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News Tag: Path Of Exile 3 22

  • Best POE 3.22 Mega-Blight Atlas Build

    Best POE 3.22 Mega-Blight Atlas Build

    Nov 29, 2023

    If you want to play as much Blight league as possible, farming up heaps of POE Currency and gear without ever having to chat in trade and accumulate large amounts of Oils and Blighted Maps either for you to use or to sell, I have the perfect POE 3.22 Atlas build for you.

    Blight-All-Day Combo

    In the most recent patch, Blight enjoyers were given a gift: Cassia’s Pride. With this keystone, we can turn Blight encounters into a true tower defense game. 

    Except that the atlas isn’t actually active on Blighted and Blight-Ravaged Maps, so it doesn’t matter how much we tech it. We’re still going to be taking on endgame Blight content the same as every other player. In that case, we might as well just cheese the normal Blight encounters on our maps. And this build trivialize every single blight encounter you find.

    The thing that I noticed involved Cassia’s Pride. With this keystone, we can heavily lean on the towers when we run into Sister Cassia in our maps. 

    If you also get these two small passives, you’re reducing the cost of building and upgrading those towers by 40%, which is nice. But if you want to push it into true Insanity, you’re going to also take the Wandering Path Keystone, doubling the effect of those small points and reducing the cost of building and upgrading towers by a total of 80%.

    With this combination, you can immediately spam level your towers up to level 4 at the very beginning of each encounter. And on top of that, Cassia’s Pride ensures that your towers easily get the job done on their own, which leads to hilarious but successful strategies.

    You may be worried about losing the notables, but the reality is that with the Wandering Path combination, you end up with a higher chance of running into Sister Cassia than without it. In fact, she’s so common, you just open maps expecting her to be there. And it doesn’t hurt your loot, either. In fact, you get more POE Items this way.

    Without Wandering Path, you end up getting far fewer of those Blight chests from each lane in your encounters. You’re also doubling the effects of all of the quantity circles with this build, which gives you even more loot. And not to mention, you’re literally never going to lose a normal Blight encounter ever again, so you’ll get all the loot every single time.

    Atlas How-To

    When you unlock your Atlas, you’re going to start by taking the left-hand path out of the tree. 

    But instead of developing that full cluster, you’re going to keep going upward until you hit the Fungal Bloom cluster. But don’t take the final notable unless you’re willing to use an Orb of Regret (or orb of whatever). Then, keep moving up and take Cassia’s Pride. Then, move into the quant circle and take Wandering Path.

    As soon as you have Wandering Path, then develop the Blight Tower Cost, small passives down here by the very start of your Atlas. And now, Blight league is hilariously easy.

    After this, you’re going to want to develop the left to upgrade your Blight chests. Then, you’re going to want to move upward, filling in all except for the notables in the blight spawn cluster as well as this distilled fungus cluster. Then, fill in the quant circles and you can take whichever inward path you want: Essence, Harbinger, or Harvest. Go ahead and skip the chance to get a free Blight craft.

    I’ve been doing this build for a full day and I haven’t seen a Blight craft once nor am I particularly cared to use it. You can also skip this one point (Blight Monster Increased Damage) that increases monster damage taken. It’s up near Cassia’s Pride because you’re just not gonna need it.

    Incursion Pathing

    If you’re interested in also adding Alva and Temple Incursions into your maps, you can instead take a slightly different path.

    First, you can cut through the Incursion cluster on the center left.

    Second, you can cut through the Incursion Pack Size when you go up into the quant circle. Each one of those moves takes one more Atlas point total, but it does greatly in boost Incursions. 

  • Discussion Of The Defensive Layers Of Molten Strike Pathfinder In POE 3.22 - Transcendence Explained

    Discussion Of The Defensive Layers Of Molten Strike Pathfinder In POE 3.22 - Transcendence Explained

    Nov 25, 2023

    Today, we are going to talk about Transcendence Keystone, inspired by Molten Strike Pathfinder from HC Trade League at Trial of the Ancestors.

    You might think this is just another near-immortal Pathfinder build. This is true to an extent. Pathfinder is extremely powerful right now, which has spawned some of the most powerful builds in the game.

    But what’s interesting about this build is that the maximum elemental resistance using Transcendence and Eternal Damnation is 55%. This is a huge drawback and is usually the first thing players address when using these mechanics.

    The disadvantage is the maximum resistance to scaling through the gears, which most people will completely offset with Loreweave. This drawback but this build completely ignores it, even using Eternal Damnation. This further applies a minus 5% to the maximum resistance.

    Here we’ll break down the layers of defense that make up this extremely tanky build and discuss why low maximum elemental resistance is actually beneficial for the type of content it designed the build for.

    Defensive Layers Explained

    This build is still pretty bulky, so what the heck is going on here. Let’s take a look at its layers of defense. Because this build doesn’t use Loreweave to free up body armor slots, this makes it easier for elements to reach 100% physical damage.

    So here this build uses Lightning Coil to deal with 50% of the physical damage from hits as lightning damage, and Dawnbreaker to deal with 18% of fire damage. Then Veiled modifier on the helmet adds another 8%. Finally, improved Taste of Hate Flask to increase it by 24%, bringing the total to 100%.

    This build also has 100% Spell Suppression, and a single Tattoo also provides an additional 3% Spell Damage Suppression. Also, by using Ancestral Vision, it has a 50% chance of avoiding Elemental Ailment. The remaining 50% is made up of Thick Skin life wheel and Eldritch Implicit Modifiers on the boots.

