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Path Of Exile 2 Items


  • PC


  • Early Access SC
  • Early Access HC
  • Rare Items

  • Unique items

  • Rare Jewels

  • Rare Waystones

  • Magic Tablets

  • Unique(Radom)

  • Unidentified

  • Bases

  • Skill Gems

  • Essences

  • Soul Cores

  • Lvl 21 Gems

  • Runes

  • Pinnacle Keys & Maps

  • Distilled Items

  • Ritual Omens

  • Breach Catalysts

  • Start Bundles

  • Expedition Coinace & Artifacts

  • All

  • Amulet

  • Belt

  • Body Armour

  • Boots

  • Bow

  • Buckler

  • Claw

  • Crossbow

  • Dagger

  • Flail

  • Focus

  • Gloves

  • Helmet

  • One-Handed Mace

  • One-Handed Sword

  • Quiver

  • Ring

  • Sceptre

  • Shield

  • Spear

  • Staff

  • Two-Handed Axe

  • Two-Handed Mace

  • Two-Handed Sword

  • Wand

  • Warstaff

  • All

  • Amulet

  • Belt

  • Body Armour

  • Boots

  • Bow

  • Buckler

  • Claw

  • Crossbow

  • Dagger

  • Flail

  • Focus

  • Gloves

  • Helmet

  • One-Handed Mace

  • One-Handed Sword

  • Quiver

  • Ring

  • Sceptre

  • Shield

  • Flasks

  • Spear

  • Staff

  • Two-Handed Axe

  • Two-Handed Mace

  • Two-Handed Sword

  • Wand

  • Warstaff

  • All

  • Emerald

  • Sapphire

  • Ruby

  • Diamond

  • All

  • Amulet

  • Belt

  • Body Armour

  • Boots

  • Bow

  • Buckler

  • Claw

  • Crossbow

  • Dagger

  • Flail

  • Focus

  • Gloves

  • Helmet

  • One-Handed Mace

  • One-Handed Sword

  • Quiver

  • Ring

  • Sceptre

  • Shield

  • Spear

  • Staff

  • Two-Handed Axe

  • Two-Handed Mace

  • Two-Handed Sword

  • Wand

  • Warstaff

  • All

  • Uncut Skill Gem

  • Uncut Support Gem

  • Uncut Spirit Gem

Leeches #% of Physical Damage as Mana

#% increased Chaos Damage

#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Hit

Chaos Damage from Hits also Contributes to Electrocute Buildup

Leeches #% of Physical Damage as Life

#% increased Chance to be afflicted by Ailments when Hit

#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Hit

Chaos Damage from Hits also Contributes to Freeze Buildup

Leech #% of Physical Attack Damage as Mana

#% increased Cast Speed

#% chance to not consume a bolt if you've Reloaded Recently

#% Reduced Dexterity

Leech #% of Physical Attack Damage as Life

#% increased Bolt Speed

#% chance to not destroy Corpses when Consuming Corpses

#% Reduced Intelligence

Iron Grip

#% increased Block chance

#% faster start of Energy Shield Recharge

Intelligence provides no inherent bonus to Maximum Mana

#% increased Bleeding Duration on you

#% increased Accuracy Rating with Bows

Causes Increased Stun Buildup

Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage also affect you

#% increased Attribute Requirements

#% increased Area of Effect

#% To Black Chance

Hits against you have #% reduced Critical Damage Bonus

#% increased Attack Speed per # Dexterity

#% increased Area of Effect of Curses

#% Increased Skin Speed

Hits Break # Armour

#% increased Attack Speed

#% increased Arrow Speed

#% Reduced Damage

Grenade Skills Fire an additional Projectile

#% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield

#% increased Attack Damage

#% Increased Life Recovery From Fiasks

Grants # additional Skill Slot

#% increased Armour and Evasion

#% increased Attack Speed with Bows

Monsters Have #% Increased Accuracy Rating

Grants # Life per Enemy Hit

#% increased Armour and Energy Shield

#% increased Attack Speed with Crossbows

Area Contains # Additional Packs Of Beasts

Gain #% to #% increased Movement Speed at random when Hit, until Hit again

#% increased Armour

#% increased Attack Speed with Quarterstaves

#% Increased Magic Monsters

Gain #% of Damage as Extra Lightning Damage

#% increased Attack and Cast Speed


Gain #% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage

#% increased Accuracy Rating

#% increased Bleeding Duration

#% More Monster Life

Gain #% of Damage as Extra Cold Damage

#% chance to inflict Bleeding on Hit

#% increased Chill Duration on Enemies

#% Increased Number Of Rare Monsters

Gain # Rage on Melee Hit

#% chance to Pierce an Enemy

#% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate

Monsters Deal #% Of Damage As Extra Fire

Gain # Mana per Enemy Killed

# to maximum Life

#% increased Crossbow Reload Speed

Monster Damage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances

Gain # Life per Enemy Killed

# to maximum Energy Shield

#% increased Culling Strike Threshold

Enemies In Your Presence Are Igniter As Though Dealt # Base Fire Damage

Gain # Life per Enemy Hit with Attacks

# to all Attributes

#% increased Damage

# Charm Slots

Every Rage also grants #% increased Armour

# to Stun Threshold

#% increased Damage against Enemies with Fully Broken Armour

Item Level

Energy Shield Recharge starts when you use a Mana Flask

# to Strength

#% increased Damage while you have an active Charm

#% Reduced Attack And Cast Speed

Debuffs you inflict have #% increased Slow Magnitude

# to Level of all Spell Skills

#% increased Damage with Bows

Attacks Per Second

Culling Strike against Frozen Enemies

# to Level of all Projectile Skills

#% increased Damage with Crossbows

Skills Have # Seconds To Cooldown

Causes Enemies to Explode on Critical kill, for #% of their Life as Physical Damage

# to Level of all Physical Spell Skills

#% increased Damage with Hits against Rare and Unique Enemies

Attacks Per Second #

Causes Daze buildup equal to #% of Damage dealt

# to Level of all Minion Skills

#% increased Damage with Maces

#% Of Fire Damage Convertedto Cold Damage

Causes #% increased Stun Buildup

# to Level of all Melee Skills

#% increased Damage with Quarterstaves

Take # Fire Damage When You Ignite An Enemy

Blood Magic

# to Level of all Lightning Spell Skills

#% increased Damage with Warcries

#% Increased Duration

Attacks have #% chance to cause Bleeding

# to Level of all Fire Spell Skills

#% increased Daze Buildup

Deals #% Of Current Mana As Chaos Damace To You When Effect Ends

Attacks Gain #% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage

# to Level of all Cold Spell Skills

#% increased Defences from Equipped Shield

Every #% Seconds During Effect, Deal #% Of Mana Spent In Those Seconds As Chaos Damage To Enemies Within

