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News Tag: POE Automate Cast On Freeze Ice Spear Build

  • The Best Choice For Warden Class In POE 3.25 League! - Automate Cast On Freeze Ice Spear Build

    The Best Choice For Warden Class In POE 3.25 League! - Automate Cast On Freeze Ice Spear Build

    Aug 19, 2024

    Hello fellow Exiles! Here, we are with Automate Cast on Freeze Ice Spear build. This build takes full advantage of the newly introduced Warden Ascendancy in Path of Exile 3.25 league, allowing you to effortlessly Shock, Freeze, and Scorch enemies while running powerful automated spell loops.

    In this guide, we take a look at how to use this build to its maximum effect and help you understand if this build is right for you.

    How Does It Work?

    First, let’s take a deep dive into how this Automate Cast on Freeze Ice Spear builds works.

    This build is centered on Ice Spear and Icicle Burst, and here is the step-by-step process.

    We start by hitting the monster with a skill like Lancing Steel, which freezes the enemy thanks to Warden Ascendancy’s Oath of Winter passive skill. When an enemy is frozen, our sword activates “Trigger Level 10 Icicle Burst, when you Hit a Frozen Enemy” mod, which triggers Icicle Burst.

    Icicle Burst hits an enemy and can deal a critical hit. This critical hit activates Cast On Critical Strike Support Gem, which triggers Ice Spear. When Ice Spear hits an enemy, Icicle Burst is activated again, which creates an infinite freeze and damage loop.

    Passive Skill Tree

    Next, let’s discuss Key Passive Skills in Skill Tree that make this build powerful.

    First, you can roll damage nodes and maximize Ice Spear, and Icicle Burst by investing POE Currency. These nodes increase spell, cold, elemental, and projectile damage.

    To ensure consistent crit damage, you can also pick up a few Critical Strike and Power Charges nodes. Additionally, you can also boost your defense by taking Evasion and Spell Suppression nodes. Among them, Evasion helps us evade attacks, while Spell Suppression reduces spell damage, helping us survive in tough situations.

    Wind Dancer is essential for defense, and it reduces the damage we take if we haven’t been hit recently. This works perfectly with our evasion-based build, giving us extra protection.

    Ghost Dance and Corrupted Soul provide additional defense. Ghost Dance provides us with Energy Shield Recovery when we evade, while Corrupted Soul provides 15% of Maximum Life as additional maximum Energy Shield, increasing our overall health.

    Warden Ascendancy provides a unique passive skill that complements our build’s focus on Freezing and Shattering.

    • Oath of Winter: Enemies frozen by you remain Frozen for at least 2 seconds. If a hit fails to Freeze because of insufficient Freeze Duration, it will cause Hoarfrost, increasing Freeze Duration by 20% per stack. This ensures that we can Freeze everything.
    • Oath of Spring: Shock’s maximum effect is 2% more damage taken, and you can apply up to 50 Shocks per enemy. With Herald of Thunder and our high hit rate, we can easily stack Shock to maximum effect.
    • Oath of Summer: Hitting causes Ignite instead of Scorch, and you can apply an additional Scorch per enemy. This works well with the fire damage from Heatshiver to increase our damage.
    • Avatar of the Wilds: Grants the level 20 Unbound Avatar skill, increasing our damage by 80%. This skill can be used after we create 100 stacks of Elemental Ailments, and we can easily achieve the target damage.


    Now let’s break down the gear that makes this build shine, including weapons, Skill Gems, and Key Jewels.


    Our sword has the enchant, “Trigger Level 10 Icicle Burst, when you Hit a Frozen Enemy”. It focuses on spell damage, critical chance, attack speed, and level of socketed gems. This enchant is the core of our automated freezing loop, ensuring Ice Spear and Icicle Burst are constantly triggering each other.


    Our armor is prioritized to have “Attacks have +#% to Critical Strike Chance” mod, as well as stats like Life, Evasion, Resistances, and Spell Suppression.


    We ideally want gloves enchanted with “Attacks have +#% to Critical Strike Chance”. They should also have Life, Resistance, and Accuracy to complement our overall build.


    We use Heatshiver as a helmet. It synergize with the build’s freeze and the ability to deal extra cold damage, boosting our overall damage.

    Rings And Amulet

    These pieces of gear only need to focus on Life, Resistance, Accuracy, and crafting the “-x mana cost” mod. This mod is essential to managing mana costs and keeping our skills active.


    Blood Lash Belt provides Life and Resistance, enhancing our survivability.


    Our Boots include Life, Resistance, Movement Speed, and Spell Suppression, helping us move quickly and avoid damage.

    Watcher’s Eye

    In addition, we also use a Watcher's Eye with "Gain a Flask Charge when you deal a Critical Strike while affected by Precision" mod. This Jewel helps with Flask uptime and mana management.

    Cluster Jewel

    We also have a Cluster Jewel with Blast-Freeze, which spreads Freezes to other enemies within a 1.2 meter radius. This enhances our ability to freeze large groups of enemies, making our build more effective.

    Skill Gems Link

    Finally, let’s take a look at Skill Gems Link for this build.

    First, Lancing Steel is linked to CoC as our secondary damage source and will be the starter of the loop. Power Charge on Critical Strike helps us maintain our Power Charge to deal consistent damage.

    Herald of Thunder links with Arrogance to conserve life instead of mana, allowing us to reach low life states for Pain Attunement, providing more spell damage.

    Grace is our primary defensive Aura, providing substantial evasion to help us avoid incoming attacks.

    Petrified Blood helps manage the damage we take by splitting damage between Life and Degeneration, which works well with our low life setup.

    Sniper’s Mark is automatically applied with Mark On Hit Support, increasing the damage enemies take from our projectiles.

    Finally, keep Clarity and Precision at level 1 to benefit from Watcher’s Eye mod we discussed earlier, helping manage mana and flask charges.

    That’s it for the complete guide for this Automate Cast on Freeze Ice Spear build. Following this guide will help you get the most out of this build to freeze every enemy in the game!

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