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News Tag: poe blight mechanic

  • How To Deal With The Mechanic Of Blight In Path Of Exile 3.25?

    How To Deal With The Mechanic Of Blight In Path Of Exile 3.25?

    Aug 12, 2024

    In Path of Exile 3.25, Blight, one of the most anticipated and popular League Mechanics, has been tweaked and changed. And it has embraced a wave of hot discussion simultaneously.

    In response to these changes, this article has written a Blight guide so that you can better understand the relevant mechanisms and make some adjustments to earn more currency.

    Complete Blight In A Easy Way

    Here we need to understand some fresh changes in Blight in leagues. For example, the changes to Blight mechanics in the map, the actual Blighted and Blight-Ravaged maps themselves. But these changes are not enough to change the overall strategy and measures.

    First, players need to apply two special Oil Anoints on their Rings. In this process, you don’t need to worry about the character build, because Ring Annoints only work on Blight Towers. Below we will introduce the two Ring Anoints you need to prepare.

    Best Blight Ring Anoints

    When Your Meteor Towers Create Burning Ground For 3 Seconds On Hit:

    • Indigo Oil
    • Violet Oil

    Players can further clear some obstacles in Blight’s lanes by using AoE ground damage fire to deal continuous damage to nearby enemies. However, this damage is not very effective in some lanes, such as Meteor Tower, and this does not work well for Burning Ground.

    When Enemies Who Are Being Influenced By Chilling Beams Have Been Frozen For 0.2 Seconds By Your Chilling Towers:

    • Opalescent Oil
    • Silver Oil

    This anoint freezes enemies in your lanes, and your towers will then damage them. This damage also works on bosses. Since the lanes are frozen, players can also use low-quality equipment to run the highest level Blight-Ravaged maps.

    The Best Blight Strategy In Path Of Exile

    The best strategy is actually simple, which means you just need to find the best Anoints for all Blight mechanics.

    When lanes appear, find the choke points where lanes intersect. You can build many towers here. Among them, the following four towers need to be paid special attention when building.

    • Level 3 Empower Tower
    • Level 3 Ground Tower
    • Level 3 Chilling Tower
    • Level 4 Meteor Tower

    Level 3 Empower Tower is a key point. To get the buff, you need to make sure that all the towers you build are covered by Level 3 Empower Tower. It is worth noting that the higher the level does not mean better effect, so don’t blindly upgrade the level. For example, Level 4 Empower Towers do not provide buffs, Level 4 Chilling Towers cannot effectively use your Ring Anoint, and Level 4 Ground Tower cannot block enemy attacks.

    If new lanes are opened, be sure to use the combination of these towers to set at least one choke point for each lane.

    Best Ways To Make Currency With Blight

    Blight mechanic can also bring you a lot of benefits. Here are three ways to make POE Currency and their specific usage details.

    Blight-Ravaged Maps

    First, raise Chisel quality to 20%, use Alchemy Orb, make sure they have no modifiers which monsters can’t be stunned or slowed down. If there are, clean them and use Alchemy Orb again.

    Next, you can Anoint 9 Oils in Blight-Ravaged Maps. Among them, Golden Oils are very expensive and you may not be able to use them continuously. According to the actual situation, here lies two combinations for your choices:

    • 1 x Golden Oil
    • 3 x Silver Oils
    • 2 x Opalescent Oils
    • 3 x Teal Oils

    If the price of Golden Oils is high, this combination is actually more recommended:

    • 2 x Black Oils
    • 1 x Opalescent Oil
    • 3 x Silver Oils
    • 3 x Teal Oils

    Blighted Maps

    Compared with Blight-Ravaged Maps, Blighted Maps are relatively simple. Therefore, you need to make good use of this method. All you need to do is Chisel it, then use Alch Orb and Vaal Orb.

    This method only requires three Oils, and you can choose based on your budget. For example, 3x Crimson Oils or 3x Teal Oils.

    In-Map Blight

    In-Map Blight is probably the best way to make Currency. It uses the new Templar Ingenuity node on Atlas Passive Tree. This node can help you recover some extra rewards which are obtained by completing Blight mechanic after building towers. The higher the level of tower the player builds, the better the rewards.

    This means that the player needs to deal with Blight mechanic according to their character damage, and then build as high-level towers as possible. For example, Tier 4 Meteor Tower, Tier 4 Flamethrower Tower, etc. Similarly, the more towers are built, the more rewards they will recover.