Apply Fire Exposure when fully breaking enemy Armour

# to Level of all Chaos Spell Skills

#% increased Duration of Ignite, Shock and Chill on Enemies

#% Increased Bonuses Gained From Equipped Rings

Always deals Critical Hits against Heavy Stunned Enemies

# to Intelligence

#% increased Effect of your Mark Skills

#% Increased Effect Of Socketed Souicores

Allies in your Presence have #% to all Elemental Resistances

# to Evasion Rating

#% increased Elemental Ailment Threshold

Adds # To # Lightning Damage To Attacks Per # Ntelligence

Allies in your Presence have #% increased Critical Hit Chance

# to Dexterity

#% increased Elemental Damage

#% Increased Gold Found In This Area

Allies in your Presence have #% increased Critical Damage Bonus

# to Armour

#% increased Endurance Charge Duration

Allies in your Presence have #% increased Cast Speed

# to Accuracy Rating

#% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Focus

Allies in your Presence have #% increased Attack Speed

# to # Physical Thorns damage

#% increased Evasion Rating when on Full Life

Allies in your Presence have # to Accuracy Rating

# Physical damage taken from Projectile Attacks

#% increased Experience gain

Allies in your Presence deal #% increased Damage

# Mana gained when you Block

#% increased Flask Effect Duration

Allies in your Presence deal # to # additional Attack Physical Damage

# Life Regeneration per second

#% increased Freeze Threshold

Allies in your Presence deal # to # additional Attack Lightning Damage

# Intelligence Requirement

#% increased Global Physical Damage

Allies in your Presence deal # to # additional Attack Fire Damage

# Charm Slot

#% increased Knockback Distance

Allies in your Presence deal # to # additional Attack Cold Damage

#% increased Area of Effect for Attacks per # Intelligence

#% increased Life Flask Charges gained

Allies in your Presence Regenerate # Life per second

#% increased Life Regeneration rate

All Damage from Hits with this Weapon Contributes to Freeze Buildup

#% increased Life and Mana Recovery from Flasks

Adds # to # Physical Damage to Attacks

#% increased Magnitude of Ailments you inflict

Adds # to # Physical Damage

#% increased Magnitude of Bleeding you inflict

Adds # to # Lightning damage to Attacks

#% increased Magnitude of Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Hits