    Next up is Transcendence Keystone, which applies the armor’s damage reduction to elemental damage instead of physical damage. As we’ve already discussed, this build takes no physical damage from hits, all of which are converted to elemental damage. And Transcendence also imposes a very large maximum elemental resistance penalty on the character.

    This build adds almost no armor to the skill tree. Therefore, all armors from Iron Reflexes are combined with Determination and Grace. We also invested POE Currency in these Auras to increase Aura effect by about 50%.

    There is also an added modifier on Ruby Flask, which is affected by Flask effect and ends up getting about a 100% armor increase. This brings the total armor value to around 100,000.

    Next up is Eternal Damnation. This unique amulet applies a further minus 5% to all max resistances, but reduces elemental damage based on half your total Chaos Resistance. Here, it also provides an additional 35% of elemental damage reduction, which also applies to elemental damage over time.

    Since it’s Pathfinder, we’ve set up Flask to provide further mitigation and a range of recoveries. Ruby Flask and Topaz Flask reduce fire and lightning damage by 38% respectively. Taste of Hate and Sapphire Flask have the same cold damage modifier, which reduces cold damage by 33%.

    Progenesis Amethyst Flask prevents 25% health loss from damage on hit and disappears over the next 4 seconds. We also improved this Flask with Flask Effect, which increases this percentage to 41%.

    In addition, Master Surgeon can provide long-lasting results for Life Flask. This means that Divine Life Flask can regenerate approximately 2,000 health points per second, which is of course the main defensive layer content of any tanking Pathfinder build.


    So let’s put all of this into an example. Suppose this character encounters a large and terrifying monster and uses a spell to attack Pathfinder, causing 30,000 points of physical damage. 15,000 of this damage is lightning damage, 7,800 is fire damage, and the remaining 7,200 is cold damage.

    First, we can apply resistance, reducing damage by 55%. The armor then provides elemental damage reduction due to Transcendence. Importantly, armor is applied to each elemental damage type individually, making the reduction it provides more effective.

    Because the armor is stronger against smaller attacks before armor reduction is applied. It therefore added the additional elemental damage reduction from Eternal Damnation to this reduction to provide a total percentage of elemental damage reduction, capped at a hard cap of 90%.

    Then the damage reduction modifiers on Ruby Flask, Topaz Flask, and Sapphire Flask come into play, reducing lightning and fire damage by 38%, and cold damage by 33%. And since the hit is a spell, Spell Suppression is also applied, further reducing the damage by 53%.

    Finally, if Molten Shell is inactive, it will remove damage taken from health. So Progenesis prevents 41% of the damage, which disappears within the next 4 seconds.

    The character loses 237 health immediately and 164 health over 4 seconds. The 30,000 damage here comes out to 401 damage. You can see how unwieldy this build is, even with 55% max elemental resistance.

    Elemental Penetration

    But to understand the true strength of this setup, we need to look at Elemental Penetration. This build is intended to be one of the common and very dangerous modifiers found on Delve mines and nodes. As Elemental Penetration goes deeper and deeper, the lower the resistance of the target, the less effective the penetration will be.

    For example, if a character has 90% fire resistance and they take 10,000 fire damage. They take 90% less damage and take 1,000 fire damage.

    But if the monster still has 10% Fire Penetration, it will reduce the damage by 80%, and the character will suffer 2000 points of fire damage. This means that 10% Fire Penetration causes the character to actually take 100% more damage than he would otherwise have taken.

    If a character has 50% Fire Penetration, they take 5,000 fire damage and counter the same attack with 10% Fire Penetration. They take 6,000 points of fire damage, effectively taking 20% more damage.

    Not only does it have a much lower maximum drag than other very tanky setups. And there are multiple layers of mitigation to offset any added damage caused by infiltration.

    Scaling Armor vs Max Resistance

    Now, it’s interesting to see when you should scale armor and when you should scale maximum elemental resistance. Especially considering that armor is easier to get than max resistance.

    Of course, elemental damage can naturally be very dangerous over time. If you can’t offset the heavy resistance penalty on Pathfinder build, you can also do that with the elemental damage reduction provided by Eternal Damnation and Flask build, which deals less damage. And of course Life Flask’s life regeneration.

    If you’re able to invest in sources of damage mitigation over time, it may be more advantageous for you to scale your armor when using Transcendence. Because it’s usually easier to scale armor by a meaningful amount than max resistance. So modifiers that increase armor are still very effective.

    Hopefully, this guide helps you understand this underutilized approach to Transcendence. If you use Transcendence in your build, this will be even more welcome in the next league when the relatively easy way to get the most resistance from tattoos disappears!

  • Why Has Chieftain Ascendancy Been Unpopular In Path Of Exile 3.22?

    Why Has Chieftain Ascendancy Been Unpopular In Path Of Exile 3.22?

    Nov 24, 2023

    Chieftain currently has 90% resistance easily and has Explode effects, two really powerful mechanics in POE 3.22. So why isn’t this class more popular? This is an interesting article I saw on Reddit. Here I want to briefly answer this question.

    Why Chieftain Deals No Damage?

    Because Chieftain doesn’t deal with any damage, it lacks a general damage increase, at least relative to other Ascendancy Classes. Although its Explode effects are good, it is not the best to use in simulacrum farming.

