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News Tag: Path Of Exile 3 25

  • Why Was The Unique Body Armor In Path Of Exile 3.25 Forgotten By Players? - Reasons & Effects

    Why Was The Unique Body Armor In Path Of Exile 3.25 Forgotten By Players? - Reasons & Effects

    Sep 13, 2024

    As always, the arrival of a new league brings with it a number of new changes, but the most notable addition to POE 3.25 is the addition of 60 new Base Types, spread across Helmets, Armor, Boots, and Gloves slots. These new Base Types were introduced primarily to balance out the fact that characters previously had mostly basic defensive stats.

    The change nerfed Defensive Auras and indirectly nerfed a number of unique items and builds. This was especially true for Archetypes that lacked investment elsewhere to scale defensive stats, as these specific builds relied heavily on using Auras combined with a decent amount of Aura effect scaling to get reasonable defensive power. This meant that a lot of players would use important unique items in these situations, with a good example from previous patches being Lightning Coil.

    However, the addition of these new Base Types and the subsequent nerf to Defensive Auras ended up significantly nerfing the use of these unique items. Because these PoE items are not compensated in any way by the nerfs to Auras.

    It is very likely that GGG will move some unique items to the new Base Type without changing their stats, effectively buffing these items with updated base defense stats. After all, they have done this before for other unique items.

    Here, we will take a look at the impact of these changes to get a better understanding of what things will be stronger in Settlers of Kalguur League.

    Why Is There A Sharp Drop In The Usage Of Unique Body Armour?

    The usage of unique items has dropped sharply in PoE 3.25, especially Unique Body Armour. When comparing PoE 3.24 Necropolis and PoE 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur, we can see that the gap is staggering.

    In Softcore Trade League, the usage of Rare Body Armour has almost doubled, from 27% of all characters in PoE 3.24 to 48% of all characters in PoE 3.25 now. This is of course not 100% because of the new Base Types and Aura Nerfs, but is influenced by another important factor: what exactly is popular and what builds are being played?

    For example, Deadeye is the most popular class in Necropolis, and across all those Deadeye builds, over 80% of builds use Unique Body Armour. Whereas for the most popular class in Settlers of Kalguur, Slayer, only 26% of builds use Unique Body Armour.

    But if we isolate Deadeye for a moment, we can see that Unique Armour usage has dropped significantly across both leagues for builds with similar classes, down 26%.

    The core reason for these shifts is of course the increased power level of Rare Body Armour relative to these Unique choices. More importantly, using Unique Armour in POE 3.25 means you give up a lot of Defensive stats, which you could previously make up for by using Defensive Auras, but now these nerfs are not compensated. This trend can be seen across Unique Body Armours with only a few exceptions.


    Here we’ll take two specific Unique Armours as examples. These two Body Armours have been a big part of the meta for many build Archetypes for a long time before this patch, Lightning Coil and Fourth Vow.

    Lightning Coil

    Lightning Coil usage has dropped from 8% of Necropolis characters to 2% of Settlers of Kalguur, a 75% reduction in characters using Lightning Coil.

    A big factor here is that there are half as many Pathfinder characters in Path of Exile 3.25 as there were in POE 3.24. But the reason for this is not the introduction of those new Base Types, but another change to Damage Taken As, which significantly nerfed Taste of Hate and other stats, making it impossible for characters to achieve 100% Physical Damage Taken As Elemental.

    This was a very popular way to deal physical damage before. In older leagues, this, combined with the nerf to the monster Overwhelm, made traditional ways of defending against physical damage like Armor and Endurance Charges much more reliable. This is why using Lightning Coil, while not mandatory for many builds, is still very useful and still very popular.

    But overall, the change in POE 3.25 from a purely damage-focused defense setup to a hybrid multi-layered defense setup has seen Lightning Coil usage decline somewhat.

    Fourth Vow

    This is an interesting unique for Fourth Vow. Fourth Vow has always been the go-to for defense setups, and by combining it with Divine Flesh and stacking a lot of armor, it can completely mitigate the upcoming Elemental Hit.

    But from POE 3.24 to POE 3.25, the usage of Fourth Vow has dropped from 6% to 0.7%. There are some very important factors at play here that you may not immediately recognize just from the usage rate and the builds that use it.

    While the percentage of Necromancers using the item as a percentage of the class usage has increased, the number of Necromancers actually using it has decreased significantly because of the nerf to Detonate Dead. Meanwhile, the nerf to Champion Ascendancy didn’t help Fourth Vow much either.

    But those two factors only affected the number of builds that could use Fourth Vow. There were three other very big changes that had an enormous impact on the item.

    The first and probably the biggest change is that they removed Divine Blessing Support, which had incredible synergy with Fourth Vow. Since it combined with Divine Flesh would make Energy Shield almost useless since all damage would bypass it, these builds would use Eldritch Battery to solve the mana cost and grant it Energy Shield, allowing the use of the extra Aura with Divine Blessing. But Divine Blessing is gone now, and with it these builds lose a lot of power from the extra Aura.

    The second big change is of course the nerf to Determination. 99% of Fourth Vow builds in POE 3.24 used Determination, while only 91% did so in POE 3.25. While the percentage drop isn’t huge, the actual number of people using Fourth Vow is much lower. And this nerf to Determination is one of the key factors for this. It also means that these builds now need to invest more POE Currency to achieve the same level of armor as before.

    The third major change is about Juggernaut Unbreakable. Unbreakable Ascendancy Passive Skill no longer provides 8% armor applied to incoming Fire, Cold, and Lightning. Now it has 15% armor applied to incoming Chaos damage as well.

    Juggernaut Unbreakable has incredible synergy with Fourth Vow and Divine Flesh, allowing the character to split incoming elemental damage into multiple types to apply armor to each type to mitigate the damage. But the new Juggernaut relies more on Endurance Charges to mitigate elemental damage.

    While you could argue that the new Unbreakable simply provides a new option to run a crafted Rare Body Armour and Divine Flesh to achieve similar results, the fact is that you gain an enormous benefit against physical damage by doing so. You’ll have access to more base armor and an extra PDR Suffix, not to mention the powerful Eldritch Implicit. Because of this change, the use of Fourth Vow in Juggernaut builds has dropped dramatically by over 50%.

    Some Unique Body Armours Still Popular

    While Unique Body Armour usage has dropped overall, not all Unique Body Armour has dropped. In fact, some Body Armour remains just as popular as they were in previous leagues, while some have even increased in popularity.

    Cloak of Flame usage has remained around 8% in POE 3.25 leagues. This is thanks to the increased Chieftain play rate, which has increased the number of characters using Cloak.

    Surprisingly, despite Battlemage’s Cry nerf, Iron Fortress Strength Stacking Body Armour has remained popular among Settlers of Kalguur.

    One of the biggest winners, Cloak of Defiance, saw its usage increase by nearly 400% from POE 3.24 to POE 3.25.


