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What POE 2 Launching In 2024 Means For GGG

Aug 24, 2021

When Path Of Exile was debuted, GGG was still a very small company, but it has grown rapidly in the past few years. Now that POE has gained a large number of fans, it has become one of the most successful games in the same genre. In 2019, GGG held the Exilecon event, where the 4.0 expansion of the base game has been announced, but the hype has completely turned to Path Of Exile 2.

POE 2 and POE are the same game, but players can choose which campaign to run, but there are a lot of differences in the choices. The playable characters of POE 2 will be new, with their Ascendancy classes, and the game will be full of new Acts and various customization options. The game and you should be released in 2022, but due to various reasons, it has been postponed to 2024.

Because GGG really can’t take care of many aspects at the same time, they have been dealing with the problem that many players are dissatisfied with the new version released recently, from the recent leagues and their mechanics to the balance changes made at the same time, such as all the nerfs handed out in Expeditions. 

This also means that a two-year delay will be a correct decision, because POE 2 may become a more refined game than it is now.

POE 2 will have a public beta in 2023, which may trigger Diablo 4 to be released earlier than it, which may harm the retention and interest of POE players. The 4.0 expansion of POE seems to be very far away because 3.16 and 3.17 are mentioned in the chapter of Baeclast, which means that the next big thing may happen in mid-to-late 2022. Therefore, it is not easy to keep the veteran players' love of the game, and a new league will be released every 3 months, which is also stressful for the development team.

So under the current circumstances, delaying the release of POE 2 would be a wise choice. But for players, they can only focus on POE during this time, and will continue to update relevant news.

Cheap POE Currency will be available at If you are a POE player, you will be able to buy them here to enhance your advantage.


Next: Path Of Exile 2 Trailer Has Offered Some Information
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