    I’m assuming some people will choose other Ascendancy, and they usually steal resistance via Jewels. For those who don’t know what this means, players usually choose either Berserker or Juggernaut. Both can scale damage better than Chieftain, and have the option to steal Chieftain’s defensive abilities by using Forbidden Jewel to better balance the damage that Valako, Storm’s Embrace, lacks.

    In addition, Chieftain Ascendancy is not flexible enough. The other classes are defensive enough to complete everything in Hardcore Solo Self Found. Because other classes deal much more damage, they require much less defense in Softcore Trade League.

    What Players Look For In The Build?

    I think Chieftain is a good choice as a starter in Hardcore League. But a question remains: why not just create a Champion or Pathfinder? This is one of the current dilemmas players face when considering League Ascendancy in their starting lineup.

    Players will often want a build that can both scale damage and survive endgame boss mechanics, with damage scaling taking higher priority. It doesn’t matter if your build doesn’t take a single hit if it can’t end a boss fight in a few minutes.

    Regardless, one of the main reasons for its lack of damage can be attributed to Marauder starting position. On the passive tree, there is no good damage node. Even though Explode does a lot of damage on average, you’ll get stuck once or twice per map on a zero-damage ascent.

    So, as you can see, there’s a consensus that Chieftain will never be as popular as other Ascendancy. Because it can’t throw in POE Currency to roll damage scaling like Pathfinder. However, that doesn’t mean players no longer choose to play this Ascendancy and have fun with it. Because it opens up more possibilities for dealing with negative resistance.

    Plus, it’s a Marauder with spells. By running Chieftain Ascendancy, players can easily circumvent these Penalties caused by Melding of the Flesh and gain maximum resistance. Don’t forget about Tasalio, Cleansing Water, which makes it easier for players to reach the resistance cap.

    A Reasonable Answer To The Question

    As good as Chieftain Ascendancy is, there are almost always better options for accomplishing what you want to do. Players will always enjoy things to the fullest, and that’s understandable. Even considering that it doesn’t have the best damage scaling, that doesn’t mean Chieftain is a completely useless Ascendancy. You can always use Chieftain to accomplish anything you want!

    How To Make A Chieftain Build?

    I don’t think those who blindly disparage Chieftain have tried to properly build Chieftain around Explode node.

    Chieftain’s Explode is powerful when Ignite Proliferation has a 100% chance for Ignite. When built around it, it’s much stronger than Profane Bloom. While not the best, no other Ascendancy can give you such high baseline defense, allowing you to cast magic on all gear slots.

    This build is ridiculously tanky for a Magic Find Build and has incredible clearing speed. Chieftain will never be that popular though due to its distinct lack of damage scaling when built around specialized archetypes. But it definitely has its place in Path of Exile community.

    So overall, I think the reason it’s not popular is that Chieftain Ascendancy doesn’t provide a well-rounded building experience like other classes. That’s all for this guide. See you next time!

  • How To Make A Gorgon’s Gaze Build With High Movement Speed In POE 3.22?

    How To Make A Gorgon’s Gaze Build With High Movement Speed In POE 3.22?

    Nov 23, 2023

    Today I’m going to review TOTA build I used to climb 2K. This is a Gorgon’s Gaze build that casts Petrification Statue by using Gorgon’s Gaze Regicide Mask.

    It allows you to get the last totem easily. You can petrify your boss after taking all other totems. You can then also use Void Sphere as your fundamental skill to move enemies and push them away. Therefore, they call this way of building the “cheese build.”

    Since this build doesn’t do any damage, it just applies some really powerful curses to these enemies to slow them down and prevent them from getting to you. When you take away their totem, you can replace your enemies and place them somewhere else so they don’t get in your way.

    Skill Tree

    For the skill tree, we’re mainly looking to buff the spell suppression skill’s effect duration and spell blocking, but we’re also taking some jewels. Because we have Siege, coupled with Kineticism Keystone, this allows us to place curses on enemies as we attack and knock them back. This way, we can push enemies away and slow them down even more than the curses we’re already using.

    We also ran a Watcher’s Eye. When we use Might of the Meek, we can take advantage of the small passives in the center of the passive tree, such as increased effect range, skill effect duration, and retention. This way, we can maximize the duration of Void Sphere so that our build has extra coverage.


    We also invested in POE Currency to roll Keystone. Among them, Mage Bane is our first choice so that we can get some bonuses.

    And we don’t need agility bonuses for the evasion generation. Because we can easily stack Evasion on the build and reach Evasion cap easily.

    Then we have Acrobatics, which allows us to transfer suppression into spell dodge so we can dodge attacks. Because the entire purpose of building this layer of defense is to evade all attacks. That’s why we have Max Block, Max Spell Block, Max Spell Dodge, and Max Dodge.

    We also used Chaos Inoculation so we could take our energy shield and use it for Eldritch Battery. In this way, our Ensnaring Arrow can have a higher hit rate, and the skill effect duration on the node will also be higher.


    The skills for this build are simple, we’re just running some auras.

    We ran Grace, Haste and Defiance Banner. This way we can maximize our dodge chances to a cap of 95%. And we also run Dash to increase our mobility so we can run around talking to all NPCs as fast as possible.