    Overall, Unique Body Armour usage has indeed dropped, which could change the focus of many players when creating builds. However, whether GGG makes any changes to these items in future leagues, whether it is buffing their unique stats, or simply moving them to a stronger Base Type, or perhaps they are also happy to make these items more niche, only time will tell.

  • How To Make The Best Build Around Elemental Hit Of The Spectrum Skill In Path Of Exile 3.25? - Build Tips & Items

    How To Make The Best Build Around Elemental Hit Of The Spectrum Skill In Path Of Exile 3.25? - Build Tips & Items

    Sep 13, 2024

    With the melee buff in the Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League, the ranged Ascendancies represented by Deadeye have been neglected by players. But if you need a speed-mapper that can farm Tier-17 maps, run Maven Invitations, and even fight bosses during the game, then Deadeye’s build is definitely your best choice.

    Before making a build, we need to determine which skill you want to use mainly. Since Tornado Shot has been nerfed, you can choose the new Elemental Hit of the Spectrum skill. This guide will give you some suggestions around this build and introduce some items needed in this build so that you can complete this build as soon as possible.

    Recommendations For The Build

    As mentioned above, the most important skill for this build is Elemental Hit of the Spectrum, a new Transfigured gem added to this league that can cause three types of elemental damage to enemies - shock, ignite, and freeze, and also cause ailments to surrounding enemies.

    In addition, this Transfigured gem can also be placed on Bows and Wands, so Elemental Hit of the Spectrum is the best skill in the Deadeye build. And this skill does not cause non-elemental damage, so you don’t have to use POE Currency in Physical Damage investment.

    At the same time, the build equipped with Elemental Hit of the Spectrum is an extremely fast mapper, which can even allow you to complete the task of running the map in some maps with Pinnacle Bosses and get the last reward quickly.

    However, the defense of this build is not very good. If you face some tanky bosses or bosses with high health, you need to pay attention to your position during the battle and avoid those boss telegraphs and deadly map modifiers, such as no leech and elemental reflect.

    So you need to try to increase your Evasion to the upper limit and Spell Suppression to 100% before the battle so that you can better protect yourself. Even if you have very high HP leech, Endurance Charges, and Movement Speed, you still have to be careful to avoid getting hit.

    Recommended Items


    While you can still be very powerful without Uniques in this build, your build will be even more powerful if you equip them! Here are Uniques you can choose from in each slot.

    Helmet: You can use Rat’s Nest early in the build, which is everywhere. Then switch to Black Sun Crest when you do Omniscience swap.

    Amulet: Similarly, you can use Hyrri’s Truth early in the build to get Culling Strike, free Precision, and a lot of Crit. Then at the endgame, you can swap it out for Crystallised Omniscience.

    Body Armor: This Unique called Hyrri’s Ire can be equipped all the time without switching, as it provides you with a lot of Dexterity, Spell Suppression, Evasion, and flat Cold Damage.

    Rings: This build doesn’t actually need the effects that Rings provide, but if you come across some nice and useful rings, you can use Kalandra’s Touch to copy them to the other hand. If you have a high attack speed and movement speed requirement in your build, you can choose Death Rush.

    Belt: You can choose Headhunter to help you easily farm everything on the map, but if you don’t have Headhunter yet, you can take Bisco’s Leash as a short-term substitute, which is also very good.

    Flasks: Here you can have two choices: Dying Sun can increase your clearing speed, and Progenesis can increase your survivability. The specific choice depends on your gaming habits and game ideas.

    Jewels: You can choose Interrogation, Thread of Hope, Watcher’s Eye or a Lethal Pride.

    If you get some Chaos Orbs during the leveling process, you can also use them to invest in Uniques in your build, this way your leveling process will be smoother and you will spend less. Here are Uniques you can choose from.

    • Helmet: Goldrim, Rat’s Nest, Thrillsteel
    • Body Armor: Tabula Rasa, Thousand Ribbons
    • Gloves: Shadows and Dust
    • Boots: Three-step Assault, Seven-league Step, Wanderlust
    • Amule: Karui Ward
    • Rings: Le Heup of All, Tasalio’s Sign
    • Belt: Prismweave, Bisco’s Leash
    • Weapon/Quiver: Hyrri’s Bite, Poised Prism, Silverbranch, Quill Rain

    Ascendancy Order

    To play this build, you need to ascend as Deadeye as it gives you a lot of fire speed, projectile damage and enhanced mark effect. But most importantly, it can fire two additional projectiles.

    If you want to try Tinctures, you can also choose to play as Warden. But considering the speed of running the map and the power of the build, Deadeye is undoubtedly a better choice. So the order of your Ascendancy Nodes should be Gathering Winds, Far Shot, Endless Munitions, and then Focal Point.

    The above is the build built around Elemental Hit of the Spectrum introduced in this guide. I hope it will be helpful for your exploration in this league. The items provided in this guide are for reference only. You can choose different items in specific situations. I wish you an auspicious time in the current Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League!

  • What Are The Most Useful Unique Helmets In Path Of Exile 3.25? - Introduction & How To Get

    What Are The Most Useful Unique Helmets In Path Of Exile 3.25? - Introduction & How To Get

    Sep 10, 2024

    No matter which league you play in Path of Exile, the helm slot is a substantial source of defensive layers, HP and resistances. So when choosing Unique Helmets, you should not only consider its value but also its value for money. There are currently more than 50 Unique Helmets available for you to choose from in the game.

    In the current Settlers of Kalguur league, there are some Unique Helmets that have withstood the changes in the meta of multiple leagues and become the best choices for many players. This guide will introduce you to them and tell you how to get them.

    Kitava’s Thirst

    Kitava’s Thirst gradually came into the players’ sight in the changes to Archmage Support in the last Necropolis league. In Settlers of Kalguur League, Archmage that use mana have been strengthened again. Builds like Archmage DD Of Chaining, BL Of Orbiting, or Frostbolt Ice Nova are increasingly relying on this Unique Helmet.

    When you equip Kitava’s Thirst, you will spend 100 mana per cast, but you will also have a 50% chance to trigger the spells you inserted in the build. In addition, it will help you get some extra Mana, Energy Shield, and Armor. This also enhances the survivability of your build from the side. This means that you need to find a way to make your Mana consumption reach 100 or more in combat, otherwise this Unique Helmet will not work. The higher your mana consumption, the higher your spell damage to the enemy, and the more invulnerable you will be.

    But Kitava’s Thirst is not without its drawbacks. In the melee-enhanced league, it reduces your casting speed by 15%, which puts you at risk of getting hurt when facing some enemies that need to cast spells at close range. You can rely on other POE Items to make up for this drawback.

    How To Get It?

    In the newly added Kingsmarch town, you can get some Helmets including Kitava’s Thirst by trading with other countries. All Unique Helmets in this guide can be obtained in this way, and will not be explained later.

