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News Tag: Path of Exile 3 23 Affliction

  • How To Unlock The Wildwood’s Secrets In POE 3.23 Affliction League?

    How To Unlock The Wildwood’s Secrets In POE 3.23 Affliction League?

    Dec 13, 2023

    Many pointed out that the Wisps colors in POE 3.23 didn’t match their effects accurately. It’s worth noting that the official reveal video and the official reveal page that GGG posted had two different answers. So, here are the correct colors. 

    Just hover over the Wisp while you’re in the woods, and it’ll display the respective effects.

    Wildwood Ascenancies Swapping & Unlocking

    Now, let’s talk about the Wildwood ascendancies. 

    I enjoyed the mechanic enough to spend a considerable amount of time interacting with it during the campaign, encountering as Azmeri Wanderers as early as Act 2.

    There’s no guaranteed trick to finding them every time. You just have to follow the associated color wisps and hope you stumble upon them. When you find your first one, consider ascending with them. If you later find one that you want, you can change by selecting change specialization

    Also worth noting, if you switch back and forth, your unlocked ascendency points remain. But if you’re midest, your progress on the quest is reset.

    It’s good to see they don’t let you change specialization if you have backpack POE Items or charms, ensuring that you won’t lose them.

    Progress on Wildwood ascendancies is per character and not per account. You can work on only 1 wanderer’s mission at a time, and it’s the one you’re ascended under. The first 2 points you’re awarded just for finding them and then they give you a mob kill mission.

    Zone Reset Trick

    These missions take time but found a trick. For example, with the Primal list, I wanted to unlock a slot for my charms. I reset Crystal Veins and followed the blue wisps corresponding to her.

    You can do this with any zone within your campaign level. These first quests seem to be a pain in the ass, but only because Path of Exile is not known for giving you time to check the nameplate on monsters.

    But if you follow that corresponding wisp trail, the right monsters seem to spawn along. Just reset the zone, go in the hole, do a small circle to check for a wisp trail and you’re off. If you’re already on maps, you can still do this reset trick on reliquary.

    The next mission they give you is a mini boss fight and, much like everything else with these guys, it seems completely random. Just follow the wisps. I don’t know how much you can do in the campaign zones as I’m currently searching for The King In The Mists for the final mission.

    The data mine from PoEDB shows a level 68 version, so I assume it’ll probably be white maps at the earliest, but maybe you can get them in the campaign.

    Buy The Charms/Tinctures/Corpses 

    During the resets, if you keep encountering The Wanderers, even if they aren’t the one that you’re ascended under, check out their inventory. It is possible to run into more than one of The Wanderers in 1 run.

    Since you’re setting, you don’t really care about the monsters being dusted in the zone, so use the wisps you gain to buy the items in their shop. 

    Charms can be vendored 5:1 to get a new one. But remember that the new one will be the lowest high level out of the ones you’ve vender. Therefore, restricting the mods they can have. 

    With the majority of the league being Deadeyes and Pathfinders, look for Withered effect, Onslaught effect, etc. +1 projectile will be a prefix on a Charm and looks like it has a minimum zone level of 81. If you find it, you’re in for some Divine Orbs.

    This strategy isn’t restricted to Charms, but the Tinctures. These might be a little more questionable, but you do want synergistic mods, Culling Strike being a nice one to have. 

    If all of us fail, buy whatever ones and just throw them in a 2 to 5 sale tab.

    The corpses might not fetch as much as the projectile charm, but snag any perfect corpses as these when spectered grant auras.

    The Nameless Seer

    My early favorite discovery was the Nameless Seer

    The guy’s just sitting there in the darkness. And when you click him, he opens a window filled with uniques. I ended up with a tabby super early.

    Wildwood Shrines & Altars

    In addition to your standard shrines, there are special Wildwood ones that gain things like 200% increased XP for 5 minutes.

    These are very different from the altars, as you don’t know what you’re getting into until you’ve accepted it and as such doesn’t seem to have downsides other than a time limit.

    Speaking of Wildwood altars, these will have downsides, much like the Eldritch ones, to offset the upsides. Keep in mind the effects of these altars and shrines will persist into your map.

    If you were fighting a mob and frantically clicking and don’t know what you agreed to, you can see at the top where your buff bar is. 

