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News Tag: path of exile gauntlet

  • POE 3.20: My Plans For Participating In The Gauntlet

    POE 3.20: My Plans For Participating In The Gauntlet

    Feb 14, 2023

    The Sanctumgauntlet has started on Feb 10th at 8:00PM GMT! It gonna be a pretty weird event where a lot of people aren't playing their final bossing build during progression. I'm going to be the same although I'm not going on Boneshatter. I'm not gonna be playing Spark. I'm going to be playing a Fire&Flamethrower Traps Saboteur that transitions into a Poison Blade shop sample for bossing.

    The idea for a fire chat progression came to me when I was watching Nick on Exile stream a couple weeks ago. And his damage was really starting to fall off around T16s and we were thinking about different ways to supplement single target damage for Fire Trap Sabo, which is a pretty nice mapping build and it is also pretty defensive reasonably fast. By the way, if you want to try more strong build, then preparing lots of POE Currency will help you a lot.

    And my solution here was just put on a Flamethrower Trap and then pass over to Elemental Overload, something we haven't seen for a long time. Probably, it was in about 15 or 16 leagues. We haven't seen this combination of two skills and after playing it through I felt like it was actually pretty strong.

    The second part of the puzzle Poison Blade shot is a result of several leagues. Now of Po being back in the day. I procced Perfect Agony Nightblade Poison Blade shot, what actually did work as honestly you used knifely in two separate setups and procced your Nightblade Elusive using Helix at that time.

    Another top racer had sent me a POV for a sword-based Poison Blade Trap, using Withering Touch Support and a Fizz Bass. This time around though Temporal Chains, Poison and Despair have all gone huge buffs since the past couple of leagues and it is the premier art time moving into this event.

    As a result, I'm going to be playing Blade Trap and I'm using Pneumatic Dagger as the final piece of this puzzle. And this allows you to scale Elemental Damage into Poison Damage. When you're able to do this, you get really powerful auras and really powerful ways of getting base damage to feed into your poison. It also means that you don't have to craft a really powerful Fizz weapon and that can be really painful instead.

    I just use an i-73 plastic bag dagger thrown in Essence till I hit a T2 mod and then a multi-modding for Vegan, probably trap throw speed maybe cast on Multi would probably Track Pro speed. This build probably casts out at about 15 million DPS for a three to four day progression time. On a top racer we're talking about, it may be about 60 hours of fast mapping. Maybe it will be a bit less if you're really fast and a bit longer if you're a bit slower.

    And I do think it is competitive with Poison SRS and it can be played on a variety of Ascendancieds whether it's Juggernaut Champion Sabo Scion, it can be kind of fit on all those different things. So, anyways, that's my basic plan for Gauntlet.

    I obviously don't recommend that people just play this. I do think fire chat is a fine progression build in general but most people playing the Gauntlet are playing hit Level 90. And in that sense, you should just play the strongest builds available to you and these are gonna be detonate dead, maybe Seismic Trap because I guess the level as opposed to some Toxins early on. And then you can play Boneshatter, you can even go for Cold DoT Trickster called the Elementalist.

    Those are all fine bills this time around for progression because there aren't huge damage mods while you're mapping. But in my opinion, there's no reason to actually deviate from the band skills if you're just playing Gauntlet at any rate.

  • This Is My Poison Conc PF For Gauntlet In POE 3.20

    This Is My Poison Conc PF For Gauntlet In POE 3.20

    Feb 08, 2023

    This article is more specifically about the upcoming Gauntlet and my planned starter, my Poisonous Concoction and Pathfinder right now.

    My character is only level 25. But this is not the point. What I to explain is my start for the Gauntlet

    Speaking of the Skill Tree, right now, I have a hundred percent poison chants coming from my Poisonous Concoction, Chance to Poison Support and Herald of Agony, which means I don't have to worry about trying to go towards any of those poison chance nodes quite yet. 

    What I chose to go to instead is these Flask Masteries, such as Flask Charges Gained, Mana Flask Charge Gain, Life Flask Charge Gain and so on. This is just because of the fact that without Survival Secrets. It is really good quality of life to have a hundred percent uptime on my Life Flask because this is going to be giving my Poisonous Concoction extra damage right and that's essentially it.

    I'm a poison in this Concoction Ranger. And I'm just grabbing all the Life nodes. This has been really smooth through Acts 1 and Act 2. All you have to do is up until you get to level 12. However, you should get whatever skill you want, such as Freezing Pulls, Caustic Arrow and any other skills and then swap over to Poisonous Concoction and start passing out your tree.

    Poisonous Concoction has enough innate damage that your tree can look like pretty much whatever. And you'll still have enough damage to get through Act 2 and Act 3 while you're remapping the skills and getting some points back.

    The main reason for this long travel node instead of just going up here is because I want the extra Evasion to try to not die. The next things that I would do on my character is I would get like Gray Stuff and Determination to make myself tankier. That is because I'm not going to be really using any life. And then I would get a greater Volume or GMP and then I'd put in Life Tap and then Vitality.

    That's going to have me mate taking these reservation nodes, such as Projectile Damage and Accuracy and Reservation Mastery to fit all of those in. But it's going to be worth it. I'll be tanky enough to survive all hits. I'll probably get one to get rid of one or two of these and swap in like a Jade Flask or a Granite Flask (you can get these two flasks by using POE Currency) that way. 

    I'm even tankier those that would be like the next way I do it. And once I ascend to Pathfinder, I'd obviously take that real quick. Honestly, it'd be kind of debatable between Master talks assist and Nature's Reprisal just because of the fact that poison prolift is so good but the extra damage from this and the AOE is also really good. So, it'd be a coin toss between those two. I guess I just have to fill out the Gauntlet how it feels like do I want to make sure that I'm clearing off screen or do I want to have more damage is really going to be the deciding factor. 

    There you are supposed to go Nature's Reprisal because it gives you that full conversion compared to only that 60 conversion you're getting from the gem itself.

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