    However, the chance of obtaining Unique Helmets by this farming method is very small, so you can also farm them on some common maps. Or you can also use some Divination Cards such as Prejudice, Costly Curio, Arrogance of Vaal, Jack in Box, and Void to farm it specifically.

    Sandstorm Visage

    Of all the ways to farm POE Currency, charging into Sanctum is one of the best. This is best done if you’re using Hexblast Mines build, one of the league’s strongest melee builds. And Sandstorm Visage is a must-have no matter which Ascendency you choose in this build. It makes your spells’ Critical Strike Chance directly equal to your Main Hand weapon’s Critical Strike Chance.

    This means that Hexblast’s 4% Critical Strike Chance will be tripled when under the influence of weapons like Prophecy Wand or Void Battery. So when you enter Sanctum with a Hexblast Mines build equipped with Sandstorm Visage, defeating Uber Bosses is a breeze.

    How To Get It?

    The first is shipping in Kingsmarch Town, and you can also use 75+ Forbidden Tome and Chains of Castigation to defeat Herald of Scourge Lycia. Then you can find Sandstorm Visage in its loot.


    Although Heatshiver has been nerfed many times in the previous leagues, it is still the best Unique Helmet in these builds in Settlers of Kalguur league where Frostblades and Lightning Strike are very strong.

    As long as you can use an ability to chill or freeze the enemy in combat, Heatshiver will provide you with a lot of Cold Damage and additional Fire Damage. This kind of dual element damage is something that few enemies or bosses can withstand. In addition to this, this Unique Helmet will also provide you with some resistances and a lot of Evasion. This makes your build both high damage and high survivability.

    How to get it?

    Similarly, Heatshiver is also a reward in the shipping mechanism. But the most effective way to farm it is also to farm it on a map using Divination Cards.

    Crown Of The Inward Eye

    If there is a unique helmet that is the best value for money, it is definitely Crown of the Inward Eye, because it can provide you with a lot of HP, Mana, Energy Shield, and damage, and it can be used in many builds.

    How To Get It?

    Crown of the Inward Eye is one of the loot drops after you fight Awakener of the Worlds Sirus, and it is not difficult to defeat this enemy, so Crown of the Inward Eye is very easy to farm. However, it may be a little difficult for Solo Self-Found players, and you may need to use more POE Currency to strengthen your build, but believe me, it is worth it.


    Abyssus is definitely a must-have item in all melee builds, especially in the melee-enhanced Settlers of Kalguur league. It can provide you with a lot of fixed physical damage, a huge melee Critical Strike Multiplier, and very thick armor. If you’re using a build around Hardcore, it’s not recommended to equip Abyssus, as it will increase the physical damage you take by 50%. If you can find a way to get around this in your build, you can try the power of Abyssus.

    How To Get It?

    Abyssus is a Tier-3 unique that can be found on any map, but if you want to farm it specifically, you can try Divination Cards such as Prejudice, Void, Jack in Box, Arrogance of Vaal, and Costly Curio. Also, don’t forget that shipping in Kingsmarch can also help you get Abyssus, but the chance is smaller.

    These Unique Helmets will make your build in Path of Exile 3.25 even more powerful. If you haven’t got them yet, try to farm them! When you equip them, you will definitely feel pleasantly surprised!

  • How To Farm Runes Fast And Correctly In Path Of Exile 3.25? - Different Ways

    How To Farm Runes Fast And Correctly In Path Of Exile 3.25? - Different Ways

    Sep 09, 2024

    In Path of Exile 3.25, runes have been revived as an effective farming currency thanks to the buffs they’ve received. In the current league, you can trade some Power Runes for some Divine Orbs, and you can even use these runes for powerful Rune Smithing upgrades to make your builds even more powerful.

    So farming runes are very important in the current league, and there are now many ways to get them, and you don’t even have to spend too much time on it. This guide will show you how to farm these runes efficiently in Settlers of Kalguur League.

    Common Ways

    There are two ways to get runes in the current Settlers of Kalguur League. The first is to use shipping to send resources needed by neighboring cities to Riben Fell, Kalguur and Podium ports for them in the new Kingsmarch introduced this season. They will give you some runes, resources and some POE Currency in return.

    The second way to get runes is to go through some boss encounters in Kingsmarch, such as Black Knight, Bandit Lord Sasan, or Admiral Valerius. You can also find some runes, weapons and Unique POE Items you need in the loot after defeating them.

    However, encountering the above bosses requires a certain amount of luck, because they will not wait for you to challenge them quietly like the bosses in other games. They will only appear after you reach certain conditions that require luck. For example, Black Knight will appear in one of your many T16 maps, and the probability is very small; Starfall Crater also appears randomly on the map. Although Bandit Lord Sasan will kidnap your mappers while they are working, the probability is also very small, and you can also directly abandon these workers because your build is not strong enough.

    Admiral Valerius will appear when you are trading at your port. You can either choose to fight a battle with Admiral Valerius at Sailor’s Folly to rescue your crew and cargo, or you can just pay some huge ransom to avoid this boss fight.

    These boss encounters are very luck-based, so this is not the best way to get runes. You can try, but try not to rely on it. Alternatively, you can run more maps or ship higher-value cargo to increase your chances of encountering these encounters.

    Best Way

    Of the two methods, the best way to farm Runes is through shipping. If you look closely at the screen in your shipping interface, you will see a silver or rune icon on the banner next to the port name, so these ports will provide you with Runes as a reward.

    Regardless of what resources you send to these ports, whether it increases the favor of the country with Kingsmarch, as long as you start trading, you will receive some Runes and POE Currency when your crew returns safely to the town.

    So you can see that the way to keep farming Runes is to keep your crew shipping and trading. For example, Riben Fell Port only requires you to wait 30 minutes to complete a transaction, and you can send multiple ships to this port at the same time. This means that you can complete 6 shipments to Riben Fell every hour.

    But before shipping, you still need to confirm the amount of resources you have left. If you can’t allocate and manage them effectively, your resources will be exhausted very quickly and wasteful. Additionally, if you want to increase the value of your shipments to more than 600,000, you’d better add about 9,500 Thaumaturgic Dusts to your shipments. Additionally, ores are not as rewarding as ingots, so you can smelt your ore into ingots before sending your resources to get 5x the rewards and POE Currency.

    In Path of Exile Patch 3.25.1 released some time ago, some changes were made to Thaumaturgic Dusts. At the beginning of the league, Thaumaturgic Dusts not only increased the overall value of the shipment, bringing you more returns, but also increased the risk of shipping. But after the patch, Thaumaturgic Dusts only increase the value of the shipment, and will not cause a high risk of shipping!

    So you can disassemble the weapons or armor you don’t need that are returned to you by other ports into Thaumaturgic Dusts, so that you will get higher returns on runes and resources. If you don’t have much time to trade in the pre-game all day, you can stabilize your shipment value between 4-5 million, so that you can at least guarantee a Divine Orb, which is not possible with crops and ores alone.

