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News Tag: poe heist

  • An In-Depth Discussion Of The Deviation In Loot Drops For Different Batches Of Blueprint Wings In POE 3.23 Heist

    An In-Depth Discussion Of The Deviation In Loot Drops For Different Batches Of Blueprint Wings In POE 3.23 Heist

    Mar 02, 2024

    In this guide, I’d like to discuss a long-standing and important post on Path of Exile Reddit regarding loot drops after 1000 Blueprint Wings in Heist.

    This user, who is known for providing reliable information, ran two experiments that were done slightly differently and got some very different results. So, in terms of experimental results, let’s take a look at discovering the hidden drop rate bias in Heist expansion Blueprint Wings.

    Blueprint Wings Loot Drops

    Here, we are focusing on the drop rate of Tailoring and Tempering Orbs. Because this reveals potential drop bias for the first Blueprint Wings in Heist compared with subsequent Wings.

    The discovery raises questions among players about the differences between Blueprint Wings and factors that may affect the quality of loot. While further exploration is needed, these findings provide opportunities for community research in the upcoming patch 3.24.

    Drop Deviation

    Originally, the purpose of these posts was to test the drop rates of the various Uber Amulets added to Heist in POE 3.23. But now they don’t have that much information about those Uber Amulets.

    To their surprise, they got 49 Orbs. Of course, the orbs talked about here refer to Tailoring and Tempering Orbs.

    Specifically, there are 49 Orbs in the second batch of 1,000 Blueprint Wings, while there are 91 Orbs in the first batch of 1,000 Blueprint Wings. This was a wake-up call for me. Because slight deviations in the drop rate will cause POE Currency income we obtain from each run to be unstable.

    Run Differences Between Two Batches Of Blueprint Wings

    So I tried to make a test and analyze its statistics. The results showed that the difference between the two batches was unlikely to have occurred by chance.

    Now this got me thinking that maybe there was a systematic difference in the way this user conducted these two experiments. As it turns out, if you read all the rest of the text, it’s not hard to see that this is indeed the case.

    The major difference between the two batches of tests is that the first batch was run with fully unveiled Blueprint Wings. While the second batch runs with Single Wing Blueprints, and there are no extra wings unveiled on them, they just run as they were dropped. This is very important.

    This indicates a potential bias in Heist expansion’s first Wing test, and that it may have a lower drop rate compared to the second and subsequent Wings of the same Heist. Even so, the odds of such a difference between your first and second batch of Blueprint Wings are 1 in 2,241. I think this is something that needs to be explored more in the future.

    Final Thoughts

    Currently, many content creators and players want something fresh and are waiting for the release of POE 3.24. So I don’t think it’s possible to do any real serious testing of this in the remainder of POE 3.23.

    But when patch 3.24 comes out, I do think it’s going to be something really worth exploring. What is the difference between Blueprint’s first, second, third, and fourth wings? Are there any other factors that might change the type of loot you get from Blueprint Wings?

    For example, increasing the item quantity on a Blueprint will actually result in better Blueprint drops. Or does it have an impact on a bunch of factors that we know nothing about? These factors are things I’m looking forward to exploring during POE 3.24.

    Regardless, this post raises some very interesting questions. Although an answer has yet to be produced, hopefully this is something we can do as a community effort during the next patch. Maybe this will get you better loot. Good luck!

  • How To Earn Tons Of Divine Orbs By Farming Heist In POE 3.23? - Currency Farming Guide

    How To Earn Tons Of Divine Orbs By Farming Heist In POE 3.23? - Currency Farming Guide

    Dec 23, 2023

    It’s no secret that the new Heist is a currency printer that is underutilized by most endgame players and streamers. But after the best gem farming and Affliction League mechanic farming out there, it still lingers in the background as a decent and reliable currency farming strategy.

    The Profit Per Hour

    In about 24 hours of farming with my Caustic Arrow Pathfinder build, I made a profit of about 85 Divine Orbs at a rate of over 3 Divine Orbs per hour. Especially considering that Divine Orb’s ratio is currently at an all-time high.

    In this guide, I’ll cover everything you need to know about farming currency in Heist. If you’re new, you’ll learn how to get started and maximize your efficiency with the redesigned nuances of Heist to earn as much currency as possible.

    Most of your chest currency comes in the form of stacked decks, catalysts and raw currency drops. And Heist’s rewards are a variety of items that can be sold to earn Divine Orbs.

    I will say that unlike the good old days of farming Heist, you shouldn’t expect Divine Orb to drop from most currency chests.

    With Regrading Lens removed, Blueprint’s profits are less certain, but running costs are much cheaper.

    During your heist, you’ll get tons of stacked decks, Screaming Essence, Catalysts, and base currency items. All from regular level 80+ contracts and Blueprints.

    For the sake of this guide, I also ran the full Deception Contracts tab to get more revelations from Gianna.

    Each regular Contract costs 2-5 Chaos Orbs. Most traders will ask you if you want to buy in bulk. If they offer it, then I highly recommend you make a deal with them. The premise is that you check their contract for bulk sales.

    I also bought a few Blueprints for less than 10 Chaos Orbs each. All Contracts including Blueprints, are level 80 or above. If you still have a lot of reveals, I recommend just buying Rogue’s Marker instead of running a regular contract.

    What Has Changed Since POE 3.23?

    So what are the changes in POE 3.23? While much of the reward system has changed, what bothers me the most is that previously most gem-based Grand Heists guaranteed each contract to be worth a ton of profit. With Regrading Lens and Alternate Gems gone, it’s now more of a matter of luck.

    But on the bright side, these contracts are much cheaper now. So I highly recommend buying them on the deal. Even with all Atlas nodes for Heist, it’s still hard to find Blueprints in Solo Self-Found game. This means you should actually do more Heist and only focus on those high-level contracts that can be revealed with Gianna or Niles.

