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News Tag: Path Of Exile 3 21

  • What Is The Reaction Of Players To Saboteur Rework In Path of Exile 3.21?

    What Is The Reaction Of Players To Saboteur Rework In Path of Exile 3.21?

    Jul 07, 2023

    I don’t know if you noticed, but the release of Path of Exile Crucible League actually comes with the rework of two ascendancies: Pathfinder and Saboteur

    We’ve discussed Pathfinder rework in this site and Pathfinder rework was very successful, but Saboteur rework was not. Therefore, we will further expand on the topic of Saboteur rework.

    Rework Goals

    This ascendancy was changed in a big way and I believe the idea around this rework was to attempt to change. The Saboteur ascendancy in a way that made it so that: 

    1. It’s not always the go-to ascendancy for Trap and Mine build.

    2. You can play other build archetypes other than just Trap and Mine builds on this ascendancy. 

    So, were they successful in this goal?

    You could say that they were a sort of successful in some ways. But unfortunately, the changes attempt to pull many of the Trap and Mine builds off of Saboteur and give them the freedom to be played on other classes. 

    That’s not really how it turned out.You can see these builds were only being played on Saboteur because they really needed this ascendancies kit to function to a good standard. And without it, they likely just won’t see any play at all. That’s essentially exactly what has happened. 

    Trap & Mine Builds 

    Many of the popular Trap and Mine builds are just gone from the ladder when comparing Sanctum and Crucible League. Because these builds are just not that great without those ascendancy notables, which the Saboteur used to have access to. 

    For example, Explosive Trap, which was being played by about 2% of all of the builds in Sanctum League. And of those 2%, 90% of them were Saboteur builds by the way. Fast forward to Crucible League, the play rate of Explosive Trap is down by 90% with just 0.2% of characters using this ability.

    Seismic Trap has the same correlation with play rate down across the board from 2% to 0.4% league on league. And this same trend can be seen across many Trap and Mine builds. 

    Other Archetypes?

    But what about their other goal of this rework? To make Saboteur an ascendancy that can be picked for more than just Trap and Mine build.

    GGG tried to achieve this goal by adding some new archetype options to the ascendancy (such as Like Clockwork & Perfect Crime). And there is some moderate success in this field, with about 30% of all of the Saboteur builds in Softcore Crucible League playing some form of Trigger build. That’s one of the new archetypes they added with the Triggerbots ascendancy notable.

    A third of those builds are playing Cyclone Cast on Critical Ice Spear and about a sixth of them are playing Ward Loop builds. So, I say there has been some level of activity with players experimenting with some form of Trigger archetype that the new ascendancy offers the support for. 


    But on the hull, the Saboteur as an ascendancy is down in popularity in quite a big way league on league, which I don’t think is very surprising because the vast majority of mainstay Trap and Mine builds were heavily nerfed by the changes. 

    And I think it’s fair to say that often is the case when ascendancies are changed and new things are added to an ascendancy. It may take a bit of time for these adjustments to actually take effect and people to start picking up on how to play and how to interact with these new archetypes.

    But the Saboteur has really suffered in popularity league on league. It’s gone from 7% play rate in Softcore Trade Sanctum to just 3% in Softcore Trade Crucible. And it has had an even bigger impact on the other leagues with popularity down from 7% to just 1% in the comparison of Hardcore Trade Leagues from Sanctum to Crucible.

    Also Read: New Skills Will Hit Path Of Exile 2 - Definite Info & Some Speculation

    Even worse still is the Solo Self-Found League where Saboteur was nearly the most played ascendancy at 12% in Sanctum down to just 2% in a Solo Self-Found Crucible. 

    So, I think it’s fair to say that this rework has heavily nerfed the class on the vast majority of builds that it was used for previously, gutting most of them to enable just a few of the new ones. 

    The Numbers 

    I feel like Saboteur should have launched in Crucible with better numbers on the new ascendancy like the Tiggerbots ascendancy noticeable, which should have had a smaller and less damage modifier to begin with. Because I think it’s completely fine for a reworks class to launch in a state where it’s perhaps a little overtuned. It can always be revisited later and tweaked a bit. 

    But in the current state of Saboteur, it does need some number changes to really allow the Trigger archetypes to flourish. 

    As for the Trap and Mine builds, I’m not really sure it’s quite obvious that those builds relied on the ascendancy notables that the old Saboteur had and now they’re gone.

    So, I think these archetypes just need a lot more support on the passive tree and on gear to allow them to function more freely on other ascendancies. So you should reserve as much POE Currency as possible. That way, no matter what kind of build you want to make, you have the ability to just buy what you want.

  • POE 3.21 Best Raider Crucible League Build - Nightblade Flicker Strike Raider

    POE 3.21 Best Raider Crucible League Build - Nightblade Flicker Strike Raider

    Jul 06, 2023

    Path of Exile's Crucible League has been out for a while now, and players are still struggling with which build they should choose that works best for them. Because the players are very clear, the choice of build is to combine the relevant characteristics of the class.

    For example, if you choose Raider class, then you should pay attention to the characteristics of Raider, you mainly need to pay attention to its speed and dodge. So when you are considering a build, you need to choose a build with fast movement and high damage.

    Then today I will introduce you the best Raider Crucible League build, I hope it will be helpful to you.

    Path Of Exile: Crucible League's Best Raider Build

    Before we discuss the best builds for Raiders in the Crucible League, let's talk about what the Crucible League is all about. Path of Exile introduced players to Crucible in April 2023, as players of the game themselves were obsessed with the already epic game, and with the addition of the content, it attracted many new fans' concern.

    Crucible League allows you to create god-level weapons by adding additional Crucible Passive Skill Trees. This amazing Skill Tree has players mesmerized as it adds even more power to your weapon of choice, capable of helping you take down your strongest opponents scattered throughout Wraeclast.

    Also Read: Is Path Of Exile Still Worth Playing In 2023? - 10 Things You Must Know

    Nightblade Flicker Strike Raider

    Whether you're an old Path of Exile player or new to the game, Nightblade Flicker Strike Raider build is definitely a good start for you. But getting this build done might not be as easy as you think, but it's definitely worth it. It should be noted that the budget of this build is a bit expensive and requires you to have enough POE Currency, but it will not be so expensive that it will empty your wallet. As long as you are willing to put in the effort and keep improving your build, it will be possible.

    Nightblade Flicker Strike build is also considered one of the fastest and most powerful Path of Exile builds that you can create, it also allows you to clear hordes of enemies and dungeons very quickly. Its survivability is also pretty good, as the build focuses on high dodge ratings, which are especially useful in boss battles and help you avoid a lot of damage. Speaking of boss battles, as long as you're using the right skills and gear, your Raider can deal insane amounts of damage to bosses for great loot.