    Kill Everything Before Talking

    I’m sure it’s common sense to make sure the area is completely clear of monsters before you start clicking things, but too many times I would be at the Warlock dude’s shop only to have a cultist spellcaster throwing toads over the wall. 

    TotA Uniques & Omens

    Lastly, I want to talk about Trials of the Ancestor’s items staying while the mechanic itself was gone. It looks like Omen, Hinekora’s Locks and the TotA unique items themselves drop in the woods or at the least from dusted monsters. 

    Those of you lucky enough to drop a Hinekora’s Lock should treat this like Divine Orbs and try to hang on to it for at least a week when the meta crafters need them. That’s when you’ll get the best return.

    Don’t Give In To FOMO

    While I get the mechanic is fun, and the FOMO of dusting the monsters is real. 

    You have to keep in mind that Mark, AKA Neon, the mastermind behind the endgame bosses that farm so many of us, was crucial in designing this league. 

    So even with the nerfs to the mob, the fact that the dusting effect will stack with other content will definitely result in some tough maps. 

    If you’re having issues killing monsters in the woods, I wouldn’t suggest continuing with the mechanic. This will hinder your completion and frustrate you. Just farm up the POE Currency, gear up, and come back to it, as we all know that with leagues like this, the rewards are better in red maps.

  • 10 Best League Start Builds For Path Of Exile 3.23 Affliction League

    10 Best League Start Builds For Path Of Exile 3.23 Affliction League

    Dec 11, 2023

    This guide I will show you the best and safest league starters for Path of Exile 3.23 Affliction League. Guarantee an amazing league start so you can focus on whatever build you want to by using your POE Currency.

    Number one on the list is Lightning Arrow Deadeye. Going to be Lightning Arrow hands down. It’s going to be the best map blaster that you can play in POE 3.23. It’s insane - you shoot your bow, everything on the screen dies, you run really quick. I don’t know, it’s super fun. It’s a run-and-gun kind of play style, and it is your build to play if you’re a blaster and you don’t mind a bit of squish on your build.

    Number two is Tripolar Bear’s Detonate Dead Elementalist. You already know it’s Detonate Dead Elementalist from yours truly. Detonate Dead Elementalist is going to be this league’s best all-rounder. You get such easy access to damage; you have an ignite play style that’s proliferation everywhere. You’ve got pretty good mapping, pretty good bossing, pretty excellent defenses. It’s just a solid build and it can carry your dumbass all the way through the Atlas and through your voyage stones.

    Corrupting Fever Champion, Ruetoo’s Corrupting Fever Champion, who would have guessed it’s my league starter that I’ll be starting at 3.23, and I recommend it. You’re a map blaster with a little less emphasis on damage compared to Lightning Arrow, a lot more on defense, and we’re back to Wandslinger in this league, which means easy Kinetic Blast clear with bleed explosions. You’re going to start with enough damage as long as you’re rolling the max roll, and with upgrades, you’re going to get plenty more to be comfortable. TF champ, it’s my league starter. I’m going to be blasting the hell out of maps, so tune in.

    SRS Guardian, Subtractem’s SRS Guardian- this league’s best noob build. Your ascendancy is the equivalent of a high school big brother coming into your elementary school and beating the hell out of your bullies. You might even feel bad that he’s doing most of the work, but you are not going to stop him, are you?

    Explosive Arrow Champion or Explosive Arrow Elementalist has been a staple for time immemorial. So long as you don’t mess it up by getting Pierce or flat fire damage anywhere on your character, this build will cruise through the game. But the double-delay totem and Explosive Arrow fuse play style may not be for everyone, so just keep that in mind.

    Boneshatter Slayer and Juggernaut - they’re the best Boneshatter Slayer/Jugg melee starters that you can play, with Slayer being better than ever with the changes to Divergent Boneshatter and with Jousis’s Tainted Pact, you’ll have an insane endgame build to grind and blast with some crazy near-immortal recovery.

    Maw of Mischief, Tripolar Bear’s Maw of Mischief Elementalist. It’s a great early league start, boss farmer. You receive a ton of damage; Now that insane damage is consistently on the boss. But do not play this build if you just want to farm anything other than invitations and bosses, as you can get much better clear and a lot less clunky play style from other map-specific ignite builds. You can always just take the Walk Ignite Elementalist leveling that I have into Maw of Mischief and use that to play whatever the hell ignite Elementals build you want to play.

