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News Tag: Poe Storm Burst Totem Hierophant

  • How To Kill Uber Bosses With 65 MIL DPS Storm Burst Totem Hierophant In POE 3.23?

    How To Kill Uber Bosses With 65 MIL DPS Storm Burst Totem Hierophant In POE 3.23?

    Jan 19, 2024

    Currently, I’ve officially finished my Storm Burst Totem, so I wanted to give you my final thoughts on this build.

    As you know, I’ve been playing Storm Burst Totem since the league started. I had a lot of fun playing with this build and it has become one of my favorite builds of all time. Not only is it suitable for players with a low POE Currency budget at the beginning of the league, but it also allows us to kill Ubers along the way.

    I’m currently working on my second build of this league, which I’ll be showing you all soon. But before that, I thought it would be nice to post some clips of how it kills Uber Bosses. I just go to show that this build is indeed viable against Uber, as I claim it is.

    Uber Shaper

    This is my first time trying this build against Uber Shaper. With an investment of 70 Divine Orbs, I currently have 63 million Guardian DPS, which is more than enough for Uber.

    At first glance, everything looks fine here, but something is off in this fight. I didn’t notice it until I got a rollback like this.

    It turns out that my latency is very high. After wasting 2 portals because of rollback, I tried waiting for a while hoping the latency would go back to normal, but unfortunately it stayed the same. So, I kept fighting and luckily, I could still kill it.

    I died 4 times in this fight, twice from rollback, once in Bullet Hell, and once from Shaper’s slam. This wasn’t my best take on Uber Shaper, but considering the circumstances, I’d say the kill was good enough.

    Uber Cortex

    Next up is my Uber Cortex kill. Uber Cortex is probably one of the simplest Uber Bosses. All of its attacks are informed, so you can easily avoid them. I usually just place my Totem in the center and run around the edges, and I can avoid almost all boss attacks.

    Storm Burst Totem vs Shockwave Totem

    Totem builds are less popular in this league, but Shockwave Totem is still the most used Totem build in the game.

    Since I posted a Shockwave Totem build before, you may be wondering how this build performs against Shockwave Totem.

    I’d say the two builds are similar to single target and clear. I had a lot of fun playing both builds.

    Defensively, Storm Burst Totem is better as it has 100% spell suppression. Of course, this is because of Charms, but the path in the tree also makes it easier to get 100% Spell Suppression.

    Once I got spell suppression, some blocking on the shield, and 70% chaos resistance, the tier 16 empowered mobs felt less deadly. I can finally Tier 16 maps with ease.

    If nothing changes, I feel like this will be my starter in the next league. And I have better leveling experience with Storm Burst Totem.

    In my opinion, Shockwave Totem is not that enjoyable unless you get Astral Projector early on.

    Scaling Storm Burst damage is easier since it has a built-in damage conversion module. Just connect it with Physical to Lightning and you’ll deal full Lightning damage. This allows you to use support gems like Lightning Penetration early on to further amplify your damage.

    Gear Upgrades

    Moving on to my gear, they are actually similar to what I placed in PoB. The only piece of equipment I want to show you is my Wand and Shield.

    I made my Wand myself using the exact same method I used to make Shockwave Totem Scepter last league. The total cost of this Wand is approximately 23 Divine Orbs, including the base 1.2 Divine Orbs and Harvest craft.

    I spammed all the spells until I got +1 and was lucky enough to get an open suffix, so I made “Prefix cannot be changed”. Getting this +1 mod was harder than I thought. It took me 16 attempts to get it, so I really hope this mod sticks around.

    Then I searched and made “prefix cannot be changed” and then went to Aisling Unveil. I made this mod before I unveiled it because I wanted to block the previous mod so I would have a higher chance of getting other good damage mods.

    Double Damage, Crit Multi and Cast Speed are all good. I could unveil “double damage while focused”. Instead of giving me extra damage all the time, this mod gives me a huge damage boost when I need it, such as against tough rare monsters or endgame bosses.

    After that I got “3 crafted mods” and crafted spell damage and cast speed.

    The ultimate step is to add Harvest craft and my wand is complete. This is an expensive craft, but I think it’s worth it. I really like this wand.

    I bought my Shield with 1.5 Divine Orbs. Since I want to use the Focus skill, I also made Focus mod on my Shield. So when I press Focus, these mods will be applied at the same time.

    Another thing that differs from my original PoB is my Body Armor. I got Double Corrupted Soul Mantle. I bought a base of 9 Divine Orbs and then got 6 links under 450 Chaos Orbs and the correct color.

    This guide covers everything from my process for killing Ubers with my Storm Burst Totem Hierophant to my final thoughts on this build. Hope it helps you.

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