as necessary for all your gear for that bossing setup.
- Weapon: Oscillating Sceptre
- Shield: Surprme Spiked Shield
- Helmet: Pig-Faced Bascinet
- Body Armor: Full Dragonscale
- Gloves: Dragonscale Gauntlets
- Boots: Dragonscale Boots
- Amulet: Defiance of Destiny
- Ring: Amethyst Ring
- Belt: Stygian Vise
- Flasks: Silver Flask, Jade Flask, Granite Flask, and Quicksilver Flask
- Jewel: Glorious Vanity
Skill Tree & Gem Links
For your skill gems, your Vaal Detonating Dead setup will include Ignite Proliferation, Unbound Ailments, Cruelty, and Swift Affliction. Consider adding Burning Damage for your sixth link and upgrading them all to awaken in the endgame.
Your defensive auras should consist of Determination, Grace, Defiance Banner, and Tempest Shield. Swap Grace for a Purity aura if you're tackling endgame pinnacle bosses for extra max resistance, and replace Defiance Banner with a Dread Banner linked with Awakened Generosity in the endgame.
Always use Molten Shell linked with Cast when Damage Taken and Shield Charge linked with Faster Attacks. Utilize Desecrate linked with Faster Casting and Flame Dash, and Divine Blessing linked with Haste and Inspiration initially, dropping Inspiration in the endgame and swapping Haste for Malevolence against Pinnacle bosses.
In the beginning, self-cast Flame Surge and keep Wave of Conviction in an Arcanist Brand setup, then link Arcanist Brand with Elemental Weakness, Flammability, and Flame Surge.
Choose between mapping or bossing variants. Mapping variant utilizes Grace and Dread Banner combined with Brutal Restraint or effect nodes on Brutal Restraint for Evasion rating, reaching 94% evade chance. Bossing variant drops some armor, opts for Divine Flesh, utilizing armor against Chaos Mastery for extra Elemental mitigation and mitigation against penetration.