Adds # to # Lightning Damage

#% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict

Adds # to # Fire damage to Attacks

#% increased Magnitude of Poison you inflict

Adds # to # Fire Damage

#% increased Magnitude of Shock you inflict

Adds # to # Cold damage to Attacks

#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Fragile Regrowth

Adds # to # Cold Damage

#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate while stationary

# to maximum Mana

#% increased Melee Damage

# to Spirit

#% increased Minion Accuracy Rating

# to Level of all Minion Skill Gems

#% increased Movement Speed per Frenzy Charge

#% to all Elemental Resistances

#% increased Movement Speed when on Full Life

#% to Maximum Cold Resistance

#% increased Pin Buildup

#% to Lightning Resistance

#% increased Poison Duration

#% to Fire Resistance

#% increased Presence Area of Effect

#% to Critical Hit Chance

#% increased Projectile Damage

#% to Critical Damage Bonus per Power Charge

#% increased Rarity of Items found when on Low Life

#% to Critical Damage Bonus

#% increased Reload Speed

#% to Cold Resistance

#% increased Shock Duration

#% to Chaos Resistance

#% increased Skill Effect Duration

#% to Block chance

#% increased Spell Damage per # Spirit

#% reduced Shock duration on you

#% increased Stun Buildup

#% reduced Ignite Duration on you

#% increased Stun Buildup with Maces

#% reduced Freeze Duration on you

#% increased Stun Recovery

#% reduced Flask Charges used

#% increased Stun Threshold if you haven't been Stunned Recently

#% reduced Chill Duration on you

#% increased Thorns damage

#% reduced Charm Charges used

#% increased Totem Damage

#% of Maximum Life Converted to Energy Shield

#% increased Totem Life

#% of Flask Recovery applied Instantly

#% increased Totem Placement speed

#% of Fire Damage Converted to Cold Damage

#% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate

#% of Elemental Damage Converted to Lightning Damage

#% increased Weapon Swap Speed

#% of Elemental Damage Converted to Fire Damage

#% increased amount of Life Leeched

#% of Elemental Damage Converted to Cold Damage

#% increased amount of Mana Leeched

#% less Damage taken if you have not been Hit Recently

#% increased chance to Shock

#% increased maximum Mana

#% increased chance to inflict Ailments

#% increased maximum Energy Shield

#% increased maximum Life

#% increased chance to Ignite

#% more Attack Damage

#% increased bonuses gained from Equipped Quiver

#% of Damage taken Recouped as Life

#% increased Weapon Damage per # Strength

#% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana

#% increased Warcry Speed

#% of Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield

#% increased Stun Duration

#% of Fire Damage from Hits taken as Physical Damage

#% increased Strength

#% of Life Regenerated per second per Fragile Regrowth

#% increased Spirit

#% of Lightning Damage Converted to Cold Damage

#% increased Spell Physical Damage

#% of Melee Physical Damage taken reflected to Attacker

#% increased Spell Damage

#% of Physical Damage prevented Recouped as Life

#% increased Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You

# To Strencth

#% of Physical Damage taken as Fire Damage

#% increased Skill Speed

# Reduced Attribute Requirements

#% of Skill Mana Costs Converted to Life Costs

#% increased Rarity of Items found


#% of Spell Damage Leeched as Life

#% increased Range

#% Reduced Poisonn Duration On You

#% of Spell Mana Cost Converted to Life Cost

#% increased Projectile Speed

#% Increased Attack Speed While On Full Mana

#% of your Life Regeneration is granted to Allies in your Presence

#% increased Poison Duration on you

#% Increased Magnitude Of Chill You Inflict

#% reduced Effect of Chill on you

#% increased Physical Damage

#% Increased Flask Charges Used

#% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold

#% increased Movement Speed while affected by an Ailment

#% Of Cold Damage Converted To Lightning Damage

#% reduced Mana Cost of Skills