    Then we also have Temporal Chains for Blasphemy Support and Enhance Support. This way we always have a giant AOE Temporal Chains around us. So as long as we’re alive, we’ll be constantly applying Temporal Chains to all enemies around us. This slows down enemies, making them attack slower and cast spells in our 6-Link weapons.

    On the bow, we have more projectiles so we can cover more ground. And Ensnaring Arrow is our skill of choice, which means our enemies will move slower so we can hit them more often. Mirage Archer Support helps us automate this so we can push enemies away faster.

    When we cast and Ensnaring Arrow, we run Second Wind Support and increase the helmet’s duration to support Gorgon’s Gaze’s Petrification Statue ability, making it last as long as possible and giving it a second charge.


    Next, let’s talk about equipment.

    For Arrow Quiver, we are running a Rearguard, which provides us with all spell blocking. We then run Gorgon’s Gaze Regicide Mask to increase the pulsing frequency so our Void Sphere attracts enemies more often.

    Apparently we’re running Petrification Statue skill of Gorgon’s Gaze, which helps us petrify the boss. This way, we can take his totem as quickly as possible at the end.

    Then, for the armor, we use Queen of the Forest. It has a massive amount of extra movement speed, up to 75%. But we must have 45,000 energy evasion to get 75% of Queen of the Forest’s movement speed cap.

    For the gloves, we’re running Meginord’s Vise. This is standard on all cheese builds and allows us to have extra knockback range so that we can push enemies further away with our Ensnaring Arrow. And then it can also help us deal with our strength issues. Mine has two AOEs and it just buffs the aura in my gloves,

    For boots, Sin Trek is a brilliant choice. Because it has good movement speed. It gives us a lot of flat energy shields, which allows us to use the Eldritch Battery more easily. It’s also an evasion base, so it gives us good evasion capabilities.

    That’s all there is to know about this Gorgon’s Gaze build. Don’t forget to adapt it to your requirements and trust him to help you clear everything!

  • Path Of Exile 3.22 Crit Lightning Tendrils Elementalist Build Guide - Gear, Passive Tree & Ascendancy

    Path Of Exile 3.22 Crit Lightning Tendrils Elementalist Build Guide - Gear, Passive Tree & Ascendancy

    Nov 21, 2023

    Hello, Exiles! I’m back with my Crit Lightning Tendrils Elementalist. As usual, this build can be done with tier 16 maps on the lowest possible budget. Let’s take a look at its damage.

    Lightning Tendrils is a Channeling skill. It has a very interesting mechanic. It releases a stronger pulse after every three pulses. Stronger Pulses no longer deal 200% additional damage, but always critically hit.

    How To Get High Critical Hits?

    We’re skipping all critical hit opportunities and focusing on the stronger Pulse. We get a lot of crit multipliers. As you can see, my critical hit rate is very low at 1.3%, but my critical hit multiplier is a whopping 658%. So, how do we get it?

    A good portion of this comes from Marylene’s Fallacy Lapis Amulet, a fairly cheap Amulet that only requires 8 Chaos Orbs. It has a lot of critical multiplier, but it will reduce its critical chance by 40%. But since we always use the stronger Pulse to deal critical hits, we can skip these. That’s how we created the character.

    We’re also converting lightning damage into cold damage via Call of the Brotherhood. So we can benefit from items like Heatshiver to get extra damage.

    We can also benefit from Shaper of Winter Ascendancy passive to freeze and cool down enemies. This is an excellent defense mechanism.

    Because Lightning Tendrils is a Channeling skill, we also want to invest in POE Currency on defense so that we don’t feel bad during the game. 


    Most of the rare items for this build are there to increase life and resistances. Of these, Gloves are important in this build, as they’re how we get Cold Exposure.

    It is important to get Cold Exposure so that we can benefit from Mastermind of Discord Ascendancy passive, gaining an additional 25 elemental resistance.

    So you need to farm some blue maps to get Eater of Worlds Eldritch Currency and spam it so you can get Cold Exposure.

    For Belt, this is actually a very good upgrade item, and Arn’s Anguish is your best choice. Maven drops this Belt. It changes your Endurance Charge to Brutal Charge.

    And Brutal Charge will give you a 30% chance of causing triple damage. It does Heatshiver, Crit and Cold damage, so either double or triple damage is good.

    This Belt is a very nice upgrade, but you also need to find a way to generate Endurance Charge. You can get the lowest Endurance Charge through Grand Spectrum jewels in Labyrinth, but this is quite expensive.

    Another cheaper method is to use a Small Armor Cluster with Enduring Composure. When you get hit, you gain Endurance Charge every second, which is a pretty nice way.

    Passive Skill Tree & Ascendancy

    Then let’s talk about Passive Skill Tree and Ascendancy. Shaper of Winter, Mastermind of Discord, and Heart of Destruction are good. When we hit a unique enemy, we get 30% extra elemental damage. But when we don’t do that, we actually have a 60% AOE increase. This is very useful for this build, it helps a lot with mapping.

    Another Ascendancy node is in Bastion of Elements. We can get Primal Aegis, which will take our 2,100 elemental damage. But that’s not as good as getting something like Spell Suppression. Because when you get hit and the shield goes to zero, we have to wait a few seconds to recover.

    Also, Passive Skill Tree is where we get a lot of Maximum Elemental Resistance. Since Lightning Tendrils is a Channeling skill, we need to gain defense.