    But it should be noted that you should not send all the goods to a certain port, because there will be many ports that can provide you with different runes at the same time. Remember to spread out your risks and not concentrate all your resources in one place. Although the risk of shipping is reduced now, it does not mean that it has disappeared. You still need to pay attention to some potential risks in shipping.

    These are some effective ways to farm runes in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur. The specific scenarios for using these two methods are completely up to you. I hope you will have fun playing in the modified Kingsmarch town, and I wish you happy exploring this league!

  • What Impact Does POE Patch 3.25.1 Have On Kingsmarch And T17 Maps?

    What Impact Does POE Patch 3.25.1 Have On Kingsmarch And T17 Maps?

    Sep 06, 2024

    After Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur league was officially launched some time ago, it broke the historical record of concurrent online players of this old game, and it is also the league with the highest player retention rate among all leagues so far, so it is also called one of the best leagues ever by many players.

    At the stage when it was just released, even with excellent new features, there were still some shortcomings. But fortunately, the developer released Patch 3.25.1 in time to make up for the poor experience of players. This guide will introduce you to what changes you will experience in this Patch 3.25.1.

    Changes In Kingsmarch

    In POE Patch 3.25.1, the shipping risks and rewards generated by your transportation of Thaumaturgic Dust in Kingsmarch have been redesigned. Previously, Thaumaturgic Dust would multiply the value of shipping and the risk was higher.

    Now, Thaumaturgic Dust only increases the value of your cargo, and adjusts the amount of rewards you get based on what other cargo you place. This means that Thaumaturgic Dust only indirectly affects POE Currency and other rewards you get, and does not affect the risk you take, which is a very successful buff.

    In addition, when you are Recombining items, the chance of those rarer modifiers being selected for the resulting item is much higher than before, which is very useful for you to run some high-reward maps later. It is worth noting that in this patch, you can trade Uber Boss Fragments, missing Fossils, and Blighted Scouting Report directly at Currency Exchange.

    At the same time, Recombination has also been improved, but overall it is still not as useful as most crafting systems, and the specific practicality depends on what you want to use it to help you.

    To prevent you from accidentally leaving during Kingsmarch exploration, the developers placed the portal to your respawn point away from Admiral Valerius boss area. This is very helpful for players who want to complete the game in one go, as they don’t want to lose the entire team because of their own mistakes.

    Tier 17 Map Changes

    Although the T17 Maps have changed a lot in Settlers of Kalguur League and have become easier to explore, as mentioned before, there are still a lot of gaps, so in Patch 3.25.1, some Tier 17 Map Modifiers have been adjusted and removed. Let’s take a look at each one.

    Adjusted Tier 17 Map Modifiers

    The first adjustment is Tier 17 Sawblades mod, which has been slowed down and the number of sawblades has been reduced from 6 to 3. This will affect your efficiency in running some T17 Maps, so you can try to discard it.

    Now let’s take a look at some of the buffed Map Modifiers. Marked for Death debuff no longer prevents your life and energy shield from regenerating, and it also increases your damage by 50%, up from 20% before. This will make you more capable and survivable when running some of the more dangerous maps.

    If you use a skill that summons Minions on a map, you and your Minions will have a longer time to deal damage. Previously, you could only deal damage to enemies for 6 seconds out of 10 seconds, but now it’s 7 seconds! Although it’s only a one-second increase, as long as you use POE Currency to increase the DPS of your build a little, it’s very likely that you will defeat the enemy directly in this second.

    In addition, your Action Speed ​​will also increase when using skills, which will increase your flexibility in fighting in the map. But unfortunately, the monster’s area of ​​effect is now increased by 100%, and Extra Damage from Critical Strikes is reduced by 35%-45%. If you encounter Rare monsters on a certain map, they will also reverse damage you by 5% of your health, mana, and energy shield when you hit them, and your Minions are no exception.

    Under this change, it will be a big challenge for you to re-select and adjust your build, so before you explore Tier 17 Map, make sure your build can support you easily through the early and mid-game stages, and safely through the endgame stage.

    Deprecated Tier 17 Map Modifiers

    After Patch 3.25.1, all Monsters in Tier 17 Map you are running will no longer have Effect of Curses on them, meaning you can no longer rely on Effect of Curses to damage these enemies, and you will need to find another way.

    In addition, when you fight with your allies, the effect that damage you take will be applied to your allies will no longer exist, so you can fight side by side with your friends without worrying about it. In addition, you can now directly obtain Endurance, Frenzy, or Power Charges, which greatly enhances you.

    The removal of these mods means that your strength in the map will continue to increase, and with a strong build, you will definitely have fun exploring the map in the future!

    As Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League develops, there will definitely be more patches and changes released that will increase the player experience, and we will continue to pay attention. I hope you can have fun playing in this changed league!

  • How To Farm More God-Tier Items With Shipping Mechanisms After POE 3.25.1 Patch?

    How To Farm More God-Tier Items With Shipping Mechanisms After POE 3.25.1 Patch?

    Sep 06, 2024

    After patch 3.25.1, some Shipping mechanisms have changed a lot, so many players want to know what other secret tricks can help us earn a lot of currency in POE 3.25 in the form of Mirror Shards, Power Runes, Journey Tattoos and Divines.

    If you are also looking for the answer, then this guide will come in handy. Here, we will explain everything from the beginning, analyze all the problems you may encounter in Shipping, and share some interesting tips. Without further ado, let’s get started!

    Before You Start

    First, before you start shipping, make sure:

    • Upgrade your Town to the highest level so that you can hire level 10 recruits.
    • Upgrade your Harbour to the highest level.
    • Upgrade your Farm to the highest level.
    • Upgrade both your Mine and Smelter to the highest level.

    If you want level 9 to 10 peasants working for you 24/7, you need to always have gold deposited into your Kingsmarch bank account. Make sure you have several miners and smelters to collect each type of ore and turn it into bars. Finally, remember not to spend too much money to recruit more than 1 level 8+ miner and smelter!

    Shipment Tips

    First, start with the shipments, this is very important! Before making any shipments, whether you are sending or collecting, do not use a character below level 90. That’s right, your character level will also affect your rewards. In fact, I even recommend that most players have a character above level 95 to handle shipments.

    These functions work even when you are offline, so if you are upgrading another build, you can occasionally log in with a level 90+ character to send and receive your goods. Therefore, you are not limited to only using 1 build in POE 3.25.

    Now let’s talk about shipments. If you want currency items like Divines, Exalteds, and Mirror Shards, you can choose to send crop items like Wheat and Corn. If you want Scarabs, you can send Verisium to Riben Fell.

    In short, no matter what you send, the ship will always return with Runes if the destination is Black Flag, and Tattoos if it is Green Flag.

    As you can see, each port has a quota. If you complete these quotas, they will reward you with a unique item, and then they will re-roll and give you another quota.