#% increased Movement Speed

Damage Penetrates # Lightning Resistance

#% reduced effect of Ignite on you

#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate

#% Reduced Light Radius

#% reduced effect of Shock on you

#% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks

Enemies In Your Presence Are Ignited As Though Dealt # Base Fire Damage

#% to Fire Resistance while on Low Life

#% increased Lightning Damage

#% Increased Duration Of Damaging Ailments On Enemies

#% to Maximum Chaos Resistance

#% increased Light Radius

#% To Lichtninc Resistance

#% to Maximum Fire Resistance

Adds # To # Lightning Damage To Attacks Per # Jntelligence

#% increased Life Recovery from Flasks

Maximum Quality Is #

#% to Maximum Lightning Resistance

Of Elemental Damage Convertedto Fire Damage

#% increased Intelligence

#% Increased Stun Threshold

#% to Thorns Critical Hit Chance

#% increased Freeze Buildup

Projectiles Split Towards # Targets

#% to all Maximum Elemental Resistances

#% increased Flask Mana Recovery rate

# Life gained when you Block

#% to maximum Block chance

#% increased Flask Life Recovery rate

# Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits

+# to Level of all Minion Skill Gems

#% increased Flask Charges gained

# Physical Damage taken on Minion Death

+# to Spirit

#% increased Fire Damage

# to # Fire Thorns damage

+# to maximum Mana

#% increased Evasion and Energy Shield

# to Level of all Fire Skills

Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Attacks

#% increased Evasion Rating if you have been Hit Recently

# to Level of all Skills

All Damage from Hits Contributes to Poison Magnitude

#% increased Evasion Rating

# to Maximum Frenzy Charges

Allies in your Presence have Block Chance equal to yours

#% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate

# to Maximum Power Charges

Allocates #

#% increased Energy Shield

# to Maximum Rage

Area contains an additional Shrine

#% increased Elemental Damage with Attacks

# to all Attributes per Level

Attacks Chain an additional time

Warcry Skills have #% increased Area of Effect

#% increased Dexterity

#% additional Physical Damage Reduction

Attacks Gain #% of Damage as Extra Cold Damage

Strikes deal Splash damage to targets within # metres

#% increased Damage with Bow Skills

#% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you Kill an Enemy

Attacks Gain #% of Physical Damage as extra Chaos Damage

Recover # Life when Used

#% increased Critical Spell Damage Bonus

#% chance for Flasks you use to not consume Charges

Base Critical Hit Chance for Attacks with Weapons is #%

Projectiles Pierce all Ignited enemies

#% increased Critical Hit Chance for Spells

#% chance to Aggravate Bleeding on targets you Critically Hit with Attacks

Bleeding you inflict is Aggravated


#% increased Critical Hit Chance for Attacks

#% chance to Avoid Death from Hits

Blind Chilled enemies on Hit

Minions have #% increased maximum Life

#% increased Critical Hit Chance

#% chance to Blind Enemies on Hit with Attacks

Bow Attacks fire # additional Arrows

Minions gain #% of their Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield

#% increased Critical Damage Bonus for Attack Damage

#% chance to Blind Enemies on hit

Break #% increased Armour

Minions Revive #% faster

#% increased Critical Damage Bonus

#% chance to Chain an additional time

Cannot be Ignited

Mana Flasks gain # charges per Second

#% increased Cold Damage

#% chance to Intimidate Enemies for # seconds on Hit

Cannot be Poisoned

Loads an additional bolt

#% increased Charm Effect Duration

#% chance to Poison on Hit

Causes Bleeding on Hit

Life Flasks gain # charges per Second

#% increased Charm Charges gained

#% chance to Poison on Hit with Attacks

Causes Double Stun Buildup

Leeches #% of maximum Life when you Cast a Spell

#% increased Charges gained

#% chance to be inflicted with Bleeding when Hit

Chance to Ignite is doubled

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What Are The Differences Between Path Of Exile 2 & Path Of Exile?