    Another thing I noticed is that even if you pay 10 Chaos Orbs for Blueprint and have 4 revealed wings, you can easily earn more raw currency from the chests and main reward room.

    Grand Heist Blueprints no longer have reward categories, but a mix of different reward types. This is currently annoying because we can see sometimes 2 or more rewards for the same item behind glass.

    Even though you might find a bunch of Chaos Orbs or Vaal Orbs, you can only get 1 Divine Orb or any higher level rarity base currency item.

    The number of drops increases by 10%, and the base currency is converted, making it much easier to get good jewelry. Although these aren’t as impactful as the gear, you equip for Rogue.

    Another reason to run the level 83 blueprint is that sometimes you’ll come across rare items that are exclusive to Heist reward room. Some of these basic types are worth far more than a bunch of Chaos Orbs.

    I wish the developers kept the reward types unique to their own league mechanics instead of mixing everything in here and there. And Heist is one of the few areas in Path of Exile where you can get almost every item.

    How To Get Started?

    If you’re new to Path of Exile, or you’re not familiar with Heist, I’m going to explain how simple this really is, and how a few slight changes you make can make a vast difference in better loot.

    When you reach the final stage in a POE game, there is no doubt that it will award you a contract. Most players will sell them because they are worth some Chaos Orbs.

    However, if you consume a Rogue’s Marker, you can travel to Rogue Harbor. Here you can run these contracts. Each contract requires a specific Rogue skill, such as Deception or Lockpicking. So you can choose a Rogue with this level of skills to sign a contract with you.

    In Contracts, you can have your Rogue unlock large chests behind doors and manually open smaller chests scattered around the map. This will raise the alert level when you target items locked at the end of Heist.

    As soon as you pick up the locked item, the alert level will reach maximum. Heist will go into lockdown, and you will need to escape immediately. If you die, you lose everything you picked up and have no chance of recovering it.

    Rogue skill required to open the contract determines the type of large treasure chest that exists. For example, Brute Force Contract contains weapons, uniques, and fossil chests. Lockpicking Contract contains rings, currency and fragment chests.

    Why Deception Contracts Are The Best?

    This subtle difference in loot is largely why there are price differences between different contracts. Because some contracts offer better loot than others. This is an important point about contracts and where the real money comes from.

    Every time you complete a contract, you’ll receive a revelation from Whakano. If you use Gianna or Niles as a Rogue to execute contracts, you’ll receive additional rewards from them.

    You can give Whakano a Blueprint and use reveals and Rogue’s Markers to unlock more bonus rooms from Blueprint. There’s no denying that Blueprint is where the real money is.

    Deception is an extremely powerful force for a number of reasons. First, you can use Gianna as a Rogue so you can get her bonus reveals. Also, she gives a large Rogue’s Marker discount when revealing rooms.

    Deception has nice locked boxes with Divination card types. These drop a lot of stacked decks, which make up the majority of POE Currency profits.

    Best of all, Deception Contract is the fastest to complete so far. When you open a door with Gianna, you just open the big box. Whereas in some other contracts, you need to open the door and wait, then open the box and wait, and that takes a lot of time.

    Also, when you grab the locked item at the end of Heist and everything goes into lock, there’s no door blocking your exit. So you can just quickly run to the end and leave. This allows you to get a lot of blueprints reveals in a short amount of time.

    Maximizing Profit With Optimized Rogues

    Now let’s dive into the nuances of Heist farming and how to maximize your profits.

    Perhaps the most important part when it comes to farming currency in Heist is Rogue. Namely, their level and the gear you equip them with.

    So before you delve into the farming blueprint, you need to upgrade your Rogue to the highest level. This allows you to farm Heist with higher-level requirements.

    Higher-level requirements increase the inherent heist perks each Rogue provides and allow them to get the job done faster. Luckily, with their upgrades, this is really easy to do.

    After getting them to max level, you need to equip them with heist gear that contains excellent bonuses. Equipping your rogues is very important, as they can provide valuable rewards, such as the chance to copy the currency contained or a lowered alert level for opening chests.

    Optimizing Reveals

    Now remember, Blueprint is where the real money is. Because you want to reveal as much as possible. So no matter who you farm with or who you contract with, you want their gear to have a modifier that gives you more Whakano bonuses.

    Remember, each Rogue has a reveal cap of 255. My personal approach is to use Gianna and her discount to reveal the large wings, and then to use Whakano to reveal the smaller rooms. I usually reveal all currencies, Divination cards and Harbinger rooms as they provide consistently great returns.

    Ideal Way To Assign Rogues

    After the room is revealed, you can assign Rogue to each wing on the large table. Each Rogue has its own heist perk, which increases based on the level of its primary job.

    When assigning a Rogue, I follow general rules. If every wing is available, I always choose Venderi, as he is the only Rogue that has a chance of copying the contents of the chest, which can lead to a lot of profit.

    It added all other Rogues to lower the alert level of chests so you can open more chests. This means you can choose Karst, Nenet or Tullina if you can. All other Rogues are mostly irrelevant.

    Assigning the same Rogue twice in the same wing does not stack their benefits and is actually a bad thing.

    Also, when you enter blueprint wing, every Rogues present will receive bonuses from their equipment. However, if you select the same member twice, that member will not be duplicated, and you will actually lose the additional heist bonus granted by the third member.

    So when assigning rogues, make sure you don’t duplicate them as much as possible, and try some variety when scrolling the blueprint.

    I personally don’t worry too much about it, knowing that a large portion of the profit comes from the reward room, and volume does not affect the reward room. Anyway, that’s all I have for today. I hope it’s useful for you!

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