    We can put Gravicius on Body Armor, which is a good choice. We can then also use Wrath and Herald of Ice to run Determination on our Aura, and use Arctic Armor while stationary for extra defense. 

    Another Aura is Clarity, but it remains in our life so we can benefit from this Passive Mastery, giving +1 to all maximum elemental resistances. Storm Weaver is also pretty good. It gains some health on Skill Tree and gets Iron Will for a little extra damage. That’s pretty much it for this character.

    We haven’t run out of Flasks yet, but are now almost at full mana capacity. What I’m saying is that getting a few extra levels in your Clarity might be enough to maintain mana. Having Passive Mastery that makes the skill consume health instead of 30% mana is enough.

    This character is actually my character in “Blast From The Past Event” in Sentinel and Kalandra leagues. It was actually a very successful role. So I think this could be a very good league starter as well, and maybe still applies to POE 3.23 league.

    Anyway, that’s it for this Crit Lightning Tendrils Elementalist. If you decide to play it, I hope you enjoy this version. Have a great day!

  • Thoughts On The State Of Melee Bleed Builds In Path Of Exile 3.22 - How To Improve?

    Thoughts On The State Of Melee Bleed Builds In Path Of Exile 3.22 - How To Improve?

    Nov 17, 2023

    Melee combat in Path of Exile 3.22 is in a very less than ideal situation right now, but no melee archetype is worse than Bleeding.

    Current Bleed

    The current state of Melee Bleed builds dates back to changes made in POE 3.14 and 3.15 that ultimately led to the demise of the archetype: Bleed Slams.

    The problem, however, may not be the changes themselves, but the fact that Crutch of Seismic Cry and Elder Bleed weapon modifiers almost entirely takes the damage of these builds. Therefore, Melee Bleed builds need a lot of improvements.

    But developers have done some rework on Ascendancy in recent leagues. Among them, no Ascendancy is more deserving of change than Gladiator. So with any luck, I feel like melee changes will come, eventually. But really, the change they should make in the meantime is buff, the damage these builds do so they’re at least playable.

    In this guide, I outline a few ways developers can achieve this.

    Ascendancy Reworks

    As I already mentioned, how do they do that? I think Ascendancy Reworks could go a long way towards improving the blood and melee builds.

    This may require more targeted changes to Gladiator. But one of the blood concepts I wanted the most was the ability to inflict blood using all damage types instead of just physical damage. This would be similar to Pneumatic Dagger in Heist, which allows all damage dealt by Dagger to cause poison damage to avoid confusion.

    Here, this doesn’t mean you’ll be able to cause blood with spells, as all blood modifier chances in the game only apply to attacks. But it will open avenues to explore weapon crafting and weapon selection.

    You can also use Elemental and Chaos damage to cause blood. Even the non-bleed specific melee Ascendancy changes can be an enormous improvement. Take Berserker, for example, which could also use some updates to feature more options.

    Passive Skill Tree

    Speaking of more options, Passive Skill Tree needs more blood options. There are only two Bleed Mastery Clusters in the entire Skill Tree, while Poison has four Clusters and Ignite has six or more Clusters.

    If you also include all Fire Damage over Time Multiplier Clusters, you’ll also need to spend POE Currency to add 1-2 additional Clusters for even more utility. Similar to the fresh attack, Ignite Clusters added in Trial of the Ancestors league. New Ignite Clusters have Concussive Force Notable, which deals more damage to Ignite hits, thus stunning enemies.

    Mechanical Support

    Blood would be great in terms of utility, but one of the most ridiculous things about Bleed is its Ailments mechanic. Over time, Bleed deals damage based on the base damage of the hit that caused Ailments. But it does more damage when the target moves.

    There is a way to use Ensnaring Arrow to force the target to count as movement. This means that as a melee building, you’ll need to change your weapon to a bow in order to use Ensnaring Arrow to force the target to move countless times to deal more damage.

    Melee Bleed builds can avoid this paradoxical situation by simply giving us a melee support gem that applies this effect.

    Bleed Calculation

    Also, the damage calculations caused by Bleed Ailments may need to be updated. Currently deals 70% of base damage every second for 5 seconds, increasing to 210% of base damage. If the target moves ideally, or if we get more of the effects of Ensnaring Arrow, the damage can be substantial.

    But without this, I’d like to see more damage when the target doesn’t move and the moving component stays the same. This way, you don’t have to rely so much on forcing the target to move to deal meaningful damage.


    I really like Bleed mechanic because it’s more interesting than Poison and Ignite, but we need more tools to make it work. What are your thoughts on the current status of Melee Bleed builds for Path of Exile 3.22? have a beautiful day!

  • How To Prepare For POE 3.22 Shifting Stones Event?

    How To Prepare For POE 3.22 Shifting Stones Event?

    Nov 16, 2023

    Here, we will talk about the final content of this November POE 3.22 event series, Shifting Stones. This event will be held on November 17th.


    In the Shifting Stones event, you will encounter one of the following league mechanics randomly, which are Tormented Spirits, Blight, Legion, Delirium, and Beyond.

    The difference here is that they will be enchanted by the following keystones:

    • Speaker of the Dead 
    • Cassia’s Pride 
    • Timeless Conflict 
    • Unending Nightmare 
    • Endless Tide 

    Tormented Spirits & Speaker Of The Dead

    Let’s start by focusing on Tormented Spirits and the Speaker Of The Dead.