Path of Exile 2 serves as the sequel to Path of Exile, offering notable enhancements:

  1. New Game Engine: Path of Exile 2 features an upgraded game engine for smoother graphics and enhanced visual effects.
  2. Expanded Storyline: Continuing the narrative of its predecessor, Path of Exile 2 delves deeper into the world's lore, offering players more story content to explore.
  3. Enhanced Skill System: Introducing a revamped skill system, Path of Exile 2 promises innovative skills and combinations for increased diversity and challenge.
  4. Improved Graphics & Audio: With the adoption of a new game engine, Path of Exile 2 boasts significantly enhanced graphics and sound effects, delivering a more realistic and immersive experience.

Overall, Path of Exile 2 builds upon the original's core gameplay while introducing various improvements, aiming to provide players with a fresh gaming experience.

What Are Path Of Exile 2 Items?

POE 2 Items play a pivotal role in the gameplay dynamics, sourced from various avenues including monster drops, quests, and player trading. They encompass a diverse range of categories within Path of Exile 2:

  • Weapons: Spanning swords, bows, wands, axes, and more, these armaments are wielded by characters to inflict damage.
  • Armor: Encompassing helmets, chestplates, gloves, boots, and shields, these provide defensive bonuses and safeguard characters.
  • Gems: Comprising skill gems and support gems, these can be embedded into weapons or armor to bestow new abilities or augment existing skills.
  • Flasks: These consumables confer temporary buffs or restore health to characters during combat scenarios.
  • Jewels: Serving as decorative items, they can be inserted into passive skill tree nodes to enhance character attributes or skills.
  • Currency: Including orbs and scrolls, these items serve as the principal means of trade and crafting within the game.
  • Maps: These special items grant access to high-level areas, offering increased challenge and rewards.

These categories represent merely a glimpse into the extensive array of Path of Exile 2 Items found in Path of Exile 2. Each item boasts its own unique attributes, allowing for limitless potential in character customization and gameplay styles.

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Buying Path of Exile 2 Items at ensures a secure and dependable transaction experience for you. Here's why:

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Which Options Should You Choose For Grenade Mercenary Endgame Build In Path Of Exile 2?

Which Options Should You Choose For Grenade Mercenary Endgame Build In Path Of Exile 2?

Your experience in this extremely challenging game officially begins when you complete all the main campaigns of Path of Exile 2 and enter the endgame stage. In this extremely difficult endgame, the build you use must also be nearly perfect, such as having fast map clearing capabilities or super combat capabilities.

Among the many excellent POE 2 endgame builds, Grenade Mercenary has become a choice for many players with its unique play style and unstoppable capabilities. But it is worth considering that entering the endgame means that there are more build options to choose from, so who is the best Grenade Mercenary endgame build?

In order to save you time and energy in trying various build options, this guide will introduce you to the current options that can make Grenade Mercenary endgame build play its best effect, including skills and gear. Without further ado, let’s start our exploration!

Skill Gems

When you enter the endgame with Grenade Mercenary build, you are no longer just considering your damage output, but also your defense, because as you go deeper into Atlas map, the enemies you face will become stronger and stronger. So you need to start looking for skill gems that allow you to rotate between controlling and weakening enemies.

In view of this, you can use Explosive Grenade and Explosive Shot as your main means of damage output, and then use Flash Grenade as a tool to reduce the threat of group enemies to you periodically. With the help of these three skill gems, you can effectively fight most enemies, except for those bosses with anti-stun abilities.

But here I need to remind you that although you are likely to be flashed by the large area of ​​light generated by Flash Grenade, it is very suitable for you to use when you are forced into the corner of the arena, because you don’t have to have a high degree of accuracy to detonate the grenade on the ground, which is very friendly to some players with lower operation skills.

Additionally, you can rely on Gas Grenade and Oil Grenade to slow and poison enemies, just ignite them with your Explosive Shot. On top of that, these two grenades that deal area damage will also make enemies more vulnerable to fire damage or reduce their fire resistance after you choose the right support gems for them.