    The second is the mods you should keep an eye out for, whether it's gems or gear, and you should focus on the following:

    • Added Fire Damage
    • Elemental Support Damage
    • Elemental Resistances
    • Added Lightning Damage
    • Critical Strike Chance

    These aspects are crucial to this build, as it maximizes your Raider's potential to deal incredible damage to enemies while taking damage from them.

    Also you should use some unique items such as:

    • Perseverance Vanguard Belt - which helps increase attack damage.
    • Yoke of Suffering Amulet - It converts all your damage into Electric Shocks.
    • Farrul's Fur - which amplifies your Frenzy to peak levels.

    Do all of the above and you have the best Nightblade Flicker Strike Raider build to easily conquer the entire Wraeclast. Good luck to you!

  • How To Farm Oni-Goroshi Fast In Path Of Exile 3.21?

    How To Farm Oni-Goroshi Fast In Path Of Exile 3.21?

    Jul 04, 2023

    Oni-Goroshi is a powerful unique sword that drops six links. Farming the sword can be incredibly profitable at the moment because it’s currently selling between 5 and 15 Divine Orbs depending on the Critical Strike roll.

    Using the strategy, I’m about to explain to you I was able to farm three Oni-Goroshi in around 12 hours.

    The first one dropped after about four hours; the second one after about two hours; and the remaining one after six. This is an incredibly good deal for just 12 hours of play. Because you don’t need any equipment whatsoever to when you start out. The sword can be acquired by handing in 27 Rebirth cards or by vanquishing Uber Hillock. This guide focuses on the Uber Hillock method, as this is the most sure-fire way of getting one.

    Uber Hillock Method

    Uber Hillock has a small chance to spawn in the Act 1 Twilight Strand area. This area is special in two ways:

    The first is that the area refreshes after 1.5 minutes, which is the quickest time for an area to refresh in Path of Exile.

    Secondly, once you leave the area, it’s impossible to get back in.

    Note that there also seems to be a direct correlation between the level of your character and the chance of rubric spawning. The higher your character level, the more chance he’s got spawning. This means we want to create a new character and level it without it ever Levering the Twilight Strand.

    The simplest way of doing this is to kill Hillock and then log out without going into town. To maximize our efficiency, we should use a Scion. This has access to more movement speed on the tree than any other character at the start of the game.

    With our first seven levels, we’re able to get up to 26% increased Movement Speed once we have 10% increased movement to be boots. To increase our chance of spawning over Hillock, we need to spawn as many Hillocks as possible in the shortest amount of time possible.

    Once I got my characters, the movement speed off the tree and some decent gear I was able to find and vanquish Hillock in about 31 seconds. As an area’s refresh timer starts to tick down once we leave the area, we’re going to require four characters to be up all the time trying to find Hillock.

    So, we roll out for Scions and we start running on the beach. For the first few levels, I suggest you run right to the end of the beach, kill Hillock and then work your way back across the beach, killing everything else. Killing Hillock at the very start can be quite problematic because you’ll run out of Life and Mana Flasks.

    To maximize this, we need to pin Hillock up against this rock here and then keep throwing the blade at him. Our skill does most damage at the end of its run and therefore bouncing it off a wall causes it to immediately end the run.

    Later on, we don’t need to bother pinning him against this wall, as we’ll do enough damage to kill him outright. That said, trying to keep him at the right distance so that the skill ends just where he is will maximize your damage and the speed at which you kill him.

    Once you get to level 4, you can stop hunting everything on the map and just kill things on the path on the way to Hillock. Once you get to level 6, providing you’ve got the gear you need, then you can just run straight to Hillock, ignoring everything.

    This is what you really want to get to. Your first priority gear wise is to collect Runners boots, such as Runner’s Wool Shoes of Thick Skin to increase Movement Speed and a two-handed sword. After this, we want to go for two Iron Rings. It is absolutely imperative that you do not equip a chest piece by using your POE Currency. Doing so will slow you down, which is bad.

    When looking for other items, just look for good stats that will either keep us alive or give us damage, such as Attack Speed on gloves. The best amulet to use is the one that gives us Mana Regen. This will help us not have to use our flask guide too often, which means they won’t run out. The amulet is also a good place to get flat damage to attacks.

    So, how do you know if you found Uber Hillock?

    Well, you can’t miss it. He’s really hard to kill. The other giveaway is there’ll be a glowing sword stuck out of his chest, which is a big contrast from the dark sword that he normally has sticking out of him.

    Now do note that I was concerned when I first was killing Hillock that I was killing him too fast before he actually pulled the blade out of his chest and I was worried that would stop me dropping Oni-Goroshi. This isn’t the case. There is no way you’re going to be able to kill him quick enough once he is Uber Hillock.

    Once Uber Hillock pulls the sword out of his chest, he’s going to get a new ability you haven’t seen from Hillock before or, more accurately, two abilities:

    1. He will summon zombies around him. These keep spawning regardless of whether you kill them or not, so you do want to kill them as quickly as possible to avoid them overpowering you.

    2. He gains is the ability to leap slam on your head. This hurts like hell. As soon as you see him leap, stammit, you want to run as fast as possible to try and avoid the area he’s going to land.

    Now, you’d have to worry too much in this fight. Because if you die, you can resume as I show you here.

    I should also mention that the sword drop is actually guaranteed once you’ve spawned Uber Hillock providing you can kill him. My first character spawned him at level 6 and he was quite manageable. If you are really struggling with him, then kite him down the beach, trying to avoid his attacks.

    Now, I want you to drop the sword. You can take your Scion out of the area into town to drop it off in your stash to sell or to use with another character.


    I believe, based on the research I’ve done, that it’s only possible to drop one Oni-Goroshi per character. That said, I wasn’t able to prove this. If you’re gonna be a mass case like me and try for another Oni-Goroshi, which wants you to drop your first one, then all you’re going to need to do is rolling another character to replace the one that you’ve just taken at rotation.

    You’ll be hitting spawn chances locked behind RNG, so times may vary wildly. And I will remind you to take care of yourself, keep yourself hydrated, and walk around plenty. This is a very repetitive task and it can be difficult to drag yourself away. But you really should take a break every once in a while.

  • 5 Most Popular New Masteries In Path Of Exile 3.21

    5 Most Popular New Masteries In Path Of Exile 3.21

    Jun 30, 2023

    We’re going to be talking a bit about Passive Skill Tree Masteries

    In POE 3.21, we received a bunch of Mastery reworks, which largely replace a lot of the more generic options with more interesting ones and seem to attempt to remove most of the always pick masteries that’s the ones that you would basically always have to pick if you were running a certain build. Those are things such as the Determination and Grace Reservation Efficiency Mastery.