    Hexblast Miner - still a great option, but with the slight nerf in mine throw speed, it might feel a little clunkier. But you can compensate for that with some extra rare Jewel mods, which really only means you lose a couple percent of damage. Still going to be providing one of the better mine play styles out there, and it’s a great build for farming Sanctum early on with great options for scaling with life stacking into the endgame. What makes this so good with Sanctum is that your mines, even with Detonate Mine on the left mouse button, will not detonate until something is in range. Which is so good, it’s amazing for a mine build. Oh, that’s so nice. You don’t have to worry about all this detonate, whatever the hell. You just preload on the boss, hold your left mouse button.

    Toxic Rain Pathfinder - a great Pathfinder build. It’s got an easy play style. Now personally, I would prefer the totem play style, so I just run around, place my totems at my feet. But the double delay might feel bad for some, so the self-attack route might better suit you. You get easy access to damage from easily crafted gear. Being a pathfinder means easy defense and recovery through your flask. Overall, you’re just going to be chilling.

    The last build is Poison EK Pathfinder - Pathfinder build. Poison EK Pathfinder got great clarity. It’s Ethereal Knives with poison prolif. You get easy damage with Dendrobate, which is easily corruptible for another plus two gems on top of the poison damage, the duration, and the chance to poison support inherent. You get some sips in your Pathfinder prolif, and your damage and clear is totally comfortable. Combined with a boosted flask effect, even though we’re a poison build, you’ll use Taste of Hate and it’s going to be a great and comfy build.

  • My League Start Atlas Strategy For POE 3.23 Affliction League - Blight + Essence/ Strongbox/ Shrine

    My League Start Atlas Strategy For POE 3.23 Affliction League - Blight + Essence/ Strongbox/ Shrine

    Dec 09, 2023

    This is my Atlas strategy for POE 3.23 Affliction League. I’m going to league start with a totem build again. The reason for this is because I want to farm Blight. 

    Should You Choose This Strategy? 

    Minion and totem builds are the best when it comes to farming Blighted maps

    I know there are people who recommend farming Blighted maps if you run a zero DPS or melee build, but I don’t really agree with this. I tried running Blights with my melee build before. While it’s doable, it’s no fun when you have to run around a lot. 

    This Atlas strategy is best suited for people that are not too hardcore. It allows you to chill while making POE Currency. So, this mechanic may sound boring to some people. I used the same Atlas strategy last league, and it worked wonders for me. So, I’m going to do this again in Affliction league. 


    Now, let’s start with the Atlas Passive Tree

    This is the league start version, so you can see that I only allocated 99 points

    What I did was, I basically grabbed all Blight nodes. When you’re mapping, most of your profits will come from these 2 nodes: 

    • Distilled Fungus enables bosses in your Blight encounters to always drop at least one anointed jewellery at the pump. 
    • Blightspawn will cause more Oil Extractors to drop for you. Usually, this node alone is enough to sustain my Oil Extractors, but you can always buy them. 

    I collect all the anointed jewellery from my stash and arrange them based on their anointments. Then, I go to PoE wiki to check the oils used to anoint this jewellery. 

    Take Loath Spiral Ruby Ring as an example. You can see that the oils required for this anointment are Golden and Opalescent Oil. So, when you use an Oil Extractor on this ring, you will destroy the ring and have 50% chance to recover a Golden Oil. 

    I only use Oil Extractors on jewellery that has a chance to recover Golden Oil for maximum profit. 

    As for the keystone Cassia’s Pride, you can take it early on when you don’t have a lot of damage yet. It helps with clearing your Blight encounters. 

    Side Mechanics 

    As for side mechanics, I took Shrines for more speed and Strongboxes for more profits. 

    Strongboxes are very RNG. Sometimes they drop low value currency, but sometimes they can give you Brother’s Gift. So, it’s totally up to you whether you want to run this mechanic early on. 

    I like that it is an instant mechanic. I don’t really mind if they don’t give anything valuable, at least they give more monster packs. It’s a side mechanic, anyway. 