Coupled with the fact that Explosive Grenade can deal a lot of fire damage to them, this rotation combination can help you defeat most of the enemies you encounter during exploration. And in some trials or challenges with Rituals mechanics, you can try to distract the enemy with Ripwire Ballista.

Although Glacial Bolt is not a required skill gem in this build, if you put Fortress and Glacier in its support gem slot, it will give you more room for damage output in the arena because it will gather all enemies together.

Passive Skills

In the vast POE 2 passive skill tree, the best choices for Grenade Mercenary endgame build should be those passive skills that have strong buffs to your area of ​​effect and skill damage. Here are Notable Nodes that are worth your attention and what they do.

  • Devastation: Increases area damage and area of ​​​​effect size by 15%.
  • Overwhelm: Your attack speed is reduced by 5%, but your stun buildup is increased by 20% and your damage from two-handed weapons (includes crossbows) is increased by 40%.
  • Cluster Bombs: Grenades take 50% longer to explode, but all grenade skills fire another round.
  • Authority: Increases area of ​​​​effect size by 20% and cooldown recovery by 10%.
  • Crushing Judgment: Armor Break duration and area damage are increased by 25%.
  • Smoke Inhalation: All damage penetrates 15% of enemy fire resistance and all damaging conditions last 15% longer.
  • Repeating Explosives: Increases the chance of a grenade exploding twice by 15%.

In addition to the above options, there are several Notable nodes that are also worth your attention, such as the group of Evasion and Armor nodes located at the bottom of the entire passive skill tree and to the left of Crossbow and Grenade constellation.

But if you have trouble exploring the maps unlocked by higher-tier Waystones, you can try increasing the elemental resistance in your build and respeccing those more defensive passive skills.

Best Gear Modifiers

There isn’t a specific piece of gear to recommend for Grenade Mercenary endgame build, but there are a few modifiers you should be aware of. But there is one weapon that will be key to the entire build - Bombard Crossbow, which always adds an extra projectile to your grenade attacks.

And when you have Cluster Bombs passive skill activated, each of your grenade skills can fire at least three grenades, which means your area damage and single target damage will be tripled!

Given the power of this weapon, my advice is to buy POE 2 Currency to upgrade Bombard Crossbow to a weapon with Magic or Rare attributes once you get it, so that your physical and elemental damage will be greatly increased.

Once your Bombard Crossbow has very high physical and elemental damage modifiers, you can use two Artificer’s Orbs to create two rune slots on the gear and add two Iron Runes to them, which will increase your physical damage by 40%, and this is additive with the modifiers on the weapon itself.

It is also worth mentioning that you should try to farm belts that can provide you with additional amulet slots so that you can take less damage from fights that can cause you status damage, to enhance your endgame survivability directly.

These are some of the skills and gear options you can use for Grenade Mercenary endgame build in POE 2. With POE 2 Patch 0.2.0 will be released on April 4th, Mercenary will have a new Ascendancy Class, so this kind of ranged enemy health depletion build may set off a wave. Hopefully, you can make such a powerful build that can easily explore the endgame as soon as possible with the help of this guide. Have fun!

How About The Two New Unique Items In Path Of Exile 2 Patch 0.2.0? - Prism Guardian & The Deepest Tower

How About The Two New Unique Items In Path Of Exile 2 Patch 0.2.0? - Prism Guardian & The Deepest Tower

Hello, Exiles, the biggest update since Early Access release of Path of Exile 2 is coming! Recently, GGG released a trailer for this patch 0.2.0, revealing some of the main contents of this update, including new seasons, Ascendancy classes, endgame balance overhaul, etc., but here, let’s focus on the two new unique items introduced in this patch.

It is well known that the current unique items in POE 2 are not good enough, or to put it bluntly, most of them are not worth the player’s investment currency. This is not only because most of them are mediocre in the early campaign, but more importantly, they will soon be surpassed by some medium-rare equipment, which means that all the efforts you put into this equipment may become a waste.

Therefore, players are eager to hope that the new unique items brought by this patch 0.2.0 will have a different effect and can remain powerful until the endgame. Without further ado, let’s take a look!