    About half of the passageway masteries were reworked. And I think it’s quite likely that the other half are going to be reworked as part of patch 3.22. So, let’s take a look at the top five most popular new masteries that were added in 3.21.

    Lucky Suppression

    We’re starting off with the new Spell Suppression Mastery - “Chance to Suppress Spell Damage is Lucky”. This one is being used by about 15% of characters on the Softcore Trade Crucible ladder. And this also includes many characters on the opposite side of the Passive Tree with no access to this Mastery. 

    So, it’s fair to say that it’s being used by a lot of characters in the vicinity of the right side of the tree that are also investing into Spell Suppression. And it’s equally as popular in other leagues as well, and this is just generally a great Mastery for Spell Suppression gearing. 

    You can either make use of this Mastery before you’ve reached 100% chance to suppress spell damage, which will help you have a higher effective Spell Suppression chance before you’ve acquired stronger gear or like a lot of builds, you can just make use of this Mastery to simply make a smaller chance to suppress spell damage a lot more effective. 

    This Mastery will roll your charm to suppress spell damage twice. For example, if you add 50% chance to suppress through damage with this Mastery, your effective chance to suppress spell damage would be 75% and I think this Mastery being popular is not surprising at all. It’s a very strong one-point modifier, especially considering all of these builds will already be investing into at least one spell suppression wheel on the Passive Tree.

    Instant Leech

    Next up, we’ve got the Leech Mastery - “10% of Leech is Instant”.

    This one is being picked up by about 19% of all builds on Softcore Trade Crucible and it’s extremely powerful. This Mastery is so good for sustain in general since it works on Life, Mana and Energy Shield Leech. 

    One of the top uses for this Mastery is on Trickster builds using this Mastery to have incredible Energy Shield Recovery. The great thing about this one on Trickster is that when you do lose Energy Shield, you’ll be able to recover to full that much faster. And that means that the Energy Leech Support is going to be providing that full energy shield damage bonus more of the time, which is very strong.

    And this Mastery is great to proactively solve issues with Mana and general Life Recovery. We see a lot of builds using this Mastery are Deadeyes. Obviously, Deadeyes are really popular ascendancy in this league was a very heavy bow focus league and a lot of these Deadeye builds are using Calm Spirit unique gloves. So, they’re very reliant on leech as a primary form of recovery and Instant Leech works wonders for that.

    Also Read: Why GGG Is Silent On Path Of Exile 2? 

    Inverted Resistances

    The next Mastery is the Elemental Mastery - “Hits Have a 25% Chance to Treat Enemy Monster Elemental Resistance Values as Inverted”.

    This one’s being picked up slightly more than the last at 21% of all characters in Softcore Trade Crucible. And honestly, this Mastery is just kind of ridiculous. The huge majority of builds picking this one up are bow builds, lots of Ice Shot, Lightning Arrow, and that sort of stuff. And these builds are largely using Sniper’s Mark as their curse, with a small amount using Assassin’s Mark instead. 

    Many of those builds don’t have exposure either. They don’t have exposure from the gloves or a skill as I said a lot of them are using the Clams Spirit gloves. This means that bosses will typically have 50% Elemental Resistance against most of the damage being dealt.

    So, the 25% of the time when this Mastery progs, the hit will deal damage as though the boss had minus 50% Elemental Resistances, which is just a crazy increase in damage for just a single passive point spent.

    Obviously, the value of this Mastery goes down a bit if you’re using a curse to lower a boss’s resistance. But it’s still quite effective even if the boss has 15 or 20% resistance.

    No Life Body Armour 

    Next up, we’ve got the Life Mastery - “15% Increased Maximum Life If There Are No Life Modifiers On Equipped Body Armour”.

    This Mastery pretty much replaced the 10% increased maximum life Mastery that we had access to last patch. But these two have very different use cases and it enables a lot of interesting options for the body armor slot. This one is very popular as a 26% use rate by characters in Softcore Trade Crucible.

    Once again, a large majority of those builds are Deadeye build and many of those using Hyrri’s Ire, a unique body armor, which just has insane value for those elemental bow builds. It has a huge amount of added damage. You also gain a massive amount of spell suppression and evasion. And importantly, it doesn’t have a life modifier, which means it can be used with this Mastery.

    We also see a lot of Juggernaut builds mainly Boneshatter builds using this one too, making a big Glorious Plate body armor with a huge focus on armor and other important modifiers, like additional PDR. And that makes crafting these POE Items easier when you can forgo life and allocate the Mastery instead, which is another really strong one-point Mastery there.

    Mana Reservation Efficiency

    Lastly, the most popular new Mastery in 3.21, the Mana Mastery - “for 12% Increased Mana Reservation of Skills”.

    It was always going to be this one wasn’t it, especially after the removal of the dedicated reservation efficiency masteries. And this one is being used by a massive 40% of characters on Softcore Trade Crucible. It’s quite interesting actually because many of those builds wouldn’t usually be investing any points into a Mana wheel on the tree. 

    Now, they’re investing at least three points to grab the notable and this Mastery and it’s absolutely worth it. Since this is global Mana Reservation Efficiency rather than skill specific, it’s very strong. And it’s often the case that this Mastery is enough along with, perhaps, an Enlighten to allow a build to run that additional Aura, which makes it a must-have for many builds. If you also like this Mastery very much, then use your POE Currency to get one directly.

    I have to say I think I prefer this Mastery to the dedicated ones from the last patch. It does make more sense that this type of Mastery is on a Mana wheel instead. 

  • What Exactly Caused Lightning Coil Shift In Popularity In POE 3.21?

    What Exactly Caused Lightning Coil Shift In Popularity In POE 3.21?

    Jun 29, 2023

    In Path of Exile 3.21 Crucible League, the Lightning Coil unique body armor quickly became one of the most popular pieces of gear in the game. 

    You can really begin to see this change properly when you compare this league compared to the last league 3.20 Sanctum. Through the comparison, it is not difficult to find that not only the popularity of Lightning Coil has greatly increased, but it is also applicable to all leagues.

    POE 3.19 Change

    Lighting Coil was buffed recently the modifier, which grants a percentage of physical damage from hits taken as lightning damage was increased from 30% to 50%. This is a huge change and overall a giant amount of damage shift gained from a single piece of gear.

    But the interesting thing about this change is that it happened in 3.19 Kalandra League and it wasn’t until Crucible League that this item really caught on in popularity. 

    So, what happened here? 