    Another instant mechanic that you can replace this with is Essence. Essence is very consistent. However, you will want to save up the Essences on the first few days and sell them later, because they are very low in price on the first few days. 

    I usually spec into Essence when I get more Atlas Passive Points, but you get the choice to spec into Essence or Strongbox first. 

    Selling Essences

    There are 2 ways to sell Essences. 

    You can sell them in bulk through TFT or sell them through POE Trade. Selling on POE Trade is slower, but you generate more currency. TFT however, always kinda underprice the Essences. 

    But if you don’t want to waste time trading and just want to get back to mapping as fast as possible, then TFT is the way to go. 


    I don’t use any specific sextants, usually just go with whatever I roll. But if you want, you can use this Blight sextant. 

    The upside and downside are obvious. Just make sure your build is strong enough to not rely on towers too much. 

    Kirac’s Mod + Scarab

    Other sextants that greatly benefit this strategy are additional Strongbox and Essence. 

    We don’t have Essence as Kirac’s mod this time unless we spec into the seventh gate. So, Ambush it is. 

    As for Scarabs, you can use Rusted Scarabs early on, but after that you really want to use at least Polished Scarabs

    A Polished Blight Scarab will make a huge difference. The reason for this is because Polished Blight Scarab gives you additional Blighted boss, and therefore more anointed jewellery. 

    Other Scarabs I use are Divination scarabs and Ambush Scarabs. The last Scarab can be anything. If you want a better map sustain, go with Cartography Scarab. If you want to get more unique items, go with Reliquary Scarabs

    Best Maps 

    Waste Pool is back in this league. Another map that I highly recommend is Carcass map. 

    Very narrow layout, and you can get some very valuable Divination Cards in this map, for example, the Dragon’s Heart and the Nurse.

    Ring Anointment

    Now, let’s talk about the preparation before you do the Blight mechanic. 

    You will need to anoint your jewellery. Meteor Towers and Chilling Towers are the best. 

    If you find Silver Oil to be expensive during league start, Empowering Tower is a good option. 

    However, Chilling Towers anointment is a must once you get to red maps, or you will find yourself failing some of the Blight encounters. 

    Map Anointment 

    You can anoint a Blighted map 3 times. 

    If you don’t have a lot of damage early on, you can anoint your maps with Sepia, Amber or Clear Oils

    After that, you want to use Azure or Crimson Oils for more profits. 

    Also Read: 5 Most Recommended League Starters For POE 3.23 Affliction League

    Tower Strategy In Blighted Maps

    Now, when doing Blighted maps, always try to find a choke point with a few towers together. 

    Then, you must set up Seismic, Chilling and Meteor Towers and have them within the range of an Empowering Tower. 

    Meteor Towers are the last priority. Only set them up when you have excess resources. I have encountered some ridiculous Blighted maps with very scattered towers. 

    If this is the case, you just have to set up Chilling and Seismic Towers here and there and hope that they work. Most of the time, they still work, just not as effectively. They cannot stop the monsters, but at least they will be able to slow them down. 

    Map Mods To Avoid

    There are 2 map mods that are hard or impossible to do with this strategy: “Monsters cannot be stunned” & “Monsters cannot be slowed to below base speed”

    Always reroll the maps containing these mods.

    If you’re running a totem build and your PC can handle all the mess on the screen, Blight is highly recommended. With this strategy, you will not fail a single Blighted map. 

  • A Very Budget League Starter For POE 3.23 Affliction League - Storm Burst Totem Hierophant

    A Very Budget League Starter For POE 3.23 Affliction League - Storm Burst Totem Hierophant

    Dec 08, 2023

    Here, I’m going to reveal my league starter for POE 3.23 Affliction League, which is Storm Burst Totem Hierophant.

    Storm Burst got buffed in the recent patch and I feel like this is the sign for me to finally play it. It now has a base duration of 1.6 second instead of 1.2 second, meaning the orbs will stay on the ground longer, and deal more damage.


    This build is very easy and cheap to league start with. So, this build is very suitable for players who don’t have much POE Currency in the early stage of the league.

    In fact, 30 Chaos Orbs is all you need to farm tier 16 maps comfortably. Not only does it have decent damage with low investment early endgame, but it also has a high damage ceiling.

