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News Tag: POE Bandit King Sasan

  • How To Deal With Bandit King Sasan In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? - Location & Strategy

    How To Deal With Bandit King Sasan In Path Of Exile 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? - Location & Strategy

    Aug 08, 2024

    Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur league launched some time ago has been praised by players as one of the best league mechanisms ever, because it introduced some cool features that many players like. In addition, an interesting city system has been added to this new league mechanism.

    In this city system, you can manage your own town called Kingsmarch, and you can send various workers to run the affairs of the entire town for you. However, this town is definitely not smooth sailing, and Bandit King Sasan will mess it up.

    But unfortunately, Bandit King Sasan is not like other NPCs that you need to fight in the game. There is no way to find him. If you want to build your Kingsmarch town into a prosperous town as soon as possible, you can follow some tips and strategies in this guide to help you find and defeat Sasan faster.

    Who Is Bandit King Sasan?

    Sasan is a new enemy NPC added to Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur league. Although it will not attack your Kingsmarch settlement directly, it will hinder the progress of the town by kidnapping your workers or Map Runners. Occasionally, it will also kidnap your Atlas runners and ask for ransom.

    When this happens, you only have three options: pay the ransom, fight Sasan, or let your workers fend for themselves. The best option of the three is to fight Sasan, because at the end of your battle with it, one of the best unique swords in the game will drop.

    However, defeating it is not a simple matter. It has a very high health value, so you need to be prepared for a long battle. In addition, Sasan’s level is as high as 83, so your character level needs to be 83 or above, otherwise this battle will be more difficult.

    There are two main types of damage that Sasan can deal: Fire and Physical. Before the battle, remember to equip some armor or helmet that can protect against these two types of damage tightly on your body.

    The tricky part is that it has 50% resistance to some common damages you can use, such as Fire, Cold, Lightning, and Chaos. So when choosing your build and weapons, remember to avoid these types, or add some Elemental Damage to your original build to increase your damage to Sasan.

    It currently only has two abilities, Hail of Arrows and Circle of Flame, both of which are AOE attacks, and both can cause significant damage and DoTs. You need to use a little POE Currency before the battle to increase your flexibility so that you can avoid most AOE damage.

    Bandit King Sasan’s Location

    There is no way to find Sasan directly unless you interact with him passively. According to current player feedback, Sasan has a very low chance of appearing, and only appears after he kidnaps your workers.

    If he does hold your people for ransom, you may find him in Abandoned Port zone. You can also use the current league mechanic to increase the chance of spawning if you don’t want to wait all the time.

    How To Find Bandit King Sasan?

    The only way to spawn Bandit King Sasan is to lure him into kidnapping your Atlas Runners. You can increase the chance of this elaborate kidnapping situation by constantly sending your workers to draw or do other activities.

    But the rewards from this method are also very small, so you must let your workers do Atlas as much as possible and keep praying for it to appear quickly. As long as one of these workers is kidnapped by Sasan, you can have a “mandatory” interaction with Sasan.

    Currently, this is the only way to spawn this boss. I hope you can find more ways to make it appear in subsequent games.

    How To Unlock Kingsmarch Map Device?

    Before you can send Atlas runners, you need to unlock Kingsmarch or Kingsmarch Map Device first, which only requires you to raise Town Level to Rank 7. You can use these resources to help your upgrade: 5760 Gold, 225 Verisium Ore, 125 Pumpkin and 250 Orgourd.

    If you unlock Kingsmarch Map Device, you will find that you still cannot send Atlas Runners because you still need to increase Max Town Populations to 60 and Max Job Rank to 7. So you can start your lure plan.

    Other Options

    In addition to fighting Sasan, you can also pay his ransom or abandon your workers. Paying the ransom can be a bit more expensive, as Sasan will demand a lot of gold from you, but you won’t get any reward. If you choose to leave your workers to die, you’ll lose some potentially valuable workers and get nothing in return. You can decide based on your own POE Currency and Gold.

    If you decide to fight Sasan, it’s not clear whether you’ll win or lose. Despite the challenges just presented, you’ll win most of the time if you’re prepared. If you have an Atlas Portal open, you can fight him multiple times.

    What Are The Rewards For Defeating Bandit King Sasan?

    At the end of your fight with Bandit King Sasan, you’ll get some pretty cool rewards, like some runes and gold. But in some cases, it’s possible to trade those runes for one of the best two-handed unique weapons in POE 3.25, Living Blade. If you’re determined to find Living Blade, you can try to fight him multiple times.

    That’s all you need to know about Bandit King Sasan in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur. Hopefully, you can quickly make your Kingsmarch settlement a very prosperous commercial town, and have fun exploring the game!

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