    It’s often the case that these sorts of improvements to items do take a while to actually garner attention. But in the case of Lightning Coil, the popularity shift actually happened largely because of another change.

    Pathfinder Rework 

    That was the rework of the Pathfinder ascendancy.

    Now, unlike the Saboteur rework, these changes quickly made Pathfinder when one of the strongest if not the strongest ascendancy in the game right now. And the play rate of the class skyrocketed.

    In the Softcore Trade League, the popularity of Pathfinder tripled from Sanctum to Crucible, and it’s just about doubled in every other league.

    Flask Setup 

    Pathfinder’s ability to consistently have a Ruby Topaz and Sapphire Flask acted all the time makes for a relatively low investment combination with the Lightning Coil to provide great defense against all elemental damage and physical damage from hits at the same time.

    The lightning resistance granted by the permanent Topaz Flask makes out gearing the huge amount of negative lightning resistance on the Lightning Coil unique body armor. It is much easier, as well. 

    With just the Lightning Coil equipped, half of all of the physical damage that you take from hits will be mitigated by your lightning resistance and then further still by the less damage taken modifier on the Topaz Flask itself. 

    Also Read: Everything You Need To Know About Creating Poison Soulrend Build In POE 3.21!

    Taste Of Hate 

    Pathfinder can then invest into a Taste of Hate unique flask whenever they’re able to afford it to replace the normal Sapphire Flask.

    And with just these two uniques along with some flask effects and perhaps an Eater of Worlds Helmet Implicit for some additional physical damage shift the character can pretty much ignore physical damage hits since the large majority of that damage will now be taken as elemental damage instead. 

    These builds no longer need to use Determination, which is a huge deal considering how impactful auras are. They could even continue to invest into this kind of setup deep into the endgame and eventually reach 100% or close to 100% of physical damage from Hits Taken’s elemental damage instead. 

    You can really begin to see how popular this combination mechanics has been in the Crucible League with 89% of builds using the Lightning Coil being Pathfinder and of those builds 86% are also using Taste of Hate.

    But the popularity of Lightning Coil has more to do with the lack of competition that this item has for the magnitude of damage shift that it provides.  


    The closest option is the Cloak of Flame, which is somewhat comparable it provides 40% of physical damage taken as fire damage. And this item is not specific to hits. So, it also worked for things like Bleeding, which is actually quite strong and it also provides a large amount of resistance rather than the negative resistance that the Lightning Coil has. 

    But realistically, the Pathfinder doesn’t really need to gear much for resistance due to the flask setup. And the rest of the modifiers on Cloak of Flame are quite weak in comparison. It lacks any kind of life. The base provides a tiny amount of Energy Shield compared to the very respectable amount of armour renovation that you gain on the Lightning Coil. 

    This is not as favorable of an option, with only 0.8% of players using the Cloak of Flame compared to the 7% using Lightning Coil in Softcore Trade Crucible. And after that, the options start to become a lot less comparable and unveiled gravitious armor. Thus, the Betrayal mode that can have up to 18% physical damage shift and an Essence or a Conqueror Influence body armor can have up to 15%.

    With these options providing much lower amounts of damage shift, you’ll then need to start sacrificing more gear slots to pursue this kind of defense things, like the shield slot for example with the Dawnbreaker.


    I do think it’s quite an interesting time for defenses in Path of Exile. We now have a lot of very strong options for the body armor slot. And each item has their own strengths and weaknesses. I really like that they cover a lot of ground in terms of different defense types and different synergies that can be paired with them and just a general preference towards specific ascendencies or different sides of the passive tree.

    I’m not sure what the future will bring for the Lightning Coil or POE Items like the Fourth Vow. Whether these receive some sort of nerfs or if they continue to introduce other interesting competing options, only time will tell. 

    But, in general, I do think it’s an interesting time. There is a lot of options that you have when it comes to gearing your defenses in Path of Exile right now. And that’s a big difference compared to what it used to be even six leagues went.

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  • Best Farming Strategy For Harbingers In POE 3.21 - Kirac’s Memory of Survivor Guilt

    Best Farming Strategy For Harbingers In POE 3.21 - Kirac’s Memory of Survivor Guilt

    Jun 21, 2023

    Did you ever feel like you are not dropping enough Fracturing Shards? Do you think Harbinger farming is boring? To change your mind, I’m going to reveal my best farming strategy for Harbingers.

    Farming Strategy 

    As you know, there are different ways to farm Harbingers:

    1. Mapping with Scarabs, Sextant, and a dedicated Atlas passive tree is the most popular choice right now. But it is not necessarily the most profitable or enjoyable. 

    2. Beached maps on the other side are just terrible in this meta. Because they are so slow and unrewarding. 

    3. There are still two other options though, which would be the Kirac’s Memories (Kirac’s Memory of Survivor Guilt & Kirac’s Memory of Phaaryl). 

    And the best one that we are going to review today is the Kirac’s Memory of Survivor Guilt.

    When playing this memory, players in areas are imbued with the form of Harbingers and every item they drop is replaced by a Currency Shards. Do you know what increases the amount of items dropped? It is because of the Magic Find and Party Play.

    This is a very unique mechanic for Harbinger farming. Because normally when you are mapping, Currency Shards do not scale in number with item quantity and not even with party play or item wrap.

    To verify if all of this is true, I made a very simple experiment. First, I removed all of my Magic Find gear. Then, I removed my jewels and then I filled my characters with Combustible Crimson Jewels that provide 10% reduced quantity in order to get minus 100% quantity.

    With this setup, no items can drop. But while you’re mapping, Currency Shards keep dropping as normal with and without Atlas passive notables are located. I also dropped a master memory, which means they are not affected by quantity at all. 

    Instead, when I tried Kirac’s Memory, Magic Find worked as expected and with a minus 100% quantity, no Currency Shards dropped for me whatsoever.

    Now that we confirmed this mechanic. Let’s take a closer look at the modifiers on the maps of the memory chain and you’ll find a very powerful mod. “Players have 4% chance to summon a pack of Harbingers monsters on kill.” You will get 5% chance on the Thicket Map, 6% chance on the Temple Map and 7% chance on the Racecourse Map

    If we want to abuse this mechanic as much as possible, we must increase the number of monsters in our maps. And since we cannot use the Sextant or Scarabs in memories, we only have two possible strategies, which would be Beyond and Delirium

    Also Read: POE 3.21 Herald Of Thunder Elementalist Build - Hot Autobomber

    You can draw Beyond on your map by chaos spamming and eventually getting a total of six modifiers by using an Exalted Orb. Remember, Beyond as incredible synergy with Harbingers. Because Harbingers monsters are spawned all close together, allowing to create a lot of Beyond portals. 

