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News Tag: POE Affliction Theories

  • Speculations On The Mechanics And Theories Of POE 3.23 Affliction Before Its Reveal!

    Speculations On The Mechanics And Theories Of POE 3.23 Affliction Before Its Reveal!

    Nov 22, 2023

    Fellow Exiles, are you curious what the most intriguing features and mechanics-based theories of Path of Exile: Affliction are, and which ones are most likely to be added in the latest update to Path of Exile 3.23? While we eagerly await the reveal of POE 3.23 update, the community is buzzing with theories about the mysterious Affliction mechanic.

    What’s Up With POE: Affliction?

    Path of Exile 3.23 expansion pack will arrive on December 8th this year. A week before then, on November 30th, the developers will reveal every major content and important feature in this exciting update for many of us.

    Now that we’ve got partial information about Affliction, we still have a week to speculate, so why not have some fun? So in this guide, we’ll sift through the most intriguing speculations, steer clear of the overly complex, and delve into the realm of possibility.

    POE 3.23 Equals POE 4.0?

    Some believe the next expansion is so big and ambitious that it will be the long-awaited POE 4.0. This bold idea stems from the trailer’s lack of a direct patch number. While a similar situation existed with past expansions, the dream of a ground breaking 4.0 update still lives on. But for some perfectly sane exiles, whether or when POE 4.0 will arrive remains a mystery.

    Unholy Synthesis, Delirium, And Ritual Inspiration

    When I first saw this trailer, I noticed Unholy Synthesis, Delirium, and Ritual Inspiration, all of which are appearing in Affliction. All types of Affliction add Affliction Altars in the game, managed by Afflicted Wanderer.

    When we get close, we can choose to interact with Altars. Once he leaves, a project menu opens and we can choose from a similar Ritual.

    These POE items have Affliction properties, which means they will soon be able to take part in more Affliction crafting. We can choose one item to start the encounter, and the difficulty of the encounter depends on the power of the item. Once we select an item, Altars activate and the entire map fires Affliction events similar to Delirium.

    Because it’s a wide map, there are some Breaches and Synthesis. Large numbers of Affliction-specific monsters spawn around the map and move toward you, causing the map to shrink around you, creating tighter spaces and denser areas. You must kill all monsters or survive the map to receive Affliction items as rewards.

    But every modification in the creation process of this item carries ultra-high risks, and it also comes with ultra-high rewards. This makes this theory a dangerous but interesting prospect. Maybe this mechanism can help us earn massive amounts of POE currency, but we don’t know yet.

    Affliction Is An Atlas Patch

    Some people still think Affliction is just a league mechanic. But does Affliction herald an Atlas-centric expansion?

    The only reason people think this could be an Atlas expansion is twofold. Foremost, POE has just launched an Atlas-centric expansion in the last patch, which includes a new Pinnacle boss or two.

    The second is simpler, and the developers have said there will only be smaller endgame expansions. This resulted in POE 2 merging with POE 1 and extending the timeline. It has ruled the entire split between the two games out. I still think it’s unlikely they’ll have a smaller team and they’ll need to work with what they have or have used before creating new content specifically for Atlas.

    While our desire for new Atlas content is real, the evidence to support this theory is a little murky. Whether it’s coming is still uncertain.

    Ultimatum And Ritual Inspired

    Chris Wilson’s subtle hints at Ultimatum’s return fueled a theory that Affliction could be a fusion of Ultimatum and Ritual.

    Imagine the bonus variety of Ritual combined with the intensity of Ultimatum, all with the unique flavor of Affliction.

    While this theory seems to make sense, we could accuse it of being erring on the side of caution. Are the developers planning a league that combines the best of the past two player-favorite leagues? Only time will reveal the truth.

    Every League Is Affected By Affliction

    I’ve found that Affliction affects every league, and this is the most reasonable theory at the moment. Affliction is not only a league mechanism, but a force that has changed every league before it.

    From a developer’s perspective, this makes sense, as they’ll likely reuse a lot of past mechanics and make one or two enormous changes to Affliction mechanic. Depending on when it runs, it could be the finals or one of the final leagues before Path of Exile 2 releases.

    To Sum It All Up

    Path of Exile community is abuzz with excitement and speculation as the countdown to the big reveal on December 8 continues. Whether POE 3.23 is a landmark 4.0 update or a fusion of past mechanics, one thing is for sure, we’ll be out there exploring and conquering Affliction!

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