    In addition, if you send items that fall into this quota, their rewards will also be adjusted according to the percentage they show. The percentage is not important, you just need to make sure you always have what they ask for.


    Let’s take an example here. Let’s say we have Bismuth (an ore) and Wheat (a crop). We will send 2 separate shipments for these two types. Although some people have said not to mix crops with ores, we still doubt this view.

    So, how much Bismuth should we send? Actually, you only need to send bars, which are the finished goods from smelters, not the ore from mines. Then, you take the port quota or the quota that is left over, and divide it by 5. Now copy and paste that result and send it. It’s that simple!

    When we receive the goods, the quota for Bismuth here is completed! Now you don’t need a crew of 6 to send small shipments like this, because they will consume too much gold when traveling. Of course, if you have a good gold reserve, you can also ignore it completely.

    The next quota for this port is Wheat! Now, unlike bars, which have item rewards, it brings POE Currency, which every exile is very interested in. Therefore, you want to throw as little as your ship can carry without showing red. Our recommendation is at least 7K of each crop. The more crops are mixed, the better.

    Now, we produce a lot of crops with level 9 and 10 peasants. The ship we are using does not have any level 10 sailors, but each level 9 sailor is enough to send 3.8 million worth of shipments. If you don’t want to take any risks here, this is what you do with small shipments that you send once or twice a day.

    In this example, we sent a total of 3.1 million crops and some Dust until we hit the maximum of 3.8 million. In the end, we harvested 3 tier 1 currency items, including Exalted Orb and Sacred Orb. So no matter what, you are guaranteed to get 2 or more tier 1 currency items.

    As I mentioned, if the destination also wants your other crops, your rewards will also increase. Of course, you can also send unsolicited shipments to the destination, which will still get 1 or 2 Divine Orbs. But this will not be as efficient as sending the crops they want, which is why we also have to meet quotas.

    But please note that GGG does not set quotas for fun, and the unique rewards are mostly garbage. So this is the entire purpose of it.

    How To Get More Dust?

    Now let’s make some Dust! First, upgrade your Disenchanter to the highest level as well.

    Since Dust is optional, its entire purpose in terms of shipping is just to increase your returns when you don’t want to spend too much food. So looking at the shipment value, if you send the same amount of Dust as this shipment value, you’ll basically get back twice the value of what you put in.

    In other words, the value of Dust is 1:1 with the value of the item you put in. Don’t spend more Dust than the base shipment value, because it only gives diminishing returns.

    Therefore, many people who make the highest shipments will stack up to 25 million shipment values ​​and then put in another 25 million Dust, bringing their return to 50 million. In short, Dust just doubles the effect of every item you put in.

    But how do we make so much Dust? This is why we have to start disenchanting unique items.

    For many players, most Uniques that are dropped as trash items can have a considerable Dust value. This mainly depends on the rarity of the item dropped.

    Secondly, the item level is also important. As the item tiers increase, the value of Dust they bring increases. On the other hand, rolls are completely unimportant, and you can get such things in trades for 25 Chaos Orbs or less.

    Ore & Gold Farming

    Besides that, the biggest concern for most casual players is how to maintain ore and gold. In fact, the solution for gold is simple. You just need to prepare a Ventor’s Gamble and a decent Gold Flask to use when you hit rare or unique enemies. By doing this, you can get up to 40k gold per map. Then by farming with T17 Strongbox, you can also get more than 70k gold per map.

    Next, what should we do with the quota of 120,000 Orichalcum and other ores? Perhaps you can take a look at our previous Alch and Go Strat guide, where you will find the answer. With this strategy, you can get 800 to 1100 in T16 and 1000 to 1400 in T17 by just going on the map, clicking on the ore, coming out and repeating.

    Most of the time, you will get 2 or more ores in a map. If you are willing to spend 3 or 4 hours a day playing Path of Exile 3.25, you will get more.

    How To Get T0 Unique Items?

    The last question is, how to get tier 0 unique items? So far, we have discussed farming tips for tier 1 items, but how do people get Mirror Shards, Power Runes and Journey Tattoos? It comes down to only one answer, that is, the higher the shipment value of crops and Dust, the better your chances of getting these.

    Every day on Reddit, you will see someone post a 50 million shipment and get crazy loot. But the problem is, some people will also be unlucky. That’s how it works.

    But you can greatly reduce your risk in the process of shipping by trying a few methods. You need all crew members to be at the highest level, which is level 10, especially when shipping high-value shipments. You need a ship with this crew, and we strongly recommend choosing multiple crop quotas like this one.

    Hopefully, these tips will help you enjoy POE 3.25 more and take advantage of Shipping mechanic to earn more loot! Good luck!

  • How To Create A Top Uber Boss Killer In POE 3.25 League? - Lightning Strike Slayer Build Guide

    How To Create A Top Uber Boss Killer In POE 3.25 League? - Lightning Strike Slayer Build Guide

    Sep 05, 2024

    As always, Lightning Strike Slayer is still the top build for most Path of Exile fans when completing Challenge League. If you haven't tried it yet, now is a good time.

    Here, we will bring you Lightning Strike Slayer build we created in POE 3.25 League. Compared to the previous League, we have optimized it so that you can get higher damage and defense with a lower budget and simpler playstyle.

    If you want to know what is special about this build, then I have to mention the damage it brings! Since this build uses Banishing Blade, it comes with Inquisitor’s Inevitable Judgement, which means you don’t even have to invest more POE Currency in Elemental Penetration to get enough damage. Therefore, this is also your best choice when challenging T17 maps and Uber Bosses. Let’s take a look at it!


    The most substantial part of the gear is Banishing Blade Two-Hand Sword that you get from Heist. Also, you want to look for gear with high elemental DPS, attack speed, and crit chance. If you get the hidden modifiers for strength, intelligence, and crit chance, you can save 1 passive point here.

    Projectiles Pierce

    You also need an open prefix to make Projectiles Pierce, and an open suffix to do double damage. Projectiles Pierce is a huge quality of life when mapping. On top of that, since we are using returning projectiles, they must pierce to hit the same target again.

    In Lightning Strike, each projectile counts as a separate entity. Since Strike skill targets additional enemies, this build also counts hits from melee and projectiles as separate calculations. And with the help of anoint on Amulet, this becomes even more consistent. That’s why we have 2 different damage types in the full DPS section. The target is guaranteed to take two hits from each.


    Now Tincture is very powerful when activated, so don’t use it before hitting anything. You need to activate it when you have increased your chance to hit. Because mana burn also requires you to leech a lot of mana, and mana leech is not instant like our life leech.

    Vaal Pact

    Don’t use Life Flasks if you get Vaal Pact. Because Vaal Pact can’t let you recover in any way, which causes your Life Flasks to not work either.

    Vaal Pact can make you instant leech, but you are completely dependent on Slayer’s Overleech. This also means that you have to constantly hit something. Progenesis is one of the best alternatives to Life Flasks in this case, because it will give you a lot of effective HP when activated. If you can’t afford Progenesis, use any other item other than Life Flasks to replenish your life.