    Then, you can apply those Delirium Orbs and each Delirium Orb adds additional monsters. But in my opinion, you should really stop at 80% delirium and here is why.

    In this kind of memories, monsters are getting buffed with up to 40% increased damage. And 160% more light is really a lot and makes them incredibly talented. 100% delirium is going to be extremely tough and the monsters are so tanky that even very high budget builds become very slow, including the maps. 

    Another important factor you should consider is the starting location for your Kirac’s Memory. My favorite choice is quite surprising, rather unusual. It’s Desert Spring Map. This map has a high natural count of monsters and the boss spawns many little scorpions that can themselves spawn Harbingers.

    Now, when you apply a memory on the atlas, the path it creates always goes up. And Desert Spring is connected to many high monster count maps, such as Thicket, Burrows, Temple, and Tropical Island. While these are not the greatest layout on the atlas, all we care about again is simply the amount of monsters we kill in order to spawn Harbingers and optimize our profit.

    Profit Results

    Let’s now talk about profit. 

    First, we see the farming results for mapping. We got 5.3 Divine Orbs and 3.1 Divine Orbs per hour, assuming maps are about 2.5 minutes. This is with fairly low investment. But when we go to the Kirac’s Memory of Survivor Guilt. The results become much better, especially with Magic Find. 

    So, in standard, when we have 200 quantity the profit per hour as a solo player is 7.1 divines. And this is without counting the Mirror Shard that I dropped.

    Then, we got the party play. And in standard, you would gain almost 20 divines per hour when playing with about four men in a party. That’s really great. For league, if we consider that we can get up to 100 increased quantity of items found, we got something like 4.5 divines per hour and for party play almost 11.6 divines per hour.

    So, the potential for this strategy is much higher than just the flat values of Harbinger mapping. 

    Additionally, we should mention though that no Magic Find on these strategies isn’t really that great. These maps are very expensive to run. Because you have to roll each map composing the memory. So, your costs are quite high. 

    Also, it’s worth mentioning that maps take a long time to complete. It’s about 30 minutes in total for all four maps. You should keep that in mind if you’re planning your farming session around this type of strategy. 


    Overall, the Kirac’s Memory Harbinger strategy requires a very high investment. But it really pays off and the gameplay for this type of content is extremely fun, with a lot of monsters constantly spawning and the Currency Shards dropping everywhere.

    On top, since you are only picking up POE Currency, resiling your loot will be super easy and fast. 

    By the way, Diablo 4, also an ARPG, has been released for a while. In order to strengthen their characters as soon as possible to achieve a better game experience, players are racing against time to level up. If you don’t have much time and experience, you might as well take a look at the Diablo 4 Boosting service provided by Whether you just want to level up or get some rare items, this service can basically meet all your needs!

  • Path Of Exile 3.21 Arc Totems Hierophant Templar Build

    Path Of Exile 3.21 Arc Totems Hierophant Templar Build

    Jun 20, 2023

    The build I’m going to introduce today is super cheap and easy to play - Arc Totems Hierophant with the Templar class. On this build, we use many totems that cast the Arc skills for a fast and safe clear speed.


    Here are all the pros of this build:

    • Cheap 
    • Safe Gameplay
    • Great Boss Damage
    • Great Clear Speed
    • Immunity To Curses
    • Excellent Starter
    • Awesome For Beginners
    • Easy To Build
    • Easy Leveling

    To list the pros of this build, I would start with how cheap and easy it is to complete your atlas using this build with almost no investment. 

    You have a powerful, safe, and fast character that will be the perfect POE Currency farmer for this and future builds.


    Here are all the cons of this build:

    • No Evasion
    • No Spell Suppression
    • Passive Playstyle

    Now to list the cons, this build doesn’t have access to evasion or spell suppression. But don’t worry. Totem builds a very safe to play.

    Another issue is that some players might find this gameplay to be a little tedious and too easy. But as you know, this is just a matter of taste. 


    As for budget, this is one of the cheapest builds in existence. You can get a destroying early endgame map with only around 35 Chaos Orbs. 

    To comfortably advance to Yellow Maps, I recommend investing around 90 Chaos Orbs. And for easily completing our atlas, I recommend investing around 3 Divine Orbs. But you can totally do it with less. 

    Unique Items

    This build needs three mandatory unique items, but they are normally very cheap and easy to get.

    The first one is the Soul Mantle Spidersilk Robe, that causes socketed gems to be supported by a level 20 Spell Totem. This grants us an extra support skill gem.

    We also need a Kikazaru Topaz Ring to counter the effects of curses. This is because of a side effect of Soul Mantle that will apply a random curse on you whenever a totem dies.

    Finally, we also need a Self-Flagellation Viridian Jewel that grants up to 20% increased damage for each curse on you. Thanks to Soul Mantle, you’ll be always with around 9 curses resulting in 180% increased damage.

    Clear Speed

    For clear speed, this build gets 9 out of 10. 

    Arc is an awesome skill that chains through many enemies and easily clear big packs. This build comes with four totems, casting this amazing skill.

    Also Read: POE 3.21 Herald Of Thunder Elementalist Build - Hot Autobomber

    Boss Damage

    The boss damage deserves 9 out of 10. 

    With the right debuffs and all four totems summoned, this build can take even big bosses down without any issue.


    For the survivability, I would also give it 9 out of 10.

    As a totem build, you will always be far from action while your totems do all the work. So, if you know how to mind your position, you can easily complete high tier maps with low grade gear.

    Above all, this build still comes with high armor and high block chance.

    That’s all for this build. By the way, if you want to dominate the recent hot Diablo 4, making different builds is also essential. Since some powerful skills can only be unlocked after reaching a certain level, the most important thing right now is to complete the leveling as quickly as possible. But it will be a boring and long process. Therefore, I recommend you to look at the Diablo 4 Boosting service provided by Hope it can help you!

  • POE 3.21 Scorching Ray And Searing Bond Chieftain Build Guide

    POE 3.21 Scorching Ray And Searing Bond Chieftain Build Guide

    Jun 16, 2023

    Here's a Chieftain that uses Searing Bond and Scorching Ray. It's a simple build that takes advantage of the provided ascendancy keystones to deal fire damage over time as Chieftains often tend to do. We're using a staff that allows us to accommodate an additional six-link setup. So, there are two major damage sources both somewhat equal in damage output.

    Build Overview

    We're using Scorching Ray and Searing Bond totems. They're very similar spells. Both ot them deal Burning Damage. But one is cast via totems and the other you have to channel yourself. It's a good combination as you can benefit from both simultaneously. Use Scorching Ray to deal with most encounters. 