    Currently, my planned late endgame version can hit 40 million Guardian DPS according to PoB. This build is very beginner friendly in the sense that it doesn’t involve any complex mechanic, making it easy for anyone to follow this guide.

    Leveling is very easy because you can get Storm Burst very early. The totem playstyle allows you to be mobile all the time, as you can run around dodging enemies while placing the totems occasionally.


    Like other totem builds, this build is not meant to be tanky.

    It has very little evasion and no spell suppression. Small hits are fine, but you will have to move around and dodge big hits manually.

    Another thing is, you can’t deal damage yourself when playing this build. So, the playstyle may be awkward for some people.

    Gears (Early Endgame)

    There are 5 uniques you need to get as fast as possible:

    • Agnerod West
    • Thrillsteel
    • Soul Mantle
    • Kikazaru
    • Self-flagellation unique jewel

    One thing for new players, Soul Mantle goes hand in hand with Kikazaru. So, you must equip them at the same time.

    The rest of the gears are just for capping resistances and getting the attributes you need. Of course, if you can get some damage mods, for example, increased spell damage or cast speed on your jewelry, this will be very nice.

    These are the estimated costs for the unique items on league start. I got the price from Poe Ninja, so hopefully they stay the same next league.

    For helmets, there are 2 options you can choose from. If you want more damage, use Thrillsteel. You can replace this once you get your Onslaught buff with cluster jewel. If you want more defense, use Mindspiral. Mindspiral gives you a lot of mana, and you also gain mana recoup from it.

    Gears (Mid Endgame)

    The gears for mid-endgame aren’t that much different from the ones for early endgame.

    You will have to get yourself at least a 5-link body armour, but if you can 6-link your corrupted body armour with tainted fusing, it is even better.

    Also, replace your belt with a Stygian Vise so that you can use an Abyss Jewel.

    Gears (Late Endgame) + Curse Effect Reduction Alternative

    When it comes to late endgame, there is one very important thing, and that is to cap the elemental resistances.

    The reason I say this is because this build has 60% reduced elemental resistances from our weapon, the Annihilating Light.

    Note that you will want to get a perfect roll to make it easier to cap your resistances. You will need to replace your unique helmet with a rare one for more resistances.

    Still, if you’re struggling to cap your resistances, there are 2 things you can do:

    First, you can either choose to use Agnerod staff until you get all the gears needed and switch to Annihilating Light, or you can use a rare armour to get more resistances.

    If you choose the second option, you don’t have to use Kikazaru anymore and you can replace it with a rare ring that has life, mana, resistances and cast speed.

    Both options will give you less damage, but if you need more defense as well, the second option is probably good for you. You can get more mana on your body armour for Mind over Matter, or even craft some physical mitigation mods.

    Also, if you’re not pushing Uber bosses with this build, you don’t need Annihilating Light either and therefore you can be more flexible with your gears.

    I still chose Soul Mantle because it is the best body armour in terms of damage. If you want to use Soul Mantle, then Kikazaru is mandatory. You can get up to 72% reduced curse effect with Imbued Catalyst, combined with Yugul Pantheon, you will get 100% reduced curse effect.

    Let’s say you’re struggling to get Imbued Catalyst early on, you can spec into these nodes here, and refund later.

    Flask Setup

    My flasks are mainly defensive ones.

    Rumi’s Concoction gives some block and armour, which is good because we don’t use Determination.

    I like to have shock immunity or avoidance. But since I can’t get it on gears or passive tree, I decided to get shock effect reduction on my flask and jewel. You can change this setup depending on your needs.

    Let’s say you want to fight Uber Elder. A Sapphire flask will be better.

    Gem Setup

    This is the setup for my main skill:

    • Arcane Setup
    • Curse + Exposure
    • Aura + Golem
    • Movement
    • Frenzy Generation

    I have other gems listed here:

    • Storm Burst
    • Multiple Totems
    • Physical to Lightning
    • Awakened Lightning Penetration
    • Awakened Added Lightning Damage
    • Awakened Elemental Focus
    • Increased Critical Strikes
    • Increased Critical Damage
    • Increased Duration
    • Empower
    • Inspiration

    You can play around with them and see which support gems work out the best for you. I’m going with my current setup because I feel like it is the most effective in terms of damage.

    Arcane setup. Since the cast time for Arcane Cloak is instant, you can bind it to your left click so that it can be cast more often.