    Due to the keystone passive ability, it now exclusively enters the player instead of monsters. This change will significantly accelerate the leveling speed compared to the usual pace. 

    Keep in mind to avoid prematurely eliminating the spirit so that they have the opportunity to enter your character.

    Blight & Cassia’s Pride

    Next up is Blight and Cassia’s Pride Keystone.

    Blights are tower defense-like encounters that can spawn from Fungal Growth in any map area.

    In this context, it’s crucial to note that the tower’s damage output will be amplified by 300% whereas both you and your accompanying minions will experience a 75% reduction in damage.

    Legion & Timeless Conflict

    The Timeless Conflict Keystone extends the time available to defeat monsters in the Legion, surpassing the usual 10 to 15 seconds limit.

    Instead, freeing monsters and chests from Stasis will contribute to the advancement of a Schism indicated by a progress bar. 

    Once the bar is fully filled, the Schism activates, initiating the Legion encounter. After defeating them, you may pick up a large number of POE Items.

    The degree of progress towards the Schism is influenced by releasing monsters and chests with better rewards or encountering more formidable foes.

    Delirium & Unending Nightmare

    Next, we have the Delirium and the Unending Nightmare Keystones.

    When a Delirium Mirror is triggered on a map, it releases a gray mist that extends across the entire area. Within this mist, new adversaries and dangers can emerge and existing enemies may acquire the delirium modifier, enhancing their strength or introducing new attacks.

    With the Unending Nightmare Keystone active, the delirium fog generated by the Delirium Mirror persists indefinitely on your maps, resisting any attempts to end it.

    However, as a trade-off, you forfeit the receipt of Simulacrum Splinters and Delirium Orbs.

    Beyond & Endless Tide

    Final modification involves pairing Beyond with the Endless Tide Keystone.

    In this modification, when you defeat a monster, there’s a possibility of a small Crimson Orb materializing on the ground. If four of these orbs cluster closely, they create portals summoning ordinary demons.

    Upon the demise of these newly spawned regular demons, there’s a chance they leave an organic bloody fountain at their origin. If three of these fountains emerge in close proximity, they give rise to a unique and exceptionally challenging boss difficult to both defeat and evade.

    However, with the Endless Tide Keystone Beyond bosses are prevented from appearing. Moreover, it reduces the total merging radius for Beyond portals by 50%, diminishing the number of additional Beyond monsters that would typically spawn from portal merging.

    Each of the aforementioned modifications impacts all players undergoing random alterations every 15 minutes from the commencement of the event.

    Once you grasp their mechanics, the content becomes exceptionally engaging and easily accessible. However, keep in mind that this event still maintains the 5x experience reduction upon death mechanism.

    5 Recommend Builds For This Event

    Additionally, some of the included mods in this event might pose a challenge for you, so we suggest considering five builds down here that meet the criteria of being tanky, powerful, and easy to play.

    If you don’t have these builds yet, prepare enough POE Currency to make them:

    • Cold Damage Over Time (D.o.T) Trickster 
    • Righteous Fire 
    • Boneshatter Slayer 
    • Summon Raging Spirit (S.R.S) Poison 
    • Detonate Dead Ignite 

    Remember, for every character reaching level 50, you’ll receive a reward box and unlock numerous other rewards as you hit higher level milestones. Get ready for a laid-back weekend and join us at this event.

  • How To Create Corrupting Fever Champion Kinetic Blast In POE 3.22? - The Best Mapper & Boss Killer Ever

    How To Create Corrupting Fever Champion Kinetic Blast In POE 3.22? - The Best Mapper & Boss Killer Ever

    Nov 14, 2023

    Corrupting Fever Champion is a top-tier map blasting build in POE 3.22 that focuses on speed, explosion, and survivability.

    With the ability to fire Kinetic Blast from Wand at hordes of enemies and apply Corrupting Fever stacks, this build is capable of clearing the map with ease. With this guide, you should have a higher level understanding of this Corrupting Fever Champion Kinetic Blast build.


    Champion Ascendancy was chosen because it provides the best defense in the game. It also gives you very powerful damage through Adrenaline and Aura effects. Combined with the life cost of Corrupting Fever, your Adrenaline reaches 100% uptime.

    If you have enough POE Currency budget, Fourth Vow and Divine Flesh are essential for this build. They provide your Champion with an incredible way to mitigate both elemental and physical damage. When half of your elemental damage is converted to Chaos, you remove half of the elemental penetration power against you.

    With Fourth Vow, you can also largely mitigate half of Chaos damage you take with a lot of armor. For the remaining 50% of elemental damage, you can also mitigate it further with a slightly increased maximum resistance and 20 layers of defense.

    How To Scale Damage?

    The only reason this build has a chance of causing bleeding is if it uses Haemophilia. These gloves cause bleeding enemies to explode, which significantly increases our clearing speed once we reach the red map.

    Rare monsters will often appear in groups, and these random weaker monsters will explode, killing the rare monsters faster.

    Corrupting Fever and Reap will cause physical damage over time, but will not bleed. Bleed is only applied through attacks, and while it inflicts physical DoTs, not all physical DoTs bleed.

    We can also take advantage of Spiritual Aid and combine it with some increased minion damage to amplify its damage even further. This is because DOT spells on the passive tree have very few sources of increased physical damage. This allows us to easily increase the damage before cluster jewels and after swapping Poet's Pen for the rare Wand.


