As you explore Act 2 of Path Of Exile 2 Early Access, you’ll chase Risen King through a desert area and defeat many other monsters along the way, before reaching Dreadnought, the end of the massive caravan, where you’ll fight Jamanra, the Abomination.
Although you’ve fought him before in previous content, Jamanra will appear in a new form in this fight and use completely different moves and mechanics, so don’t take him lightly just because you’ve fought him before.
As such, this guide will show you how to find and completely defeat Jamanra in Act 2 so that you can feel more confident and prepared for this challenging encounter.
Jamanra’s Location
As just introduced, Jamanra, the Abomination, is the final boss in Act 2. It is located at the end of Dreadnought Vanguard. You can find it after Dreadnought map. After passing through these two areas, you will reach Saddle of Dreadnought, where you will see Jamanra waiting for you.
You don’t have to worry about missing this boss, because it is part of Trail of Corruption quest. Only by successfully defeating it can your main quest move forward. But here I need to remind you that before entering the arena between you and Jamanra, it is best to spend a lot of POE 2 Exalted Orbs on your combat endurance and defense at the nearest checkpoint, because this is a boss with two combat phases.
Jamanra’s Actions
Only by knowing all the attacks of this boss can you avoid all of them in time and accurately and find the opportunity to attack it, so here are the different specific attacks used by Jamanra in each phase and some strategies you can use.
Phase 1
During this phase, Jamanra, the Abomination, will primarily attack you with his lightning-damaging spears, so you may want to place some gear with high lightning resistance in your build. If you invest more POE 2 Currency in gear, it may make your entire battle process smoother and easier.
In addition, some damage cannot be avoided, so you will need to use a lot of potions to help keep your health at a healthy level. This phase will last until his health is below 65%, at which point Jamanra will become unable to aim and destroy the entire arena, which means you are about to enter the second phase of the fight. Here are all the specific moves for the current first phase.
Spear Throw
Jamanra will throw a lightning spear in your direction. The advice here is to dodge it before it lands, which will maximize the chance of avoiding this spear with huge damage capabilities. In addition, the boss will use this attack repeatedly throughout the fight, so be careful.
Here, the boss will still throw spears at you, but two of them and they do not deal elemental damage. They will explode when they land and then deal high damage to the area.
When you see these two spears flying towards you, move away from them to avoid getting hit. The final explosion damage is also quite large, so you should give yourself more room than you think you need.
Spire Chain
Jamanra will fire his spears in the same direction and then chain them together with lightning, which will cause additional lightning chains in the process. The evasion strategy you can use here is similar to Thunder Spires. Just avoid them as much as possible so that you can hit him hard from a larger safe range.
Spire Rails
During this action, you will see Jamanra’s spears move around the inner and outer circles in the center of the arena, releasing continuous lightning chains between the two circles. Normally, one spear will move clockwise around the inner circle, while the other will move counterclockwise around the outer circle, so try to stay out of range of both spears and stay away from the lightning chain in the middle.
Lightning Wave
The boss will send out a wave of lightning from both of his hands and move those lightning waves to either side of him in a sweeping motion. Since this attack starts at the front of the boss, you can try to move behind Jamanra quickly to avoid the powerful impact.
Sandstorm And King’s Attendants
At this point, you will see a sandstorm start to blow from one side of the arena, and King’s Attendant enemies will begin to spawn. There will be an NPC named Asala who will help you create a barrier to protect you from the sandstorm, so stay behind the barrier while you kill all the mobs that spawn.
Tracking Spires
Jamanra will pick up his spears again and let them fly around at random intervals. When they get close to each other, they will turn to attack you and send lightning chains between them. Because the position of the spears is constantly changing during this attack, you must also keep moving. If you are unfortunate enough to be hit, you should also use flask charge on yourself in time to restore your health quickly.
Phase 2
Phase 2 takes place in a slightly larger arena and features a new set of attacks. Here are all the moves that Jamanra uses in Phase 2.
Jamanra will summon a number of moving tornadoes around this new arena, dealing heavy damage along the way. The boss can summon 2-3 of these tornadoes at once, so be sure to avoid them as they move.
Lightning Sword
In addition to the tornadoes, the boss will summon a sword overhead that is infused with lightning and then slammed into the ground in front of the boss, dealing heavy damage. Note that Jamanra will track your movements slightly before slamming into the ground, so wait until the last minute to dodge.
Spear Sweep
This is the first time the boss uses a spear in Phase 2, and it will sweep forward in a large arc to deal damage. You can avoid this damage by hiding behind the boss or moving away from him when the spear appears.
Spear Throw
This attack is an advanced version of the attack of the same name from Phase 1, where Jamanra throws a lightning spear that deals damage in a wide area when it lands. You can dodge this attack in the same way, but be careful to dodge at the last second.
Lightning Rocks
You will see black rocks appear around the arena, and they will chain together and emit lightning. Unlike Spires in Phase 1, these rocks do not move, so you just need to avoid walking through them.
As you can see from the above tricks, this phase can get very confusing, as all kinds of projectiles will fly all over the screen. Fortunately, each projectile has a relatively low damage capacity, and their main purpose is to distract you from the boss’s sword attacks.
These are some of the specific methods and strategies you can use to defeat Jamanra successfully in POE 2 Early Access. Hopefully, you can successfully complete this somewhat tough boss encounter with the help of this guide, and get the loot and experience points you need. Have fun!