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News Tag: POE Molten Strike Trickster

  • How To Make A Super Tank Build For Path Of Exile 3.25 League? - Molten Strike Trickster Build Guide

    How To Make A Super Tank Build For Path Of Exile 3.25 League? - Molten Strike Trickster Build Guide

    Aug 13, 2024

    Hello Exiles, it’s time to introduce you to the best build in Path of Exile 3.25. This super tank build will help you survive until the end of the league. That’s right, we are here with Molten Strike Trickster build! In this guide, we will take a detailed look at how this build works and how to play it. Let’s jump right in!


    For this build, we will use two different skills, one for map clearing and one for Uber Bossing.

    Single Target Skill

    Let’s start with the single target skill. Our skill of choice is Molten Strike. When you hit an enemy, it will spray Magma Balls, and if you slow the projectile speed down enough, all the balls can even hit the same target.

    Unfortunately, this skill is not very strong in terms of map clearing, but it is the best single target skill you can play with this build.

    However, I believe that players who have played this build in the previous league know that the damage brought by this build is self-evident. Everything will melt in a few seconds. The damage is so high that we even need to stop dealing damage to show how strong this build is.

    Clear Skill

    Our clear skill choice is Lightning Strike, a melee skill that converts half of physical damage to lightning damage. In addition to this, it has a secondary effect that fires a projectile every time you hit an enemy with a melee weapon.

    Both melee and projectile attacks can hit the same target. It’s just that the projectile part will travel on the ground, which can clear the entire screen in a second, while also having enough single-target damage to knock down the map boss very quickly. Therefore, this build also has a unique advantage in POE Currency farming.

    Damage Scaling

    Next, let’s talk about the damage scaling of this build.

    For this, we will use Ephemeral Edge. Additionally, you’ll need Resolute Technique corruption, and the easiest way to get it is to get non-corrupted ones, then Vaal or Double Corrupt your weapons yourself until you reach this.

    However, I have to say, I don’t recommend getting Resolute Technique corruption directly from vendors. It’s not worth the price tag of 10 Divine Orbs or more. You’ll be better off saving your hard-earned currency by doing it yourself.

    Since our main damage type is Lightning, our damage range is very high compared to other builds. What’s more, we can also use Unique Amulet, Voice of the Storm, to get more damage in this build.

    On top of that, Lightning Damage with Non-Critical Strikes is Lucky. This means that every time we damage an enemy, the game will roll twice and automatically choose the higher number. This is great when your damage range is very high.

    Note that we can’t scale crits because we have Unique Amulet, but we can use a very interesting Keystone, Precise Technique, to make up for this shortcoming. If Accuracy Rating is higher than Maximum Life, the attack damage is increased by 40%, in exchange for which we cannot deal critical hits. More importantly, because we used Chaos Inoculation, our Maximum Life is 1, so this Keystone will work effortlessly.

    Then, we can also use 3 Curses in this build because we used Anathema Unique Ring. Since our Curse limit is equal to our maximum Power Charges, and each character can have 3 Charges, our Curse limit is 3.

    Here, the Curses we can use are as follows: Elemental Weakness, Conductivity and Sniper’s Mark.

    Many people may ask how this Unique Ring works if there are no Power Charges in the build. Actually, Curse generation is not exactly as described in the ring, so don’t worry about this. In many cases, Curse will have an effect on Boss even if we don’t have Charges.

    Defense Tips

    In Settlers of Kalguur League, we tried something new as a defensive layer, namely Attack and Spell Block. In this way, we have almost reached the block cap for this build.

    In addition, we have added a new item in this build that we have never used before, and that is Aegis Aurora. This Shield is so elegant. The main reason we chose this Shield is that when you block, it restores Energy Shield equal to 2% of Armor.

    Actually, this alone is not interesting, because how can Trickster have armor to take advantage of it? However, in this league, we use Iron Reflexes again. This Keystone will convert all our Evasion Rating to Armor, which allows us to benefit from Aegis Aurora now.

    Now this build has reached 56k Armor, which means that every time we block, we will gain 1.2 Energy Shield. So basically we can stand still on T17 maps and not die easily unless there is a Detonate Dead summoner there.

    How To Reach 100% Flask Uptime?

    Finally, let’s talk about a new feature in this league. For this build, we used five flasks, and they all have 100% uptime. We achieved this by doing a few things.

    First and foremost, we used Tides of Time with a perfect rolled utility flask charge gain. Additionally, we were able to increase flask duration and flask effect by 1 flask charge gain on Searing Exarch’s Body Armour and taking Natural Remedies.

    More importantly, we needed to precisely choose 4 Tattoos to extend the flask charge time. All of this combined, we can have 100% flask uptime.