    When playing Corrupting Fever Champion, you can target some large monster packs to fire a Kinetic Blast and apply Corrupted Blood debuff to deal extra bleed damage to enemies.

    Additionally, when casting Explosion it will trigger your Haemophilia or Gratuitous Violence. Corrupting Fever reactivates every 20 seconds, bringing your health below 50% and granting Adrenaline accordingly.

    By applying your Corrupted Blood debuff to enemies via Kinetic Blast, you can quickly apply Shield Charge and Frostblink to the next group of monsters.

    For Pinnacle Bosses, you can also use Storm Brand to apply Corrupted Blood debuff stacks to enemies, and Frenzy for Frenzy Charges. Then don't forget to use your Vaal Reap and spam Reap to keep your Blood Charge stacked for maximum damage.

    Skill Gems

    For this setup, when you do Pinnacle Boss quest, you must swap Frenzy for Anomalous Kinetic Blast. Because Anomalous Kinetic Blast can get 2 Pierce Support Gems for free.

    Gear Settings

    For this Corrupting Fever Champion Endgame build, I recommend you use the rare Wand instead of Poet's Pen. This is because Self-Cast Reap combined with Corrupting Fever can deal higher damage with the rare Wand.

    Luckily, all the gear in this build is craftable. But since the gearing is so tight, you shouldn't skimp too much on each piece of gear or you won't be able to supply your drag needs.

    If you can't afford Forbidden Flame and Forbidden Flesh, you'll have to use Haemophilia. You can then skip Essence of Delirium Rings and get the resistances and stats you need instead.

    Forbidden Jewels allow you to gain 3 additional build suffixes. This in turn makes getting your gear easier. Because your intelligence is higher, it means you can open more Wand Bases that you can use.


    After following this guide, you'll have a great map clearing build. Mastering this build can help you farm some of the most profitable map content in the game while generating tons of POE currency.

    You'll have no problem farming all map content and even fight Endgame bosses with huge max resistance and mitigation capabilities. Just wave your Wand and the monsters on the screen will disappear under your Corrupting Fever.

  • POE 3.22 Excellent Harbinger Atlas Farming Strategy In The Late League - Kirac’s Memory Of Survivor’s Guilt

    POE 3.22 Excellent Harbinger Atlas Farming Strategy In The Late League - Kirac’s Memory Of Survivor’s Guilt

    Nov 13, 2023

    Today, we’re going to talk about the best strategies for farming Kirac’s Memory of Survivor’s Guilt in Harbinger.

    How Does It Work?

    Harbinger and how it works is very simple, just open your Atlas, right click on Atlas Memory and left click on the map to launch Kirac’s Memory. If you want to do this, it will create a chain between the maps, allowing up to four maps to be created for Kirac’s Memory.

    In fact, Kirac’s Memory always has four maps. A cool modifier about Survivor’s Guilt is that when you kill an enemy, it has a chance to spawn a portal like a Harbinger Portal, and more enemies will spawn through Harbinger Portal.

    Currency Shards

    Now, when you kill an enemy, it has a chance to drop Currency Shards. Since all drops in this memory have been converted or converted into Currency Shards. Currency Shards can now range from Alteration Shards all the way to Mirror Shards. You’ll see things like Orb of Element Shards, Ancient Orb Shard, Exalted Orb Shard.

    And then you also get other things like Harbinger Shards and stuff like that. But anything below that value may not appear in your project filter. If you have one, then it’s profitable. Because each Memory actually only has 50 options, and each Memory tends to be reduced by an average of 1-3 Fracturing Shards.

    Farming Strategy

    So let’s assume you put a Fracturing Shard in memory, which is already a monetary value of 140 Chaos Orbs. This means you have made a profit of 90 Chaos Orbs.

    Then if we take 90 Chaos Orbs profit and then add 6 Orbs of Annulments you got, that’s about 100 Chaos Orbs. In this way, each memory has a value of 190 Chaos Orbs so far.

    Then we have Ancient Orb, which costs about the same as Orb of Element. We also got about 6, so we got another 100 Chaos Orbs, ending up with 290 Chaos Orbs, to get more than 1 Divine Orb worth of Chaos out of your memory.

    Then you’ll get about 25 Chaos Orbs by picking up Chaos Shard, and then you’ll probably get 0.5-1 Exalted Orb Shard. So we’ll only get another 20 Chaos Orbs. There, you’ll get approximately 0.5 Divine Orb worth for each memory you run.

    Now, if you can run Memory quickly, you can see consistent results even if you only get 1.5 Divine Orbs per Memory. This is like your minimum requirement. To reach the threshold of 10 Divine Orbs per hour, we need to run 6 Memory per hour. This is obviously very difficult to do.

    That’s why you know the range for Fracturing Shard is actually at least 1, and 2-3 is your average. I even got seven Fracturing Shards in one run. But if you get Mirror Shards, your value will skyrocket.

    This Method Is More Suitable For The End Of The League

    So I would say this competitive currency farming strategy is very interesting. You know where all the currencies are going. You can easily take what you get from these memories and resell what you looted, and they’ll drop a lot of useful currency.

    These POE currency appreciate and increase in value over time within the league. Therefore, in the later stages of the league, they are more suitable for farming than before, because the value of memory itself will not change.

    But as the league starts to die off, the value of the currency you get from memory increase. That’s why I find these Harbinger Memories actually very useful and easy to run.