    Moreover, this strategy can also obtain a large amount of Gold, which serves as necessity in Settlers of Kalguur league mechanic.

    The above is some information about Blight mechanic. I hope this guide can help you use Blight better and gain more Currency! Thank you for reading.

  • Everything You Should Know About Path Of Exile Blight Mechanic

    Everything You Should Know About Path Of Exile Blight Mechanic

    Nov 09, 2023

    Here is a guide to help you better understand the Blight mechanic in Path of Exile.


    Blight is one of the mechanics from previous leagues that have been permanently added into the gameplay. This is a “Tower Defense” type mechanic, where we have to defend the core against incoming monsters.

    To have guaranteed access to the Blight mechanics on maps, we can use maps with special enchantment, compasses, and scarabs.

    To activate Blight, find NPC Sister Cassia on the map. After the interaction, roots with portals at their ends appear from the core that we must defend. Monsters come out of these portals and we have to defeat them.

    After the start, there are few things we need to focus on:

    On the bar with circles, we can see some of them have symbols of towers that we can build. This means that monsters from the portal with a symbol are resistant to damage or effects of a given tower.

    Additionally, under the circles, there are numbers specifying the number of prize chests we will receive after completing the challenge.

    Sometimes, there are icons above the circles (the circle on the left), informing you that a boss will come out of this teleport.

    Towers Types

    After pressing the construction button, we can build 6 different types of towers. Each of them, after being upgraded to level 4, can evolve into towers with special skills.

    The towers we can build are as follows:

    After completing the challenge, we receive prize chests and additional rewards dropped from the core.

    In the chests, we can find items, such as equipment, POE Currency, divination cards, and rewards from other mechanics, like Harbringer or Legion.

    Oils & Amulet Anointment

    The main rewards for Blights are oils, extractors, Blighted Maps, and amulets and rings with anointment enchants.

    We can use oils to upgrade amulets and rings, using the “Anoint” option.

    In the case of amulets, Anoint allows you to add a Notable Passive Skill to the amulet.

    To do this, we check what oils the selected skill requires by hovering over it with the “Alt” button pressed.

    Knowing what oils our skill requires, we can enchant the amulet at NPC Cassia or in the Blight tab.

    List Of Notable Passive Only From Anointment

    Above is a list of notable passive skills that can only be used with oils.

    Ring Anointment & Lists Of Enchants

    The situation is similar with rings, but by anointing a ring, we add skills that strengthen the towers we use in Blight.

    Anoint for rings requires only two oils. The enchant lists we can use are as follows:

    Oil Extractor & How To Use Them

    If we have “Blackspawn” on the Atlas Tree, we will be able to receive Oil Extractor after completing Blight on the maps.

    They are used to recover one of the oils that were used to anointed amulets and rings.

    After the oil was recovered, the amulet/ring was destroyed. So, don’t do it on your Ashes of the Star.

    Anointed Rings And Amulets & How To Check Oils In Them

    Rings and amulets with anoint can be easily obtained with “Distilled Fungus” Atlas Passive Skill.

    We can find some after finishing Blight on maps.

    To see what oils were used for anointment modification, we can use Awakened POE Trade.

    There are also filters that mark amulets and rings from which we can recover valuable oils.

    Oil Upgrade

    It is also worth mentioning that each oil (except gold) can be upgraded to a higher level.

    To do this, we need to sell 3 identical oils for a more valuable one.

    If you have purchased the Blight tab, you can upgrade the oils directly onto the tab.

    Blighted Maps & List Of Anointments For Map

    Another reward we can get from Blight is special Blighted Maps.

    They are maps that contain a more challenging Blight encounter. You can enchant them like a normal map and can anoint them up to 3 times.

    Each oil adds a special bonus to the map.

    The list of bonuses provided by individual oils is as follows:

    When you start Blighted Map, first you need to focus which resists portals will have. You can see resist icon above portals, too.

    In Blight Maps, you can find the Ravaged Blight Maps, more challenging with monsters on level 85.

    Blight-Ravaged Maps

    You can add anoint up to 9 times (maximum three with the same oils).

    Tainted Oils

    In Blighted Maps, we can also find special oils for corrupted and mirrored POE Items.

    The first one is Tainted Oil. It allows you to add anoint to corrupted ring or amulet. We can find it in corrupted Blight Maps.

    Reflective Oil

    The second one is Reflective Oil. It allows us to add anoint to mirrored items.

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