    In conclusion, following this guide to build Molten Strike Trickster can bring you a top-notch gaming experience and help you fight to the end in POE 3.25!

  • This Build Will Help You Tank T17s And Uber Bosses In POE 3.24 With Ease! - Molten Strike Trickster

    This Build Will Help You Tank T17s And Uber Bosses In POE 3.24 With Ease! - Molten Strike Trickster

    Apr 17, 2024

    If you’re looking for a build that can ignore most modifiers and tank the new T17 and Uber Bosses, Molten Strike Trickster has to be a good choice. This is something I made and perfected in past leagues, and in POE 3.24 I also added Mageblood, making its damage around 15 million, and Effective HP even to the top.

    Build Overview

    This build cost about 15-20 Divine Orbs and I made the entire rig myself. For this level of investment, I think the results are amazing. I completed many Tier 17 maps and finished them all.

    The easiest boss fight in this build is Fortress Map, while the hardest is probably Ziggurat Map, where Catarina is the boss. The reason for this is that this fight has very high degens on the ground and sometimes you can’t hit to leech back your energy shield because this boss fight has so many phases.

    The most interesting ones are Fortress Maps, because you just stand still and kill the boss, and you can ignore every mechanic.

    One thing to note is that you won’t see the modifiers in this build as it’s very annoying after a few maps and the list takes up too much screen space.

    Runnable Mods

    The mod combo I’m running so far is: Frenzy and More Attack and Cast Speed. Extra Crit, Increased Life and Extra Damage will be used as random elements. There’s also Increased Maximum Life and Life as extra Energy Shield, but this mod is annoying because you’ll spend more time in boss fights.

    Reflect is just a free mod because we use Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support, which makes us Reflect Immune.

    Additionally, I also tried out some Exotic mods that are unique to T17 map. For example, when you use a flask, a meteor will be aimed at you, and since this build will be using 4 flasks at once, it will be difficult to stand still. And the meteor hits harder than Uber Sirus Meteor. Therefore, this exotic mods is completely unbalanced.

    Other mods such as Drowning Orbs or Sirus Desolation Degen Ground are also good choices. You can ignore them, though, since the build has enough Energy Shield, and we’re using One Step Ahead for this boss, so we don’t have slowness.

    This is especially true in Uber Uhtred fight. Most beams will slow you down very much, so I just assigned this node where you can stand and complete the encounter with ease.

    Unrunnable Mods

    There are also a lot of modifiers that are not recommended to run, but you need to roll, anyway. We can put Cannot Leech here and this modifier won’t work at all. Since our key recovery is leech, we also gain mana through leech.

    Next is 90% Reduced Aura Effect. This leaves us unable to suppress spell damage and taking over 50% of spell damage.

    Finally, I must remind you not to run this Bosses are Possessed mod. Because the ghost inside the boss will most likely disable your flask, preventing you from completing the fight.

    Anyway, if you’re not sure if it works, just roll it.

    Major Problem

    So what is the most challenging thing about this build in the game? What are the chief dangers we face? This is actually a monster on T17 map.

    It’s important to note that some monsters in Tier 17 maps even have more health than the map bosses themselves, and do much more damage. These little Skitterbots are a great example. They did too much damage just with Ball Lightning ability.

    These Skitterbots do over 5k damage per second. Uber Shaper or Uber Elder beam won’t even do that much damage.

    There are also monsters that have more health than the map bosses themselves or some of the endgame bosses in the game. So isn’t this monster more powerful than Uber Shaper itself? This is unacceptable. So there is an urgent need for developers to rebalance this.

    Clear Speed

    For clear, you need to use Ancestral Call Support instead of Multistrike Support. Since we can hit 3 enemies in one hit and Molten Balls take care of the rest, the monster pack will die out quickly. This means we can remove any map boss in seconds.

    We mostly run Maven Witnessed Maps where 3 or more bosses appear in the arena and I don’t have any issues clearing setup damage. So the build is powerful for the new T17 map and of course Ubers are a piece of cake.

    Finally, in my opinion, Trickster is one of the strongest Ascendancy classes in the game and scales well with investment. As I said, this build now costs about 15-20 Divines. But keep in mind that since I make my gear, if you want to check the price of a deal, you will easily see very large numbers.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy this Energy Shield stacking Molten Strike Trickster. Hurry up and try it out and tank everything on T17 map!

  • How To Build The Best Energy Shield Molten Strike Trickster In POE 3.22?

    How To Build The Best Energy Shield Molten Strike Trickster In POE 3.22?

    Oct 10, 2023

    Molten Strike Trickster is definitely one of the best POE builds I’ve ever played. His damage and tanking performance will make you 100% happy with my build. Here, let’s take a look at what this build gets in terms of damage.