    Arcanist Brand is linked to Assassin’s Mark and Wave of Conviction, so that both spells can be triggered when Arcanist Brand is attached to the enemy.

    Aura setup. Not to confuse Eternal Blessing with Divine Blessing. In this build, we use Eternal Blessing so that we can free up our mana pool for Mind over Matter.

    I like Wrath because I can get some good mods on Watcher’s Eye. You can use Determination for more defense if you want, but you will lose the damage from Wrath aura and the Watcher’s Eye.

    I’m using Summon Lightning Golem for more cast speed. But if you like more life regen, you can go for Stone Golem.

    I have a trap setup for Frenzy Generation. But the damage from Frenzy Charges is not included in PoB. This is because you’re most likely not going to get the charges up all the time. We are already casting Sigil of Power and Arcanist Brand during boss fights, so I don’t want to add even more stress.

    The damage is high enough, anyway. However, the trap setup is useful if you can cast it before the bosses spawn. This will give you some extra damage.

    Ascendancy Class

    The order of the Ascendancy skills goes like this:

    • Pursuit of Faith
    • Ritual of Awakening
    • Conviction of Power
    • Divine Guidance

    Skill Tree (Ancestral Bond?) + Pantheon

    I got asked one question before, when should I spec into Ancestral Bond?

    I only spec into this node after I complete my first lab and start using Multiple Totems support at level 38. I’m using a perfect roll Self-Flagellation, but a mid-roll is fine during league start.

    You will need a cluster jewel with Sleepless Sentries to gain Onslaught buff. The other node doesn’t have to be Snaring Spirit, but I feel like Hinder can be a good layer of defense against monsters.

    For Pantheon, I got Brine King for freeze avoidance and Yugul for reduced curse effect.


    I don’t go by character levels, but by the quest you have done instead.

    What this means is, for example, after completing The Caged Brute, you can get Flame Dash given either as a quest reward or vendor reward.

    Then, you link these together. This section is to let you know when you can get these gems so that you don’t leave out any of them.

  • A Recommended Magic Find League Starter For POE 3.23 Affliction League - Corrupting Cry Juggernaut

    A Recommended Magic Find League Starter For POE 3.23 Affliction League - Corrupting Cry Juggernaut

    Dec 07, 2023

    Greeting Exiles! POE 3.23 Affliction League will start in a few days and that means it’s time for the league starter build. 

    I don’t know about you, but I’ve already made my choice, and that is Corrupting Cry Juggernaut, which will be Magic Find. Let’s now talk in more detail about this build and why I chose it.

    Why Corrupting Cry?

    As soon as I saw the new ascendancy, I realized that Corrupting Cry is my league starter because the Howl of the Wolf looks strong and on paper it’s a lot of extra loot that we get for free. 

    In theory, all builds can use Warcry and many of you think that you just need to add one skill gem to your build and then you can choose Howl of the Wolf and get tons of loot. But in practice, it’s not that simple. 

    First of all, in order to effectively use Warcries, you need a keystone, Call to Arms. Because without it, your gameplay will not be comfortable and, most importantly, you will slow yourself down. And if we look at where Call to Arms is located, we can immediately realize that for such popular Magic Find builds as Pathfinder or Deadeye, it is not an option and you need to choose something else.

    There is also an option to use Corrupting Fever Champion, but it uses explosions. This means that after killing mobs, there will be very few corpses and therefore the effectiveness of the Howl of the Wolf will be minimal. 

    Secondly, Warcry is our main skill and so we scale it. And that means that our Warcry will have a smaller cooldown and it will have a larger area of effect, which in theory will allow us to use Howl of the Wolf more effectively.

    Corrupting Cry also has a pretty nice gameplay, which can be compared to Righteous Fire. We just run and the surrounding monsters are dying and all we have to do is collect loot. 

    Why Juggernaunt?

    Now, let’s discuss why I chose the Juggernaut over the Champion. The Juggernaut has better defense. And this is not a squishy build. It’s certainly not an ultimate defense. But don’t forget that this is a character with a lot of Magic Find gear and no Mageblood.

    At this point, I would like to change the topic a bit and talk about league mechanics. Because I think good defense will be a very important parameter in the POE 3.23 Affliction League. 