    Although we only used a few Jewels, there are a lot of things that can go wrong here. You need to get at least 1 Rage on Hit Modifier through Lethal Pride Rakiata Jewel. Other good mods include Double Damage, Melee Critical Multi, and Melee Damage.

    In addition, you’ll want a gem that’s immune to Corrupted Blood, and you’ll just need to focus on its Life, Crit Multi, and Global Accuracy Rating. If you need more Lightning Resistance to reach the cap, you can get that here, too.

    Why Use Bleeding?

    For the nodes in this build, basically any time you inflict Bleeding you’ll get a ton of crits. But you need some way to inflict Bleeding in the first place.

    While the small node gives us a 20% Bleeding Chance, only physical damage can inflict Bleeding. Our primary weapon doesn’t have it, thanks to Rune Enchant. If a POB is taking up these nodes, it should either have Bleeding DPS in Damage section, or some physical damage in Calculation section.

    We can fix this with a rare gem, though, that increases the physical damage of the attack. As long as you have some physical damage, your Bleeding Chance will work.

    How To Stack Ailment Damage?

    Since this build uses Taming and Yoke of Suffering, we stack up to 5 Elemental Ailments using Secrets of Suffering Jewel. We have Sap, Scorch and Brittle on our weapons, and Shock and Chill via Summon Skitterbots. This way we maximize Ailment damage this build deals.

    Mana Reservation

    Since the mana sustain of attack hit builds is via leech, you also need some skills that reduce the mana cost of skills to maintain the leech effect. Once you catch this node early, mastering this build will not be a big problem. And its mana reservation is also directly taken from Passive Skill Tree and Eldritch Implicit Modifiers in Helmet.

    I must remind you not to upgrade your Precision! Because the higher your Precision level, the more space it takes up.

    Finally, do not activate Arctic Armour! Do not link more duration to other gems. We only use Vaal Arctic Armour to face Maven Memory Game and Searing Exarch Balls. Of course, you can also use Vaal Haste instead.

    Why Does Lightning Strike Perform Poorly In The Early Game?

    But to be honest, Lightning Strike is one of those skills that perform poorly during the lower levels, and its advantages increase exponentially in the later stages. It only performs well when you have Pierce and a lot of Projectiles.

    Because skills like Lightning Strike treat individual projectiles as separate entities. But in fact, the default 3 projectiles without quality are fired in a straight line, and 4 projectiles are not an ideal number. Only when it reaches 5 or more projectiles will the effect be better. Therefore, if you also want each of them to hit a single target for a better clear speed, you must have enough projectiles.

    In addition, Lightning Strike is one of those projectiles that perform better on critical hits like Frost Blades, so Precise Technique for this may not be as good as Bow skills, Splitting Steel, and Spectral Throw.

    Nevertheless, the advantages of this build in POE 3.25 cannot be easily covered up. In general, for Lightning Strike Slayer, as long as you can blow up the monsters in some way, you can complete all the maps faster and fight to the end! This also adds more fun to your gaming experience! So, hurry up and try it!

  • How To Specifically Farm T0 Uniques In POE 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? - List & Strategies

    How To Specifically Farm T0 Uniques In POE 3.25 Settlers Of Kalguur? - List & Strategies

    Sep 04, 2024

    In Path of Exile, the highest level unique items have a special name called T0 or Tier 0 to indicate their rarity and power. These T0 Uniques have unique properties not found on other items and are the core of various endgame builds. In Path of Exile 3.25, although the balance of the game has changed and new content has been added, such as the increase and remake of skills, the status of these T0 Uniques is still unshakable.

    Like many items in the game, T0 Uniques also require you to use a certain strategy to farm them. So this guide will introduce you to which T0 Uniques are in the current league and how to farm them in a targeted manner.

    What Are T0 Uniques In The Current League?

    The list of T0 Uniques will be updated as new league mechanics are released. For example, some previously lower-level Uniques may be promoted to T0 Uniques, or they may be removed from the list. The following are the current T0 Uniques in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur, but because patches are constantly changing, they are for reference only.

    Soul Taker

    Soul Taker is a One Handed Axe in the game. Its dominant type of damage to the enemy is Physical Damage, which is about 264-308. It is worth noting that the critical hit rate of this One Handed Axe is as high as 5%. Although it is relatively low in T0 Uniques, it can still allow you to achieve a fatal effect in battle.

    In addition, Soul Taker can attack 1.80-1.88 times per second, which will cause relatively continuous physical damage to the enemy, and coupled with the 20% increase in attack speed in the new league, you can win the battle very easily.

    Although the weapon range of Soul Taker is only 1.1 meters, don’t be discouraged. The 119 Str and 82 Dex you hold can keep you flexible in close combat, and Soul Taker will also increase your Cold Resistance by 25%, allowing you to suffer less damage when facing enemies who initiate freezing control on you.

    Essentia Sanguis

    Essentia Sanguis is a melee weapon in Settlers of Kalguur League, because it is a Claw weapon, and also a melee weapon. Although it can only cause you 29-76 Physical Damage, Elemental Damage is immeasurable, up to 700!

    But don’t think that those Physical Damages are not important, because 2% of Physical Damage can be converted into your health for you, greatly enhancing your character’s survivability, allowing you to pass all stages safely and get the ultimate reward - POE Currency.

    If you want to use Essentia Sanguis, you need to make sure that your character has reached level 66 and has 95 Dex and 131 Int. Here is a tip for you. If you hold two Claw weapons in both hands, there is an 8% chance to block some enemy attacks on you, so you can try it when facing some very aggressive enemies.

    Speaking of defense, Essentia Sanguis gives you 30-40 Energy Shield, and even when Energy Shield is maxed out, Energy Shield Leech Effects used to attack are not removed. This gives you both high damage and high tankiness.

    Lioneye’s Glare

    Lioneye’s Glare is one of the few Bow weapons that made it to T0 Uniques with the melee buff. It made this list mainly because of its excellent Physical Damage, which is about 394.8-453, and your Elemental Damage will increase by 20%-24% when you use attack skills to fight enemies.

    These high damage levels make Lioneye’s Glare a magnificent weapon, not to mention that it also increases your attack speed by 10%-20%. These attributes, combined with the 5% critical strike rate, will definitely make it very easy for you to face some early and mid-game enemies.

    But the major disadvantage of ranged weapons, Lioneye’s Glare also has it. It can not effectively avoid the enemy’s precise attacks, so you need to invest at least 212 in your Dex to ensure that you can use it well.

    Voltaxic Rift

    Like Lioneye’s Glare, Voltaxic Rift is also a Bow, but its Physical Damage is not very good, only 38-115, but you can also find the reason for its inclusion in this list in Elemental Damage it causes - up to 750.