    Skill Itself

    Our skill of choice is Molten Strike. When you hit an enemy, it will spray Rolling Magma. If you slow down the projectile, all the balls can hit the same target. We expanded the projectile count to 7 and started scaling Energy Shield to use Ephemeral Edge.

    How We Scale Damage?

    This weapon has some statistics that are unique only to this weapon. First and most important part, attacking with this weapon increases the maximum lightning damage by 20% of the maximum Energy Shield, while also giving us a large amount of Energy Shield.

    Through this league, our builds gained a new support gem, which is Volatility Support. This will give us more maximum attack damage and less minimum attack damage.

    Since this is a lightning damage based build, we already have very high max hit damage, which will increase further. Smaller minimum damage isn’t really an issue since our minimum damage is very low by default. But its damage range will be higher, and its overall damage will be higher.

    This is the perfect time to use the unique Voice of the Storm. This Unique Amulet, which only requires 8 Chaos Orbs, can bring us non-critical lightning damage. It means that every time we deal damage to an enemy. The game rolls twice and chooses the higher number. This is especially useful when your damage range is very high.

    Precise Technique

    Because of this amulet, we can’t scale critical hits. But we can use a very interesting keystone, Precise Technique. If accuracy is higher than max health, it increased attack damage by 40% in exchange for our inability to deal with critical hits. Since our maximum life is 1, this keystone can be used to its best effect.

    Base Damage

    Now that we have the damage multiplier, we just need the base damage. This is when we start expanding the maximum Energy Shield.

    Let’s start with the biggest source. Because we chose Trickster, we came into contact with a very interesting node, Escape Artist. It gives you +1 maximum Energy Shield for every 6 points of Evasion Rating your equipped Body Armor has. We need to use Hybrid Body Armor to benefit more from it.


    The next important source is global defensive tattoos on every small attribute node. This build now uses 38, so we’re almost over the 50 limit. But we don’t stop there.

    They’ve added a new tattoo to Mid-League, and that’s Journey Tattoo of the Soul. +40 Energy Shield per Tattoo of the Soul assigned. We can allocate 4 of them, giving each tattoo 1.3k Energy Shield. This is the best way for us to use the least POE Currency to turn defense into offense.

    We can use 3 curses in our build due to the use of unique ring spells. Our curse limit is equal to our maximum Power Charge. We also used another unique ring, Anathema. Basically, this ring doubles our DPS.


    On defense we have Elemental Ailment Immunity because we use Ancestral Vision. The modifier that suppresses the chance of spell damage also applies to the chance of avoiding elemental anomalies, but is only half as valuable. We get the rest of our avoidance odds from our boots.

    Aspect Of The Crab

    So what does Aspect of the Crab do? This will give us a Crab Barrier every half second and reduce physical damage for each pile of crabs. So this aura alone reduces physical damage by 20%. But when we are attacked, we lose all the stack.

    If we use Grace Aura for Evasion Rating, we will almost never die from the monster’s normal attacks or projectiles.

    Because we use Grace, we can use Ghost Dance keystone. When we take a hit, we regain 3% of our Evasion Rating as Energy Shield, and we can do this 3 times in a row before the stack recharges.

    Energy Leech Support & Ghost Reaver

    Because we chose Trickster, we have access to an interesting node, Soul Drinker. This allows us to absorb Energy Shield. And if our Energy Shield reaches maximum, it will not eliminate the drain effect.

    In addition, we can also choose to take Ghost Reaver keystone. But it’s in boss fights like Eater of Worlds where you can’t hit anything when you need to collect orbs. Because your Energy Shield cannot be charged.


    There are some important unique items required in the build.

    Ephemeral Edge has some important stats that are unique to this weapon. First and most important part, attacking with this weapon increases the maximum lightning damage by 20% of the maximum Energy Shield, while also giving us a large amount of Energy Shield.

    It is also important to mention that you need Resolute Technique corruption. Otherwise, your hit rate will be very low, or you will need to limit your accuracy with your equipment.

    Next, Atziri’s Reflection gives us more Energy Shield and curse effects, and makes us immune to curses. The non-critical lightning damage from Voice of the Storm is lucky.

    With Ring of Anathema we can use 3 Curses in our build, which also gives us Intelligence and a bit of Energy Shield. Your projectiles will be returned to you.

    Overall, Molten Strike Trickster built for POE 3.22, offers an exciting gaming experience that blends the fun of trophy hunting with powerful offensive and defensive capabilities. While it may require a modest investment, it offers a rewarding and dynamic play style.

    Whether you’re a newbie or a veteran, this guide should give you all the information you need to conquer Wraeclast. Dive in and may your loot always be plentiful!

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