    As you all know, one of the features of the new mechanics is that it will power up the monsters on the maps. Power up monsters will give more loot, but will also do more damage. This mechanic can be compared to Sentinel. And if you have played Sentinel league or one of the recent events, then you know that the amount of one-shots will increase. 

    So, the Juggernaut is very good for the new league, because we can get good defense without expensive items like Headhunter or Mageblood.

    Also, don’t forget about Ultimatum. If for some reason I get tired with Magic Find, I can always change my gear at The Fourth Vow and get a very strong build for this mechanic. Extra options are always a good thing.

    But let’s get back to the comparison. If you have extra Divine Orbs, then the Juggernaut has more damage compared to Champion. It’s also an easier league starter than Champion.

    Besides to constantly activate our adrenaline on Champion, we need 3 links with Corrupting Fever. And unfortunately, in this build, there are no free slots for it. We can, of course, use weapon swap, but it won’t be a comfortable gameplay anymore. But if for some reason you don’t like the Juggernaut, you can always choose Champion ascendency. And it’s a good choice, too.

    How Playable Will This Build Be In The New Realities?

    In POE 3.23, we lost helmet enchantment with cooldown recovery rate, cooldown recovery from quality, and, most importantly, tattoos. So many of you have a question: how playable will this build be in the new realities? Even with all the nerfs, the build is still playable. 

    General’s Cry has a 1.4 seconds cooldown. So you can decide for yourself if it’s playable or not. But 1.4 seconds cooldown is a realistic number even in a new league. 

    Also, I don’t have all the information at the time of making this guide. And there is a possibility that we can reduce our cooldown even further. 

    Ideally, I would like to get 1 second cooldown, because then it would be a very strong build. But without tattoos, it is unrealistic. So, we have what we have, and 1.4 seconds is quite playable. And you don’t have to worry about it.

    But the Forbidden Shako is what you need to worry about, because this unique helmet is a key item for this build. And without it, our damage will be reduced by two times at least. And if it turns out that Corrupting Cry will be a popular build in the Affliction, its cost can be very high - 40 Divine Orbs or even more. 

    But I think this scenario is unlikely, because there will be a huge number of bow builds in the new league. And it’s unlikely to be a big part of the meta game, right?

    Also, the charms that we will be able to use with the new ascendency class Wildwood Primalist cause some concerns. At the moment, I don’t know how much the cooldown recovery rate we will be able to get from them. And how hard it will be to find these charms and their cost on the market.

    Corrupting Cry Juggernaut Is Not For Everyone!

    Now, it’s time for the most important part of this guide, where I have to say that this is the best build and the best league starter. 

    But unfortunately, it’s not that simple. And as much as I would love to recommend this build to all my viewers, I can’t, because Corrupting Cry Juggernaut is not for everyone. 

    If you’re an average player, you’re going to have a much harder time starting a league on this build than on some more reliable league starter. For example, Lightning Arrow Deadeye or Detonate Dead Ignite Elementalist are much more enjoyable builds at the beginning of the league. 

    In the process of completing your atlas, you will have various problems that you will have to solve. And your gaming experience will not be as smooth as you would like it to be. 

    Also, we don’t know how good the Howl of the Wolf will be. And there is some possibility that it could be the biggest bait from the developers.

    And in the end, the impact of Howl of the wolf on the amount of loot found will be minimal. Also, since I am a madman, I will start the league as a Magic Find. 

    Of course, it won’t be a full Magic Find build, but these POE Items will be part of my gear:

    • Coldwyrm Nubuck Boots
    • Ventor’s Gamble Gold Ring

    But if you are a risk taker and you like this build and want to start the league on it, there are two options for you.

    The easy way is to start as the Boneshatter Juggernaut because it is a very strong skill that you will have no problem with. You can easily complete your atlas, get your first Voidstones, earn POE Currency for MF gear and then swap to Corrupting Cry.

    The hard way, which is the one I chose, is to start with Sunder and somewhere around level 40 do a swap to Corrupting Cry. I also want to get Howl of the Wolf as soon as possible to try and see how good it is. And of course, don’t forget about Magic Find gear, which I like to add at the very beginnings of the league. Although if you’re not a very experienced player, you better not rush with MF items. 

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