    It's overall not an exceptionally great build, but excellent for its price nonetheless. You don't need to spend lots of POE Currency. Especially, its defenses make it worth your consideration as it's quite durable. It has an extraordinarily high block chance combined with high armor and rapid life regeneration. You may not even need a life flask.

    It's an extremely cheap build. There are multiple inexpensive unique items that you can wear until you're ready to afford much better rare counterparts. That makes it great for a starter build or even an SSF One. You can deal with most of the bosses in the game while saving for a better build.

    DPS Skills

    Searing Bond is the totem spell. Placed totems have a fiery beam linking them in the character and damaging opponents standing between you or your totems.

    Scorching Ray also deals Burning Damage in a straight line. You can channel it to deal ramping up damage against tough enemies. 


    For survivability the build employs a high life pool, endurance charges, armor, capped block chance for spells and attacks, and life regeneration. It's all tied together with Valako keystone. Tasalio makes gearing up cheaper and provides yet another defensive layer.

    Clear Speed

    Clear speed is not as bad as it might seem. The Scorching Ray's burn lingers for a short time. 

    Single-target Damage is not very high, a few million DPS at most.


    The price is as low as you can get. We've made it the unique selling point of the build.

    Gear, Jewels, Flasks 

    You won't have to buy any listed unique items. But Skin of the Lord's body armor and Legacy of Fury boots seems like the best-in-slot items.

    Recommended Uniques

    • Hrimnor's Resolve
    • The Searing Touch
    • Skin of the Lords
    • Legacy of Fury
    • Mark of the Shaper

    Skin of the Lords may be the most expensive item here. Hrimnor's Resolve helmet has relatively good stats perfectly suited for this build. It increases damage and grants immunity to chill and freeze. The Searing Touch is one of the cheapest staves in the game. It has all the modifiers you need - extra gem levels, fire damage, and Burning Damage. 

    Skin of the Lords is an expensive option. It has to have the right sockets as you can't change them later. It's pretty much used only for the plus two to level of socketed gems and a bit of extra armor. It adds a lot of smoothness if you pick one with Call to Arms Keystone. 

    We recommend Legacy of Fury footwear. Scorched enemies have lower Elemental Resistance and explode on death. The movement speed and armor bonuses are great.

    Xoph's Blood is not particularly great. But if you can't afford a good rare amulet, get this one instead. Its most impactful qualities are increased maximum life and the ability to cover enemies in ash. 

    If your other ring is elder influenced, we would recommend Mark of the Shaper. It massively increases spell and Elemental Damage. It summons Volatile Anomalies and increases maximum life, which is good.

    Malevolence is extra damage over time multiplier is the best aura mod to seek on a Watcher's Eye. Determination doesn't have any good ones. 

    Gearing up is easy. If you've played Righteous Fire build before, you should be familiar with the basic principles of such build. You won't deal ignite or ailment damage. Seek Burning Damage, which is called fire damage over time, too. They're the same thing. Skill gem level is also important. But that's an expensive stat to aim for. For defenses, seek maximum life, resistances, armor, life regeneration and block chance.

    There's not much to look for on a helmet, just the basic life and resistances. If you can afford something more extravagant, get Chaos Resistance and Mana Reservation Efficiency, too. 

    The most important qualities to seek in a rare staff are increases to gem levels and generic Burning Damage bonuses. It's relatively easy to get a staff that had increased the gem level of fire spells by 3 or even 5. "Regenerate 25 Mana per second while any enemy is in Righteous Fire or Scorching Ray" Crucible mod fixes all your Mana issues. But it may be unavailable after patch 3.21. So, we offered other alternative methods of dealing with those.

    Rare body armor. There, we encourage gathering maximum life and resistances of all kinds. Life regeneration, armor, and increased effect of auras can also be impactful. Rare boots do not offer a lot of useful modifiers. Besides, maximum life and Elemental Resistances get the movement speed prefix. Gloves should provide the basic maximum life and resistances. Try to get a lot of Chaos Resistance here, too. It's necessary to have at least positive resistance to this type of damage. 

    Another piece of equipment where you can find a lot of maximum life and resistances is a belt. We would also recommend getting a copy with strength chaos resistance or various flask modifiers. Stygian Vise is the best base.

    An amulet may be the most expensive item on the list as its potential is nearly limitless. Aim for modifiers that would increase the level of all fire skill gems, maximum life, and fire DOT multiplier. You can also craft a mod that reduces Mana cost of skills.

    Recommended Anoitments

    • Charisma
    • Cleansed Thoughts
    • Divine Judgement

    Rings are great sources of resistances. Try to get as much resistance as here as you can afford. Extra maximum life is mandatory. As was the case with amulet, you can craft the modifier that lowers the mana cost of skills. Flammability on hit is good to have. But it makes ring much more expensive and is not really needed.

    Recommended Affixes

    • Maximum Life
    • Resistances
    • Mana Reservation Efficiency
    • Increased Burning Damage

    On each of the rare jewels, get a bonus to maximum life prefix and Burning Damage suffix. Other modifiers are less important. 

    Recommended Affixes

    • 1 Added Passive Skill is Burning Bright
    • 1 Added Passive Skill is Cremator
    • 1 Added Passive Skill is Prismatic Heart
    • 1 Added Passive Skill is Smokine Remains
    • 1 Added Passive Skill is Widespread Destruction

    Having one or two large Jewels would significantly improve your damage. But keep in mind that the good ones are very pricey. Look for no more than eight passives and up to three of the listed notables. 

    Recommended Affixes

    • 1 Added Passive Skill is Burning Bright
    • 1 Added Passive Skill is Flow of Life
    • 1 Added Passive Skill is Student of Decay
    • 1 Added Passive Skill is Mender's Wellspring

    Fire damage over time medium cluster Jewels are usually great. But avoid notables that affect ignite or ailment damage, only Burning Damage is of use.

    Magic Flasks

    • Life Flask with Bleed Removal
    • Basalt or Silver Flask
    • Granite Flask with Increased Armour
    • Quicksilver Flask with Increased Movement Speed
    • Sulphur Flask with Reduced Effect of Curses by at least 50%

    Regular magic utility flasks are what we've settled on use a Granite Flask for extra armor, Quicksilver Flask for movement speed, Sulphur Flask for Consecrated ground and damage and a Basalt or Silver Flask for armor or even better mobility. Their suffixes should increase your armor, movement speed, and reduce the effect of curses by 50 percent. Combined with Consecrated ground, you'll be hex proof. Also, get a Mana or Life Flask with Bleed Removal.