    In addition, it can also cause 600-750 Lightning Damage for you in battle, and can even convert all of it into Chaos Damage. This variety of damage types can help you not have to change weapons too often when facing different types of enemies.

    It is worth mentioning that your Chaos Damage can cause Shock effects on enemies, and the maximum Shock effect can be increased to 40%. Coupled with the 10%-15% increase in attack speed for you, you will definitely have a deep interest in this ranged weapon.


    After talking about weapons, let’s take a look at some accessories. The first one to introduce is Headhunter, which is a belt you can wear. It increases your maximum health by 25-40 and increases your damage to all rare monsters by 20%-30%.

    If you think that's all there is to it, you're wrong. It also affects the various attributes your character invests in, such as increasing your Strength by 40-55 and Dexterity by 40-55. These two are very useful in some important builds.

    Defiance Of Destiny

    Another accessory that has entered the ranks of T0 Uniques is Defiance of Destiny in Amulet category, which also increases your maximum health by 60-80, and also allows you to get about 10%-20% of Missing Unreserved Life before being hit by the enemy.

    Compared to the previous accessories, Defiance of Destiny focuses on your defensive capabilities, such as increasing your Fire Resistance, Cold Resistance, and Lightning Resistance by 10%-40%.

    You can always equip it in the gear slot to complete the battle safely when facing different types of enemies. However, it should be noted that if your build itself has weak survivability, you can use more POE Currency to upgrade it more.

    Specialized Strategy For Farming T0 Uniques

    Now that you understand the power of T0 Uniques, you should now consider how to farm them accurately and labor-savingly. Here is the farming strategy I prepared for you.

    1. Prepare Your Map Modifier

    The right map modifier can make you more efficient and increase the efficiency of farming. In POE 3.25, you can choose the following map modifiers.

    Pack Size: You need to set your goal to 50% or higher, which will increase the number of battles you need to fight and the potential chance of loot drops.

    Item Rarity: As we all know, higher Item Rarity will also increase the chance of unique items dropping. Currently, the most ideal Item Rarity is about 167%, so if you use a Pack Size of more than 50% and an Item Rarity of about 167% when running a certain map, you will have a greater chance of getting T0 Uniques.

    Optimizing Map Quality: Before running a map, or in the early stages, you can use chisels to increase the quality of the entire map a little, around 75%-77%. Alternatively, you can use Alchemical Orbs to make the loot in your map rarer, which is a very beneficial map modifier.

    Delirium And Scarabs: You can combine these two to further improve your farming efficiency. But for players who are new to map modifiers, a Delirium Orb is enough.

    2. Choose The Equipment And Item Settings In Your Build

    In MMO games such as Path of Exile, the most important thing is the build. A good build can allow you to survive and develop safely in some difficult maps, so farming T0 Uniques also requires a good build.

    In terms of the choice of key items, your first choice must be Mageblood Belt, because it is very important for the management of flasks in your build and for improving your survivability. In addition, you can try Ventor’s Gamble Ring, which can greatly increase the rarity of its loot when you face a single-target boss.

    In terms of defense, you can choose one of Unique Shields, and combined with some modifiers that can provide you with specific damage reduction, your survivability will definitely be taken to a higher level.

    3. Adjust Your Strategy In Time

    When facing different situations, the strategies used are definitely different. For example, when you are fighting a boss on a certain map, you need to make your build as powerful and survivable as possible. This is also the most important point in the strategy of accurately farming T0 Uniques, because the safety of your character is the key to farming.

    The above is some information about T0 Uniques and farming strategies in POE 3.25. I hope you can farm your most desired T0 Unique as soon as possible in this new league. I wish you a happy game!

  • How To Choose The Best Solo Self-Found Builds In Path Of Exile 3.25? - Types & Setup

    How To Choose The Best Solo Self-Found Builds In Path Of Exile 3.25? - Types & Setup

    Sep 03, 2024

    In Path of Exile Settlers of Kalguur released some time ago, many metas have changed significantly, and many builds have also changed accordingly. So whether you are a player who is used to Solo Self-Found builds or a player who likes Trade Leagues builds, you must make corresponding changes to your builds. In the increasingly fast pace of life, many gamers have begun to explore the content of the game alone. In POE, there is no exception. Many players are used to using Solo Self-Found builds to explore alone in the game.

    In this build, you will experience a completely unique experience from the standard game: you don’t have to stick to tedious transactions, and your POE Currency can be better used for crafting. But it also brings a longer exploration time and requires more knowledge reserves, and the most important challenge is greater. In this guide, I will introduce you to several Solo Self-Found builds that are very useful in POE 3.25, so that you can be prepared when you first explore this new way.

    Bleed Spectral Shield Throw Gladiator

    If you’re new to Solo Self-Found builds, Bleed Spectral Shield Throw Gladiator is a great build to practice with, as it’s great for both clearing and killing, and it requires a relatively low investment, making it a very cost-effective build.

    Bleed Spectral Shield Throw Gladiator build primarily utilizes the new Gladiator nodes added to the new league, such as Jagged Technique, to cause aggravated bleeding, which increases the damage taken by enemies over time, and eventually explodes when the enemy dies.

    For defense, you can choose items with prioritizing block, spell block, and lucky block mechanics, as these mechanics keep this build’s effective block rate at 93.75%. This high-damage and high-tank build will get you through the early and middle quickly and safely reach endgame content.


    • Skill Gems: Spectral Shield Throw & Brutality & Vicious Projectiles & Chance to Bleed & Maim & Deadly Ailments
    • Ascendancy Nodes: Arena Challenger & Blood in the Eyes & Gratuitous Violence & Painforged
    • Defensive Layers: Endurance charges & Spell suppression & High life pool

    Explosive Trap Of Shrapnel Trickster

    Explosive Trap of Shrapnel Trickster build is a dynamic build that utilizes whirling blades and frost blink to enable you to swiftly traverse the map and promptly reach clusters of enemies. Once there, you can freeze the enemies and subsequently eliminate them with explosive traps.

    This one-hit-kill build focuses on increasing crit chance and multiplier. In the best case, when all explosions hit, it can achieve about 16 million hit DPS, which is a very scary number. In addition, it also relies on power, frenzy, endurance, and inspiration charges to have a greater advantage in both offense and defense.

    Here I need to remind you that although Explosive Trap of Shrapnel Trickster build performs very well in boss stations and some high-level maps, you still need to pay attention to the mana consumption when using it, because spell damage is the most important source of damage for this build.


    • Skill Gems: Explosive Trap & Cluster Traps & Trap and Mine Damage & Advanced Traps & Increased Critical Strikes & Increased Critical Damage
    • Ascendancy Nodes: Swift Killer & Ghost Dance & Escape Artist & Prolonged Pain
    • Defensive Layers: Evasion & Spell suppression & Life and energy shield blend

    Boneshatter Juggernaut Or Slayer

    With the increased melee in POE Settlers of Kalguur league, Boneshatter Juggernaut or Slayer build has become very powerful. It can use the shovel’s huge two-handed weapon to crush enemies in combat, and gain trauma stacks from it to increase its damage. However, the price of this high damage is that you will also take some damage yourself.

