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News Tag: POE Sentinel Mechanic

  • Explanation Of Sentinel Mechanic In POE 3.22 Blast From The Past Event

    Explanation Of Sentinel Mechanic In POE 3.22 Blast From The Past Event

    Nov 10, 2023

    Now it’s time to discuss Blast From The Past Event in Path of Exile 3.22 League.

    This guide is specifically for Sentinel league mechanic, and Recombinator is the dominant type of loot you get from this mechanic. They are powerful production tools. However, the only way to get Recombinator is to complete Sentinel encounters.

    Therefore, this guide will focus primarily on Sentinel content and tips for collecting Recombinators. Once you understand these mechanics, you’ll run Blast From The Past Events more efficiently and harvest the most POE currency more easily!

    Overview Of Sentinel Types

    There are now 3 types of Sentinels and 4 Rarities. You can get Magic, Rare, and Unique Rarities, but Unique is mostly disappointing, so we won’t really discuss it.

    It’s worth noting that while Sentinels have some uses, they’re not really amazing stuff. That said, they’re not something you’ll really want to chase, but if you get them at the right time during the game’s progression, you’ll definitely use them. But they’re not so good that you want to build your entire character’s plans around it.

    Sentinels are now divided into three categories, each with a complete set of equipment, namely Stalker Sentinels (Red), Pandemonium Sentinels (Blue) and Apex Sentinels (Yellow).

    What we love about these Sentinels is the increased chest room slot. It gets a pure strength slot that gives you armor, a pure intelligence slot that gives you an energy shield, and a pure agility slot that gives you dodge. There are others, but these three things are different from each other. They have some different stats and just work in different ways.

    Stalker Sentinels (Red)

    Initially, you can only use Stalker Sentinels. PC side is bound to three types: F1, F2, and F3 by default. You can use up to one of each category in each Sentinels-friendly area you enter.

    This is the simplest Sentinels, very suitable for campaign, but also very suitable for daily mapping. One thing to note is that you have to be close to a still-alive enemy for about 1/4 of a second for Sentinels to work.

    Apex Sentinels(Yellow)

    Apex Sentinels are disappointing, with mediocre rewards. By default, they only work on rare monsters, and if you take a specific tree node, they only work on unique monsters. But they have the highest empowerment value, which is equivalent to Delirium level. This increases the amount of monster power.

    I recommend only using your best Apex Sentinels. If your character can’t do this, Heist Contract has a lot of rare monsters and some unique ones that tend to be easier.

    Pandemonium Sentinels (Blue)

    The effects of Pandemonium Sentinels are most surprising. When you activate them, it fired Empowerment Beam at all monsters within range, and the beam can chain. You can also control where it explodes, and you can choose a relatively safe monster pack to detonate it.

    The best use case for using this Sentinel is definitely into Glacier Map. You can round up over 100 monsters on a single screen, then unleash chaos, kill monsters, and farm repeatedly in new Sentinels to maximize POE Currency gains.

    Sentinels Have Limited Charges

    It’s important to note that the cost of Sentinels is limited. Once they are exhausted, they turn into a brick. It allows you to take two Sentinels, regardless of their amount of charge, merge them together and Sentinel you generate will be fully charged.

    While Sentinels drop a lot, what you want to look for are mods that are individually powerful. For example, empowered enemies have a 3.9% chance of receiving a monetary reward, which makes Sentinels worth using.

    Sentinel Controller

    You also have access to Sentinel’s special passive trees, which don’t start at full power but level up as you kill Sentinel-enhanced monsters.

    This passive tree is very limited. Initially, you can only use one type of Sentinels - Red Sentinels. Later on, you will specify Yellow Sentinels and Blue Sentinels. So if you want to specify as Yellow Sentinels, we’ll get to point Y in one second. Then after you find Yellow Sentinels in the tree, you’ll gain the ability to use Apex Sentinels.

    Alternatively, if you want to go with Blue Sentinels, you can take other longer paths, but they may end up being more rewarding, and ultimately which path you go is up to you.

    That said, this passive tree has many nodes that increase your chances of receiving Sentinels rewards, which is a powerful effect that you should consider seriously.

    Recombinator Basics

    Now let’s discuss Recombinators, as they are the most important loot you can get from Sentinel mechanic.

    There are separate Recombinators for Armor, Weapons, and Jewelry. They will both require two items with the same items category, combined in RNG fashion. We need to get some mods from each item, and there will be a small chance of adding other mods.

    Now, if you have enough Recombinator, and you have enough carefully selected base items for the mod, then Recombinator is a text items editor. This is the most powerful crafting mechanic in POE 3.22, as Recombinator allows for even better crafting.

    The Beginner Recombinator Strategy For +2 Amulets

    There are a lot of nuances in how to use Recombinator well, but we wanted to outline a strong beginner strategy in this guide.

    Each Recombinator is calculated independently, which is part of the power of these authoring tools. This means you can build the perfect prefix on an item, and you don’t have to care what the suffix is for any input items.

    Now what you want to do is get two Amulets, each with a mod that you want to use together on the same item.

    When you use Jewelry Recombinator to recombine them, you have a 1 in 3 chance of getting an amulet with both prefixes. If you fail, you don’t exactly go back to step one. Usually you go back a step or two, which makes you much more efficient.

    Quick Overview Of Other Recombinator Topics

    One thing to say about Recombinator is that it is a mechanism that rewards making large amounts of transactions. We feel this is the most trade-oriented mechanic in Path of Exile history.

    This doesn’t mean you can’t use Solo Self Found, but if you try Solo Self Found, your results will be worse and require more effort. Anyway, that’s the end of this guide. I hope you had a nice bang for your buck in Blast From The Past Event.

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