    Skill Gems And Sockets 

    Scorching Ray, a channeling fire spell that you can deal Burning Damage with. The longer you scorch an enemy, the more damage it will receive and it will also inflict exposure. The burning lingers for a bit. We've picked a Divergent version to rotate faster. It increases clear speed. Link it with Burning Damage, Eefficacy, Elemental Focus, Empower, and Controlled Destruction support gems.

    Searing Bond, much like Scorching Ray deals Burning Damage. It is cast via totems that form damaging bonds between each other and the character. Link it with Swift Affliction, Efficacy, Multiple Totems, Elemental Focus and Life Tap if you struggle with Mana, if not Burning Damage support. 

    Arcanist Brand is a brand that sticks to the enemies and triggers all linked to its spells each second. Link it with Flammability. This curse lowers the enemy's fire resistance and Purifying Flame. It deals a bit of physical and fire damage while creating Consecrated ground. It's used to apply combustion we recommend a Divergent version for more overall damage. Link it with Combustion Support so that igniting hits apply Combustion, a debuff that lowers fire resistance.

    Link Skills also have an increased chance to ignite. Herald of Ash is used here for increased Burning Damage, spell fire damage, and to enhance clear speed. Determination adds and increases armor rating to reduce physical damage taken. Malevolence increases skill effect duration and grants more damage over time. Link them with Enlightened Support so that Link Skills reserve less Mana. Vitality can be used here instead if you don't need it.

    Immortal Call consumes your endurance charges, which is essential due to Valako's Keystone and grants you a buff that reduces physical and elemental hit damage taken. Its duration is increased per endurance charge consumed. Flame Dash allows you to dash, leaving a trail of Burning ground behind. 

    Infernal Cry covers nearby enemies in ash to make them take increased fire damage. You could use it in crowded areas, too as such opponents will explode on death. Link them up with Arcane Surge support. Arcane Surge buff is used for an increased cast speed in mono regeneration rate. Keep this gem at a low level.

    Bandits, Pantheon, and Passive Tree 

    Kill all three bandits in Act 2 and be rewarded with two additional skill points. You can pick nearly any major God except Brine King. It's bad. But we've gone for Solaris for better bossing. You can face tank a lot of bosses with it so that you won't have to stop channeling the Scorching Ray.

    Minor Gods also offer a lot of useful virtues. Soul of Ryslatha is good for flask charges and more life recovery from such flasks. Tukohama is interesting too as you often stand still long enough to activate its bonus.

    The passive skill tree is where you can acquire nodes for increased maximum life and fire damage. These are the most important ones. In addition to that, get some spell block chance, Mana Reservation Efficiency, and Mana Regeneration.

    The keystones we've chosen are Unwavering Stance so that you can't get stunned, Iron Wool for extra spell damage and Glancing Blows to cap block chance.

    For masteries, get Life Mastery for 50 life or 15 increased life if you have no life mods on body armor fire masteries for more effective; fire exposure and life regeneration; and Mana Mastery for reservation efficiency.

    Speaking of builds, there are also a lot of guides about Dibalo 4 builds recently. If you also want to make good builds to strengthen your characters in Diablo 4, then you need to prepare a lot of Diablo 4 Gold in advance. In this way, you will feel very relaxed.

  • 3 Best Lightning Builds In Path of Exile 3.21

    3 Best Lightning Builds In Path of Exile 3.21

    Jun 08, 2023

    In this article, I’m going to talk about my top three lightning builds in Path of Exile 3.21.

    1. Arc Totems

    The first build of our shocking selection is the Arc Totems Hierophant with the Templar class. On this build, we use many totems that cast the arc skills for a fast and safe clear speed.

    Pros & Cons

    Listing the pros of this build, I would start with how cheap and easy it is to complete your atlas using this build. With almost no investment, you have a powerful safe and fast character that will be the perfect currency farmer for this and future builds.

    Now, to list the cons, this build doesn’t have access to evasion on spell suppression. But don’t worry, totems builds are very safe to play. Another issue is that some players might find this gameplay to be a little tedious and too easy. But as you know, this is just a matter of taste.


    As for budget, this is one of the cheapest builds in existence. You can get a destroying early endgame map with only around 35 Chaos Orbs.

    To comfort to advance to Yellow Maps, I recommend investing around 90 chaos. And for easily completing our atlas, I recommend investing around 3 Divine Orbs. But you can totally do it with less.

    Unique Items

    This build needs three mandatory unique items. But they are normally very cheap and easy to get.

    The first one is the Soul Mantle armor that causes socketed gems to be supported by a level 20 Spell Totem. This grants us an extra support skill gem.

    We also need a Kikazaru Topaz Ring to counter the effect of curses. This is because of a side effect of the Soul Mantle that will apply a random curse on you whenever a totem dies.

    Finally, we also need a Self-Flagellation jewel that grants up to 20 increased damage for each curse on you. Thanks to Soul Mantle, you’ll be always with around 9 curses, resulting in 180% increased damage.

    Clear Speed

    For clear speed, this build gets 9 out of 10.

    Arc is an awesome skill that chained to many enemies and easily clear big packs. This build counts with four totems, casting this amazing skill.

    Boss Damage

    The boss damage deserves 9 out of 10. With the right debuffs and all four totem summoned, this build can take even big bosses down without any issue.


    For the Survivability, I’ll also give it 9 out of 10.

    As a totem build, you always be far from action while your totems do all the work. So, if you know how to mind your position, you can easily complete high tier maps with low grade gear.

    Above all, this build still comes with high armor and high block chance.

    Related: 3 Best Flicker Strike Builds In Path Of Exile 3.21 Crucible

    2. Spark

    Next, we have a very popular build, the Spark Inquisitor. also with the Templar class.

    Spark is an erratic lightning skill that runs on the floor killing any living thing that has a misfortune of crossing its way.

    Pros & Cons

    To list the pros of this build, I would start with how easy and simple it is to play it. You don’t need to aim or anything. Just cast the Spark and they will run on their own and get the job done. This build also needs only one mandatory or unique item and counts with great boss damage and survivability.

    To list the cons, I would point that the clear speed is not very smooth. Because you end up having to cast Spark many times. It’s almost like a Raging Spirits build. Another issue would be the lack of evasion and spell suppression. But don’t worry, we have many other defensive layers.


    As for a budget, you can get a destroying early endgame map with only around 85 chaos.

    To comfort to advance to Yellow Maps, I recommend investing around 120 chaos and for easily completing atlas, I recommend investing around 4 divines.

    Unique Items

    You need only one mandatory unique item for this build, the Call of the Brotherhood ring that converts 40% of lightning damage into cold damage. This is great because it freezes enemies for more survivability.

    And we also use Herald of Ice for more clear speed.