    Modify Map

    What I want to say now is that Kirac’s Memory is another kind of Harbinger Memory, which has a unique value than Survivor’s Guilt.

    When you boot into a map, you want to make sure you are chiseling and modifying your map and giving it 20% Delirium to increase the pack size as much as possible. This will give you more monster kills and Harbinger Portals, which will give you more Currency Shards.

    Then you obviously need to look for league mechanics in those maps and make sure you completely clear the map of the league mechanics you find. It dropped currency Shards in these maps, some of which have very interesting exchange rates.

    Final Thoughts

    I have collected multiple Fracturing Orbs so far. This strategy is very self-explanatory and straightforward. As the value of Ancient Orb, Exalted Orb, and Orb of Annulments continues to rise toward the end of Trial of the Ancestors League, so does the value of running Kirac’s Memory of Survivor’s Guilt.

    But we seriously underestimated the drop rate of Fracturing Shards in these Memory. Because you can usually find 1-3 Shards in each memory. I even managed to find 7 Shards in a single Memory and also got a Mirror Shard after running about 30 such Memory.

    Hopefully, this will give you another fun way to farm when leagues seem to be drying up and trade starts to die. These Memories drop items that are guaranteed to sell forever, making them valuable as an end-of-league farming strategy!

  • How To Craft A Frost Blades Raider Endgame Build With 72 MIL DPS In POE 3.22?

    How To Craft A Frost Blades Raider Endgame Build With 72 MIL DPS In POE 3.22?

    Nov 11, 2023

    Today I’m going to give you an update on my latest build, Frost Blades Raider. My current level is 99 and my build is almost complete. Currently, I have upgraded Gears, Gems and Flasks. The only thing I haven’t gotten yet is Boot Enchants.

    I’ve done a lot of endgame content with this build, including Breachstone, Invitations, and Pinnacle Bosses. This build now has 72 million Guardian DPS including damage from returning projectiles.

    This build has great mobility, exceptional damage, and incredibly clear speed. Defense was an issue when I first got into the harder content, but I managed to get around it with multiple layers of defense, which I’ll explain later.

    Mapping & Eradicator Boss

    When we were doing regular mapping, after equipping Nimis, we could clear the level faster than before. Even if you only hit nearby monsters, you can still clear the entire screen because the returning projectiles will help you clear monsters further away.

    When you enter the map, you only have 1 Frenzy Charge. Once you kill the first batch of monsters, you will receive full charges.

    I like mechanics like Abyss, Breach, Beyond and Legion because they don’t require me to slow down or stop combat so I can keep full charges. I find mechanics like this most effective when farming POE Currency. We only need to summon the totem, activate Blood Rage, and increase the attack speed when fighting Eradicator Boss to generate Frenzy Charge quickly.


    So, how does this build achieve 72 million Guardian DPS?

    First off, this build increases attack speed with Frenzy Charge, Onslaught, Adrenaline, Blood Rage, Ancestral Protector and Vaal Haste.

    Next, we can use the unique helmet Heatshiver to convert all physical damage into cold damage. With a high critical hit rate, we can constantly cool down and freeze enemies. This allows me to gain extra damage with Heatshiver.

    Even though Nimis is expensive, I think it’s worth it. It’s powerful against bosses. Returning projectiles account for over a third of our total damage. With Ascendancy skill, Avatar of the Veil, I can apply Elemental Exposure to nearby enemies, reducing their resistance.


    This build only has about 4k health, but I stacked a lot of defenses to reduce Glass Cannon.

    I got 100% Spell Suppression and 100% Elemental Ailment Avoidance from my Ascendancy, Gears and Passive Tree.

    Also, we’ve gained Fortification through tattoos and physical damage relief from body armor and Taste of Hate unique flask.

    I can generate Endurance Charge on kill, which allows me to use Immortal Call. Although Jade Flask is not required, we highly recommended it as it will increase your survivability.

    The Twisted + Nimis Or Not?

    So should we still use Nimis? Nimis and Ashes of the Stars cost us 15 and 35 Divine Orbs, respectively. But if you’re not using Nimis, there’s no need to use Ashes of the Stars.

    You’re better off saving your POE currency and using Yoke of Suffering instead. Even though the returning projectiles will cost you over 25 million DPS, the damage is still pretty high. You can then get a rare ring with a damage mod, or use another Circle of Fear to compensate for a bit of the damage loss.

    Uber Elder

    Damage wise, this build has very high single target damage and melts bosses. Even if you don’t use Nimis and Ashes of the Stars, this build will still do a lot of damage.

    Defensively, I have to give it a 7 out of 10. This build is still very melee and requires you to get close to the enemy to deal damage. Obviously, you’ll run into more dangerous situations than with most other builds.

    This build cost me 140 Divine Orbs, but you can easily reduce the cost by replacing Nimis and Ashes of the Stars with something else.

    Also, since it’s the end of the league, everything is more expensive. If you’re looking for a building that clears all endgame content, there are plenty of cheaper builds out there. However, if you are looking for a powerful melee build, then this Frost Blades Raider will surely satisfy your requirements.


    In terms of fun, I’d give it a 9 out of 10. This build has excellent mobility. You’re zooming in and killing monsters all the time. Not to mention all the explosions in Herald of Ice. You’ll get a tremendous sense of satisfaction from playing this build.

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