Prism Guardian

First up, we have Prism Guardian, a unique shield returning from POE 1, and as such, it unfortunately continues the trend of unique items having very low base defense values, minimal armor and energy shield counts, and no life scaling either.

However, its unique modifiers will make up for Prism Guardian’s shortcomings and provide a nice bit of flexibility, which could be useful for gear or support gem requirements. Additionally, it also provides a minimum of 18% bonus to all elemental resistances, and it’s worth mentioning that this modifier can even roll to 20% or more if you’re willing to invest more. But if you’re currently strapped for funds, you can also buy POE 2 Currency to fully utilize this mod, which is definitely not a poor investment.

The most important modifier here, though, is that you can add one to your maximum Spirit for every 50 maximum life. As such, this item will provide a way to scale your Spirit, allowing you to retain more Spirit to maintain powerful persistent buffs or more minions by expanding your maximum life at all times. This is a very powerful tool, and it’s just right for balanced defense.

The interesting thing about this modifier is that we currently don’t know how GGG plans to address life in the upcoming patch, whether they will improve life scaling to compete with energy shield, or whether they will keep it as is and nerf energy shield remains to be seen. But at 3,000 max life, this shield will provide 60 max Spirit, which is enough to reserve one or two low-cost persistent buffs or enable some extra minions.

Interestingly, however, we already have a way to scale Spirit from max life in Path of Exile 2, and that’s a skill node for Infernalist, Beidat’s Will, which only reserves 25% of your max life, but in exchange increases your max spirit by 1 for every 25 max life.

Combine this node with Prism Guardian, and you can greatly expand your total Spirit purely through life scaling, which is going to be very powerful. Keep in mind that there may also be some new abilities in 0.2.0, so there may also be new Spirit reservations to use.

An important thing to note about Prism Guardian is that Spirit gained from life only counts towards your total maximum life, it does not include any excess life you have.

The Deepest Tower

Next up, we have a crazy new unique helmet, The Deepest Tower. Unlike the Prism Guardian and a bunch of other POE 2 unique items, this one actually has a decent life modifier, breaking the unspoken rule of GGG that good unique items have no life modifiers. On top of that, it also has a decent amount of armor and energy shield and very good chaos resistance.

Then it has a special modifier where enemies in front of you count as low life. Now it’s important to mention that low life in Path of Exile 2 is 35% of max life, not 50% like in POE 1. So it takes longer to get a monster to low life, which in turn makes this modifier very powerful when combined with some of the other mechanics.

First up, Witchhunter Ascendancy adds 35% more damage to hits against low life enemies on the small connected nodes on the skill tree, these damage increases will always be active because any monster in front of you counts as low life. More importantly, because any class or Ascendancy can use them, these skill nodes together with The Deepest Tower provide an insane damage increase, with each small node adding 30% more damage to hits against low life enemies.

To put these nodes in perspective, a 30% increase in damage is about 2.5 times more than a normal small damage node. For example, 12% more damage when you’re swinging, or 12% more damage when you’re using a two-handed weapon.

So, just the small nodes themselves are pretty good, but there are two Notable Passives worth looking at as well.

First up, Finishing Blows adds 60% more damage to hits against low life enemies, which makes your damage rolls against low life enemies lucky, meaning you’ll always have lucky damage hits that can give you about 20% more damage. For example, this could be stronger for damage properties that have a much wider rolling range like flat lightning damage.

Then here’s another node, Finality Passive, that gives you even more bonuses against low-level enemies. It significantly increases the damage of hits against low-level enemies by 120%, which is crazy.

But the downside is that when your life is low, you take 5% more damage, which can be bad. But remember, in POE 2, low life is 35% of max life, so it's recommended that you get your life down to that low before you really start taking increased damage.

At this point, these nodes in the tree are well worth going with this helmet, even though some builds can’t even get to that point in the tree, but The Deepest Tower will still be useful even without these nodes. Because there is an Execute Gem here that provides 40% more damage on hits against low-life enemies, which is crazy.

Overall, both of these unique items have their own overwhelming advantages, and their appearance is bound to bring a new build gameplay change! Let’s wait and see!

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