    Clear Speed

    For Clear speed, I’ll give it 8 out of 10.

    Spark projectiles have a long duration and pierce enemies. So, after you cast them, they go through a long distance, killing many of them. But since you can’t control their path, you end up having to cast many times, and that might slow you down a little.

    Boss Damage

    The boss damage is great and reserves 9 out of 10, especially when you find yourself in a closed arena where the Spark projectiles can hit the target many times.


    For the survivability, I’ll give it 9 out of 10.

    This build counts with an amazing regeneration, huge life plus energy shield pool, high armor and block chance. This can even be better if you invest a few Chaos Orbs buying a Replica Soul Tether belt for the Corrupted Soul.

    3. Lightning Arrow

    Finally, we have the build that took everyone by surprise on Crucible, the amazing Lightning Arrow Deadeye with the Ranger class.

    With all those returning projectile shenanigans that Crucible brought, we now live in the time of archers with very little investment that pretty much doubled most of the attack on projectile damage.

    Now Lightning Arrow got even more with its Vaal version. That is awesome to kill bosses.

    Pros & Cons

    To list the pros of this build, I’m not sure if I would start with its clear speed or boss damage. Because both are out of this world. This build is also not complicated to put together. It’s definitely the perfect mid-league build to be playing right now.

    To list the cons, I will start with its cost. Because of Lioneye’s Fall, this build is quite expensive right now. But I’m sure that in a few more weeks, the prices will drop.


    About the budget, as I just mentioned is an expensive build right now. You need around 5 Divine Orbs to put it together.

    Unique Items

    You only need two mandatory unique items for this build.

    The first is, of course, the Lioneye’s Fall Jewel, that grants many useful nodes in our passive tree. Next, we also need a Yoke of Suffering amulet that causes all of our Elemental Damage to shock. This way, our enemies take a lot more damage.

    Clear Speed

    For clear speed, I’ll give it 10 out of 10.

    You fire many projectiles with high attack speed and those projectiles return to you, pierce enemies and bounce off walls. You even have your Mirage Archer to fire more projectiles. No one can survive that.

    Boss Damage

    The boss damage is also amazing and deserves 10 out of 10.

    Using two Vaal Lightning Arrows plus your Ballistas on bosses will kill them so fast that you won’t believe it.


    For this survivability, I’ll give you this build 9 out of 10.

    You’ll have armor evasion and spell suppression that grants almost 50, 000 effects of HP. But the main reason why this build is safe is because you can kill everything from a huge distance. You just need to mind your position.

    That’s all for today’s content. By the way, Diablo 4 is very popular recently. If you want to dominate the whole game, you must prepare a lot of Diablo 4 Gold in advance. In this way, you can achieve rapid upgrades and make more excellent builds. If you think the leveling process is too time-consuming and laborious, you may wish to take a look at Boosting service from Hope these suggestions can help you!

  • A Discussion On POE 3.21 Rampage Crucible Mod Duping

    A Discussion On POE 3.21 Rampage Crucible Mod Duping

    Jun 05, 2023

    Today, I want to talk about some really interesting stuff that’s been going on in the Path of Exile Crucible League economy. And this is going to be looking specifically at bows and other weapons that have Rampage as a Crucible mod.

    This is a very rare outcome. It can only be in the fourth column of your Crucible Tree and it also can’t be unveiled onto an item. The only way that it can spawn on an item is when you take two items to the Crucible Forge, which can be either the level 80 or the level 84 one. Merge them together and then sometimes one of the mods on the Crucible Tree will transform into a new mod. And when that happens, it can be rampaged. But it can also be a lot of other things, as well.

    So, that’s the only way that it can spawn is very rare and as a result, the prices have been extraordinarily high until the last few days. You’ll see these are going for about 10 Divine Orbs at the moment. Now previously, these bows were going for more than a hundred. What’s happened is that there’s been a bunch of discussion of ways of optimizing this process and particularly once you do have a bow that has Rampage on it of combining further tree mergers and split beasts or Fractured Fossils and things like that.

    There’s a big write-up that’s been made on the Path of Exile Subreddit And this post is from Luqas_Incredible. They mainly discussed the ways they’ve been intervening into this particular market. But the key thing is that they have been mass produced these at the expense of consuming a lot of split beasts, Fractured Fossils, and also a lot of the Magmatic Ores, which are the Crucible XP tokens.

    Now, when talking about item duplication, this is always going to set off a lot of people’s concerns about this being potentially cheating. GGG have come out and said that because it is consuming rare resources: Fractured Fossils, split beasts, and something like that. It’s not something that they consider cheating. They said this earlier. When the Divine Printer was first outlined and people were doing this with Crucible mods that had the text, this item vendors for three additional Divine Orbs. That was being done early in the league a lot, and it was something very popular and profitable.

    But now it seems like doing it with Rampage mods is actually a better use of these rariations. Now, this has been really interesting because this is a work in progress at the moment. If you have a look at the list of all the items that are available for sale at the moment that have Rampage on them, you’ll notice that 70% of them are Spine Bows. And that’s because Luqas_Incredible’s strategy has only really been going so far on Spine Bows.

    But Luqas_Incredible has outlined a plan to do this with all the other weapon types that he can afford to get his hands on, starting with ones and then potentially moving on to Scepters and other things after that. If you’re interested in trying to be part of this yourself, then it’s worth checking out Luqas_Incredible’s outline as to exactly how he’s doing this. And then, try to get in on a different base.

    But be aware that getting Rampage is extremely rare. You’re going to need to be tree merging together. I don’t know about 86 items. And it’s my estimate based on my personal reading of data mine information. I am absolutely not certain that I’m right on this that it’s something like one in 1500 in order to get Rampage there.

    Of course, I could be out by a substantial factor there. I could be missing interpreting the data mined information as to how rare all of these mods are. But if you do get one of the first ones for a particular type of weapon or a less popular weapon like a dagger or a one-handed sword, you might be able to do pretty well for yourself if you can be the first person there. And then, if it survives the early RNG steps of the duplication process, the Luqas_Incredible’s outlines in this post.

    One last thing is this is likely to push up the price of Fractured Fossils and also a split beast. So, if those are things you enjoy farming, then this is going to be all upside for you. Not only can you get yourself really cheap Rampage bases at least compared to the prices they used to be, but on top of that, you can also sell all the reagents that you’re generating through your own farming to people, who are looking to engage in Market Arbitrage along these lines.

    By the way, Diablo 4 is now in Early Access. If you want to upgrade, kill monsters, and complete various World Events more easily, it is very necessary to store a large amount of Diablo 4 Gold in advance. Hope you can have a pleasant gaming experience!

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