    But don’t worry, Juggernaut can provide you with strong survivability, and Slayer can provide you with higher damage and better recovery, so no matter which one you choose, you can safely complete some medium-difficulty battles. Thanks to the changes to endurance charges in the new league, this build can also reduce some elemental damage from enemies, so you will be safer to get the final POE Currency reward.

    Although the shortcomings of Boneshatter Juggernaut or Slayer build that some players have pointed out before, such as lack of single-target damage and high mana consumption, still exist, you can use some POE Items at this stage to alleviate this problem.


    • Skill Gems: Boneshatter & Multistrike & Melee Physical Damage & Brutality & Fortify & Rage
    • Ascendancy Nodes
    • Juggernaut: Unflinching, Unstoppable, Unbreakable, Undeniable
    • Slayer: Brutal Fervour, Headsman, Bane of Legends, Impact
    • Defensive Layers: High armor & Endurance charges & Life leech (Slayer)

    Lightning Strike Gladiator

    In previous leagues, Lightning Strike Gladiator has been a favorite of many players, and recently, with the increase in Lightning Strike’s damage effectiveness, more and more players who are used to Solo Self-Found builds have begun to try it.

    It mainly uses Blood Magic to alleviate the mana consumption problem that players are very concerned about, and with the help of Gladiator’s block nodes, it can achieve a situation where high damage output and excellent survivability coexist.

    In addition, Lightning Strike Gladiator build is a combination of melee and projectile strikes, making it one of the most competitive Solo Self-Found builds. If you use Eternal Blessing to enhance the damage output in this build, it will definitely give you a surprise!


    • Skill Gems: Lightning Strike & Trinity & Nightblade & Multistrike & Added Cold Damage & Elemental Damage
    • Ascendancy Nodes: Versatile Combatant & Gladiator’s Perseverance
    • Defensive Layers: Block and spell block & High life pool & Instant leech from weapon main node

    The above is some of the best Solo Self-Found builds in the new POE league. I hope you can better complete exploring the new league alone with their help, and wish you a happy game!

  • How To Achieve High Returns By Efficiently Farming Scarab In Path Of Exile 3.25? - Drop Rates & Best Strategies

    How To Achieve High Returns By Efficiently Farming Scarab In Path Of Exile 3.25? - Drop Rates & Best Strategies

    Sep 02, 2024

    In Path of Exile, Scarab modifies the map for you, adding extra challenges and rewards, making it one of the most important items in the game. It is also very popular in the game because of its boosting properties.

    In the new Settlers of Kalguur League, Scarab’s overall role has not changed much, but because of the significant increase in loot in the new league map, it has become an indispensable part of running the map efficiently. This guide will introduce you to Scarab from its drop rate and some farming strategies. If you have a little difficulty in farming Scarab, you can follow the tips in this guide step by step.

    Scarab Drop Rates In Rarity Tiers

    Whether you explore Settlers of Kalguur League alone or with your trade league players, it is important to understand the drop rate and rarity of Scarab. First, it will lower your expectations for Scarab, because it is not so easy to get, and second, you can formulate relevant strategies based on its drop rate. In the current league, Scarab has 5 rarity tiers. The specific information is as follows:

    Common Scarabs: It is the most common Scarabs in the entire game and the most commonly used by players, with a drop rate of about 30%.

    Uncommon Scarabs: It is slightly rarer than Common Scarabs, with a drop rate of about 20%.

    Rare Scarabs: As the name suggests, it is a little rarer than the first two Scarabs, with a drop rate of about 10%. And it is more practical on the map than the first three, which means it is more valuable.

    Mythic Scarabs: This is a very rare Scarabs, with a drop rate of only 1%. But once you get it, it can provide a very significant enhancement to the loot provided by your map, the most obvious of which is the amount of POE Currency you get after running the map.

    Extreme Scarabs: These are the rarest tiers in Path of Exile, like Horned Scarab of Preservation, which are very rare and valuable.

    The above drop rates may vary depending on the unique modifiers you have, such as remarkable relics, so if you want to encounter some higher rarity Scarabs, you can try to carry more unique modifiers to increase the probability.

    How Do Scarab Drop Rates Affect Solo Self-Found And Trade Leagues?

    As mentioned earlier, understanding the drop rate is to better make targeted strategies, and here are the effects in two different situations: Solo Self-Found and Trade Leagues.

    Solo Self-Found: Knowing the rarity of a Scarab can help you decide whether to build around it. Normally, if Scarab is extremely rare, it is not a good choice to rely on it unless you have wonderful luck or another strong enough strategy.

    Trade Leagues: In trade leagues, the rarity of Scarabs directly affects its market value. For example, some rare Scarabs are in great demand in the current market, so POE Currency required will increase accordingly, and your investment opportunities will also increase.

    Best Strategy

    Before you can farm Scarab effectively, it is important to understand that choosing the right Atlas tree strategy is key. Here I will introduce you to 3 strategies for farming Scarab to cope with various play styles and goals in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League.

    1. Low Investment Scarab Farming In T17 Maps

    In this strategy, you don’t have to manipulate too many settings, and your focus should be on maximizing Scarab drops through specific Atlas tree configurations. For map selection, you can choose Fortress map, because there are fewer bosses and monsters you need to fight, but the loot quality will be high.

    In terms of the type of Scarabs you want to farm, you can prioritize Nemesis and Divinity Scarabs, or Radiant Storms Scarab. They can all increase the challenge and rewards in the map you are currently running.

    For Atlas Setup, you can choose Prioritize Scarab nodes, pack size, and Beyond nodes, because they perform better in increasing the level and quality of encounters.

    2. Domination Scarab Evolution Strategy

    This strategy mainly utilizes the new Domination Scarab in Path of Exile 3.25, which can increase the chance of the monsters you encounter upgrading. You can use Shrine in this strategy, because activating Shrine increases the chance of it upgrading again after killing the current monster, which will increase the drop rate of Scarab.

    When you are choosing a map, you can give priority to maps with tall monster density, for example Sanctuary, which can also maximize the effect of Shrine. For Atlas Setup, you need to focus on Scarab nodes and nodes that can maximize the use of Shrine.

    3. Targeted Scarab Farming In SSF Using T17 Maps

    Although it is said in the above that some rare Scarabs are not recommended for Solo Self-Found players to farm, there is still a way. You can maximize the loot provided by the map by carefully selecting and scrolling the map. Additionally, you can also use some mods that can appropriately increase the drop rate of Scarabs, so as not to compromise the survivability of your current build overly. For example, Nico and Domination Scarabs can increase your energy and provide you with some buffs.

    The above are some strategies on how to farm Scarabs in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League effectively. I hope you can use these strategies in the game to get very rich rewards. I wish you a propitious time in the new league!

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