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News Tag: POE Pragmatism

  • This New Unique Pragmatism With Brand Recall In Path Of Exile 3.23 Is Insane!

    This New Unique Pragmatism With Brand Recall In Path Of Exile 3.23 Is Insane!

    Jan 17, 2024

    In Path of Exile: Affliction, you can get the new Unique Body Armor, Pragmatism, from King in the Mists after defeating him in his stronghold encounter. This body armor offers incredible gem levels when you limit the number of gems and links socketed. So use cases are limited to build that gain an immense advantage from supporting skills, such as Maw of Mischief’s minion life scaling.

    But in this guide, we’ll discuss another incredible interaction with Pragmatism: Brand Recall. It gains a massive cooldown recovery rate from the massive increase in gem level.

    Brand Recall

    As an Active Skill Gem, Brand Recall will pull all Active Brands to one location when used, and importantly, it will also activate all brands once.

    So why is this good for Pragmatism? Through normal experience gain, Brand Recall can reach a maximum level of 6. It can be corrupted to gain gem level 7, and each gem level increases the cooldown recovery rate.

    So at level 7, Brand Recall increases cooldown recovery by 48%, and there’s another 20% of cooldown recovery that comes from quality as well.

    However, when combined with Pragmatism, Brand Recall gains 10 gem levels. Therefore, Brand Recall level 7 becomes level 17, and the quality is 20%. This means the gem will now have 148% more cooldown recovery, which is absolutely insane.

    Example Usage (Hierophant)

    So here’s an example character, Hierophant, who has the ability assigned for a 100% increase in Brand Recall CDR. We use Level 6 Brand Recall, in which 20% of the quality is integrated into Pragmatism. This is Level 16 Brand Recall on Passive Skill Tree.

    We’re just using two Brand Wheels here, first Runesmith, which gives some Brand duration and increases Brand Recall CDR. Brand Mastery can further increase Brand Recall CDR by 50%.

    Here, there is another Brand, Brand Equity, which grants Brand Recall CDRs to more brands for a longer duration.

    And then there are four additional brands that come from Mastery there as well. This means there are a total of seven brands available to us.

    You can see that our Brand Recall has been reduced by 0.9 seconds from its base cooldown of 4 seconds.

    In this example, I’m just using Armageddon Brand. So this is the actual effect of us casting seven brands. Then left click on Brand Recall. We simply move around and cast Brand Recall every 0.9 seconds, bringing all seven Brands to our destination and activating all Brands.

    Optimized Setup

    While 0.9 seconds is ridiculous, it’s not even an optimized setting.

    For example, you can use Ashes of the Stars Amulet to gain higher gem levels and gain additional cooldown recovery from quality.

    Since Pragmatism is fairly common and you don’t need any kind of gem link setup, you can probably break Pragmatism to get an extra +1 to the level of slot gem corruption.

    If you want to take it a step further, you can also use Enhance and Empower. So this is a Corrupted Pragmatism, with +1 to the level of socketed gems and socketed in Pragmatism.

    We have a Level 7 Brand Recall with 20% quality linked to Level 4 Empower and Level 4 Enhance. Since we are using level 2 Ashes of the Stars Amulet. So Brand Recall ended up at a ridiculous level 19, with a quality of 82% and a cooldown of only 0.759. That’s crazy.

    If you have more POE Currency budget, you can also use the new Armageddon Brand of Recall in this setup. Because it does more damage, but does less damage to Brand Enemy. I think this is probably the best use for this setup.

    Saboteur & Spellslinger

    But I do want to talk about another interaction with Brand Recall, and that’s Saboteur and Spellslinger here.

    Technically, Spellslinger is an Active Skill Gem that supports other Active Skill Gem. This means it also gains the gem level provided by Pragmatism. This is where things get really crazy.

    Because Spellslinger provides a higher cooldown recovery rate for spells, and this stat also increases with gem level. So a level 21 Spellslinger integrated into Pragmatism with Brand Recall would gain 8 gem levels, bringing it to level 29, and provide 56% cooldown recovery with Brand Recall. In addition, reservations also dropped from 25% to 22%.

    Saboteur also received another 30% CDR from Like Clockwork notable and was allocated the same two Brand Wheels.

    The same Mastery Brand Recall has a cooldown of 0.924. At full settings in Enhance, Empower, and Ashes of the Stars, the cooldown drops to 0.825.

    While that’s not that low, what’s really important here is the interaction with Trigger Bots Saboteur. That’s why you use Spellslinger in this setup.

    When you trigger the spell, it causes Brand Recall to trigger. Therefore, Trigger Bots will trigger the skill twice from their location, placing all Active Brands into them and causing them to activate seven brands.

    This means there are 14 Brands activations every 0.9 seconds or so, which is completely ridiculous. And what’s really cool here is that Perfect Crime’s damage modifier doesn’t apply. Because in this case, the spell triggered by Brand Recall is not a damage-causing skill. So in this setup, Trigger Bots Saboteur is actually applying double damage.

    Closing Thoughts

    Overall, it’s just a crazy interaction where all you’re giving up are your armor slots. This is a huge trade-off. That’s the really cool interaction I want to talk about in today’s guide. How are you doing in Affliction League? Good luck!

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